Israel attacks civilians

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The British gave Jordan to the Hashemites. Right?

Yeah and I think they should not have done that. However, the people did not get the boot like the Palestinians.

Palestinians got the boot because they wanted to fight and not negotiate.

Negotiate what? Giving half of their country to foreigners?

What other people would agree to that? Why is there a dual standard for Palestinians?
Giving half of their country to foreigners?
Foreigners, calling other foreigners, is ridiculous. Besides with 75% of the mandate palestine having had gone to jordanian kings it is surpsing palistanians don't sqeak about it.
Why is there a dual standard for Palestinians?
Because palistanians are natural dualists, of course, - they're foreigners feeling native!
Yeah and I think they should not have done that. However, the people did not get the boot like the Palestinians.

Palestinians got the boot because they wanted to fight and not negotiate.

Negotiate what? Giving half of their country to foreigners?

What other people would agree to that? Why is there a dual standard for Palestinians?

They didn't have a country to speak of, they were offered to create a country for their people instead they choose war.

You see ,after you choose violence over negotiation , advocate violence , declare openly and notoriously that you will never ever negotiate and would always choose violence over diplomacy (The view of Hamas), you can't run around the world with tears in your eyes screaming "Why is there so much violence ?" after all that is what you advocate.

How the saying goes? "You reap what you sow."
"' It’s time to recognize this basic truth: Israel is not what’s wrong about the Middle East. Israel is what’s right about the Middle East.'”

"I’m guessing this Bibi gem won one of those 29 Congressional standing ovations on Tuesday.

"Probably a facepalm – or laugh-out-loud – moment for many Israelis.

"Here’s our PM in plain view of the entire world, demonstrating in first person what is domestically known as the Ugly Israeli: a ridiculously arrogant, pushy, free-riding, zero-self-awareness caricature of a person..."

Or as Carly Simon would put it: 'You’re so vain, you probably think this song is about YOU.'”

Bibi, Obama and Israel’s A-Historical View of Itself | The Only Democracy?

In spite of the opinions held by many Israeli Jews, Israel is not immune to history or its laws. The Jewish state is swirling the same historical drain that White South Africa disappeared into thirty years ago.
If one third of the citizens of Palestine had not inflicted a Jewish state by force of arms upon the majority of Palestinians in 1948, there would be no Hamas today.

"Hamas has given other explanations concerning various attacks. Salah Bardawil, a Palestinian legislator who serves as spokesman for the Hamas faction in parliament, has said 'We know we can't achieve military equality, but when a person suffers huge pain he has to respond somehow. This is how we defend ourselves. This is how we tell the world we are here.'[91]

"Regarding specific strikes in 2007, Hamas political chief Khaled Mashaal called the attacks self-defense and retaliation against Israeli killings of Hamas supporters.[92] In January 2009 Mashaal called the rockets 'our cry of protest to the world'[93]

"An attack in November 2008 was said by Hamas officials said to be in revenge for the recent deaths of its militants and increased Israeli closing of Gaza crossings.[94] A barrage in December 2008 was described by the group as retaliation for the deaths of three of its fighters in combat with Israeli troops."

Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the Arabs had accepted the agreement, they'd have their own failed state, in addition to the other failed Arab states nearby.
Less than six million Jews now living in Israel are surrounded by 150 million Arabs who are all too aware of why they are living in failed states.

"The Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and France,[1] with the assent of Imperial Russia, defining their respective spheres of influence and control in Western Asia after the expected downfall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

"It effectively divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control or influence..."


Why do you suppose the rich parasites in France, Britain, and Russia choose to keep this agreement a secret?
If one third of the citizens of Palestine had not inflicted a Jewish state by force of arms upon the majority of Palestinians in 1948, there would be no Hamas today.

"Hamas has given other explanations concerning various attacks. Salah Bardawil, a Palestinian legislator who serves as spokesman for the Hamas faction in parliament, has said 'We know we can't achieve military equality, but when a person suffers huge pain he has to respond somehow. This is how we defend ourselves. This is how we tell the world we are here.'[91]

"Regarding specific strikes in 2007, Hamas political chief Khaled Mashaal called the attacks self-defense and retaliation against Israeli killings of Hamas supporters.[92] In January 2009 Mashaal called the rockets 'our cry of protest to the world'[93]

"An attack in November 2008 was said by Hamas officials said to be in revenge for the recent deaths of its militants and increased Israeli closing of Gaza crossings.[94] A barrage in December 2008 was described by the group as retaliation for the deaths of three of its fighters in combat with Israeli troops."

Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the Arabs had accepted the agreement, they'd have their own failed state, in addition to the other failed Arab states nearby.
Less than six million Jews now living in Israel are surrounded by 150 million Arabs who are all too aware of why they are living in failed states.

"The Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and France,[1] with the assent of Imperial Russia, defining their respective spheres of influence and control in Western Asia after the expected downfall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

"It effectively divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control or influence..."


Why do you suppose the rich parasites in France, Britain, and Russia choose to keep this agreement a secret?

150 million Arabs who are all too aware of why they are living in failed states.

Fail, it's what Arabs do.

What moral authority did Sykes have to draw the borders of states designed to fail?

Who got rich from that?

Lose at war, lose land.
The Ottomans lost.
The winners redrew the map.
Will the Arabs ever stop whining and be successful?
Or is whining all they're good at now?

BTW, you never posted anything about Palestinians losing any land.

What moral authority did Sykes have to draw the borders of states designed to fail?

Who got rich from that?

Lose at war, lose land.
The Ottomans lost.
The winners redrew the map.
Will the Arabs ever stop whining and be successful?
Or is whining all they're good at now?

BTW, you never posted anything about Palestinians losing any land.

Imaginary people losing land they never owned?
BTW, you never posted anything about Palestinians losing any land.

Imaginary people losing land they never owned?

Palestine has international borders.

Then whose land would that be?

Again with the 'Palestine has international borders' nonsense ?
Boundaries to define a geographical region does not mean 'international borders' ...

Repeating it over and over does not make it so ...

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