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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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Seeing a thing like you, who smiles over the deaths of Gentile children, reminds me of who Satan is, that Satan is very much alive in this world, and exactly what the hearts and souls of his followers look like!

Thanks for reminding me of who my Enemy is and exactly what his followers look like!

I won't ever forget!


These are future terrorists and the only good thing that can be said about the whole situation is that at least they will be in heaven now instead of hell where they would be once they grew up to be muslims like their families. EVERY one of these kids is dead because their fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, mothers, aunts, neighbors and friends think they have a command from the fasle god allah to murder Jews. Don't tell me about satan you poc, you support those who worship satan disguised as the false god allah you don't know God, you don't know Jesus, you do know your father, the father of all lies, quite well though.

Matthew 16:23-27

23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life[f] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.


Hearing the scriptures coming from your mouth is like seeing clear spring water coming out of a feces lined sewer pipe. You don't know Jesus. By the way, Jesus, upon His return, will fill the 180 mile long Kidron valley with the blood of the muslims and their allies up to the height of a horses bridle.
anyone see sherri? I was so looking forward to her explaining the cut and paste she plopped on the board.

there is something about the style of the prose that
strikes me as not authentic
This is nothing new for the muslim vermin. They have been barbaric, murdering, scum since forever. The first Holy Crusade, launched by Pope Urban the II in 1095 was in repsonse to muslim aggression, murder, invasion and occupation. These vermin have been doing this since 630AD and will not stop until every one of them is eradicated.

The Timeline

630 Two years before Muhammad’s death of a fever, he launches the Tabuk Crusades, in which he led 30,000 jihadists against the Byzantine Christians. He had heard a report that a huge army had amassed to attack Arabia, but the report turned out to be a false rumor. The Byzantine army never materialized. He turned around and went home, but not before extracting "agreements" from northern tribes. They could enjoy the "privilege" of living under Islamic "protection" (read: not be attacked by Islam), if they paid a tax.

This tax sets the stage for Muhammad’s and the later Caliphs’ policies. If the attacked city or region did not want to convert to Islam, then they paid a jizya tax. If they converted, then they paid a zakat tax. Either way, money flowed back to the Islamic treasury in Arabia or to the local Muslim governor.

632-634 Under the Caliphate of Abu Bakr the Muslim Crusaders reconquer and sometimes conquer for the first time the polytheists of Arabia. These Arab polytheists had to convert to Islam or die. They did not have the choice of remaining in their faith and paying a tax. Islam does not allow for religious freedom.

633 The Muslim Crusaders, led by Khalid al-Walid, a superior but bloodthirsty military commander, whom Muhammad nicknamed the Sword of Allah for his ferocity in battle (Tabari, 8:158 / 1616-17), conquer the city of Ullays along the Euphrates River (in today’s Iraq). Khalid captures and beheads so many that a nearby canal, into which the blood flowed, was called Blood Canal (Tabari 11:24 / 2034-35).

634 At the Battle of Yarmuk in Syria the Muslim Crusaders defeat the Byzantines. Today Osama bin Laden draws inspiration from the defeat, and especially from an anecdote about Khalid al-Walid. In Khalid’s day an unnamed Muslim remarks: "The Romans are so numerous and the Muslims so few." To this Khalid retorts: "How few are the Romans, and how many the Muslims! Armies become numerous only with victory and few only with defeat, not by the number of men. By God, I would love it . . . if the enemy were twice as many" (Tabari, 11:94 / 2095). Osama bin Laden quotes Khalid and says that his fighters love death more than we in the West love life. This philosophy of death probably comes from a verse like Sura 2:96. Muhammad assesses the Jews: "[Prophet], you are sure to find them [the Jews] clinging to life more eagerly than any other people, even polytheists" (MAS Abdel Haleem, The Qur’an, Oxford UP, 2004; first insertion in brackets is Haleem’s; the second mine).

634-644 The Caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, who is regarded as particularly brutal.

635 Muslim Crusaders besiege and conquer of Damascus.

636 Muslim Crusaders defeat Byzantines decisively at Battle of Yarmuk.

637 Muslim Crusaders conquer Iraq at the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah (some date it in 635 or 636).

638 Muslim Crusaders conquer and annex Jerusalem, taking it from the Byzantines.

638-650 Muslim Crusaders conquer Iran, except along Caspian Sea.

639-642 Muslim Crusaders conquer Egypt.

641 Muslim Crusaders control Syria and Palestine.

643-707 Muslim Crusaders conquer North Africa.

644 Caliph Umar is assassinated by a Persian prisoner of war; Uthman ibn Affan is elected third Caliph, who is regarded by many Muslims as gentler than Umar.

644-650 Muslim Crusaders conquer Cyprus, Tripoli in North Africa, and establish Islamic rule in Iran, Afghanistan, and Sind.

656 Caliph Uthman is assassinated by disgruntled Muslim soldiers; Ali ibn Abi Talib, son-in-law and cousin to Muhammad, who married the prophet’s daughter Fatima through his first wife Khadija, is set up as Caliph.

656 Battle of the Camel, in which Aisha, Muhammad’s wife, leads a rebellion against Ali for not avenging Uthman’s assassination. Ali’s partisans win.

657 Battle of Siffin between Ali and Muslim governor of Jerusalem, arbitration goes against Ali

661 Murder of Ali by an extremist; Ali’s supporters acclaim his son Hasan as next Caliph, but he comes to an agreement with Muawiyyah I and retires to Medina.

661-680 the Caliphate of Muawiyyah I. He founds Umayyid dynasty and moves capital from Medina to Damascus

673-678 Arabs besiege Constantinople, capital of Byzantine Empire

680 Massacre of Hussein (Muhammad’s grandson), his family, and his supporters in Karbala, Iraq.

691 Dome of the Rock is completed in Jerusalem, only six decades after Muhammad’s death.

705 Abd al-Malik restores Umayyad rule.

710-713 Muslim Crusaders conquer the lower Indus Valley.

711-713 Muslim Crusaders conquer Spain and impose the kingdom of Andalus. This article recounts how Muslims today still grieve over their expulsion 700 years later. They seem to believe that the land belonged to them in the first place.

719 Cordova, Spain, becomes seat of Arab governorship.

732 The Muslim Crusaders are stopped at the Battle of Poitiers; that is, Franks (France) halt Arab advance.

749 The Abbasids conquer Kufah and overthrow Umayyids.

756 Foundation of Umayyid emirate in Cordova, Spain, setting up an independent kingdom from Abbasids.

762 Foundation of Baghdad

785 Foundation of the Great Mosque of Cordova

789 Rise of Idrisid emirs (Muslim Crusaders) in Morocco; foundation of Fez; Christoforos, a Muslim who converted to Christianity, is executed.

800 Autonomous Aghlabid dynasty (Muslim Crusaders) in Tunisia.

807 Caliph Harun al-Rashid orders the destruction of non-Muslim prayer houses and of the Church of Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem.

809 Aghlabids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Sardinia, Italy.

813 Christians in Palestine are attacked; many flee the country.

831 Muslim Crusaders capture of Palermo, Italy; raids in Southern Italy.

850 Caliph al-Matawakkil orders the destruction of non-Muslim houses of prayer.

855 Revolt of the Christians of Hims (Syria)

837-901 Aghlabids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Sicily, raid Corsica, Italy, France.

869-883 Revolt of black slaves in Iraq

909 Rise of the Fatimid Caliphate in Tunisia; these Muslim Crusaders occupy Sicily, Sardinia.

928-969 Byzantine military revival, they retake old territories, such as Cyprus (964) and Tarsus (969).

937 The Ikhshid, a particularly harsh Muslim ruler, writes to Emperor Romanus, boasting of his control over the holy places.

937 The Church of the Resurrection (known as Church of Holy Sepulcher in Latin West) is burned down by Muslims; more churches in Jerusalem are attacked .

960 Conversion of Qarakhanid Turks to Islam

966 Anti-Christian riots in Jerusalem

969 Fatimids (Muslim Crusaders) conquer Egypt and found Cairo.

c. 970 Seljuks enter conquered Islamic territories from the East.

973 Israel and southern Syria are again conquered by the Fatimids.

1003 First persecutions by al-Hakim; the Church of St. Mark in Fustat, Egypt, is destroyed.

1009 Destruction of the Church of the Resurrection by al-Hakim (see 937)

1012 Beginning of al-Hakim’s oppressive decrees against Jews and Christians

1015 Earthquake in Palestine; the dome of the Dome of the Rock collapses.

1031 Collapse of Umayyid Caliphate and establishment of 15 minor independent dynasties throughout Muslim Andalus

1048 Reconstruction of the Church of the Resurrection completed

1050 Creation of Almoravid (Muslim Crusaders) movement in Mauretania; Almoravids (also known as Murabitun) are coalition of western Saharan Berbers; followers of Islam, focusing on the Quran, the hadith, and Maliki law.

1055 Seljuk Prince Tughrul enters Baghdad, consolidation of the Seljuk Sultanate.

1055 Confiscation of property of Church of the Resurrection

1071 Battle of Manzikert, Seljuk Turks (Muslim Crusaders) defeat Byzantines and occupy much of Anatolia.

1071 Turks (Muslim Crusaders) invade Palestine.

1073 Conquest of Jerusalem by Turks (Muslim Crusaders)

1075 Seljuks (Muslim Crusaders) capture Nicea (Iznik) and make it their capital in Anatolia.

1076 Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) (see 1050) conquer western Ghana.

1085 Toledo is taken back by Christian armies.

1086 Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) (see 1050) send help to Andalus, Battle of Zallaca.

1090-1091 Almoravids (Muslim Crusaders) occupy all of Andalus except Saragossa and Balearic Islands.

1094 Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus I asks western Christendom for help against Seljuk invasions of his territory; Seljuks are Muslim Turkish family of eastern origins; see 970.

1095 Pope Urban II preaches first Crusade; they capture Jerusalem in 1099

So it is only after all of the Islamic aggressive invasions that western Christendom launches its first Crusades.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2012.11.28 Afghanistan Quro 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2012.11.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 7 0 Four young children are among a family of seven massacred in their home by al-Qaeda.
2012.11.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a Buddhist man to death.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 7 21 Seven Shiite worshippers are taken out by an Islamic Army of Iraq car bomb outside their mosque.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 9 20 Nine Shiites are slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.26 Afghanistan Khost 2 19 Two civilians bleed to death following remote detonation of a Taliban bomb on a bicycle.
2012.11.26 Nigeria Barkinladi 10 3 Fundamentalists fire into a bar selling alcohol, killing at least ten patrons.
2012.11.25 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 6 90 Six more innocents are pulled apart when a second Shiite religious procession is hit with a Sunni bombing.
2012.11.25 Nigeria Jaji 15 30 Two suicide bombers massacre fifteen worshippers at a Protestant church.
2012.11.25 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Mujahideen take out a 13-year-old boy with an IED.
2012.11.25 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 A woman is torn to pieces by an al-Shabaab bomb.
2012.11.24 Yemen Sanaa 4 10 A rocket fired at Shiites celebrating a religious holiday sends at least four straight to Allah.
2012.11.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 10 22 Four children are among ten members of a Shia funeral procession disassembled by Religion of Peace rival bombers.
2012.11.23 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 3 90 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three others, including a woman.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 12 Three young children are among eighteen people murdered by Boko Haram in a series of terror attacks.
2012.11.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A female Buddhist school principal dies from injuries after being hit by automatic weapons fire in a target attack.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Bichi 4 2 Angry Muslims riot, burn churches and kills four Christians over a rumor of blasphemy concerning a t-shirt.
2012.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomber sends two Afghans to Allah.
2012.11.21 Dagestan Shamilkala 3 1 Islamic 'insurgents' plant a bomb at a bank that kills two disposal experts and a civilian.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Rawalpindi 23 62 Children are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber plows into a Shiite procession and detonates, killing dozens.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 2 17 A suicide bombing is among two bomb blasts outside a Shiite mosque that leave two innocents dead.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 A truck driver is shot in the head by Taliban militants.
2012.11.20 Israel Eshkol 2 23 Two Israelis are killed during a Hamas rocket attack.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shia civilian.
2012.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 26 Sectarian attacks leave three dead and two dozen injured.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Kulachi 1 0 A tribal elder is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2012.11.20 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A government official is shot in the head by suspected Islamists.
2012.11.19 Syria Barad 20 0 al-Nusrah claims a suicide bombing that leaves twenty dead.
2012.11.19 Pakistan Charmang 1 2 Rockets fired by Islamic militants crush a 6-year-old girl.
2012.11.18 India Jammu 1 5 One person is killed when fundamentalists throw a grenade into a wine shop.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Shin Qamar 3 3 Three laborers bleed to death following a Taliban bombing attack at a construction site.
2012.11.18 Iraq Balad 7 25 Seven Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bus bombers.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 3 35 Three people are killed when Muslim militants set off a bomb at a railway station.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A woman is killed, and her son injured, when Islamic 'insurgents' open fire on a plantation.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 7 Religious extremists plant a bomb that leaves two local soldiers dead.
2012.11.18 Nigeria Kano 1 0 A prominent politician is assassinated by Boko Haram gunmen while sitting at a restaurant.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Abbas 3 23 A bomb targeting Shiites goes off outside a mosque, killing three people, including a woman.
2012.11.18 Yemen Ataq 1 0 A local soldier is kidnapped by al-Qaeda, tortured to death and then dumped at his family's house.
2012.11.18 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Three Kenyan soldiers are murdered by suspected Islamic radicals.
2012.11.18 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda is suspected of shooting an intelligence officer to death.
2012.11.18 Iraq Khalis 3 16 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three Iraqis.
2012.11.18 Kenya Nairobi 10 30 An al-Shabaab bomber slaughters ten minibus passengers
2012.11.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 An 70-year-old retired Protestant pastor is executed in cold blood by Islamic extremists.
2012.11.17 Indonesia Bireuen 3 10 Three 'heretics' are hacked to death by a mainstream mob.
2012.11.17 Thailand Yala 1 20 Islamists kill a woman with a motorcycle bomb.
2012.11.17 Syria Aleppo 1 4 One person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three Christian traders are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2012.11.16 Yemen Zinjibar 3 4 Three civilians are ripped to pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 19 16 Six children and seven women are among nineteen members of a wedding party slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.16 Syria Aleppo 20 60 Sunnis detonate a bomb outside an Orthodox church that leaves at least twenty dead.
2012.11.16 Somalia Barawa 1 0 A Christian convert is beheaded for leaving the Religion of Peace.
2012.11.15 India Srinagar 2 3 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen fundamentalists fire into a store selling alcohol, killing a hotel employee and a patron.
2012.11.15 Nigeria Madauchi-Zonkwa 5 0 Muslim radicals are suspected in the slaughter and burning of a Christian family in their home.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 46-year-old man is assassinated in front of his home in a Muslim drive-by.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot the 49-year-owner of a rubber farm three times in the head.
2012.11.15 Israel Kiryat Malach 3 3 Two babies and a child are among the casualties when Hamas fires a rocket into an apartment building.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two drivers are burned alive when Islamic fundamentalists torch a fuel truck.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hawijah 4 5 Municipal street cleaners are among the victims of an al-Qaeda bomb blast at a commercial district.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A mosque official is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Logar 2 0 Two young local men are dragged from their car and brutally shot to death by the Taliban.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kirkuk 5 34 Five children are disassembled by Islamic Army of Iraq bombers at a Kurdish neighborhood.
2012.11.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A religious leader is gunned down by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A Shia teenager is shot to death by Sunnis.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hillah 7 44 At least seven people are pulled into pieces when al-Qaeda detonate a car bomb near a crowded marketplace.
2012.11.14 India Nowgam 3 2 Three border guards are killed when Islamic militants from Pakistan open fire.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kut 3 15 Three civilians at a restaurant are blown to bits by 'insurgent' bombers.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Bahadurabad 1 0 A Sunni seminary teacher is assassinated by sectarian Jihadis.
2012.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 The Taliban fire a rocket at an airport, killing a local civilian.
2012.11.13 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists take down a Shiite with four bullets to the head.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a 52-year-old civilian several times in the head and body.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a 52-year-old man to death.
2012.11.13 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 58-year-old villager is machine-gunned by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Islamists murder two in their homes, including a university lecturer.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 63-year-old man is murdered in front of his wife by Muslim terrorists.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Bolan 4 1 Four religious minorities lose their lives in a targeted killing by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A cleric is among two Sunnis killed by suspected Shia militants.
2012.11.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 3 Two Iraqis are taken down by a roadside bomb.
2012.11.12 Afghanistan Akazai 4 2 A brutal landmine attack by Sunni hardliners leaves four local security personnel dead.
2012.11.12 Somalia Baidoa 3 3 At least three civilians are killed during an al-Shabaab ambush.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Sultanabad 1 0 A prayer leader is murdered in his own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Sabari 6 0 A mother and newborn child are among a family of six exterminated by Islamists on their way home from the hospital.
2012.11.11 Lebanon Sidon 3 7 Hezbollah attacks supporters of a rival cleric, killing three.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three civilians are taken out by a Taliban landmine.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Faisalabad 2 0 Two woman are 'honor killed' by their families for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.11 Israel Sderot 0 4 Islamic Jihad rocket fire into a neighborhood leaves four Israeli casualties.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Khakrez 2 0 Two civilians on foot are blown into pieces by a Taliban bomb.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists shoot a Shiite four times at a market.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Organi Town 3 2 A Shia father and his two sons are sent to Allah by Sunni gunmen at their repair shop.
2012.11.11 Dagestan Levashi 1 0 A moderate Muslim cleric is murdered by his more radical co-religionists.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 6 9 Six Sunni seminary students are machine-gunned at a tea shop by angry Shiites.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hazara religious minority is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.10 Syria Daraa 24 9 Suicide car bombers kill about two dozen Syrian troops at their base.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Mochiwala 1 0 A woman is killed in her home by an uncle on suspicion of extra-marital sex.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Kamalia 1 0 A teenager is hacked to death with an axe by her father for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 2 2 Four Shiites riding in a cab are sprayed with bullets by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.10 Israel Ashkelon 0 3 A border guard is blinded by Palestinian terrorists.
2012.11.10 Iraq Hillah 2 0 A woman and child are killed in their home by Jihadi bombers.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gaidam 5 0 Five Christian iron welders are slaughtered in their own home by Boko Haram gunmen.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gwange 1 0 Islamists shoot a refrigerator repair man to death in his shop.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Beaver Ridge Canaan 1 0 A Hazara Shia is murdered in a sectarian attack.
2012.11.09 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' invade a home and shoot an old woman and her grandson to death.
2012.11.09 Nigeria Damaturu 3 0 Boko Haram ambush and kill three police officers.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia scholar is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba radicals.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Badpakh 5 1 Sunni hardliners detonate a bomb that ends the lives of five local security personnel.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three Afghans.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 7 Women and children are amply represented among the victims of a roadside bombing against a wedding party by religious radicals.
2012.11.08 Nigeria Kachin 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered in their home by Muslim raiders.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 3 20 A Shahid suicide bomber rams a government building because the occupants are 'doing nothing to serve Islam'.
2012.11.08 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 7 A Muslim sniper murders a local cop.
2012.11.08 Syria Damascus 3 24 Sunnis set off a car bomb outside a Shiite mosque that kills three worshippers.
2012.11.08 Iraq Mohmoudiya 3 7 Sunni bombers target their sectarian rivals in a residential area, killing three.
2012.11.08 Iraq Hillah 1 9 The Islamic Army of Iraq car-bombs a commercial district, killing a bystander.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The 35-year-old owner of a pet shop is murdered by sectarian fundamentalists.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two boys, ages 12 and 14, are pulled into pieces by Religion of Peace bombers.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Orangi 2 0 An uncle and nephew are shot to death by Sunnis because they are Shia.
2012.11.08 Iran Tehran 1 0 A 'secular' blogger is abducted off the street and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda assassinate a government official.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Benisheikh 2 0 Two Chinese engineers are murdered by suspected Islamist gunmen.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Ajab Khan Chowk 1 14 One person bleeds to death following a Taliban bomb attack on a market.
2012.11.07 Iraq Mosul 2 21 Sunni car bombers obliterate two religious minorities.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Karachi 5 0 Five Shia civilians are picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba snipers in three shootings.
2012.11.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A guard is killed when Islamic militia set off a car bomb near the parliament.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Peshawar 6 36 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders six others along a crowded street.
2012.11.07 Egypt Sohaj 2 0 A conservative family regains its honor by murdering a wayward daughter and her boyfriend.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Musharraf Colony 3 0 A father and son are among three Shiites kidnapped by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Mubi 2 5 Children are among the casualties when Islamists set off a bomb along a city street.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hub 1 0 Wahhabis are blamed for the murder of a Shiite.
2012.11.06 Syria Qudsaya 19 40 A Sunni car bomb in a Shia neighborhood leaves nineteen dead.
2012.11.06 Syria Damascus 3 7 Sunnis target a Shiite residential district with mortars, killing at least three.
2012.11.06 Iraq Taji 33 56 Nearly three dozen Iraqis are dismantled by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hangu 1 5 Mullah Nabi Hanfi terrorists storm a home, shoot the father to death and then beat his wife and children.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Quetta 6 2 Three minority Shiites are shot to death in two sectarian attacks.
2012.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot and kill a 31-year-old man riding on a motorcycle.
2012.11.05 Saudi Arabia Sharurah 2 0 Recently-released Islamic militants ambush and murder two border guards.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 3 0 Three local tribesmen are ambushed and killed by local Taliban.
2012.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Sunnis bomb a market near a Shiite mosque, killing four shoppers.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Saddar 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis shoot two Shia to death in their car, including a scholar.
2012.11.05 Bahrain Manama 2 1 Five bombs planted by Shia militants linked to Hezbollah leave two dead.
2012.11.05 Syria Sahl al-Ghab 50 12 An Islamist group claims that fifty people were killed by a Shahid suicide bomb attack on an attack on a 'rural development center.'
2012.11.05 Jordan Ruseifa 1 0 Three brothers are accused of stabbing their married sister seventeen times over an immoral relationship.
2012.11.05 Syria Mezzeh 11 24 A dozen people are incinerated in a Seif-al-Sham car bomb blast.
2012.11.05 Syria al-Yarmouk 18 70 al-Motasem terrorists reportedly target a bus packed with civilians, killing eighteen and injuring bystanders.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Boko Haram gunmen take down three patrons at a cattle market.
2012.11.04 Kenya Garissa 1 10 One person dies from splinter injuries when Islamists toss a grenade at a church.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Sorsorang 3 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen open fire on a group of Shia believers, killing at least three.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Chinar Kot 1 0 An anti-Taliban tribal activist is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2012.11.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' are suspected of shooting a local civilian four times during a drive-by.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Fika 2 0 At least two people are killed when Boko Haram militants attack a police station and primary school.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi shoot a Shia man to death in front of his mother and sister.
2012.11.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A civilian defense volunteer is kidnapped and executed by al-Qaeda
2012.11.03 Jordan Amman 1 0 A young woman's throat is cut by her uncle to claim family honor after she divorced her husband.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A young woman is attacked and killed by her brothers for marrying of her own free will.
2012.11.03 Iraq Taji 3 2 Islamic 'insurgents' roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun three local security personnel.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiite victims of a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi attack expire from their injuries.
2012.11.03 Thailand Narathiwat 3 8 Muslim car bombers take out three people near a school.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Dand 1 0 Fundamentalists take down a local cop with a roadside bomb.
2012.11.03 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Jihadi gunmen murder three police officers.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Buner 6 3 A Shahid suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonates, killing six others.
2012.11.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 10 Two people at a restaurant are sent to Allah by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2012.11.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 63-year-old man is shot off his motorcycle by Islamic 'separatists'.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Mehterlam 1 0 Sunni hardliners assassinate a rival cleric on his way to a seminary.
2012.11.02 Sudan Sigili 13 5 Janjaweed militia attack a village and kill over a dozen residents.
2012.11.02 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A 70-year-old cleric is shot to death in front of his mosque by hardline rivals.
2012.11.02 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down by Taliban terrorists in uniform.
2012.11.01 Pakistan Jai 1 1 A 4-year-old girl is killed when Religion of Peace militants fire into her home.
2012.11.01 Syria Saraqeb 10 0 Ten captured soldiers are beaten and then executed by Sunni rebels to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Kanjak 1 3 A man is killed and three children injured by Sunni bombers.
2012.10.31 Syria Al-Mazzeh 1 2 Sunni rebels plant a bomb near a rival mosque that leaves one dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Khoi Ratta 1 0 A Muslim couple honor kill their daughter for talking to a man by dousing her with acid.
2012.10.31 Jordan Zarqa 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is strangled by her father on suspicion of having 'relations' with a man.
2012.10.31 Libya Derna 1 0 Islamists are suspected in the assassination of a former official.
2012.10.31 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Muslim gunmen open fire on employees at an 'UnIslamic' gambling site at a fair, killing two.
2012.10.31 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Post Eid al-Adha targeted killings leave four Shiites dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder four people in targeted attacks.
2012.10.31 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 8 14 Eight people, including two children are killed when Abu Al-Baraa bin Malek terrorists car bomb a Shiite mosque.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 2 Three women and seven small children are torn to shreds by a Taliban bomb.
2012.10.30 Dagestan Derbent 3 0 A 'pro-peace' cleric is assassinated in his car along with his father and brother.
2012.10.30 Syria Homs 1 0 An 84-year-old Christian is murdered by Sunnis.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Nahr-e Saraj 2 0 A terrorist dons a police uniform and shoots two British troops in the back.
2012.10.30 Somalia Kismayo 4 24 al-Shabaab militants toss a grenade into a tea shop, slaughtering four civilians.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Maruf 6 0 Six civilians in a minivan are sent to Allah by a bomb planted by religious radicals.
2012.10.29 Tunisia La Manouba 0 2 Fundamentalists target alcohol vendors, cutting off the fingers of one.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Battagram 2 0 A woman and her alleged lover are taken into a house and machine-gunned by a conservative family member.
2012.10.29 Somalia Bardale 1 1 Islamists fire into a family home, killing one occupant.
2012.10.29 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A famous composer and comedian who poked fun of Islamic fundamentalists is assassinated.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Nala 3 0 Lashkar-e-Islam ambush and kill three security personnel.


the religion of peace website. like that isn't aa hate site at all, is it?

it is asses like you who get sikhs killed.

well, i will see your religion of peace with a stormfront, and raise you one jew watch. howz that? do you think anyone believes those?

is that what this board is succumbimg to...some dildoheaded dimwit posting links to hate sites. go right ahead. all you fools are doing is making jews look bad, and that can only help the palestinians.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2012.11.28 Afghanistan Quro 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2012.11.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 7 0 Four young children are among a family of seven massacred in their home by al-Qaeda.
2012.11.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a Buddhist man to death.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 7 21 Seven Shiite worshippers are taken out by an Islamic Army of Iraq car bomb outside their mosque.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 9 20 Nine Shiites are slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.26 Afghanistan Khost 2 19 Two civilians bleed to death following remote detonation of a Taliban bomb on a bicycle.
2012.11.26 Nigeria Barkinladi 10 3 Fundamentalists fire into a bar selling alcohol, killing at least ten patrons.
2012.11.25 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 6 90 Six more innocents are pulled apart when a second Shiite religious procession is hit with a Sunni bombing.
2012.11.25 Nigeria Jaji 15 30 Two suicide bombers massacre fifteen worshippers at a Protestant church.
2012.11.25 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Mujahideen take out a 13-year-old boy with an IED.
2012.11.25 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 A woman is torn to pieces by an al-Shabaab bomb.
2012.11.24 Yemen Sanaa 4 10 A rocket fired at Shiites celebrating a religious holiday sends at least four straight to Allah.
2012.11.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 10 22 Four children are among ten members of a Shia funeral procession disassembled by Religion of Peace rival bombers.
2012.11.23 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 3 90 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three others, including a woman.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 12 Three young children are among eighteen people murdered by Boko Haram in a series of terror attacks.
2012.11.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A female Buddhist school principal dies from injuries after being hit by automatic weapons fire in a target attack.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Bichi 4 2 Angry Muslims riot, burn churches and kills four Christians over a rumor of blasphemy concerning a t-shirt.
2012.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomber sends two Afghans to Allah.
2012.11.21 Dagestan Shamilkala 3 1 Islamic 'insurgents' plant a bomb at a bank that kills two disposal experts and a civilian.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Rawalpindi 23 62 Children are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber plows into a Shiite procession and detonates, killing dozens.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 2 17 A suicide bombing is among two bomb blasts outside a Shiite mosque that leave two innocents dead.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 A truck driver is shot in the head by Taliban militants.
2012.11.20 Israel Eshkol 2 23 Two Israelis are killed during a Hamas rocket attack.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shia civilian.
2012.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 26 Sectarian attacks leave three dead and two dozen injured.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Kulachi 1 0 A tribal elder is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2012.11.20 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A government official is shot in the head by suspected Islamists.
2012.11.19 Syria Barad 20 0 al-Nusrah claims a suicide bombing that leaves twenty dead.
2012.11.19 Pakistan Charmang 1 2 Rockets fired by Islamic militants crush a 6-year-old girl.
2012.11.18 India Jammu 1 5 One person is killed when fundamentalists throw a grenade into a wine shop.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Shin Qamar 3 3 Three laborers bleed to death following a Taliban bombing attack at a construction site.
2012.11.18 Iraq Balad 7 25 Seven Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bus bombers.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 3 35 Three people are killed when Muslim militants set off a bomb at a railway station.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A woman is killed, and her son injured, when Islamic 'insurgents' open fire on a plantation.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 7 Religious extremists plant a bomb that leaves two local soldiers dead.
2012.11.18 Nigeria Kano 1 0 A prominent politician is assassinated by Boko Haram gunmen while sitting at a restaurant.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Abbas 3 23 A bomb targeting Shiites goes off outside a mosque, killing three people, including a woman.
2012.11.18 Yemen Ataq 1 0 A local soldier is kidnapped by al-Qaeda, tortured to death and then dumped at his family's house.
2012.11.18 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Three Kenyan soldiers are murdered by suspected Islamic radicals.
2012.11.18 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda is suspected of shooting an intelligence officer to death.
2012.11.18 Iraq Khalis 3 16 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three Iraqis.
2012.11.18 Kenya Nairobi 10 30 An al-Shabaab bomber slaughters ten minibus passengers
2012.11.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 An 70-year-old retired Protestant pastor is executed in cold blood by Islamic extremists.
2012.11.17 Indonesia Bireuen 3 10 Three 'heretics' are hacked to death by a mainstream mob.
2012.11.17 Thailand Yala 1 20 Islamists kill a woman with a motorcycle bomb.
2012.11.17 Syria Aleppo 1 4 One person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three Christian traders are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2012.11.16 Yemen Zinjibar 3 4 Three civilians are ripped to pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 19 16 Six children and seven women are among nineteen members of a wedding party slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.16 Syria Aleppo 20 60 Sunnis detonate a bomb outside an Orthodox church that leaves at least twenty dead.
2012.11.16 Somalia Barawa 1 0 A Christian convert is beheaded for leaving the Religion of Peace.
2012.11.15 India Srinagar 2 3 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen fundamentalists fire into a store selling alcohol, killing a hotel employee and a patron.
2012.11.15 Nigeria Madauchi-Zonkwa 5 0 Muslim radicals are suspected in the slaughter and burning of a Christian family in their home.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 46-year-old man is assassinated in front of his home in a Muslim drive-by.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot the 49-year-owner of a rubber farm three times in the head.
2012.11.15 Israel Kiryat Malach 3 3 Two babies and a child are among the casualties when Hamas fires a rocket into an apartment building.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two drivers are burned alive when Islamic fundamentalists torch a fuel truck.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hawijah 4 5 Municipal street cleaners are among the victims of an al-Qaeda bomb blast at a commercial district.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A mosque official is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Logar 2 0 Two young local men are dragged from their car and brutally shot to death by the Taliban.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kirkuk 5 34 Five children are disassembled by Islamic Army of Iraq bombers at a Kurdish neighborhood.
2012.11.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A religious leader is gunned down by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A Shia teenager is shot to death by Sunnis.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hillah 7 44 At least seven people are pulled into pieces when al-Qaeda detonate a car bomb near a crowded marketplace.
2012.11.14 India Nowgam 3 2 Three border guards are killed when Islamic militants from Pakistan open fire.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kut 3 15 Three civilians at a restaurant are blown to bits by 'insurgent' bombers.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Bahadurabad 1 0 A Sunni seminary teacher is assassinated by sectarian Jihadis.
2012.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 The Taliban fire a rocket at an airport, killing a local civilian.
2012.11.13 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists take down a Shiite with four bullets to the head.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a 52-year-old civilian several times in the head and body.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a 52-year-old man to death.
2012.11.13 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 58-year-old villager is machine-gunned by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Islamists murder two in their homes, including a university lecturer.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 63-year-old man is murdered in front of his wife by Muslim terrorists.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Bolan 4 1 Four religious minorities lose their lives in a targeted killing by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A cleric is among two Sunnis killed by suspected Shia militants.
2012.11.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 3 Two Iraqis are taken down by a roadside bomb.
2012.11.12 Afghanistan Akazai 4 2 A brutal landmine attack by Sunni hardliners leaves four local security personnel dead.
2012.11.12 Somalia Baidoa 3 3 At least three civilians are killed during an al-Shabaab ambush.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Sultanabad 1 0 A prayer leader is murdered in his own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Sabari 6 0 A mother and newborn child are among a family of six exterminated by Islamists on their way home from the hospital.
2012.11.11 Lebanon Sidon 3 7 Hezbollah attacks supporters of a rival cleric, killing three.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three civilians are taken out by a Taliban landmine.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Faisalabad 2 0 Two woman are 'honor killed' by their families for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.11 Israel Sderot 0 4 Islamic Jihad rocket fire into a neighborhood leaves four Israeli casualties.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Khakrez 2 0 Two civilians on foot are blown into pieces by a Taliban bomb.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists shoot a Shiite four times at a market.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Organi Town 3 2 A Shia father and his two sons are sent to Allah by Sunni gunmen at their repair shop.
2012.11.11 Dagestan Levashi 1 0 A moderate Muslim cleric is murdered by his more radical co-religionists.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 6 9 Six Sunni seminary students are machine-gunned at a tea shop by angry Shiites.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hazara religious minority is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.10 Syria Daraa 24 9 Suicide car bombers kill about two dozen Syrian troops at their base.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Mochiwala 1 0 A woman is killed in her home by an uncle on suspicion of extra-marital sex.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Kamalia 1 0 A teenager is hacked to death with an axe by her father for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 2 2 Four Shiites riding in a cab are sprayed with bullets by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.10 Israel Ashkelon 0 3 A border guard is blinded by Palestinian terrorists.
2012.11.10 Iraq Hillah 2 0 A woman and child are killed in their home by Jihadi bombers.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gaidam 5 0 Five Christian iron welders are slaughtered in their own home by Boko Haram gunmen.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gwange 1 0 Islamists shoot a refrigerator repair man to death in his shop.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Beaver Ridge Canaan 1 0 A Hazara Shia is murdered in a sectarian attack.
2012.11.09 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' invade a home and shoot an old woman and her grandson to death.
2012.11.09 Nigeria Damaturu 3 0 Boko Haram ambush and kill three police officers.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia scholar is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba radicals.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Badpakh 5 1 Sunni hardliners detonate a bomb that ends the lives of five local security personnel.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three Afghans.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 7 Women and children are amply represented among the victims of a roadside bombing against a wedding party by religious radicals.
2012.11.08 Nigeria Kachin 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered in their home by Muslim raiders.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 3 20 A Shahid suicide bomber rams a government building because the occupants are 'doing nothing to serve Islam'.
2012.11.08 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 7 A Muslim sniper murders a local cop.
2012.11.08 Syria Damascus 3 24 Sunnis set off a car bomb outside a Shiite mosque that kills three worshippers.
2012.11.08 Iraq Mohmoudiya 3 7 Sunni bombers target their sectarian rivals in a residential area, killing three.
2012.11.08 Iraq Hillah 1 9 The Islamic Army of Iraq car-bombs a commercial district, killing a bystander.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The 35-year-old owner of a pet shop is murdered by sectarian fundamentalists.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two boys, ages 12 and 14, are pulled into pieces by Religion of Peace bombers.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Orangi 2 0 An uncle and nephew are shot to death by Sunnis because they are Shia.
2012.11.08 Iran Tehran 1 0 A 'secular' blogger is abducted off the street and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda assassinate a government official.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Benisheikh 2 0 Two Chinese engineers are murdered by suspected Islamist gunmen.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Ajab Khan Chowk 1 14 One person bleeds to death following a Taliban bomb attack on a market.
2012.11.07 Iraq Mosul 2 21 Sunni car bombers obliterate two religious minorities.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Karachi 5 0 Five Shia civilians are picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba snipers in three shootings.
2012.11.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A guard is killed when Islamic militia set off a car bomb near the parliament.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Peshawar 6 36 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders six others along a crowded street.
2012.11.07 Egypt Sohaj 2 0 A conservative family regains its honor by murdering a wayward daughter and her boyfriend.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Musharraf Colony 3 0 A father and son are among three Shiites kidnapped by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Mubi 2 5 Children are among the casualties when Islamists set off a bomb along a city street.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hub 1 0 Wahhabis are blamed for the murder of a Shiite.
2012.11.06 Syria Qudsaya 19 40 A Sunni car bomb in a Shia neighborhood leaves nineteen dead.
2012.11.06 Syria Damascus 3 7 Sunnis target a Shiite residential district with mortars, killing at least three.
2012.11.06 Iraq Taji 33 56 Nearly three dozen Iraqis are dismantled by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hangu 1 5 Mullah Nabi Hanfi terrorists storm a home, shoot the father to death and then beat his wife and children.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Quetta 6 2 Three minority Shiites are shot to death in two sectarian attacks.
2012.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot and kill a 31-year-old man riding on a motorcycle.
2012.11.05 Saudi Arabia Sharurah 2 0 Recently-released Islamic militants ambush and murder two border guards.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 3 0 Three local tribesmen are ambushed and killed by local Taliban.
2012.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Sunnis bomb a market near a Shiite mosque, killing four shoppers.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Saddar 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis shoot two Shia to death in their car, including a scholar.
2012.11.05 Bahrain Manama 2 1 Five bombs planted by Shia militants linked to Hezbollah leave two dead.
2012.11.05 Syria Sahl al-Ghab 50 12 An Islamist group claims that fifty people were killed by a Shahid suicide bomb attack on an attack on a 'rural development center.'
2012.11.05 Jordan Ruseifa 1 0 Three brothers are accused of stabbing their married sister seventeen times over an immoral relationship.
2012.11.05 Syria Mezzeh 11 24 A dozen people are incinerated in a Seif-al-Sham car bomb blast.
2012.11.05 Syria al-Yarmouk 18 70 al-Motasem terrorists reportedly target a bus packed with civilians, killing eighteen and injuring bystanders.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Boko Haram gunmen take down three patrons at a cattle market.
2012.11.04 Kenya Garissa 1 10 One person dies from splinter injuries when Islamists toss a grenade at a church.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Sorsorang 3 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen open fire on a group of Shia believers, killing at least three.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Chinar Kot 1 0 An anti-Taliban tribal activist is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2012.11.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' are suspected of shooting a local civilian four times during a drive-by.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Fika 2 0 At least two people are killed when Boko Haram militants attack a police station and primary school.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi shoot a Shia man to death in front of his mother and sister.
2012.11.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A civilian defense volunteer is kidnapped and executed by al-Qaeda
2012.11.03 Jordan Amman 1 0 A young woman's throat is cut by her uncle to claim family honor after she divorced her husband.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A young woman is attacked and killed by her brothers for marrying of her own free will.
2012.11.03 Iraq Taji 3 2 Islamic 'insurgents' roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun three local security personnel.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiite victims of a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi attack expire from their injuries.
2012.11.03 Thailand Narathiwat 3 8 Muslim car bombers take out three people near a school.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Dand 1 0 Fundamentalists take down a local cop with a roadside bomb.
2012.11.03 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Jihadi gunmen murder three police officers.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Buner 6 3 A Shahid suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonates, killing six others.
2012.11.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 10 Two people at a restaurant are sent to Allah by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2012.11.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 63-year-old man is shot off his motorcycle by Islamic 'separatists'.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Mehterlam 1 0 Sunni hardliners assassinate a rival cleric on his way to a seminary.
2012.11.02 Sudan Sigili 13 5 Janjaweed militia attack a village and kill over a dozen residents.
2012.11.02 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A 70-year-old cleric is shot to death in front of his mosque by hardline rivals.
2012.11.02 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down by Taliban terrorists in uniform.
2012.11.01 Pakistan Jai 1 1 A 4-year-old girl is killed when Religion of Peace militants fire into her home.
2012.11.01 Syria Saraqeb 10 0 Ten captured soldiers are beaten and then executed by Sunni rebels to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Kanjak 1 3 A man is killed and three children injured by Sunni bombers.
2012.10.31 Syria Al-Mazzeh 1 2 Sunni rebels plant a bomb near a rival mosque that leaves one dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Khoi Ratta 1 0 A Muslim couple honor kill their daughter for talking to a man by dousing her with acid.
2012.10.31 Jordan Zarqa 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is strangled by her father on suspicion of having 'relations' with a man.
2012.10.31 Libya Derna 1 0 Islamists are suspected in the assassination of a former official.
2012.10.31 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Muslim gunmen open fire on employees at an 'UnIslamic' gambling site at a fair, killing two.
2012.10.31 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Post Eid al-Adha targeted killings leave four Shiites dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder four people in targeted attacks.
2012.10.31 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 8 14 Eight people, including two children are killed when Abu Al-Baraa bin Malek terrorists car bomb a Shiite mosque.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 2 Three women and seven small children are torn to shreds by a Taliban bomb.
2012.10.30 Dagestan Derbent 3 0 A 'pro-peace' cleric is assassinated in his car along with his father and brother.
2012.10.30 Syria Homs 1 0 An 84-year-old Christian is murdered by Sunnis.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Nahr-e Saraj 2 0 A terrorist dons a police uniform and shoots two British troops in the back.
2012.10.30 Somalia Kismayo 4 24 al-Shabaab militants toss a grenade into a tea shop, slaughtering four civilians.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Maruf 6 0 Six civilians in a minivan are sent to Allah by a bomb planted by religious radicals.
2012.10.29 Tunisia La Manouba 0 2 Fundamentalists target alcohol vendors, cutting off the fingers of one.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Battagram 2 0 A woman and her alleged lover are taken into a house and machine-gunned by a conservative family member.
2012.10.29 Somalia Bardale 1 1 Islamists fire into a family home, killing one occupant.
2012.10.29 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A famous composer and comedian who poked fun of Islamic fundamentalists is assassinated.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Nala 3 0 Lashkar-e-Islam ambush and kill three security personnel.


the religion of peace website. like that isn't aa hate site at all, is it?

it is asses like you who get sikhs killed.

well, i will see your religion of peace with a stormfront, and raise you one jew watch. howz that? do you think anyone believes those?

is that what this board is succumbimg to...some dildoheaded dimwit posting links to hate sites. go right ahead. all you fools are doing is making jews look bad, and that can only help the palestinians.

Find something unfactual on the site or piss off and admit you're an a-hole, and here's a bit of FYI for you dumbass, I know the difference between a Sikh and a muslim, so no, it's not people like me.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2012.11.28 Afghanistan Quro 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2012.11.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 7 0 Four young children are among a family of seven massacred in their home by al-Qaeda.
2012.11.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a Buddhist man to death.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 7 21 Seven Shiite worshippers are taken out by an Islamic Army of Iraq car bomb outside their mosque.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 9 20 Nine Shiites are slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.26 Afghanistan Khost 2 19 Two civilians bleed to death following remote detonation of a Taliban bomb on a bicycle.
2012.11.26 Nigeria Barkinladi 10 3 Fundamentalists fire into a bar selling alcohol, killing at least ten patrons.
2012.11.25 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 6 90 Six more innocents are pulled apart when a second Shiite religious procession is hit with a Sunni bombing.
2012.11.25 Nigeria Jaji 15 30 Two suicide bombers massacre fifteen worshippers at a Protestant church.
2012.11.25 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Mujahideen take out a 13-year-old boy with an IED.
2012.11.25 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 A woman is torn to pieces by an al-Shabaab bomb.
2012.11.24 Yemen Sanaa 4 10 A rocket fired at Shiites celebrating a religious holiday sends at least four straight to Allah.
2012.11.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 10 22 Four children are among ten members of a Shia funeral procession disassembled by Religion of Peace rival bombers.
2012.11.23 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 3 90 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three others, including a woman.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 12 Three young children are among eighteen people murdered by Boko Haram in a series of terror attacks.
2012.11.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A female Buddhist school principal dies from injuries after being hit by automatic weapons fire in a target attack.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Bichi 4 2 Angry Muslims riot, burn churches and kills four Christians over a rumor of blasphemy concerning a t-shirt.
2012.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomber sends two Afghans to Allah.
2012.11.21 Dagestan Shamilkala 3 1 Islamic 'insurgents' plant a bomb at a bank that kills two disposal experts and a civilian.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Rawalpindi 23 62 Children are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber plows into a Shiite procession and detonates, killing dozens.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 2 17 A suicide bombing is among two bomb blasts outside a Shiite mosque that leave two innocents dead.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 A truck driver is shot in the head by Taliban militants.
2012.11.20 Israel Eshkol 2 23 Two Israelis are killed during a Hamas rocket attack.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shia civilian.
2012.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 26 Sectarian attacks leave three dead and two dozen injured.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Kulachi 1 0 A tribal elder is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2012.11.20 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A government official is shot in the head by suspected Islamists.
2012.11.19 Syria Barad 20 0 al-Nusrah claims a suicide bombing that leaves twenty dead.
2012.11.19 Pakistan Charmang 1 2 Rockets fired by Islamic militants crush a 6-year-old girl.
2012.11.18 India Jammu 1 5 One person is killed when fundamentalists throw a grenade into a wine shop.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Shin Qamar 3 3 Three laborers bleed to death following a Taliban bombing attack at a construction site.
2012.11.18 Iraq Balad 7 25 Seven Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bus bombers.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 3 35 Three people are killed when Muslim militants set off a bomb at a railway station.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A woman is killed, and her son injured, when Islamic 'insurgents' open fire on a plantation.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 7 Religious extremists plant a bomb that leaves two local soldiers dead.
2012.11.18 Nigeria Kano 1 0 A prominent politician is assassinated by Boko Haram gunmen while sitting at a restaurant.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Abbas 3 23 A bomb targeting Shiites goes off outside a mosque, killing three people, including a woman.
2012.11.18 Yemen Ataq 1 0 A local soldier is kidnapped by al-Qaeda, tortured to death and then dumped at his family's house.
2012.11.18 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Three Kenyan soldiers are murdered by suspected Islamic radicals.
2012.11.18 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda is suspected of shooting an intelligence officer to death.
2012.11.18 Iraq Khalis 3 16 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three Iraqis.
2012.11.18 Kenya Nairobi 10 30 An al-Shabaab bomber slaughters ten minibus passengers
2012.11.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 An 70-year-old retired Protestant pastor is executed in cold blood by Islamic extremists.
2012.11.17 Indonesia Bireuen 3 10 Three 'heretics' are hacked to death by a mainstream mob.
2012.11.17 Thailand Yala 1 20 Islamists kill a woman with a motorcycle bomb.
2012.11.17 Syria Aleppo 1 4 One person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three Christian traders are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2012.11.16 Yemen Zinjibar 3 4 Three civilians are ripped to pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 19 16 Six children and seven women are among nineteen members of a wedding party slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.16 Syria Aleppo 20 60 Sunnis detonate a bomb outside an Orthodox church that leaves at least twenty dead.
2012.11.16 Somalia Barawa 1 0 A Christian convert is beheaded for leaving the Religion of Peace.
2012.11.15 India Srinagar 2 3 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen fundamentalists fire into a store selling alcohol, killing a hotel employee and a patron.
2012.11.15 Nigeria Madauchi-Zonkwa 5 0 Muslim radicals are suspected in the slaughter and burning of a Christian family in their home.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 46-year-old man is assassinated in front of his home in a Muslim drive-by.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot the 49-year-owner of a rubber farm three times in the head.
2012.11.15 Israel Kiryat Malach 3 3 Two babies and a child are among the casualties when Hamas fires a rocket into an apartment building.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two drivers are burned alive when Islamic fundamentalists torch a fuel truck.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hawijah 4 5 Municipal street cleaners are among the victims of an al-Qaeda bomb blast at a commercial district.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A mosque official is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Logar 2 0 Two young local men are dragged from their car and brutally shot to death by the Taliban.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kirkuk 5 34 Five children are disassembled by Islamic Army of Iraq bombers at a Kurdish neighborhood.
2012.11.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A religious leader is gunned down by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A Shia teenager is shot to death by Sunnis.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hillah 7 44 At least seven people are pulled into pieces when al-Qaeda detonate a car bomb near a crowded marketplace.
2012.11.14 India Nowgam 3 2 Three border guards are killed when Islamic militants from Pakistan open fire.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kut 3 15 Three civilians at a restaurant are blown to bits by 'insurgent' bombers.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Bahadurabad 1 0 A Sunni seminary teacher is assassinated by sectarian Jihadis.
2012.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 The Taliban fire a rocket at an airport, killing a local civilian.
2012.11.13 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists take down a Shiite with four bullets to the head.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a 52-year-old civilian several times in the head and body.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a 52-year-old man to death.
2012.11.13 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 58-year-old villager is machine-gunned by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Islamists murder two in their homes, including a university lecturer.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 63-year-old man is murdered in front of his wife by Muslim terrorists.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Bolan 4 1 Four religious minorities lose their lives in a targeted killing by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A cleric is among two Sunnis killed by suspected Shia militants.
2012.11.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 3 Two Iraqis are taken down by a roadside bomb.
2012.11.12 Afghanistan Akazai 4 2 A brutal landmine attack by Sunni hardliners leaves four local security personnel dead.
2012.11.12 Somalia Baidoa 3 3 At least three civilians are killed during an al-Shabaab ambush.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Sultanabad 1 0 A prayer leader is murdered in his own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Sabari 6 0 A mother and newborn child are among a family of six exterminated by Islamists on their way home from the hospital.
2012.11.11 Lebanon Sidon 3 7 Hezbollah attacks supporters of a rival cleric, killing three.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three civilians are taken out by a Taliban landmine.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Faisalabad 2 0 Two woman are 'honor killed' by their families for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.11 Israel Sderot 0 4 Islamic Jihad rocket fire into a neighborhood leaves four Israeli casualties.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Khakrez 2 0 Two civilians on foot are blown into pieces by a Taliban bomb.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists shoot a Shiite four times at a market.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Organi Town 3 2 A Shia father and his two sons are sent to Allah by Sunni gunmen at their repair shop.
2012.11.11 Dagestan Levashi 1 0 A moderate Muslim cleric is murdered by his more radical co-religionists.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 6 9 Six Sunni seminary students are machine-gunned at a tea shop by angry Shiites.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hazara religious minority is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.10 Syria Daraa 24 9 Suicide car bombers kill about two dozen Syrian troops at their base.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Mochiwala 1 0 A woman is killed in her home by an uncle on suspicion of extra-marital sex.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Kamalia 1 0 A teenager is hacked to death with an axe by her father for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 2 2 Four Shiites riding in a cab are sprayed with bullets by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.10 Israel Ashkelon 0 3 A border guard is blinded by Palestinian terrorists.
2012.11.10 Iraq Hillah 2 0 A woman and child are killed in their home by Jihadi bombers.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gaidam 5 0 Five Christian iron welders are slaughtered in their own home by Boko Haram gunmen.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gwange 1 0 Islamists shoot a refrigerator repair man to death in his shop.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Beaver Ridge Canaan 1 0 A Hazara Shia is murdered in a sectarian attack.
2012.11.09 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' invade a home and shoot an old woman and her grandson to death.
2012.11.09 Nigeria Damaturu 3 0 Boko Haram ambush and kill three police officers.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia scholar is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba radicals.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Badpakh 5 1 Sunni hardliners detonate a bomb that ends the lives of five local security personnel.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three Afghans.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 7 Women and children are amply represented among the victims of a roadside bombing against a wedding party by religious radicals.
2012.11.08 Nigeria Kachin 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered in their home by Muslim raiders.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 3 20 A Shahid suicide bomber rams a government building because the occupants are 'doing nothing to serve Islam'.
2012.11.08 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 7 A Muslim sniper murders a local cop.
2012.11.08 Syria Damascus 3 24 Sunnis set off a car bomb outside a Shiite mosque that kills three worshippers.
2012.11.08 Iraq Mohmoudiya 3 7 Sunni bombers target their sectarian rivals in a residential area, killing three.
2012.11.08 Iraq Hillah 1 9 The Islamic Army of Iraq car-bombs a commercial district, killing a bystander.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The 35-year-old owner of a pet shop is murdered by sectarian fundamentalists.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two boys, ages 12 and 14, are pulled into pieces by Religion of Peace bombers.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Orangi 2 0 An uncle and nephew are shot to death by Sunnis because they are Shia.
2012.11.08 Iran Tehran 1 0 A 'secular' blogger is abducted off the street and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda assassinate a government official.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Benisheikh 2 0 Two Chinese engineers are murdered by suspected Islamist gunmen.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Ajab Khan Chowk 1 14 One person bleeds to death following a Taliban bomb attack on a market.
2012.11.07 Iraq Mosul 2 21 Sunni car bombers obliterate two religious minorities.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Karachi 5 0 Five Shia civilians are picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba snipers in three shootings.
2012.11.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A guard is killed when Islamic militia set off a car bomb near the parliament.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Peshawar 6 36 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders six others along a crowded street.
2012.11.07 Egypt Sohaj 2 0 A conservative family regains its honor by murdering a wayward daughter and her boyfriend.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Musharraf Colony 3 0 A father and son are among three Shiites kidnapped by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Mubi 2 5 Children are among the casualties when Islamists set off a bomb along a city street.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hub 1 0 Wahhabis are blamed for the murder of a Shiite.
2012.11.06 Syria Qudsaya 19 40 A Sunni car bomb in a Shia neighborhood leaves nineteen dead.
2012.11.06 Syria Damascus 3 7 Sunnis target a Shiite residential district with mortars, killing at least three.
2012.11.06 Iraq Taji 33 56 Nearly three dozen Iraqis are dismantled by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hangu 1 5 Mullah Nabi Hanfi terrorists storm a home, shoot the father to death and then beat his wife and children.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Quetta 6 2 Three minority Shiites are shot to death in two sectarian attacks.
2012.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot and kill a 31-year-old man riding on a motorcycle.
2012.11.05 Saudi Arabia Sharurah 2 0 Recently-released Islamic militants ambush and murder two border guards.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 3 0 Three local tribesmen are ambushed and killed by local Taliban.
2012.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Sunnis bomb a market near a Shiite mosque, killing four shoppers.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Saddar 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis shoot two Shia to death in their car, including a scholar.
2012.11.05 Bahrain Manama 2 1 Five bombs planted by Shia militants linked to Hezbollah leave two dead.
2012.11.05 Syria Sahl al-Ghab 50 12 An Islamist group claims that fifty people were killed by a Shahid suicide bomb attack on an attack on a 'rural development center.'
2012.11.05 Jordan Ruseifa 1 0 Three brothers are accused of stabbing their married sister seventeen times over an immoral relationship.
2012.11.05 Syria Mezzeh 11 24 A dozen people are incinerated in a Seif-al-Sham car bomb blast.
2012.11.05 Syria al-Yarmouk 18 70 al-Motasem terrorists reportedly target a bus packed with civilians, killing eighteen and injuring bystanders.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Boko Haram gunmen take down three patrons at a cattle market.
2012.11.04 Kenya Garissa 1 10 One person dies from splinter injuries when Islamists toss a grenade at a church.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Sorsorang 3 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen open fire on a group of Shia believers, killing at least three.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Chinar Kot 1 0 An anti-Taliban tribal activist is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2012.11.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' are suspected of shooting a local civilian four times during a drive-by.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Fika 2 0 At least two people are killed when Boko Haram militants attack a police station and primary school.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi shoot a Shia man to death in front of his mother and sister.
2012.11.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A civilian defense volunteer is kidnapped and executed by al-Qaeda
2012.11.03 Jordan Amman 1 0 A young woman's throat is cut by her uncle to claim family honor after she divorced her husband.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A young woman is attacked and killed by her brothers for marrying of her own free will.
2012.11.03 Iraq Taji 3 2 Islamic 'insurgents' roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun three local security personnel.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiite victims of a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi attack expire from their injuries.
2012.11.03 Thailand Narathiwat 3 8 Muslim car bombers take out three people near a school.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Dand 1 0 Fundamentalists take down a local cop with a roadside bomb.
2012.11.03 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Jihadi gunmen murder three police officers.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Buner 6 3 A Shahid suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonates, killing six others.
2012.11.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 10 Two people at a restaurant are sent to Allah by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2012.11.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 63-year-old man is shot off his motorcycle by Islamic 'separatists'.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Mehterlam 1 0 Sunni hardliners assassinate a rival cleric on his way to a seminary.
2012.11.02 Sudan Sigili 13 5 Janjaweed militia attack a village and kill over a dozen residents.
2012.11.02 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A 70-year-old cleric is shot to death in front of his mosque by hardline rivals.
2012.11.02 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down by Taliban terrorists in uniform.
2012.11.01 Pakistan Jai 1 1 A 4-year-old girl is killed when Religion of Peace militants fire into her home.
2012.11.01 Syria Saraqeb 10 0 Ten captured soldiers are beaten and then executed by Sunni rebels to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Kanjak 1 3 A man is killed and three children injured by Sunni bombers.
2012.10.31 Syria Al-Mazzeh 1 2 Sunni rebels plant a bomb near a rival mosque that leaves one dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Khoi Ratta 1 0 A Muslim couple honor kill their daughter for talking to a man by dousing her with acid.
2012.10.31 Jordan Zarqa 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is strangled by her father on suspicion of having 'relations' with a man.
2012.10.31 Libya Derna 1 0 Islamists are suspected in the assassination of a former official.
2012.10.31 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Muslim gunmen open fire on employees at an 'UnIslamic' gambling site at a fair, killing two.
2012.10.31 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Post Eid al-Adha targeted killings leave four Shiites dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder four people in targeted attacks.
2012.10.31 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 8 14 Eight people, including two children are killed when Abu Al-Baraa bin Malek terrorists car bomb a Shiite mosque.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 2 Three women and seven small children are torn to shreds by a Taliban bomb.
2012.10.30 Dagestan Derbent 3 0 A 'pro-peace' cleric is assassinated in his car along with his father and brother.
2012.10.30 Syria Homs 1 0 An 84-year-old Christian is murdered by Sunnis.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Nahr-e Saraj 2 0 A terrorist dons a police uniform and shoots two British troops in the back.
2012.10.30 Somalia Kismayo 4 24 al-Shabaab militants toss a grenade into a tea shop, slaughtering four civilians.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Maruf 6 0 Six civilians in a minivan are sent to Allah by a bomb planted by religious radicals.
2012.10.29 Tunisia La Manouba 0 2 Fundamentalists target alcohol vendors, cutting off the fingers of one.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Battagram 2 0 A woman and her alleged lover are taken into a house and machine-gunned by a conservative family member.
2012.10.29 Somalia Bardale 1 1 Islamists fire into a family home, killing one occupant.
2012.10.29 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A famous composer and comedian who poked fun of Islamic fundamentalists is assassinated.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Nala 3 0 Lashkar-e-Islam ambush and kill three security personnel.


the religion of peace website. like that isn't aa hate site at all, is it?

it is asses like you who get sikhs killed.

well, i will see your religion of peace with a stormfront, and raise you one jew watch. howz that? do you think anyone believes those?

is that what this board is succumbimg to...some dildoheaded dimwit posting links to hate sites. go right ahead. all you fools are doing is making jews look bad, and that can only help the palestinians.

Do you even know what sites eots, arty and other idiots on this forum are using ?
Baby Omar, who was murdered by Israel, was an 11 month old baby who lived in Gaza, he posed no threat to any person or Nation. He was just an innocent baby! He was a baby created in the image of God, born in Palestine, the same Palestine where Baby Jesus was born, and he was loved by that God who created him, and loved by Jesus, through whom all men are created!

Jehad Mashhrawi, Omar's young father , a Palestinian man, as Jesus was, worked for the BBC, he was described as usually the last to leave the Gaza bureau office of the BBC every day. He is described as hard-working but softly spoken, as often staying late, and as "beavering away on a laptop that is rarely out of arm's reach." Jehad is a video editor and photographer and just one of the local Palestinian BBC Arabic Service staff who make the office tick.

But on Wednesday, November 15, only an hour or so after Gaza's latest war erupted, started by Israel, with Israel's killing of Hamas military commander , Ahmed al-Jabari - Jehad burst out of the editing suite screaming, sprinting down the stairs, his head in his hands, and his face ripped with anguish. He had just received a phone call from a friend telling him that the Israeli military had bombed his house and that his 11-month-old baby boy Omar was dead.

Here is a picture of Omar, a beautiful baby, a picture-book baby, a cheeky, and chunky, and round-faced little boy in denim dungarees, chuckling in a pushchair, he is dark-eyed with a fringe of fine brown hair pushed across his brow.


A fellow worker at the BBC says:

BBC News - Gaza baby 'only knew how to smile'

His father said of him, "He only knew how to smile," struggling to hold back the tears, as he said this.

"He could say just two words - Baba and Mama," his father went on to say.

On Jehad's phone is the photo above and another photo, a photo of a hideous tiny corpse, Omar's smiling face virtually burnt off, that fine hair appearing to be melted onto his scalp.

Jehad's sister-in-law Heba was also killed. "We still haven't found her head," Jehad said.

His brother, Ahmad, suffered massive burns and died of his injuries in hospital several days later.

Jehad has another son Ali, four years old, who was slightly injured. He keeps asking where his baby brother has gone."

There were 11 members of the Mashhrawi family, who lived in the tiny breezeblock house in the Sabra district of Gaza City. Five people slept in one room.

The beds are now only good for charcoal, and the cupboards are full of heaps of burnt children's clothes.

On the kitchen shelves, there are rows of melted plastic jars full of Palestinian herbs and spices, their shapes distorted as if reflected from a fairground mirror.

And in the entrance hall, a two-foot-wide hole in the flimsy metal ceiling where the missile ripped through.

Here are Photos of the house bombed by Israel, the damage of an Isreali strike that took the life of 11 month old baby Omar, his 19 year old aunt who was 6 months pregnant, and his uncle (initially injured, but since reported as dead) and injuring his 4 year old brother:



Here are more photos of Omar and his family, as they deal with his death and bury the murdered baby.

More Photos:






Baby Omar, who was murdered by Israel, was an 11 month old baby who lived in Gaza, he posed no threat to any person or Nation. He was just an innocent baby! He was a baby created in the image of God, born in Palestine, the same Palestine where Baby Jesus was born, and he was loved by that God who created him, and loved by Jesus, through whom all men are created!

Jehad Mashhrawi, Omar's young father , a Palestinian man, as Jesus was, worked for the BBC, he was described as usually the last to leave the Gaza bureau office of the BBC every day. He is described as hard-working but softly spoken, as often staying late, and as "beavering away on a laptop that is rarely out of arm's reach." Jehad is a video editor and photographer and just one of the local Palestinian BBC Arabic Service staff who make the office tick.

But on Wednesday, November 15, only an hour or so after Gaza's latest war erupted, started by Israel, with Israel's killing of Hamas military commander , Ahmed al-Jabari - Jehad burst out of the editing suite screaming, sprinting down the stairs, his head in his hands, and his face ripped with anguish. He had just received a phone call from a friend telling him that the Israeli military had bombed his house and that his 11-month-old baby boy Omar was dead.

Here is a picture of Omar, a beautiful baby, a picture-book baby, a cheeky, and chunky, and round-faced little boy in denim dungarees, chuckling in a pushchair, he is dark-eyed with a fringe of fine brown hair pushed across his brow.


A fellow worker at the BBC says:

BBC News - Gaza baby 'only knew how to smile'

His father said of him, "He only knew how to smile," struggling to hold back the tears, as he said this.

"He could say just two words - Baba and Mama," his father went on to say.

On Jehad's phone is the photo above and another photo, a photo of a hideous tiny corpse, Omar's smiling face virtually burnt off, that fine hair appearing to be melted onto his scalp.

Jehad's sister-in-law Heba was also killed. "We still haven't found her head," Jehad said.

His brother, Ahmad, suffered massive burns and died of his injuries in hospital several days later.

Jehad has another son Ali, four years old, who was slightly injured. He keeps asking where his baby brother has gone."

There were 11 members of the Mashhrawi family, who lived in the tiny breezeblock house in the Sabra district of Gaza City. Five people slept in one room.

The beds are now only good for charcoal, and the cupboards are full of heaps of burnt children's clothes.

On the kitchen shelves, there are rows of melted plastic jars full of Palestinian herbs and spices, their shapes distorted as if reflected from a fairground mirror.

And in the entrance hall, a two-foot-wide hole in the flimsy metal ceiling where the missile ripped through.

Here are Photos of the house bombed by Israel, the damage of an Isreali strike that took the life of 11 month old baby Omar, his 19 year old aunt who was 6 months pregnant, and his uncle (initially injured, but since reported as dead) and injuring his 4 year old brother:



Here are more photos of Omar and his family, as they deal with his death and bury the murdered baby.

More Photos:







He holds and cries over a child he most likely got killed.
These are future terrorists and the only good thing that can be said about the whole situation is that at least they will be in heaven now instead of hell where they would be once they grew up to be muslims like their families. EVERY one of these kids is dead because their fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, mothers, aunts, neighbors and friends think they have a command from the fasle god allah to murder Jews. Don't tell me about satan you poc, you support those who worship satan disguised as the false god allah you don't know God, you don't know Jesus, you do know your father, the father of all lies, quite well though.

Matthew 16:23-27

23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life[f] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.


Hearing the scriptures coming from your mouth is like seeing clear spring water coming out of a feces lined sewer pipe. You don't know Jesus. By the way, Jesus, upon His return, will fill the 180 mile long Kidron valley with the blood of the muslims and their allies up to the height of a horses bridle.

John 12:44-50

44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john 12&version=NIV
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Sherri ...Sherri... Sherri .... you are getting worse everyday! I worry about you!!!
Baby Omar, who was murdered by Israel, was an 11 month old baby who lived in Gaza, he posed no threat to any person or Nation. He was just an innocent baby! He was a baby created in the image of God, born in Palestine, the same Palestine where Baby Jesus was born, and he was loved by that God who created him, and loved by Jesus, through whom all men are created!

Jehad Mashhrawi, Omar's young father , a Palestinian man, as Jesus was, worked for the BBC, he was described as usually the last to leave the Gaza bureau office of the BBC every day. He is described as hard-working but softly spoken, as often staying late, and as "beavering away on a laptop that is rarely out of arm's reach." Jehad is a video editor and photographer and just one of the local Palestinian BBC Arabic Service staff who make the office tick.

But on Wednesday, November 15, only an hour or so after Gaza's latest war erupted, started by Israel, with Israel's killing of Hamas military commander , Ahmed al-Jabari - Jehad burst out of the editing suite screaming, sprinting down the stairs, his head in his hands, and his face ripped with anguish. He had just received a phone call from a friend telling him that the Israeli military had bombed his house and that his 11-month-old baby boy Omar was dead.

Here is a picture of Omar, a beautiful baby, a picture-book baby, a cheeky, and chunky, and round-faced little boy in denim dungarees, chuckling in a pushchair, he is dark-eyed with a fringe of fine brown hair pushed across his brow.


A fellow worker at the BBC says:

BBC News - Gaza baby 'only knew how to smile'

His father said of him, "He only knew how to smile," struggling to hold back the tears, as he said this.

"He could say just two words - Baba and Mama," his father went on to say.

On Jehad's phone is the photo above and another photo, a photo of a hideous tiny corpse, Omar's smiling face virtually burnt off, that fine hair appearing to be melted onto his scalp.

Jehad's sister-in-law Heba was also killed. "We still haven't found her head," Jehad said.

His brother, Ahmad, suffered massive burns and died of his injuries in hospital several days later.

Jehad has another son Ali, four years old, who was slightly injured. He keeps asking where his baby brother has gone."

There were 11 members of the Mashhrawi family, who lived in the tiny breezeblock house in the Sabra district of Gaza City. Five people slept in one room.

The beds are now only good for charcoal, and the cupboards are full of heaps of burnt children's clothes.

On the kitchen shelves, there are rows of melted plastic jars full of Palestinian herbs and spices, their shapes distorted as if reflected from a fairground mirror.

And in the entrance hall, a two-foot-wide hole in the flimsy metal ceiling where the missile ripped through.

Here are Photos of the house bombed by Israel, the damage of an Isreali strike that took the life of 11 month old baby Omar, his 19 year old aunt who was 6 months pregnant, and his uncle (initially injured, but since reported as dead) and injuring his 4 year old brother:



Here are more photos of Omar and his family, as they deal with his death and bury the murdered baby.

More Photos:







He holds and cries over a child he most likely got killed.

From The Sermon On The Mount, the words of Jesus,

The Beatitudes

He said:

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you

Matthew 5:1-12

I thank you for your Hate, from your Hate flow Blessings to its recipients, whether that is me or children whose deaths you find joy in or their families or all who loved them or all the people of Palestine who struggle for freedom from Occupation!

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Sherri please control yourself !! Have you completely taken leave of your senses?
These are future terrorists and the only good thing that can be said about the whole situation is that at least they will be in heaven now instead of hell where they would be once they grew up to be muslims like their families. EVERY one of these kids is dead because their fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, mothers, aunts, neighbors and friends think they have a command from the fasle god allah to murder Jews. Don't tell me about satan you poc, you support those who worship satan disguised as the false god allah you don't know God, you don't know Jesus, you do know your father, the father of all lies, quite well though.

Matthew 16:23-27

23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life[f] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with
his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.


ok sherri----you did a cut a paste from the "new testament" How is
that cut and paste related to the fact that there were and are people
who justify the murders of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the name
of the persons mentioned in your cut and paste---who are allegedly
"quoted" In fact the cut and paste you have chosen is NEITHER
HERE NOR THERE---- while you are playing biblical scholar---
perhaps you can explain to me why Jesus would address Peter as
"SATAN"-------try-----LOL------this should be fun

I cannot help anyone see or understand the words of Jesus who does not have their minds and hearts in the right place, to see or understand, as is true of you!

Matthew 16:23-27

23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life[f] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with
his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.


ok sherri----you did a cut a paste from the "new testament" How is
that cut and paste related to the fact that there were and are people
who justify the murders of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the name
of the persons mentioned in your cut and paste---who are allegedly
"quoted" In fact the cut and paste you have chosen is NEITHER
HERE NOR THERE---- while you are playing biblical scholar---
perhaps you can explain to me why Jesus would address Peter as
"SATAN"-------try-----LOL------this should be fun

I cannot help anyone see or understand the words of Jesus who does not have their minds and hearts in the right place, to see or understand, as is true of you!


How nauseatingly pompous.
Sherri please control yourself !! Have you completely taken leave of your senses?

Get a brain!

That's exactly the problem Sherri, I do have one!

And you are becoming more and more obsessed with what is , by and large untrue propaganda!
All you do is defend , with few words, child murders, get a brain and a conscience, too! Contribute something better to our world, than defending Israels murders of the children of Palestine!
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2012.11.28 Afghanistan Quro 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2012.11.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 7 0 Four young children are among a family of seven massacred in their home by al-Qaeda.
2012.11.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a Buddhist man to death.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 7 21 Seven Shiite worshippers are taken out by an Islamic Army of Iraq car bomb outside their mosque.
2012.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 9 20 Nine Shiites are slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.26 Afghanistan Khost 2 19 Two civilians bleed to death following remote detonation of a Taliban bomb on a bicycle.
2012.11.26 Nigeria Barkinladi 10 3 Fundamentalists fire into a bar selling alcohol, killing at least ten patrons.
2012.11.25 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 6 90 Six more innocents are pulled apart when a second Shiite religious procession is hit with a Sunni bombing.
2012.11.25 Nigeria Jaji 15 30 Two suicide bombers massacre fifteen worshippers at a Protestant church.
2012.11.25 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Mujahideen take out a 13-year-old boy with an IED.
2012.11.25 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 A woman is torn to pieces by an al-Shabaab bomb.
2012.11.24 Yemen Sanaa 4 10 A rocket fired at Shiites celebrating a religious holiday sends at least four straight to Allah.
2012.11.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 10 22 Four children are among ten members of a Shia funeral procession disassembled by Religion of Peace rival bombers.
2012.11.23 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 3 90 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three others, including a woman.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 18 12 Three young children are among eighteen people murdered by Boko Haram in a series of terror attacks.
2012.11.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A female Buddhist school principal dies from injuries after being hit by automatic weapons fire in a target attack.
2012.11.22 Nigeria Bichi 4 2 Angry Muslims riot, burn churches and kills four Christians over a rumor of blasphemy concerning a t-shirt.
2012.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomber sends two Afghans to Allah.
2012.11.21 Dagestan Shamilkala 3 1 Islamic 'insurgents' plant a bomb at a bank that kills two disposal experts and a civilian.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Rawalpindi 23 62 Children are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber plows into a Shiite procession and detonates, killing dozens.
2012.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 2 17 A suicide bombing is among two bomb blasts outside a Shiite mosque that leave two innocents dead.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 A truck driver is shot in the head by Taliban militants.
2012.11.20 Israel Eshkol 2 23 Two Israelis are killed during a Hamas rocket attack.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shia civilian.
2012.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 26 Sectarian attacks leave three dead and two dozen injured.
2012.11.20 Pakistan Kulachi 1 0 A tribal elder is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2012.11.20 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A government official is shot in the head by suspected Islamists.
2012.11.19 Syria Barad 20 0 al-Nusrah claims a suicide bombing that leaves twenty dead.
2012.11.19 Pakistan Charmang 1 2 Rockets fired by Islamic militants crush a 6-year-old girl.
2012.11.18 India Jammu 1 5 One person is killed when fundamentalists throw a grenade into a wine shop.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Shin Qamar 3 3 Three laborers bleed to death following a Taliban bombing attack at a construction site.
2012.11.18 Iraq Balad 7 25 Seven Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bus bombers.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 3 35 Three people are killed when Muslim militants set off a bomb at a railway station.
2012.11.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A woman is killed, and her son injured, when Islamic 'insurgents' open fire on a plantation.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 7 Religious extremists plant a bomb that leaves two local soldiers dead.
2012.11.18 Nigeria Kano 1 0 A prominent politician is assassinated by Boko Haram gunmen while sitting at a restaurant.
2012.11.18 Pakistan Abbas 3 23 A bomb targeting Shiites goes off outside a mosque, killing three people, including a woman.
2012.11.18 Yemen Ataq 1 0 A local soldier is kidnapped by al-Qaeda, tortured to death and then dumped at his family's house.
2012.11.18 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Three Kenyan soldiers are murdered by suspected Islamic radicals.
2012.11.18 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda is suspected of shooting an intelligence officer to death.
2012.11.18 Iraq Khalis 3 16 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three Iraqis.
2012.11.18 Kenya Nairobi 10 30 An al-Shabaab bomber slaughters ten minibus passengers
2012.11.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 An 70-year-old retired Protestant pastor is executed in cold blood by Islamic extremists.
2012.11.17 Indonesia Bireuen 3 10 Three 'heretics' are hacked to death by a mainstream mob.
2012.11.17 Thailand Yala 1 20 Islamists kill a woman with a motorcycle bomb.
2012.11.17 Syria Aleppo 1 4 One person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three Christian traders are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2012.11.16 Yemen Zinjibar 3 4 Three civilians are ripped to pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.11.16 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 19 16 Six children and seven women are among nineteen members of a wedding party slaughtered by Sunni bombers.
2012.11.16 Syria Aleppo 20 60 Sunnis detonate a bomb outside an Orthodox church that leaves at least twenty dead.
2012.11.16 Somalia Barawa 1 0 A Christian convert is beheaded for leaving the Religion of Peace.
2012.11.15 India Srinagar 2 3 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen fundamentalists fire into a store selling alcohol, killing a hotel employee and a patron.
2012.11.15 Nigeria Madauchi-Zonkwa 5 0 Muslim radicals are suspected in the slaughter and burning of a Christian family in their home.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 46-year-old man is assassinated in front of his home in a Muslim drive-by.
2012.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot the 49-year-owner of a rubber farm three times in the head.
2012.11.15 Israel Kiryat Malach 3 3 Two babies and a child are among the casualties when Hamas fires a rocket into an apartment building.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two drivers are burned alive when Islamic fundamentalists torch a fuel truck.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hawijah 4 5 Municipal street cleaners are among the victims of an al-Qaeda bomb blast at a commercial district.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A mosque official is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.14 Afghanistan Logar 2 0 Two young local men are dragged from their car and brutally shot to death by the Taliban.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kirkuk 5 34 Five children are disassembled by Islamic Army of Iraq bombers at a Kurdish neighborhood.
2012.11.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A religious leader is gunned down by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A Shia teenager is shot to death by Sunnis.
2012.11.14 Iraq Hillah 7 44 At least seven people are pulled into pieces when al-Qaeda detonate a car bomb near a crowded marketplace.
2012.11.14 India Nowgam 3 2 Three border guards are killed when Islamic militants from Pakistan open fire.
2012.11.14 Iraq Kut 3 15 Three civilians at a restaurant are blown to bits by 'insurgent' bombers.
2012.11.14 Pakistan Bahadurabad 1 0 A Sunni seminary teacher is assassinated by sectarian Jihadis.
2012.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 The Taliban fire a rocket at an airport, killing a local civilian.
2012.11.13 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists take down a Shiite with four bullets to the head.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a 52-year-old civilian several times in the head and body.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a 52-year-old man to death.
2012.11.13 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 58-year-old villager is machine-gunned by suspected Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.11.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Islamists murder two in their homes, including a university lecturer.
2012.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 63-year-old man is murdered in front of his wife by Muslim terrorists.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Bolan 4 1 Four religious minorities lose their lives in a targeted killing by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A cleric is among two Sunnis killed by suspected Shia militants.
2012.11.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 3 Two Iraqis are taken down by a roadside bomb.
2012.11.12 Afghanistan Akazai 4 2 A brutal landmine attack by Sunni hardliners leaves four local security personnel dead.
2012.11.12 Somalia Baidoa 3 3 At least three civilians are killed during an al-Shabaab ambush.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Sultanabad 1 0 A prayer leader is murdered in his own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Sabari 6 0 A mother and newborn child are among a family of six exterminated by Islamists on their way home from the hospital.
2012.11.11 Lebanon Sidon 3 7 Hezbollah attacks supporters of a rival cleric, killing three.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three civilians are taken out by a Taliban landmine.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Faisalabad 2 0 Two woman are 'honor killed' by their families for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.11 Israel Sderot 0 4 Islamic Jihad rocket fire into a neighborhood leaves four Israeli casualties.
2012.11.11 Afghanistan Khakrez 2 0 Two civilians on foot are blown into pieces by a Taliban bomb.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists shoot a Shiite four times at a market.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Organi Town 3 2 A Shia father and his two sons are sent to Allah by Sunni gunmen at their repair shop.
2012.11.11 Dagestan Levashi 1 0 A moderate Muslim cleric is murdered by his more radical co-religionists.
2012.11.11 Pakistan Karachi 6 9 Six Sunni seminary students are machine-gunned at a tea shop by angry Shiites.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hazara religious minority is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2012.11.10 Syria Daraa 24 9 Suicide car bombers kill about two dozen Syrian troops at their base.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Mochiwala 1 0 A woman is killed in her home by an uncle on suspicion of extra-marital sex.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Kamalia 1 0 A teenager is hacked to death with an axe by her father for unIslamic behavior.
2012.11.10 Pakistan Quetta 2 2 Four Shiites riding in a cab are sprayed with bullets by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.11.10 Israel Ashkelon 0 3 A border guard is blinded by Palestinian terrorists.
2012.11.10 Iraq Hillah 2 0 A woman and child are killed in their home by Jihadi bombers.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gaidam 5 0 Five Christian iron welders are slaughtered in their own home by Boko Haram gunmen.
2012.11.10 Nigeria Gwange 1 0 Islamists shoot a refrigerator repair man to death in his shop.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Beaver Ridge Canaan 1 0 A Hazara Shia is murdered in a sectarian attack.
2012.11.09 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' invade a home and shoot an old woman and her grandson to death.
2012.11.09 Nigeria Damaturu 3 0 Boko Haram ambush and kill three police officers.
2012.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia scholar is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba radicals.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Badpakh 5 1 Sunni hardliners detonate a bomb that ends the lives of five local security personnel.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three Afghans.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 7 Women and children are amply represented among the victims of a roadside bombing against a wedding party by religious radicals.
2012.11.08 Nigeria Kachin 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered in their home by Muslim raiders.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 3 20 A Shahid suicide bomber rams a government building because the occupants are 'doing nothing to serve Islam'.
2012.11.08 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 7 A Muslim sniper murders a local cop.
2012.11.08 Syria Damascus 3 24 Sunnis set off a car bomb outside a Shiite mosque that kills three worshippers.
2012.11.08 Iraq Mohmoudiya 3 7 Sunni bombers target their sectarian rivals in a residential area, killing three.
2012.11.08 Iraq Hillah 1 9 The Islamic Army of Iraq car-bombs a commercial district, killing a bystander.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The 35-year-old owner of a pet shop is murdered by sectarian fundamentalists.
2012.11.08 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two boys, ages 12 and 14, are pulled into pieces by Religion of Peace bombers.
2012.11.08 Pakistan Orangi 2 0 An uncle and nephew are shot to death by Sunnis because they are Shia.
2012.11.08 Iran Tehran 1 0 A 'secular' blogger is abducted off the street and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda assassinate a government official.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Benisheikh 2 0 Two Chinese engineers are murdered by suspected Islamist gunmen.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Ajab Khan Chowk 1 14 One person bleeds to death following a Taliban bomb attack on a market.
2012.11.07 Iraq Mosul 2 21 Sunni car bombers obliterate two religious minorities.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Karachi 5 0 Five Shia civilians are picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba snipers in three shootings.
2012.11.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A guard is killed when Islamic militia set off a car bomb near the parliament.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Peshawar 6 36 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders six others along a crowded street.
2012.11.07 Egypt Sohaj 2 0 A conservative family regains its honor by murdering a wayward daughter and her boyfriend.
2012.11.07 Pakistan Musharraf Colony 3 0 A father and son are among three Shiites kidnapped by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and tortured to death.
2012.11.07 Nigeria Mubi 2 5 Children are among the casualties when Islamists set off a bomb along a city street.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hub 1 0 Wahhabis are blamed for the murder of a Shiite.
2012.11.06 Syria Qudsaya 19 40 A Sunni car bomb in a Shia neighborhood leaves nineteen dead.
2012.11.06 Syria Damascus 3 7 Sunnis target a Shiite residential district with mortars, killing at least three.
2012.11.06 Iraq Taji 33 56 Nearly three dozen Iraqis are dismantled by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Hangu 1 5 Mullah Nabi Hanfi terrorists storm a home, shoot the father to death and then beat his wife and children.
2012.11.06 Pakistan Quetta 6 2 Three minority Shiites are shot to death in two sectarian attacks.
2012.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot and kill a 31-year-old man riding on a motorcycle.
2012.11.05 Saudi Arabia Sharurah 2 0 Recently-released Islamic militants ambush and murder two border guards.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 3 0 Three local tribesmen are ambushed and killed by local Taliban.
2012.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Sunnis bomb a market near a Shiite mosque, killing four shoppers.
2012.11.05 Pakistan Saddar 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis shoot two Shia to death in their car, including a scholar.
2012.11.05 Bahrain Manama 2 1 Five bombs planted by Shia militants linked to Hezbollah leave two dead.
2012.11.05 Syria Sahl al-Ghab 50 12 An Islamist group claims that fifty people were killed by a Shahid suicide bomb attack on an attack on a 'rural development center.'
2012.11.05 Jordan Ruseifa 1 0 Three brothers are accused of stabbing their married sister seventeen times over an immoral relationship.
2012.11.05 Syria Mezzeh 11 24 A dozen people are incinerated in a Seif-al-Sham car bomb blast.
2012.11.05 Syria al-Yarmouk 18 70 al-Motasem terrorists reportedly target a bus packed with civilians, killing eighteen and injuring bystanders.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Boko Haram gunmen take down three patrons at a cattle market.
2012.11.04 Kenya Garissa 1 10 One person dies from splinter injuries when Islamists toss a grenade at a church.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Sorsorang 3 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen open fire on a group of Shia believers, killing at least three.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Chinar Kot 1 0 An anti-Taliban tribal activist is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2012.11.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' are suspected of shooting a local civilian four times during a drive-by.
2012.11.04 Nigeria Fika 2 0 At least two people are killed when Boko Haram militants attack a police station and primary school.
2012.11.04 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi shoot a Shia man to death in front of his mother and sister.
2012.11.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A civilian defense volunteer is kidnapped and executed by al-Qaeda
2012.11.03 Jordan Amman 1 0 A young woman's throat is cut by her uncle to claim family honor after she divorced her husband.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A young woman is attacked and killed by her brothers for marrying of her own free will.
2012.11.03 Iraq Taji 3 2 Islamic 'insurgents' roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun three local security personnel.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiite victims of a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi attack expire from their injuries.
2012.11.03 Thailand Narathiwat 3 8 Muslim car bombers take out three people near a school.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Dand 1 0 Fundamentalists take down a local cop with a roadside bomb.
2012.11.03 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Jihadi gunmen murder three police officers.
2012.11.03 Pakistan Buner 6 3 A Shahid suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonates, killing six others.
2012.11.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 10 Two people at a restaurant are sent to Allah by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2012.11.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 63-year-old man is shot off his motorcycle by Islamic 'separatists'.
2012.11.03 Afghanistan Mehterlam 1 0 Sunni hardliners assassinate a rival cleric on his way to a seminary.
2012.11.02 Sudan Sigili 13 5 Janjaweed militia attack a village and kill over a dozen residents.
2012.11.02 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A 70-year-old cleric is shot to death in front of his mosque by hardline rivals.
2012.11.02 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down by Taliban terrorists in uniform.
2012.11.01 Pakistan Jai 1 1 A 4-year-old girl is killed when Religion of Peace militants fire into her home.
2012.11.01 Syria Saraqeb 10 0 Ten captured soldiers are beaten and then executed by Sunni rebels to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Kanjak 1 3 A man is killed and three children injured by Sunni bombers.
2012.10.31 Syria Al-Mazzeh 1 2 Sunni rebels plant a bomb near a rival mosque that leaves one dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Khoi Ratta 1 0 A Muslim couple honor kill their daughter for talking to a man by dousing her with acid.
2012.10.31 Jordan Zarqa 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is strangled by her father on suspicion of having 'relations' with a man.
2012.10.31 Libya Derna 1 0 Islamists are suspected in the assassination of a former official.
2012.10.31 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Muslim gunmen open fire on employees at an 'UnIslamic' gambling site at a fair, killing two.
2012.10.31 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Post Eid al-Adha targeted killings leave four Shiites dead.
2012.10.31 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder four people in targeted attacks.
2012.10.31 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 8 14 Eight people, including two children are killed when Abu Al-Baraa bin Malek terrorists car bomb a Shiite mosque.
2012.10.31 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 2 Three women and seven small children are torn to shreds by a Taliban bomb.
2012.10.30 Dagestan Derbent 3 0 A 'pro-peace' cleric is assassinated in his car along with his father and brother.
2012.10.30 Syria Homs 1 0 An 84-year-old Christian is murdered by Sunnis.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Nahr-e Saraj 2 0 A terrorist dons a police uniform and shoots two British troops in the back.
2012.10.30 Somalia Kismayo 4 24 al-Shabaab militants toss a grenade into a tea shop, slaughtering four civilians.
2012.10.30 Afghanistan Maruf 6 0 Six civilians in a minivan are sent to Allah by a bomb planted by religious radicals.
2012.10.29 Tunisia La Manouba 0 2 Fundamentalists target alcohol vendors, cutting off the fingers of one.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Battagram 2 0 A woman and her alleged lover are taken into a house and machine-gunned by a conservative family member.
2012.10.29 Somalia Bardale 1 1 Islamists fire into a family home, killing one occupant.
2012.10.29 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A famous composer and comedian who poked fun of Islamic fundamentalists is assassinated.
2012.10.29 Pakistan Nala 3 0 Lashkar-e-Islam ambush and kill three security personnel.


ok sherri----you did a cut a paste from the "new testament" How is
that cut and paste related to the fact that there were and are people
who justify the murders of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the name
of the persons mentioned in your cut and paste---who are allegedly
"quoted" In fact the cut and paste you have chosen is NEITHER
HERE NOR THERE---- while you are playing biblical scholar---
perhaps you can explain to me why Jesus would address Peter as
"SATAN"-------try-----LOL------this should be fun

I cannot help anyone see or understand the words of Jesus who does not have their minds and hearts in the right place, to see or understand, as is true of you!


How nauseatingly pompous.

For you, Hollie,

13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. [14]

Matthew 23: 13

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