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Israel Detaining 236 Palestinian Children

Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
"ISRAEL'S maltreatment of Palestinian children is addressed by news articles and reports of human rights groups and NGOs practically every day. What is it going to take to see these crimes against children end?"

HOW EXCITING----"published practically every day"----reminds me
of the old pamphlets and writings I found scattered around the
previously---(well--still at that time) bundist town of my childhood.
They must have been published practically every day---there was
so much of it that had SURVIVED almost 30 years later
(ie---it was nazi stuff from the 1930s) I read the silly stuff
at the tender age of ---10 --thru about 14-----at at time
when MAD MAGAZINE was new-------I equated them and KNEW
that no sane person could believe that crap------then I heard it
parroted out of the mouths of muslims from abroad----when
I reached the tender age of 19-----and encountered newly arrived
med school graduates from pakistan

yes the nazis of the 1930s were PROLIFIC WRITERS both in
the USA and in Germany-----and later on ---in syria and egypt
and the stuff is still being read by ISA -WORSHIPPERS worldwide .
Josef ----wrote INCESSANTLY with the help of saint magda of
the cyanide -----even when holed up with LORD ADOLF ABU ALI
in the Berlin Bunker
ISRAEL'S maltreatment of Palestinian children is addressed by news articles and reports of human rights groups and NGOs practically every day.What is it going to take to see these crimes against children end?

20+ farm workers protesting low wages were killed in Greece and not a beep from Sherrie and her ilk but an alleged maltreatment of Palestinial children gets her blood boiling.

There are NGO's all over the place reporting on the ABUSE OF INCARCERATED
CHILDREN----all over the world------sherri uses what sherri can use and
ignores reality----in her quest to "GET THE CHRIST-KILLERS" it is her
religion-----she is the spawn of ISABELLA and the other isa-respecters

i am not so sure that one who is the spawn of a people who managed to get lost in a small desert for 40 years and who celebrates the murder, by her "G-d", of the first born child of the gentile's, is either intelligent enough or merciful enough to assess what her people are doing to the gentile children in israel today.

for a counytry which cannot even care for her own holocaust survivors, why would we not believe an NGO that decries the maltreatment fo minority children in israel.

i don't think sherri is on any quest to get any "christ killers". you really have to get over it. christ was before your time and isabella should be, by now, just a fading personal memory. try to get over it.
i am not so sure that one who is the spawn of a people who managed to get lost in a small desert for 40 years

Deach---I am amazed--you take the bible literally. In fact it is not
clear that they were "lost" but it is a charming idea ---going
out into the wilderness for meditation and a kind of spiritual
purification---is a very common theme in christianity----John
the baptist was from the same wilderness place as was
Elijah----it is quite a metaphor-----uhm ...the name of the place
is something like "teshev"???? out in the negev. Buddha was
a hindu prince----he went out into the wilderness for years too---
in fact so did RAMA ---you should read the Ramayana

and who celebrates the murder, by her "G-d", of the first born child of the gentile's, is either intelligent enough or merciful enough to assess what her people are doing to the gentile children in israel today.

Deach---did you know that there is an ancient custom---prevalent in
many places of pouring a bit of wine from one's cup---in memory
of a past tragedy? In fact ----it is clear you never attended a
passover seder----like "the last supper"-----during the supper---
there is a recitation of the tragedies which befell the egyptians---
including the sickness that took their first born---and during the
recitation the custom is to toss a drop of wine into a little dish---
at the mention of each tragedy------you dont' get around much--do
you-----busy learning the stuff in those mosque pamphlets??

for a counytry which cannot even care for her own holocaust survivors, why would we not believe an NGO that decries the maltreatment fo minority children in israel.

Name a country in which there are no poor elderly---you don't get around
much The care of single elderly in Israel either by state of family
is far far better than I have seen anywhere -----including in the USA

i don't think sherri is on any quest to get any "christ killers". you really have to get over it. christ was before your time and isabella should be, by now, just a fading personal memory. try to get over it.

I was quite willing to get over "christ"----in fact I was prevented
from doing so----at age five when some local girls wearing
blue plaid jumpers threw rocks at me and accused me of
killing some guy named "jesus"------in a few short years I
learned that this "jesus" person lived 2000 years ago---and
my answer to "jesus would still be alive if jews had not killed him"
was ---"people do not live 2000 years" As to whore Isabella---
I am reminded of her every time I run into a mexican---she sent
Hernan Cortez to murder them and steal their gold----AND --
I have a relative by marriage who speaks fluent spanish---
from childhood----he was born in Turkey and went to pre 1948
Israel as a child in the late 1930s The impact that whore
Isabella had upon both the americas ---and upon jews is
remarkable. Did you know that the spanish brought the filth of
the INQUISITION to the americas which gave them the right to
commit genocide upon the native south americans?
I was quite willing to get over "christ"----in fact I was prevented
from doing so----at age five when some local girls wearing
blue plaid jumpers threw rocks at me and accused me of
killing some guy named "jesus"------in a few short years I
learned that this "jesus" person lived 2000 years ago---and
my answer to "jesus would still be alive if jews had not killed him"
was ---"people do not live 2000 years" As to whore Isabella---
I am reminded of her every time I run into a mexican---she sent
Hernan Cortez to murder them and steal their gold----AND --
I have a relative by marriage who speaks fluent spanish---
from childhood----he was born in Turkey and went to pre 1948
Israel as a child in the late 1930s The impact that whore
Isabella had upon both the americas ---and upon jews is
remarkable. Did you know that the spanish brought the filth of
the INQUISITION to the americas which gave them the right to
commit genocide upon the native south americans?

i'll light a votive to our lady of guadalupe and say three hail marys for your immoral soul, rose. maybe that will provide some relief for your sour disposition.

ya know, for a people who constantly brag about being the smartest people in the world ad nauseum, i would think you would have had the good sense not to kill god, even if it was only god jr. an inquisition here, a holocaust there, really is a small price to pay for a deicide.

and now, your peeps compund their guilt by throwing infanticide in by killing little palestinian childers.

knock it off. stop killing kids. got it.
i'll light a votive to our lady of guadalupe and say three hail marys for your immoral soul, rose. maybe that will provide some relief for your sour disposition.

ya know, for a people who constantly brag about being the smartest people in the world ad nauseum, i would think you would have had the good sense not to kill god, even if it was only god jr. an inquisition here, a holocaust there, really is a small price to pay for a deicide.

and now, your peeps compund their guilt by throwing infanticide in by killing little palestinian childers.

knock it off. stop killing kids. got it.

you remind me so much of those little sluts who threw rocks---and
told me I murdered some guy named "jesus" ----the ones who
called jews "sheenies" and whose mothers drank beer during
the day and whiskey in the morning----as for killing kids------
try to face the realities of history
you remind me so much of those little sluts who threw rocks---and
told me I murdered some guy named "jesus" ----the ones who
called jews "sheenies" and whose mothers drank beer during
the day and whiskey in the morning----as for killing kids------
try to face the realities of history

ah, the paddies. what 'r ya gonna do with them.

you kind of remind me of the jew kid who would show up at st mary margaret magdalena of the immaculate distillation school. he had a rock concession that he brought in with roducts that he collected from a local quarry about when school was letting out. he would sell them to the catholic girls at usorious prices when the jew school down the street was letting out and tell all the catholic girls that the jews killed jesus and that the jewish girls were calling them sluts. it was kinda funny. i mean, the teenage jew boys would hightail it outta there faster than the jew girls.

that jew kid made a fortune. my little sis asked him one day why he did this to his own people. he just said "people aree people but money is money and that is the only thing that matters. they'd do it to me in a heartbeat. it is the way of our people. loyalty is a commodoty with us, kind of like kidneys."

my sis went to tell his mom, but the maid said she was shopping at macy's and then would be out playing mah jong. i heard later the young man grew up and made a fortune running ponzi schemes and the mom finally became aware of her sexual organs when menopause struck.

but what the heck. having grown up in jewish environments like that, i guess i can understand why jews do not have the slightest compassion for the deaths of palestinian children. kill a few and if guilt begins to overwhelm you, well, go to macy's, right?
ah, the paddies. what 'r ya gonna do with them.

you kind of remind me of the jew kid who would show up at st mary margaret magdalena of the immaculate distillation school. he had a rock concession that he brought in with roducts that he collected from a local quarry about when school was letting out. he would sell them to the catholic girls at usorious prices when the jew school down the street was letting out and tell all the catholic girls that the jews killed jesus and that the jewish girls were calling them sluts. it was kinda funny. i mean, the teenage jew boys would hightail it outta there faster than the jew girls.

that jew kid made a fortune. my little sis asked him one day why he did this to his own people. he just said "people aree people but money is money and that is the only thing that matters. they'd do it to me in a heartbeat. it is the way of our people. loyalty is a
commodoty with us, kind of like kidneys."

my sis went to tell his mom, but the maid said she was shopping at macy's and then would be out playing mah jong. i heard later the young man grew up and made a fortune running
ponzi schemes and the mom finally became aware of her sexual organs when menopause struck.

but what the heck. having grown up in jewish environments like that, i guess i can understand why jews do not have the slightest compassion for the deaths of palestinian
children. kill a few and if guilt begins to overwhelm you, well, go to macy's, right?

You learned your catechism lessons well----were you also an altar boy?
you remind me so much of those little sluts who threw rocks---and
told me I murdered some guy named "jesus" ----the ones who
called jews "sheenies" and whose mothers drank beer during
the day and whiskey in the morning----as for killing kids------
try to face the realities of history

YOU need to face the realities of history, 236 Palestinian children are presently unlawfully detained by Israel, about 700 are unlawfully arrested each year according to human rights groups, over 500 have been killed in the past 5 years, over 1500 have been killed since 2000.
YOU need to face the realities of history, 236 Palestinian children are presently unlawfully detained by Israel, about 700 are unlawfully arrested each year according to human rights groups, over 500 have been killed in the past 5 years, over 1500 have been killed since 2000.

I understand your version of "history" very well----and I understand
your version of "law" My own husband was born in a shariah adherent
cesspit. Arresting a "child" who is an adolescent or teen----for
flinging rocks at moving vehicles or humans is absolutely
legal and laudable The little sluts who threw rocks at me when
I was five years old-----were, themselves, five years old-----they
would not be arrested for that ----but there are lots of kids in JUVIE
for flinging rocks at moving vehicles in the USA -----good thing---
the behavior has cost lives. May all those who object see their
own -----afflicted by the filth they endorse.

BTW---flinging rocks at jews is nothing new for ISA-RESPECTERS---
it is legal in the filth that you endorse -----but return fire is absolutely
A video clip has emerged showing Israeli troops using a handcuffed Palestinian teenager as human shield during a protest in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).According to the video, posted on YouTube by the Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-Palestine), the helmeted Israeli soldiers remove the young Palestinian from an armored jeep.*The boy, with his hands cuffed and held above his head, is then forced to stand beside the Israeli soldiers, who later start firing on Palestinian protesters.*The incident occurred in Abu Dis neighborhood of East al-Quds on Friday.*DCI-Palestine says the Israeli soldiers frequently use Palestinian children as human shield.*“We’re outraged that Israeli soldiers continue to use Palestinian children as human shields with impunity,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish of DCI-Palestine.Abu Eqtaish also stated that the teen in this case “was deliberately exposed to danger after he had been taken into custody.”* PressTV - Clip shows Israeli soldiers using Palestinian teenager as human shield
A video clip has emerged showing Israeli troops using a handcuffed Palestinian teenager as human shield during a protest in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).According to the video, posted on YouTube by the Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-Palestine), the helmeted Israeli soldiers remove the young Palestinian from an armored jeep.*The boy, with his hands cuffed and held above his head, is then forced to stand beside the Israeli soldiers, who later start firing on Palestinian protesters.*The incident occurred in Abu Dis neighborhood of East al-Quds on Friday.*DCI-Palestine says the Israeli soldiers frequently use Palestinian children as human shield.*“We’re outraged that Israeli soldiers continue to use Palestinian children as human shields with impunity,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish of DCI-Palestine.Abu Eqtaish also stated that the teen in this case “was deliberately exposed to danger after he had been taken into custody.”* PressTV - Clip shows Israeli soldiers using Palestinian teenager as human shield
WTF was that all about? Looks Pallywood.
A video clip has emerged showing Israeli troops using a handcuffed Palestinian teenager as human shield during a protest in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).According to the video, posted on YouTube by the Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-Palestine), the helmeted Israeli soldiers remove the young Palestinian from an armored jeep.*The boy, with his hands cuffed and held above his head, is then forced to stand beside the Israeli soldiers, who later start firing on Palestinian protesters.*The incident occurred in Abu Dis neighborhood of East al-Quds on Friday.*DCI-Palestine says the Israeli soldiers frequently use Palestinian children as human shield.*“We’re outraged that Israeli soldiers continue to use Palestinian children as human shields with impunity,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish of DCI-Palestine.Abu Eqtaish also stated that the teen in this case “was deliberately exposed to danger after he had been taken into custody.”* PressTV - Clip shows Israeli soldiers using Palestinian teenager as human shield
Isn't this clip rather old, Frau Sherri? Meanwhile, what was that city where the corpse fell off the stretcher and then got back on? Remember that one? That was the place where buildings were booby trapped waiting for Israeli soldiers to walk through and be blown up.
What do you expect from PressTV ????

ISRAELS highest court and Btselem document Israels use of civilians and children as human shields. AND the source of the report was the. Childrens intl human rights organization DCI Palestine! NO doubt but that it happens!
What do you expect from PressTV ????

ISRAELS highest court and Btselem document Israels use of civilians and children as human shields. AND the source of the report was the. Childrens intl human rights organization DCI Palestine! NO doubt but that it happens!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_YP6AtdwJQ]Terrorists Use Palestinian Civilians As Human Shields - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70Oqo_wmuGo]Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTu-AUE9ycs]Hamas using Palestinians as human shields: We desire Death as you desire Life - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OefgMtXOc1M]Armed palestinian terrorists using Children as human Shield - YouTube[/ame]

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