Israel: Envy or Emulate?

I know how hard you try to find things in my post to carp about....

If this is the best you can come up with, it's practically a 'high five' for the post.

Better luck next time.

I don't have to try very hard. you make things up in your head, put up a string of nonsense and pretend that you somehow say wise and wonderful things.

thing is, you're rarely correct. and this isn't one of those rare times.

but feel free to tell me how much rightwingnut skinheads, kkk'ers and randians love Israel.

we'll wait.
I don't have to try very hard. you make things up in your head, put up a string of nonsense and pretend that you somehow say wise and wonderful things.

thing is, you're rarely correct. and this isn't one of those rare times.

but feel free to tell me how much rightwingnut skinheads, kkk'ers and randians love Israel.

we'll wait.

1. "you make things up in your head,"
I document and link to support premises.

Any time you think you're up to it....try to take me on.

2. "thing is, you're rarely correct. and this isn't one of those rare times."

"Why Does the Left Hate Israel?"
Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

and for another thing, the very idea that the American "Left" hates Israel, that is delusional crap. How do you separate the "Left" from the NYT, Washington Post, Newsweek, the LA Times, and the major television networks where 90% of the coverage is pro-Israel?
and for another thing, the very idea that the American "Left" hates Israel, that is delusional crap. How do you separate the "Left" from the NYT, Washington Post, Newsweek, the LA Times, and the major television networks where 90% of the coverage is pro-Israel?

" ...NYT, Washington Post, Newsweek, the LA Times, and the major television networks where 90% of the coverage is pro-Israel?"

This is pretty much a text-book example of delusional.
I see you are crying out for a remedial education....

...coming right up:

The Jews stole the land from the Palestinians.

No, they didn't.
After the Romans cleared out and decimated the mighty cities built by Jews like King Herod, Palestine was an arid, sparsely populated backwater that was eventually claimed (for land bridge reasons) by the Ottoman Empire, then by the British Empire.

Jews have lived in the region continuously for well over 2,000 years. The British found themselves overseeing an indigenous population made up of Jews and Arabs-and sometimes Arab Jews. All were referred to as "Palestinians." Ownership of the land was a patch work. Much of the land was owned by absentee landlords who lived in places like Egypt, and farmed by local Arab Palestinians. This may have made many Palestinians believe it was "their land," but sorry, that just wasn't the case.

As the Zionist movement gained traction in the early 1900s, Jews around the world contributed to a fund to buy up tranches of land, and much of the land for the future Jewish state envisioned by the early Zionists was acquired this way. Once again, the poor Arabs living on and farming the land may not have been happy to give up the land they lived on, but it was not "stolen from them," because they didn't own it to begin with.

From the book by James Delingpole, '365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy'
" ...NYT, Washington Post, Newsweek, the LA Times, and the major television networks where 90% of the coverage is pro-Israel?"

This is pretty much a text-book example of delusional.

Yes all newspapers and media and congressman are pro Israel , they have to be. Ha Ha if they want to keep their jobs, but don't let that fool you.
Yes all newspapers and media and congressman are pro Israel , they have to be. Ha Ha if they want to keep their jobs, but don't let that fool you.

"The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, which tracks anti-Israel bias in the media, called out the paper for its headline, “Israel presses air barrage and Hamas strikes back,” which the organization said was “completely inverting reality” on the situation on the ground in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

The New York Times’ anti-Israel bias is on prominent display … in its international edition with a highly skewed page-one headline,” the watchdog group said."
The New York Times Front Page Israel Headline That’s Been Labeled ‘Highly Skewed’ |
"CAMERA's investigation of New York Times coverage between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2011 reveals empirically that there is real cause for concern. The dominant finding of the study is a disproportionate, continuous, embedded indictment of Israel that dominates both news and commentary sections. Israeli views are downplayed while Palestinian perspectives, especially criticism of Israel, are amplified and even promoted. The net effect is an overarching message, woven into the fabric of the coverage, of Israeli fault and responsibility for the conflict."
"Indicting Israel: New York Times Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict "
by Gilead Ini (Author), Ricki Hollander (Author)
"The international media has spread myths and lies about Israel and the anti-Western terrorists attacking the Jewish state, like radical Islamist extremist militant group Hamas in Gaza.

It's as if the media want the world to ignore the fact that Israel has historically been forced to militarily defend its very existence."
Unmasking Media Bias Against Israel and Truth About Hamas
"Why won't the BBC come clean over its bias against Israel - a moral country that deserves our support?"
Why won't the BBC come clean over its bias against Israel - a moral country that deserves our support? | Mail Online
I bet you were flying all over the globe:):) literally :), looking for those and I also bet they were hard to find. BBC is Bristist and not as likely to kiss Israel's you know what. The NYT's is pro Israel , I imagine now and then they try and look non bias.
The ADL is all over everything. That is all they do is monitor anything neg about Israel and then accuse anyone or any organization about being bias against Israel. Screw Israel. Some people are still free and don't need to be worried about their jobs and careers. That is the problem with Israel and Palestine, Most people are on Israel's side , as they mainly read pro Israel stuff (98% is) and watch Fox, and CNN. and also MSNBC. They do not want to loose their jobs.
Israel is where the sun spread light everyday, we want to recognize this earth core to the United States and they should magnify the sign because larry hoover said so. I envy those who traveled their before, they should have house rules and a temple sanctuary should always honor them that come from their into our state united. Israel should always be under Africans and Americans feet if justified enough. Even the dry land and people and the community as one nation should be together and live honorable to the gangster nation, a lot of gangsters come from that area but not larry hoover but I could have the place if I wanted.
Israel is where the sun spread light everyday, we want to recognize this earth core to the United States and they should magnify the sign because larry hoover said so. I envy those who traveled their before, they should have house rules and a temple sanctuary should always honor them that come from their into our state united. Israel should always be under Africans and Americans feet if justified enough. Even the dry land and people and the community as one nation should be together and live honorable to the gangster nation, a lot of gangsters come from that area but not larry hoover but I could have the place if I wanted.

I was once told that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years would produce Hamlet ....your post... looking at it .... I'd give this seven monkeys, twelve minutes.
I bet you were flying all over the globe:):) literally :), looking for those and I also bet they were hard to find. BBC is Bristist and not as likely to kiss Israel's you know what. The NYT's is pro Israel , I imagine now and then they try and look non bias.
The ADL is all over everything. That is all they do is monitor anything neg about Israel and then accuse anyone or any organization about being bias against Israel. Screw Israel. Some people are still free and don't need to be worried about their jobs and careers. That is the problem with Israel and Palestine, Most people are on Israel's side , as they mainly read pro Israel stuff (98% is) and watch Fox, and CNN. and also MSNBC. They do not want to loose their jobs.

Actually....any clear-thinking individual can see the anti-Israel bias....

Today, in publishing an article about how the savages broke a truce by firing rockets into Israel....

...this is the headline the NYTimes provided:

"Rockets From Gaza and Israeli Response Break Cease-Fire"

It simply reeks of your kind of bias.

But, if you'd rather cop to being insane, I could accept that.

I bet you were flying all over the globe:):) literally :), looking for those and I also bet they were hard to find. BBC is Bristist and not as likely to kiss Israel's you know what. The NYT's is pro Israel , I imagine now and then they try and look non bias.
The ADL is all over everything. That is all they do is monitor anything neg about Israel and then accuse anyone or any organization about being bias against Israel. Screw Israel. Some people are still free and don't need to be worried about their jobs and careers. That is the problem with Israel and Palestine, Most people are on Israel's side , as they mainly read pro Israel stuff (98% is) and watch Fox, and CNN. and also MSNBC. They do not want to loose their jobs.

Actually....any clear-thinking individual can see the anti-Israel bias....

Today, in publishing an article about how the savages broke a truce by firing rockets into Israel....

...this is the headline the NYTimes provided:

"Rockets From Gaza and Israeli Response Break Cease-Fire"

Yes Israel is lying, they didn't give an inch and walked out of talks. Hey I am bias , anti Israel. Also I could care less what anyone thinks about it. You got a screw loose if your pro Israel.

It simply reeks of your kind of bias.

But, if you'd rather cop to being insane, I could accept that.

So says Israel. Israel didn't give an inch or plan do. Oh hey I make no false pretenses on how I feel about the murdering Israel government. No I'm not insane, but if you are pro Israel , then you must be.
I bet you were flying all over the globe:):) literally :), looking for those and I also bet they were hard to find. BBC is Bristist and not as likely to kiss Israel's you know what. The NYT's is pro Israel , I imagine now and then they try and look non bias.
The ADL is all over everything. That is all they do is monitor anything neg about Israel and then accuse anyone or any organization about being bias against Israel. Screw Israel. Some people are still free and don't need to be worried about their jobs and careers. That is the problem with Israel and Palestine, Most people are on Israel's side , as they mainly read pro Israel stuff (98% is) and watch Fox, and CNN. and also MSNBC. They do not want to loose their jobs.

Actually....any clear-thinking individual can see the anti-Israel bias....

Today, in publishing an article about how the savages broke a truce by firing rockets into Israel....

...this is the headline the NYTimes provided:

"Rockets From Gaza and Israeli Response Break Cease-Fire"

Yes Israel is lying, they didn't give an inch and walked out of talks. Hey I am bias , anti Israel. Also I could care less what anyone thinks about it. You got a screw loose if your pro Israel.

It simply reeks of your kind of bias.

But, if you'd rather cop to being insane, I could accept that.

So says Israel. Israel didn't give an inch or plan do. Oh hey I make no false pretenses on how I feel about the murdering Israel government. No I'm not insane, but if you are pro Israel , then you must be.

I couldn't resist shredding your absurd statement that the NYTimes was pro-Israel.

And, as you have been shown to be so wrong in that firmly-held view....

....I'm certain that others will find you equally wrong in your slander of Israel.
I bet you were flying all over the globe:):) literally :), looking for those and I also bet they were hard to find. BBC is Bristist and not as likely to kiss Israel's you know what. The NYT's is pro Israel , I imagine now and then they try and look non bias.
The ADL is all over everything. That is all they do is monitor anything neg about Israel and then accuse anyone or any organization about being bias against Israel. Screw Israel. Some people are still free and don't need to be worried about their jobs and careers. That is the problem with Israel and Palestine, Most people are on Israel's side , as they mainly read pro Israel stuff (98% is) and watch Fox, and CNN. and also MSNBC. They do not want to loose their jobs.

Actually....any clear-thinking individual can see the anti-Israel bias....

Today, in publishing an article about how the savages broke a truce by firing rockets into Israel....

...this is the headline the NYTimes provided:

"Rockets From Gaza and Israeli Response Break Cease-Fire"

Yes Israel is lying, they didn't give an inch and walked out of talks. Hey I am bias , anti Israel. Also I could care less what anyone thinks about it. You got a screw loose if your pro Israel.

It simply reeks of your kind of bias.

But, if you'd rather cop to being insane, I could accept that.

So says Israel. Israel didn't give an inch or plan do. Oh hey I make no false pretenses on how I feel about the murdering Israel government. No I'm not insane, but if you are pro Israel , then you must be.

I couldn't resist shredding your absurd statement that the NYTimes was pro-Israel.

And, as you have been shown to be so wrong in that firmly-held view....

....I'm certain that others will find you equally wrong in your slander of Israel.

I doubt it , the NY times is bias. No I am not pro anything but the truth. And Israel doesn't know how to tell the truth unless it benefits them. Israel slanders itself by Israel's actions. I am not responsible for their underhanded ways, their buying of political votes and their monitoring of free speech.
For anyone who cares about the REAL history of "Israel" and the Zionists, Ilan Pappe has documented the facts in a number of forums, and can be "googled" for verification. Although he is hated and excoriated in the Zionist community, the facts that he has uncovered and reported speak for themselves. The reaction to Pappe is as illuminating as the history he reports; it illustrates the tactics used by the Zionist community - against an Israeli, by the way - any time the truth is revealed or even hinted at. Indeed, the attempts to trash the NYT in this very thread say more about the trasher than the trashee. The NYT as not anti-Israel in any conceivable light, except as viewed from a totally biased perspective that sees everything not totally slanted in favor of the Zionists as being "anti-Semitic" - a real joke in the case of the NYT.

Even Our Beloved President, when he hints at the atrocities going on daily, is criticized as being "anti-Israel." The Zionists will say absolutely ANYTHING to try to convince the gullible of the innocence of the Zionist state, but the truth will eventually be recognized, and hopefully my tax dollars will one day not be used to subsidize ethnic cleansing and an apartheid state.
For anyone who cares about the REAL history of "Israel" and the Zionists, Ilan Pappe has documented the facts in a number of forums, and can be "googled" for verification. Although he is hated and excoriated in the Zionist community, the facts that he has uncovered and reported speak for themselves. The reaction to Pappe is as illuminating as the history he reports; it illustrates the tactics used by the Zionist community - against an Israeli, by the way - any time the truth is revealed or even hinted at. Indeed, the attempts to trash the NYT in this very thread say more about the trasher than the trashee. The NYT as not anti-Israel in any conceivable light, except as viewed from a totally biased perspective that sees everything not totally slanted in favor of the Zionists as being "anti-Semitic" - a real joke in the case of the NYT.

Even Our Beloved President, when he hints at the atrocities going on daily, is criticized as being "anti-Israel." The Zionists will say absolutely ANYTHING to try to convince the gullible of the innocence of the Zionist state, but the truth will eventually be recognized, and hopefully my tax dollars will one day not be used to subsidize ethnic cleansing and an apartheid state.

"Even Our Beloved President,..."

Case closed.

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