Israel Defines Humanity

No there can never be a palestine because the land is Jewish under INTERNATIONAL LAW, the same INTERNATIONAL LAW that created trans Jordan which is what should have been called palestine.
Nope. International law recognizes Israel within 1948 borders.

What international law is that then ? As I have not heard of any such law in existence
Zionist flashbulbs have never heard of international law, human rights or peaceful coexistence. When Israel invades, those don´t exist. When Israel blows up a Palestinian home, the flashbulbs remember international law and label this action lawful.


United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the partition plan was against INTERNATIONAL LAW and so is invalid. The UN has no authority to carve up another nations land to appease the arab muslims.

I have heard of international law and cite it all the time, giving full details of date and law. When has Israel invaded without just cause then, give dates and instances. When hamas uses a house for any purpose it becomes a valid military target, this is detailed in the Geneva conventions.

It is you islamonazi propagandists that dont know what international laws are and try to create false ones all the time
So now there is International Law???? Flashbulb??? And yes, it is in accordance with it since there was no people to decide on this. Of course the ice is thin when it comes to who is the legitimate owner of a former colony but since the population excludes each other, an outside power has to decide in order to prevent an ongoing bloodbath.

I have never denied international laws exist as I use them to shut up moronic islamonazi stooges like yourself. The LEGAL SOVERIENG LAND OWNER decided to split palestine the area into two parts and called them the Jewish National home and trans Jordan. At the request of the arab muslims they demanded that part of the international law was to ban Jews from trans jordan and arab muslims from the Jewish national home. So by simply looking at history we find that the arab muslims have no claim to the lands granted to the Jews under INTERNATIONAL LAW as enacted by the then legitimate owner of the land.

Unlike your international laws this one is not made up but exists.
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.
You obviously have NEVER been to Israel OR some ZIONIST JUNKIE

"You obviously have NEVER been to Israel....."

1. I just returned from several weeks in Israel and Jordan.

2. Get a bit deeper into the thread, and consider the Gazan seaport being advanced by Israel...
...and the Jewish folks having turned over control of the holiest site in their tiny nation to Muslim authorities. Who else would ever have done that?

Explain those two facts.

3. Clearly, unlike all of the 7th century savages that surround them, these people are saintly.
Last edited:
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

So when did the arab muslims give up the west bank and hand it back to the Jews ?. Until they do it is P.A. controlled and the Israelis are acting as defined in the International laws called the Geneva conventions. These are not apartheid so by extension niether are the actions of Israel. The only apartheid nations happen to be the islamonazi ones who have Jew free laws making it illegal to allow a Jew to live there.
What is unusual about the fact the native Christians and Muslims of the area did not want to accept to be ruled by arriving European colonists in a gerrymandered division of the land they and their ancestors had lived on for a millenium or more?

If you insist on a history lesson, I'll accommodate you....the Jews were there first.

I recently read “The Oxford History of the Biblical World,” edited by Dr. Michael D. Coogan, director of publications for the Harvard Semitic Museum and expert in Near Eastern languages and literatures. The book is excellent on Syria-Palestinian archeology.

The following will shed light on the question.

The end of the thirteenth century BCE saw major disruptions in the civilizations of the Near East, Cyprus and Greece for unclear reasons (possible major droughts). “Many populations appear to have migrated….Egypt was attacked by groups called ‘Sea Peoples.’ They were repelled from Egypt, but the Egyptians could not stop them from taking over the Canaan coast. The Philistines …were among the Sea Peoples.”

…the Philistines did not occupy the coast of Canaan until the twelfth century BCE…”

“Not long before, another group had appeared in the land of Canaan…This group called itself Israel…The Egyptians maintained some control over parts of Canaan until just after the death of Rameses III in 1153 BCE….[including] Canaanites, Egyptians, Israelites, and the mysterious ‘Sea Peoples,’ of whom the Philistines are the best known. The settlement process in highland Israel began a generation or two before the Sea Peoples arrived on the coast…The displacement and migration of the tribe of Dan from the central coast to the far north is symptomatic of …this event.”

“This movement is documented by a variety of written sources in Akkadian, Ugaritic, Egyptian, and Hebrew, by Egyptian wall reliefs and by archeology.”

“The Philistines bequeathed their own name to Philistia (and later to all of Palestine).”

“Cypriot archaeologists invoke the Achaeans or Danaoi of Homeric epic as the agents of culture change in Cyprus; in the Levant, the same change is ascribed to the Sea Peoples. Both agents participated in the event recorded by Rameses III and should be related to the same confederacy of Sea Peoples, or Mycenaean Greeks, who invaded the coastlands of (Cyprus) around 1185-1175.”

Further evidence of the origin of the Philistines can be seen in biblical texts, which indicate expert bowman, “chariot-warriors,” and “chariots of iron,” (I Samuel 31.3, Judg. 1.18-19) and pottery which show warriors armed like the Mycenaean warriors depicted on the famous “Warrior Vase” found in Mycenae. The description fits Goliatath, as in I Samuel 17.5-6.

Under King David, first quarter of the tenth century, the Philistines were driven back to their original coastal cities.

Consider yourself fed.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

the citizenship law in Israel is consistent with citizen laws in
much of the shitty arab world. and even in parts of the world
INVADED by arab "culture" and its shit. In much of the shit of the arab world---which includes areas where the arab relgion rules-----non arabs are ruled under extreme disadvantage ranging from denial of citizenship altogether----to aspects of the shit of shariah----which is similar to the Nuremburg laws.
In fact even in places where the shit of shariah is mitigated---the existence of muslim majority or even a powerful minority---is a threat to jews. Since much of the world is infected with the arab culture/religion-----it is important for the welfare of jews as a tiny minority to have a refuge. ------When jews are recognized as citizens of Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries and have actual EQUAL RIGHTS in countries
like Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sudan, etc etc----let me know about your complaints about the rights to citizenship of non jews in Israel (PS I know lots of non jewish
Israeli citizens-----some of them ---former Syrians)
There is a world of difference between a lawsuit and a state court. The state makes the laws and can change them as they wish.
You have no idea about German law. The state cannot simply change the law. Changing a law requires a democratic process, for example a foregone court-ruling or a parliament´s decision.

Holocaust denial is and by extension so is anti semitism as they are tied together. Shows how much you know as if it causes offence then it is racism/anti semitism
Holocaust denial is a special law and basically violates the German basic law. However, anti-semitism is not a statutory offensive. Like racism, anti-semitism is nothing what you can do. Expressing racism or anti-semitism is not prohibited, as long as it does not violate general laws.

That is right the ruling party says this is the new law and then votes on it, having the majority the law is passed.

Anything that can be seen as causing offense falls under Germany's laws and so can be used in a court of law. This is what the muslims use all the time to get support
More nonsense. All laws must be in harmony with the basic law. Additionally, MPs are not bound to their party but to their conscience. You see there are some obstacles. I don´t know how they rule in your Zionist flashbulb enclave on your island but if the government will find out about it, they will certainly not be too happy.

What basic law is that then, sharia ? The Government of Germany changed the laws stopping migrants from claiming welfare a full 6 months before the EU made it illegal to change laws stopping welfare to migrants. Just look it up as you wont accept anyones word
You don´t see that Merkel´s open borders policy is illegal and she defends it because she doesn´t have the means to protect the borders.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

So when did the arab muslims give up the west bank and hand it back to the Jews ?. Until they do it is P.A. controlled and the Israelis are acting as defined in the International laws called the Geneva conventions. These are not apartheid so by extension niether are the actions of Israel. The only apartheid nations happen to be the islamonazi ones who have Jew free laws making it illegal to allow a Jew to live there.
Nope. Even Haaretz says it.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

the citizenship law in Israel is consistent with citizen laws in
much of the shitty arab world. and even in parts of the world
INVADED by arab "culture" and its shit. In much of the shit of the arab world---which includes areas where the arab relgion rules-----non arabs are ruled under extreme disadvantage ranging from denial of citizenship altogether----to aspects of the shit of shariah----which is similar to the Nuremburg laws.
In fact even in places where the shit of shariah is mitigated---the existence of muslim majority or even a powerful minority---is a threat to jews. Since much of the world is infected with the arab culture/religion-----it is important for the welfare of jews as a tiny minority to have a refuge. ------When jews are recognized as citizens of Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries and have actual EQUAL RIGHTS in countries
like Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sudan, etc etc----let me know about your complaints about the rights to citizenship of non jews in Israel (PS I know lots of non jewish
Israeli citizens-----some of them ---former Syrians)
You are equalizing your favorite country with what you call shit. Of course, Saudi Arabia is shit, in several aspects, but as long as you justify Israeli government´s actions with Saudi Arabian actions I will have to compare Israel with Saudi Arabia and not with a democratic country. Several countries you named are secular by the way and what you write about them is not true. Like Lebanon, Egypt or the former Libya.
You obviously have NEVER been to Israel OR some ZIONIST JUNKIE
I've been to Israel and worked with the IDF. Israel was awesome. Very clean, beautiful and prosperous. Egypt, OTOH, was a Third World Shithole. The IDF officers were arrogant assholes (yes, worse than Americans!), but that's to be expected of a people who are surrounded by enemies and under constant attack.

Have you ever been to Israel?

BTW, any motherfucker who uses the word "Zionist" to describe Israelis or any supporters of Israel is just using a codeword which means "fucking Jews".
Look, guys, how this sucker invents support for Islamists, Palestinian terrorists just because I don´t agree to his lies.
Dude, you're lying. My proof? This in your signature:

Once a liar, always a fucking liar. No doubt the BND and/or BfV are already aware of your support for terrorists.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

the citizenship law in Israel is consistent with citizen laws in
much of the shitty arab world. and even in parts of the world
INVADED by arab "culture" and its shit. In much of the shit of the arab world---which includes areas where the arab relgion rules-----non arabs are ruled under extreme disadvantage ranging from denial of citizenship altogether----to aspects of the shit of shariah----which is similar to the Nuremburg laws.
In fact even in places where the shit of shariah is mitigated---the existence of muslim majority or even a powerful minority---is a threat to jews. Since much of the world is infected with the arab culture/religion-----it is important for the welfare of jews as a tiny minority to have a refuge. ------When jews are recognized as citizens of Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries and have actual EQUAL RIGHTS in countries
like Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sudan, etc etc----let me know about your complaints about the rights to citizenship of non jews in Israel (PS I know lots of non jewish
Israeli citizens-----some of them ---former Syrians)
You are equalizing your favorite country with what you call shit. Of course, Saudi Arabia is shit, in several aspects, but as long as you justify Israeli government´s actions with Saudi Arabian actions I will have to compare Israel with Saudi Arabia and not with a democratic country. Several countries you named are secular by the way and what you write about them is not true. Like Lebanon, Egypt or the former Libya.

Libya disappeared? There are no jews left in Libya---they FLED the filth of Islamic rule. There may be a few Jews hiding in Egypt----probably not. For information on the "secular" nature of Egypt-----talk to a few Copts. The Jews I know of Egyptian background would not set foot in that
country again. No Libyan jew is left in Libya---NOT ONE---even hiding----for discussion of the situation for jews in Libya---talk to Libyan jews-----we got some in the USA ---most are in
Israel Your comments are idiotic -----but you already knew that. Israel is nothing like Saudi arabia-----despite the teachings of the foaming shit mouth Syrian Baathists-----there are LOTS of non jewish citizens in Israel. Including
Zoroastrians and Bahais who fled the filth of Islamic Iran.
----complete with the temples of their faith---and churches. There are hindus too-----I do not know if there are hindu temples. Of course there are muslim citizens too------
A comparison with Baathist Syria ---is sufficient----take a look
More lies by the flashbulb: It is his own link, not mine.
Wow. You really are a blitzbirne. Your own post has this link at the bottom of your post (which you are obviously too illiterate to have read):
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No wonder the Israelis have kicked the shit out of all the Arab nations who have attacked them for almost 7 decades.

Zionist flashbulbs have never heard of international law, human rights or peaceful coexistence. When Israel invades, those don´t exist. When Israel blows up a Palestinian home, the flashbulbs remember international law and label this action lawful.


United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look, guys, how this sucker invents support for Islamists, Palestinian terrorists just because I don´t agree to his lies.
Dude, you're lying. My proof? This in your signature:

Once a liar, always a fucking liar. No doubt the BND and/or BfV are already aware of your support for terrorists.
How does this signature support terrorists, moronic flashbulb?
More lies by the flashbulb: It is his own link, not mine.
Wow. You really are a blitzbirne. Your own post has this link at the bottom of your post (which you are obviously too illiterate to have read):
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No wonder the Israelis have kicked the shit out of all the Arab nations who have attacked them for almost 7 decades.

Zionist flashbulbs have never heard of international law, human rights or peaceful coexistence. When Israel invades, those don´t exist. When Israel blows up a Palestinian home, the flashbulbs remember international law and label this action lawful.


United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the question, It doesn´t matter who else didn´t agree.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

the citizenship law in Israel is consistent with citizen laws in
much of the shitty arab world. and even in parts of the world
INVADED by arab "culture" and its shit. In much of the shit of the arab world---which includes areas where the arab relgion rules-----non arabs are ruled under extreme disadvantage ranging from denial of citizenship altogether----to aspects of the shit of shariah----which is similar to the Nuremburg laws.
In fact even in places where the shit of shariah is mitigated---the existence of muslim majority or even a powerful minority---is a threat to jews. Since much of the world is infected with the arab culture/religion-----it is important for the welfare of jews as a tiny minority to have a refuge. ------When jews are recognized as citizens of Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries and have actual EQUAL RIGHTS in countries
like Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sudan, etc etc----let me know about your complaints about the rights to citizenship of non jews in Israel (PS I know lots of non jewish
Israeli citizens-----some of them ---former Syrians)
You are equalizing your favorite country with what you call shit. Of course, Saudi Arabia is shit, in several aspects, but as long as you justify Israeli government´s actions with Saudi Arabian actions I will have to compare Israel with Saudi Arabia and not with a democratic country. Several countries you named are secular by the way and what you write about them is not true. Like Lebanon, Egypt or the former Libya.

Libya disappeared? There are no jews left in Libya---they FLED the filth of Islamic rule. There may be a few Jews hiding in Egypt----probably not. For information on the "secular" nature of Egypt-----talk to a few Copts. The Jews I know of Egyptian background would not set foot in that
country again. No Libyan jew is left in Libya---NOT ONE---even hiding----for discussion of the situation for jews in Libya---talk to Libyan jews-----we got some in the USA ---most are in
Israel Your comments are idiotic -----but you already knew that. Israel is nothing like Saudi arabia-----despite the teachings of the foaming shit mouth Syrian Baathists-----there are LOTS of non jewish citizens in Israel. Including
Zoroastrians and Bahais who fled the filth of Islamic Iran.
----complete with the temples of their faith---and churches. There are hindus too-----I do not know if there are hindu temples. Of course there are muslim citizens too------
A comparison with Baathist Syria ---is sufficient----take a look
Libya has no real government. Nato sent terrorists and airforces to destroy it.
The number of Arabs in Israel is 25%. The number of people living at the breadline in Israel is 25%.
There is a world of difference between a lawsuit and a state court. The state makes the laws and can change them as they wish.
You have no idea about German law. The state cannot simply change the law. Changing a law requires a democratic process, for example a foregone court-ruling or a parliament´s decision.

Holocaust denial is and by extension so is anti semitism as they are tied together. Shows how much you know as if it causes offence then it is racism/anti semitism
Holocaust denial is a special law and basically violates the German basic law. However, anti-semitism is not a statutory offensive. Like racism, anti-semitism is nothing what you can do. Expressing racism or anti-semitism is not prohibited, as long as it does not violate general laws.

That is right the ruling party says this is the new law and then votes on it, having the majority the law is passed.

Anything that can be seen as causing offense falls under Germany's laws and so can be used in a court of law. This is what the muslims use all the time to get support
More nonsense. All laws must be in harmony with the basic law. Additionally, MPs are not bound to their party but to their conscience. You see there are some obstacles. I don´t know how they rule in your Zionist flashbulb enclave on your island but if the government will find out about it, they will certainly not be too happy.

What basic law is that then, sharia ? The Government of Germany changed the laws stopping migrants from claiming welfare a full 6 months before the EU made it illegal to change laws stopping welfare to migrants. Just look it up as you wont accept anyones word
You don´t see that Merkel´s open borders policy is illegal and she defends it because she doesn´t have the means to protect the borders.

WRONG AGAIN as I do see the open borders policy as illegal, and she should have been kicked out of office years ago
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

So when did the arab muslims give up the west bank and hand it back to the Jews ?. Until they do it is P.A. controlled and the Israelis are acting as defined in the International laws called the Geneva conventions. These are not apartheid so by extension niether are the actions of Israel. The only apartheid nations happen to be the islamonazi ones who have Jew free laws making it illegal to allow a Jew to live there.
Nope. Even Haaretz says it.

Proving what exactly, as haaretz will post anything that will sell a few papers. Read their disclaimer for every little piece posted online. Mostly islamonazi propaganda that has no basis in truth.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

the citizenship law in Israel is consistent with citizen laws in
much of the shitty arab world. and even in parts of the world
INVADED by arab "culture" and its shit. In much of the shit of the arab world---which includes areas where the arab relgion rules-----non arabs are ruled under extreme disadvantage ranging from denial of citizenship altogether----to aspects of the shit of shariah----which is similar to the Nuremburg laws.
In fact even in places where the shit of shariah is mitigated---the existence of muslim majority or even a powerful minority---is a threat to jews. Since much of the world is infected with the arab culture/religion-----it is important for the welfare of jews as a tiny minority to have a refuge. ------When jews are recognized as citizens of Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries and have actual EQUAL RIGHTS in countries
like Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sudan, etc etc----let me know about your complaints about the rights to citizenship of non jews in Israel (PS I know lots of non jewish
Israeli citizens-----some of them ---former Syrians)
You are equalizing your favorite country with what you call shit. Of course, Saudi Arabia is shit, in several aspects, but as long as you justify Israeli government´s actions with Saudi Arabian actions I will have to compare Israel with Saudi Arabia and not with a democratic country. Several countries you named are secular by the way and what you write about them is not true. Like Lebanon, Egypt or the former Libya.

Libya disappeared? There are no jews left in Libya---they FLED the filth of Islamic rule. There may be a few Jews hiding in Egypt----probably not. For information on the "secular" nature of Egypt-----talk to a few Copts. The Jews I know of Egyptian background would not set foot in that
country again. No Libyan jew is left in Libya---NOT ONE---even hiding----for discussion of the situation for jews in Libya---talk to Libyan jews-----we got some in the USA ---most are in
Israel Your comments are idiotic -----but you already knew that. Israel is nothing like Saudi arabia-----despite the teachings of the foaming shit mouth Syrian Baathists-----there are LOTS of non jewish citizens in Israel. Including
Zoroastrians and Bahais who fled the filth of Islamic Iran.
----complete with the temples of their faith---and churches. There are hindus too-----I do not know if there are hindu temples. Of course there are muslim citizens too------
A comparison with Baathist Syria ---is sufficient----take a look
Libya has no real government. Nato sent terrorists and airforces to destroy it.
The number of Arabs in Israel is 25%. The number of people living at the breadline in Israel is 25%.

Which is you trying to manipulate figures to prove something that does not exist. The vast majority of people in Israel living at the breadline are Jews, mostly elderly and ultra extremists. Most Israeli muslims are better of than their counterparts in the rest of the M.E.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

the citizenship law in Israel is consistent with citizen laws in
much of the shitty arab world. and even in parts of the world
INVADED by arab "culture" and its shit. In much of the shit of the arab world---which includes areas where the arab relgion rules-----non arabs are ruled under extreme disadvantage ranging from denial of citizenship altogether----to aspects of the shit of shariah----which is similar to the Nuremburg laws.
In fact even in places where the shit of shariah is mitigated---the existence of muslim majority or even a powerful minority---is a threat to jews. Since much of the world is infected with the arab culture/religion-----it is important for the welfare of jews as a tiny minority to have a refuge. ------When jews are recognized as citizens of Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries and have actual EQUAL RIGHTS in countries
like Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sudan, etc etc----let me know about your complaints about the rights to citizenship of non jews in Israel (PS I know lots of non jewish
Israeli citizens-----some of them ---former Syrians)
You are equalizing your favorite country with what you call shit. Of course, Saudi Arabia is shit, in several aspects, but as long as you justify Israeli government´s actions with Saudi Arabian actions I will have to compare Israel with Saudi Arabia and not with a democratic country. Several countries you named are secular by the way and what you write about them is not true. Like Lebanon, Egypt or the former Libya.

Libya disappeared? There are no jews left in Libya---they FLED the filth of Islamic rule. There may be a few Jews hiding in Egypt----probably not. For information on the "secular" nature of Egypt-----talk to a few Copts. The Jews I know of Egyptian background would not set foot in that
country again. No Libyan jew is left in Libya---NOT ONE---even hiding----for discussion of the situation for jews in Libya---talk to Libyan jews-----we got some in the USA ---most are in
Israel Your comments are idiotic -----but you already knew that. Israel is nothing like Saudi arabia-----despite the teachings of the foaming shit mouth Syrian Baathists-----there are LOTS of non jewish citizens in Israel. Including
Zoroastrians and Bahais who fled the filth of Islamic Iran.
----complete with the temples of their faith---and churches. There are hindus too-----I do not know if there are hindu temples. Of course there are muslim citizens too------
A comparison with Baathist Syria ---is sufficient----take a look
Libya has no real government. Nato sent terrorists and airforces to destroy it.
The number of Arabs in Israel is 25%. The number of people living at the breadline in Israel is 25%.

OH!!!! it was NATO boys who beat Khadaffy duck to death-
or was it MOSSAD------Now I remember------Izzy Mizrachi put
a bullet into the Duck's head. Thanks for reminding me.
Breadlines----Interesting comment-----I remember way back
in my childhood---(which is damned long ago) I ran into a
pamphlet ALL ABOUT JOOOOS. ----thus my nine year
old, little girl INTEREST----was tweaked. There were pictures----a bunch of miserable people standing behind
barbed wire fences-----It looked like a concentration camp---
and in FACT it was called a concentration camp-----the people
in the camp were described as "arabs"----In large letters a
title read "ISRAEL DID THIS TO US" The place was
described as "GAZA" -----I was horrified. I showed it to my
mother-----"MA!! there are concentration camps in Israel----
and they put arabs in them" She took a look ----and said---
"GAZA IS IN EGYPT" Even more confusing----the pamphlet -----was sourced to a place called SYRIA. All
the Syrians I knew back then were Christians --with extra
lines in their crosses. Amazing how one remember what one
has read at age nine. Breadlines-----there are no breadlines
in Israel-------and right now----there is no bread in Egypt-----
land of the FERTILE NILE VALLEY. The situation of the
FAMOUS FERTILE MESOPOTAMIA----fertile valley of the
two rivers-----same shit. Well---I was nine many years ago---
when escaped nazi war criminals were still having fun in Egypt and in Syria------WRITING----stuff that you still read

wrong again----obviously you have never been in Israel.
After the Zionist flashbulbs have now tried to accuse others of applying the Nuremberg law, we should take a look at their very own lawmaking:
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid - A Special Place in Hell

the citizenship law in Israel is consistent with citizen laws in
much of the shitty arab world. and even in parts of the world
INVADED by arab "culture" and its shit. In much of the shit of the arab world---which includes areas where the arab relgion rules-----non arabs are ruled under extreme disadvantage ranging from denial of citizenship altogether----to aspects of the shit of shariah----which is similar to the Nuremburg laws.
In fact even in places where the shit of shariah is mitigated---the existence of muslim majority or even a powerful minority---is a threat to jews. Since much of the world is infected with the arab culture/religion-----it is important for the welfare of jews as a tiny minority to have a refuge. ------When jews are recognized as citizens of Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries and have actual EQUAL RIGHTS in countries
like Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sudan, etc etc----let me know about your complaints about the rights to citizenship of non jews in Israel (PS I know lots of non jewish
Israeli citizens-----some of them ---former Syrians)
You are equalizing your favorite country with what you call shit. Of course, Saudi Arabia is shit, in several aspects, but as long as you justify Israeli government´s actions with Saudi Arabian actions I will have to compare Israel with Saudi Arabia and not with a democratic country. Several countries you named are secular by the way and what you write about them is not true. Like Lebanon, Egypt or the former Libya.

Libya disappeared? There are no jews left in Libya---they FLED the filth of Islamic rule. There may be a few Jews hiding in Egypt----probably not. For information on the "secular" nature of Egypt-----talk to a few Copts. The Jews I know of Egyptian background would not set foot in that
country again. No Libyan jew is left in Libya---NOT ONE---even hiding----for discussion of the situation for jews in Libya---talk to Libyan jews-----we got some in the USA ---most are in
Israel Your comments are idiotic -----but you already knew that. Israel is nothing like Saudi arabia-----despite the teachings of the foaming shit mouth Syrian Baathists-----there are LOTS of non jewish citizens in Israel. Including
Zoroastrians and Bahais who fled the filth of Islamic Iran.
----complete with the temples of their faith---and churches. There are hindus too-----I do not know if there are hindu temples. Of course there are muslim citizens too------
A comparison with Baathist Syria ---is sufficient----take a look
Libya has no real government. Nato sent terrorists and airforces to destroy it.
The number of Arabs in Israel is 25%. The number of people living at the breadline in Israel is 25%.

OH!!!! it was NATO boys who beat Khadaffy duck to death-
or was it MOSSAD------Now I remember------Izzy Mizrachi put
a bullet into the Duck's head. Thanks for reminding me.
Breadlines----Interesting comment-----I remember way back
in my childhood---(which is damned long ago) I ran into a
pamphlet ALL ABOUT JOOOOS. ----thus my nine year
old, little girl INTEREST----was tweaked. There were pictures----a bunch of miserable people standing behind
barbed wire fences-----It looked like a concentration camp---
and in FACT it was called a concentration camp-----the people
in the camp were described as "arabs"----In large letters a
title read "ISRAEL DID THIS TO US" The place was
described as "GAZA" -----I was horrified. I showed it to my
mother-----"MA!! there are concentration camps in Israel----
and they put arabs in them" She took a look ----and said---
"GAZA IS IN EGYPT" Even more confusing----the pamphlet -----was sourced to a place called SYRIA. All
the Syrians I knew back then were Christians --with extra
lines in their crosses. Amazing how one remember what one
has read at age nine. Breadlines-----there are no breadlines
in Israel-------and right now----there is no bread in Egypt-----
land of the FERTILE NILE VALLEY. The situation of the
FAMOUS FERTILE MESOPOTAMIA----fertile valley of the
two rivers-----same shit. Well---I was nine many years ago---
when escaped nazi war criminals were still having fun in Egypt and in Syria------WRITING----stuff that you still read

wrong again----obviously you have never been in Israel.

"However, Israel still suffers from poverty with roughly 35.5% of Israeli families living below the poverty line in 2008, most of them Israeli Arab and Haredi Jewish families."
Standard of living in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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