Israel attacks civilians

There is a lot of important information here.

Palestine still exists.

The borders of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine remain unchanged from 1922. None of them lost any land.

Israel occupies Palestine.

Syria,Jordan,and Egypt , did loose land.
But don't let the facts confuse you.
There is a lot of important information here.

Palestine still exists.

The borders of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine remain unchanged from 1922. None of them lost any land.

Israel occupies Palestine.

Syria,Jordan,and Egypt , did loose land.
But don't let the facts confuse you.

In the 1948 war?

What land was that?
Can you show us where and when Israel ever declared any borders?

I would try to put it in layman's terms:

Lets say there is a sandbox in the park, and P F Tinmore is playing in the sandbox.

And then i come along, and i ask the people around "who owns this sandbox?"
The people are saying :"well mostly this kid, we call him Ottoman".
I come up to Ottoman, and tell him that i would like to play in the sandbox as well, so i ask him to sell me a portion of it.
Eventually he agrees, and i go and sit in the portion of the sandbox i just bought.
As time goes by, I by more of the sandbox from Ottoman and other people who apparently own portions of the sandbox.

I buy more and more portions of the sandbox ,friction between me and P F Tinmore rises.
The responsible adults who are standing around the sandbox agree that they should partion the sandbox to me and P F Tinmore in order to achieve peaceful resolution.
So they draw a line in the sand , saying this will be P F Tinmore part , and This will me my part.
I agreed , P F Tinmore does not.
The day after , P F Tinmore came along with some high school friends of his lets call them Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon.
And all of them started fighting me, as we fought we grew tiered and neither one of us wanted to proceed , so i asked his friend Lebanon , do you want to stop fighting? "Yes" he replied. "Alright" I said , but only if you don't cross this line, and he agreed.
Same thing happened with his other friends.
Those lines define the portion of the sandbox witch is mine as i have successfully defended it from people who tried to kick me out of it.
Can you show us where and when Israel ever declared any borders?

I would try to put it in layman's terms:

Lets say there is a sandbox in the park, and P F Tinmore is playing in the sandbox.

And then i come along, and i ask the people around "who owns this sandbox?"
The people are saying :"well mostly this kid, we call him Ottoman".
I come up to Ottoman, and tell him that i would like to play in the sandbox as well, so i ask him to sell me a portion of it.
Eventually he agrees, and i go and sit in the portion of the sandbox i just bought.
As time goes by, I by more of the sandbox from Ottoman and other people who apparently own portions of the sandbox.

I buy more and more portions of the sandbox ,friction between me and P F Tinmore rises.
The responsible adults who are standing around the sandbox agree that they should partion the sandbox to me and P F Tinmore in order to achieve peaceful resolution.
So they draw a line in the sand , saying this will be P F Tinmore part , and This will me my part.
I agreed , P F Tinmore does not.
The day after , P F Tinmore came along with some high school friends of his lets call them Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon.
And all of them started fighting me, as we fought we grew tiered and neither one of us wanted to proceed , so i asked his friend Lebanon , do you want to stop fighting? "Yes" he replied. "Alright" I said , but only if you don't cross this line, and he agreed.
Same thing happened with his other friends.
Those lines define the portion of the sandbox witch is mine as i have successfully defended it from people who tried to kick me out of it.

Don't quit your day job.
Can you show us where and when Israel ever declared any borders?

I would try to put it in layman's terms:

Lets say there is a sandbox in the park, and P F Tinmore is playing in the sandbox.

And then i come along, and i ask the people around "who owns this sandbox?"
The people are saying :"well mostly this kid, we call him Ottoman".
I come up to Ottoman, and tell him that i would like to play in the sandbox as well, so i ask him to sell me a portion of it.
Eventually he agrees, and i go and sit in the portion of the sandbox i just bought.
As time goes by, I by more of the sandbox from Ottoman and other people who apparently own portions of the sandbox.

I buy more and more portions of the sandbox ,friction between me and P F Tinmore rises.
The responsible adults who are standing around the sandbox agree that they should partion the sandbox to me and P F Tinmore in order to achieve peaceful resolution.
So they draw a line in the sand , saying this will be P F Tinmore part , and This will me my part.
I agreed , P F Tinmore does not.
The day after , P F Tinmore came along with some high school friends of his lets call them Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon.
And all of them started fighting me, as we fought we grew tiered and neither one of us wanted to proceed , so i asked his friend Lebanon , do you want to stop fighting? "Yes" he replied. "Alright" I said , but only if you don't cross this line, and he agreed.
Same thing happened with his other friends.
Those lines define the portion of the sandbox witch is mine as i have successfully defended it from people who tried to kick me out of it.

This is more accurate.

[ame=]Alnakba English P1 - YouTube[/ame]
Can you show us where and when Israel ever declared any borders?
I would try to put it in layman's terms:
Lets say there is a sandbox in the park, and P F Tinmore is playing in the sandbox.
And then i come along, and i ask the people around "who owns this sandbox?"
The people are saying :"well mostly this kid, we call him Ottoman".
I come up to Ottoman, and tell him that i would like to play in the sandbox as well, so i ask him to sell me a portion of it.
Eventually he agrees, and i go and sit in the portion of the sandbox i just bought.
As time goes by, I by more of the sandbox from Ottoman and other people who apparently own portions of the sandbox.
I buy more and more portions of the sandbox ,friction between me and P F Tinmore rises.
The responsible adults who are standing around the sandbox agree that they should partion the sandbox to me and P F Tinmore in order to achieve peaceful resolution.
So they draw a line in the sand , saying this will be P F Tinmore part , and This will me my part.
I agreed , P F Tinmore does not.
The day after , P F Tinmore came along with some high school friends of his lets call them Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon.
And all of them started fighting me, as we fought we grew tiered and neither one of us wanted to proceed , so i asked his friend Lebanon , do you want to stop fighting? "Yes" he replied. "Alright" I said , but only if you don't cross this line, and he agreed.
Same thing happened with his other friends.
Those lines define the portion of the sandbox witch is mine as i have successfully defended it from people who tried to kick me out of it.
Don't quit your day job.
Palestine ist kaput. Arabs, get a life and a job.
Can you show us where and when Israel ever declared any borders?

I would try to put it in layman's terms:

Lets say there is a sandbox in the park, and P F Tinmore is playing in the sandbox.

And then i come along, and i ask the people around "who owns this sandbox?"
The people are saying :"well mostly this kid, we call him Ottoman".
I come up to Ottoman, and tell him that i would like to play in the sandbox as well, so i ask him to sell me a portion of it.
Eventually he agrees, and i go and sit in the portion of the sandbox i just bought.
As time goes by, I by more of the sandbox from Ottoman and other people who apparently own portions of the sandbox.

I buy more and more portions of the sandbox ,friction between me and P F Tinmore rises.
The responsible adults who are standing around the sandbox agree that they should partion the sandbox to me and P F Tinmore in order to achieve peaceful resolution.
So they draw a line in the sand , saying this will be P F Tinmore part , and This will me my part.
I agreed , P F Tinmore does not.
The day after , P F Tinmore came along with some high school friends of his lets call them Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon.
And all of them started fighting me, as we fought we grew tiered and neither one of us wanted to proceed , so i asked his friend Lebanon , do you want to stop fighting? "Yes" he replied. "Alright" I said , but only if you don't cross this line, and he agreed.
Same thing happened with his other friends.
Those lines define the portion of the sandbox witch is mine as i have successfully defended it from people who tried to kick me out of it.
What percentage of the sandbox (Mandate Palestine) did the Jews own in 1948?
Can you show us where and when Israel ever declared any borders?

I would try to put it in layman's terms:

Lets say there is a sandbox in the park, and P F Tinmore is playing in the sandbox.

And then i come along, and i ask the people around "who owns this sandbox?"
The people are saying :"well mostly this kid, we call him Ottoman".
I come up to Ottoman, and tell him that i would like to play in the sandbox as well, so i ask him to sell me a portion of it.
Eventually he agrees, and i go and sit in the portion of the sandbox i just bought.
As time goes by, I by more of the sandbox from Ottoman and other people who apparently own portions of the sandbox.

I buy more and more portions of the sandbox ,friction between me and P F Tinmore rises.
The responsible adults who are standing around the sandbox agree that they should partion the sandbox to me and P F Tinmore in order to achieve peaceful resolution.
So they draw a line in the sand , saying this will be P F Tinmore part , and This will me my part.
I agreed , P F Tinmore does not.
The day after , P F Tinmore came along with some high school friends of his lets call them Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon.
And all of them started fighting me, as we fought we grew tiered and neither one of us wanted to proceed , so i asked his friend Lebanon , do you want to stop fighting? "Yes" he replied. "Alright" I said , but only if you don't cross this line, and he agreed.
Same thing happened with his other friends.
Those lines define the portion of the sandbox witch is mine as i have successfully defended it from people who tried to kick me out of it.
What percentage of the sandbox (Mandate Palestine) did the Jews own in 1948?

It was about 7% but that does not matter. It was still Palestinian land.

Jews own land in the US and it is still US land.
What percentage of the sandbox (Mandate Palestine) did the Jews own in 1948?
Ah! That's simple, as of 1947, 7% of the land was owned by jews, 8% was owned by arabs, 16% was owned by absentee landlords, mostly churches. The remainder was state lands, owned by the ottoman sultan and then by the mandate. So, what "palistanian lands" will we be babblin about?
What percentage of the sandbox (Mandate Palestine) did the Jews own in 1948?
Ah! That's simple, as of 1947, 7% of the land was owned by jews, 8% was owned by arabs, 16% was owned by absentee landlords, mostly churches. The remainder was state lands, owned by the ottoman sultan and then by the mandate. So, what "palistanian lands" will we be babblin about?

Not true. The mandate never took possession of any land. It was strictly an administrative position.
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Can you show us where and when Israel ever declared any borders?

I would try to put it in layman's terms:

Lets say there is a sandbox in the park, and P F Tinmore is playing in the sandbox.

And then i come along, and i ask the people around "who owns this sandbox?"
The people are saying :"well mostly this kid, we call him Ottoman".
I come up to Ottoman, and tell him that i would like to play in the sandbox as well, so i ask him to sell me a portion of it.
Eventually he agrees, and i go and sit in the portion of the sandbox i just bought.
As time goes by, I by more of the sandbox from Ottoman and other people who apparently own portions of the sandbox.

I buy more and more portions of the sandbox ,friction between me and P F Tinmore rises.
The responsible adults who are standing around the sandbox agree that they should partion the sandbox to me and P F Tinmore in order to achieve peaceful resolution.
So they draw a line in the sand , saying this will be P F Tinmore part , and This will me my part.
I agreed , P F Tinmore does not.
The day after , P F Tinmore came along with some high school friends of his lets call them Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon.
And all of them started fighting me, as we fought we grew tiered and neither one of us wanted to proceed , so i asked his friend Lebanon , do you want to stop fighting? "Yes" he replied. "Alright" I said , but only if you don't cross this line, and he agreed.
Same thing happened with his other friends.
Those lines define the portion of the sandbox witch is mine as i have successfully defended it from people who tried to kick me out of it.
What percentage of the sandbox (Mandate Palestine) did the Jews own in 1948?

I don't know ... But you know what? that doesn't even really matters even if they owned 1% of the land , were attacked and in the end of the war they controlled 80% of the territory it makes this territory theirs.

You may have a point if there was no war.
Because this war actually stated the Arab point of view on the matter, and it was "we are not ready for a compromise and we will try to drive you out by force."
They tried and they failed, they can't just go around saying "well this land was ours" maybe some of it where theirs , but they lost it in battle.
In 1947 the United Nations hoped to settle the conflict between the Palestinian people and the Zionists by dividing the land between them. Unfortunately, they chose a plan which the Palestinians did not agree with, and implemented it anyways. The plan, described in UN Resolution, divided the land of Palestine into two sections awarding the Zionists more than 1/2 of the land (55%) even though their current holdings totalled only about 6%, and their population was only about 16% of all the people in Palestine. Plus the plan gave the most fertile farmlands to the Zionists. The plan was clearly unfair, and the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors rebelled against the plan, and war broke out.

The Zionists won the fighting, and during the course of the fighting took additional lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of the lands of Palestine, which they kept.

Even though this additional land was thus illegally gained in violation of both the Hague Regulations (1907) and UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force
Illegal Acquisition of Land by Force
What percentage of the sandbox (Mandate Palestine) did the Jews own in 1948?
Ah! That's simple, as of 1947, 7% of the land was owned by jews, 8% was owned by arabs, 16% was owned by absentee landlords, mostly churches. The remainder was state lands, owned by the ottoman sultan and then by the mandate. So, what "palistanian lands" will we be babblin about?
Not true.
Of course, it's true.
The mandate never took possession of any land. It was strictly an administrative position.
Of course, it did take possession of the land. Lewis French ran a survey of landlessness and eventually offered new plots to any arabs who had been "dispossessed" in 1931. The officials received more than 3000 applications, 80 % of which were ruled out by the legal advisor because the applicants were not "landless" arabs. This left only about 600 landless arabs, 100 of whom accepted the government land offer.
In 1947 the United Nations hoped to settle the conflict between the Palestinian people and the Zionists by dividing the land between them. Unfortunately, they chose a plan which the Palestinians did not agree with, and implemented it anyways. The plan, described in UN Resolution, divided the land of Palestine into two sections awarding the Zionists more than 1/2 of the land (55%)
Yeah! So, the schmuck is conveniently forgetting that 75% of the mandate palestine had gone to constitute the effin Jordan. And no arab agitpropster prefers to remember it.
even though their current holdings totalled only about 6%, and their population was only about 16% of all the people in Palestine. Plus the plan gave the most fertile farmlands to the Zionists. The plan was clearly unfair, and the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors rebelled against the plan, and war broke out.
Yeah! Quietly forgetting that the area, designated for jews, was over 75% desert and had a population of 498,000 jews and 325,000 arabs, and the arab area had 807,000 arabs and 10,000 jews, and the international trusteeship in Jerusalem would have had a population of 100,000 jews and 105,000 arabs.
The Zionists won the fighting, and during the course of the fighting took additional lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of the lands of Palestine, which they kept.
For the exceptionally dumb - 75% of the mandate now constitute the Jordanian kingdom. Adios.
Even though this additional land was thus illegally gained in violation of both the Hague Regulations (1907) and UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force
That is why arabs got a kick in the butt - it's illegal to acquire territory by force.
In 1947 the United Nations hoped to settle the conflict between the Palestinian people and the Zionists by dividing the land between them. Unfortunately, they chose a plan which the Palestinians did not agree with, and implemented it anyways. The plan, described in UN Resolution, divided the land of Palestine into two sections awarding the Zionists more than 1/2 of the land (55%) even though their current holdings totalled only about 6%, and their population was only about 16% of all the people in Palestine. Plus the plan gave the most fertile farmlands to the Zionists. The plan was clearly unfair, and the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors rebelled against the plan, and war broke out.

The Zionists won the fighting, and during the course of the fighting took additional lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of the lands of Palestine, which they kept.

Even though this additional land was thus illegally gained in violation of both the Hague Regulations (1907) and UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force
Illegal Acquisition of Land by Force

Basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force ?
How did the Arabs get to those lands if not by acquiring territory by force
? Where did the population of Syria and Egypt come from ?
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe they should just take their stuff and go because it is illegal to conquer land ?
It"s not illegal to conquer land, it is illegal to acquire territory by force
It"s not illegal to conquer land, it is illegal to acquire territory by force




Show IPA
verb (used with object) 1. to acquireby force of arms; win in war: to conquer a foreign land.

2. to overcome by force; subdue: to conquer an enemy.

3. to gain, win, or obtain by effort, personal appeal, etc.: conquer the hearts of his audience.

4. to gain a victory over; surmount; master; overcome: to conquer disease and poverty; to conquer one's fear.

verb (used without object) 5. to be victorious; make conquests; gain the victory: Despite their differences, their love will conquer.
Conquer | Define Conquer at

i rest my case.
In 1947 the United Nations hoped to settle the conflict between the Palestinian people and the Zionists by dividing the land between them. Unfortunately, they chose a plan which the Palestinians did not agree with, and implemented it anyways. The plan, described in UN Resolution, divided the land of Palestine into two sections awarding the Zionists more than 1/2 of the land (55%) even though their current holdings totalled only about 6%, and their population was only about 16% of all the people in Palestine. Plus the plan gave the most fertile farmlands to the Zionists. The plan was clearly unfair, and the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors rebelled against the plan, and war broke out.

The Zionists won the fighting, and during the course of the fighting took additional lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of the lands of Palestine, which they kept.

Even though this additional land was thus illegally gained in violation of both the Hague Regulations (1907) and UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force
Illegal Acquisition of Land by Force

Waaaaaa. We lost, give us the land back.
It"s not illegal to conquer land, it is illegal to acquire territory by force




Show IPA
verb (used with object) 1. to acquireby force of arms; win in war: to conquer a foreign land.

2. to overcome by force; subdue: to conquer an enemy.

3. to gain, win, or obtain by effort, personal appeal, etc.: conquer the hearts of his audience.

4. to gain a victory over; surmount; master; overcome: to conquer disease and poverty; to conquer one's fear.

verb (used without object) 5. to be victorious; make conquests; gain the victory: Despite their differences, their love will conquer.
Conquer | Define Conquer at

i rest my case.

The stupid is strong in that one.

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