Israel: Envy or Emulate?

They have lived off of Germany since WWII and US money. And they still are depending on US money and the Zionist here use gentile money and give it to Israel, so look at the facts. There is nothing special about the Jews, as a matter of fact many got educated in Germany, you know the country they blamed for their demise. Also the are yet using that sympathy card.

"There is nothing special about the Jews,..."

You'd best have someone read the OP to you.....and explain it.

Here listen to this video , I don't need it explained to me, if you have the money you can do anything, Zionism and Rothschild , ever hear of it. Its not what you know, its who you are and who you know. Am I jealous of them, heck no. They murder children, what is there to be jealous of.
2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.
Even rabid zionists have a hard time denying this item on your list. .. :cool:

I gotcha' now, Sunni...

'colonialism', a pejorative?

But I bet you agree with the following:

1. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior."
Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama'

a. In short, the President is motivated by a Third World, anti-American ideology.

2. “Anti-colonialism” is one of the most powerful political forces in the non-Western world in the last 100 years, and is both a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. The major tenets of anti-colonialism include the following: “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.
There is no need to drag Obama and his anti-colonialism into the debate. .. :eusa_hand:

But the fact remains that the formation of the state of Israel was one of the last gasps of European colonialism.

And yes, for the majority of the people in the ME, the word "colonialism is a pejorative. ... :cool:
Even rabid zionists have a hard time denying this item on your list. .. :cool:

I gotcha' now, Sunni...

'colonialism', a pejorative?

But I bet you agree with the following:

1. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior."
Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama'

a. In short, the President is motivated by a Third World, anti-American ideology.

2. “Anti-colonialism” is one of the most powerful political forces in the non-Western world in the last 100 years, and is both a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. The major tenets of anti-colonialism include the following: “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.
There is no need to drag Obama and his anti-colonialism into the debate. .. :eusa_hand:

But the fact remains that the formation of the state of Israel was one of the last gasps of European colonialism.

And yes, for the majority of the people in the ME, the word "colonialism is a pejorative. ... :cool:

You make a mistake use some anti-colonialism argument against Israel.

1. The economic term ‘colonialism’ is universally considered a pejorative. It is immediately associated with ‘exploitation,’ and ‘guilt.’

The non-Jews in Israel are not exploited, and have more rights and material wealth than the Arabs in Arab countries.

2. At its roots, the concept of 'colonialism' is anti-capitalist. I know you will not make the argument that you oppose capitalism.

3. Argument against Israel are a substitute for argument against 'the great Satan.'

a. America is “the machine for crushing, for grinding, for degrading peoples.” Aime Cesaire, “Discourse on Colonialism.”

4. Anti-Colonialism is really international redistribution.

5. But the concept of colonialism is given to naïve college students and to receptive academics, intellectuals, activists, community organizers precisely because it validates envy and resentment of those with lower incomes toward those with higher incomes. As a bonus, it removes the stigma from implications of lesser ability and/or lesser performance on the part of those with lower incomes.

a. Further, it shifts the need for change from those who wish to rise, to others, and replaces any such burdensome task with a morally uplifting sense of entitlement.
Thomas Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies.”
They have lived off of Germany since WWII and US money. And they still are depending on US money and the Zionist here use gentile money and give it to Israel, so look at the facts. There is nothing special about the Jews, as a matter of fact many got educated in Germany, you know the country they blamed for their demise. Also the are yet using that sympathy card.

"There is nothing special about the Jews,..."

You'd best have someone read the OP to you.....and explain it.

I've read it countless times and along with history that is how I came to my conclusion. Let me explain it to you, its a book about fairy tales, incest, adultery with humans and God (countless times) premeditated murder and adultery by the Famous King David, liars, countless battles(slaughter all and leave no living thing ), polygamy, and concubines , convert or die (Moses had 3000 killed at the foot of the mountain by their own brothers) , having slaves, weeping prophets, a man willing to give his daughters to the men of the town to have their way with them, stoning for adultery. daughters have sex with their drunk Dad, and a man willing to sacrifice his son to God, I may of forgot some of the other good parts.
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They have lived off of Germany since WWII and US money. And they still are depending on US money and the Zionist here use gentile money and give it to Israel, so look at the facts. There is nothing special about the Jews, as a matter of fact many got educated in Germany, you know the country they blamed for their demise. Also the are yet using that sympathy card.

"There is nothing special about the Jews,..."

You'd best have someone read the OP to you.....and explain it.

I've read it countless times and along with history that is how I came to my conclusion. Let me explain it to you, its a book about fairy tales, incest, adultery with humans and God (countless times) premeditated murder and adultery by the Famous King David, liars, countless battles(slaughter all and leave no living thing ), polygamy, and concubines , convert or die (Moses had 3000 killed at the foot of the mountain by their own brothers) , having slaves, weeping prophets, a man willing to give his daughters to the men of the town to have their way with them, stoning for adultery. daughters have sex with their drunk Dad, and a man willing to sacrifice his son to God, I may of forgot some of the other good parts.

You've failed George Gilder's "Israel Test."

Don't be too disconsolate....many mean spirited, ignorant, unbalanced individuals are in the same boat with you.

Bon Voyage!
"There is nothing special about the Jews,..."

You'd best have someone read the OP to you.....and explain it.

I've read it countless times and along with history that is how I came to my conclusion. Let me explain it to you, its a book about fairy tales, incest, adultery with humans and God (countless times) premeditated murder and adultery by the Famous King David, liars, countless battles(slaughter all and leave no living thing ), polygamy, and concubines , convert or die (Moses had 3000 killed at the foot of the mountain by their own brothers) , having slaves, weeping prophets, a man willing to give his daughters to the men of the town to have their way with them, stoning for adultery. daughters have sex with their drunk Dad, and a man willing to sacrifice his son to God, I may of forgot some of the other good parts.

You've failed George Gilder's "Israel Test."

Don't be too disconsolate....many mean spirited, ignorant, unbalanced individuals are in the same boat with you.

Bon Voyage!

I told you what is in the OT. You asked if I had read it and so I told you what's in it. Would you rather me lie. No thank you.

I find people that call others names are the unbalanced ones.
I've read it countless times and along with history that is how I came to my conclusion. Let me explain it to you, its a book about fairy tales, incest, adultery with humans and God (countless times) premeditated murder and adultery by the Famous King David, liars, countless battles(slaughter all and leave no living thing ), polygamy, and concubines , convert or die (Moses had 3000 killed at the foot of the mountain by their own brothers) , having slaves, weeping prophets, a man willing to give his daughters to the men of the town to have their way with them, stoning for adultery. daughters have sex with their drunk Dad, and a man willing to sacrifice his son to God, I may of forgot some of the other good parts.

You've failed George Gilder's "Israel Test."

Don't be too disconsolate....many mean spirited, ignorant, unbalanced individuals are in the same boat with you.

Bon Voyage!

I told you what is in the OT. You asked if I had read it and so I told you what's in it. Would you rather me lie. No thank you.

I find people that call others names are the unbalanced ones.

Speaking of the Old Testament......I never brought it up.

Seems you are two saucers short of a tea-service.

There are medications that can help with hallucinations.

Speak to your physician....see if they are right for you.
So are you denying the left's disproportionate disdain for Israel or are you saying there are other causes?

There are people on the right which have disdain for Israel also..Why are they continuously overlooked?

Thus my use of the term "disproportionate" which, in this case, means that a far greater percentage of those on the left hate Israel than those on the right. So are you denying the left's disproportionate disdain for Israel or are you saying there are other causes?

Then what sort of hate is displayed by the disproportionate support for the Democratic Party by Jewish-Americans?
They have lived off of Germany since WWII and US money. And they still are depending on US money and the Zionist here use gentile money and give it to Israel, so look at the facts. There is nothing special about the Jews, as a matter of fact many got educated in Germany, you know the country they blamed for their demise. Also the are yet using that sympathy card.

"There is nothing special about the Jews,..."

You'd best have someone read the OP to you.....and explain it.

I've read it countless times and along with history that is how I came to my conclusion. Let me explain it to you, its a book about fairy tales, incest, adultery with humans and God (countless times) premeditated murder and adultery by the Famous King David, liars, countless battles(slaughter all and leave no living thing ), polygamy, and concubines , convert or die (Moses had 3000 killed at the foot of the mountain by their own brothers) , having slaves, weeping prophets, a man willing to give his daughters to the men of the town to have their way with them, stoning for adultery. daughters have sex with their drunk Dad, and a man willing to sacrifice his son to God, I may of forgot some of the other good parts.

"Countless times...": Not based on 99% of the moronic crap you post here.
What you fail to see is the HONESTY of The Jewish Scriptures.
You can only deal with fairy tales where everybody is sweet and juicy nice.

God doesn't need to lie to placate anyone.
The failures are displayed for all to see and for all to learn how to avoid.
You've failed George Gilder's "Israel Test."

Don't be too disconsolate....many mean spirited, ignorant, unbalanced individuals are in the same boat with you.

Bon Voyage!

I told you what is in the OT. You asked if I had read it and so I told you what's in it. Would you rather me lie. No thank you.

I find people that call others names are the unbalanced ones.

Speaking of the Old Testament......I never brought it up.

Seems you are two saucers short of a tea-service.

There are medications that can help with hallucinations.

Speak to your physician....see if they are right for you.

OH I see your right , what I thought was OT was OP. No I do not envy or have respect for Israel at all. They planned a political movement called Zionism to acquire a country already populated and then once they moved in , they began fighting and killing and stealing land. They are still using American taxpayers money to fund their military and US men to fight their fights. They kill civilians and children without even any remorse, they actually blame their killing on their victims. They are full of hot air, and many have attained higher places in the US society just because they are jews and its who you are and who you know. Also many have made money by illegal means. No not a ounce of respect or admiration. Does that answer your question.
OH I see your right , what I thought was OT was OP. No I do not envy or have respect for Israel at all. They planned a political movement called Zionism to acquire a country already populated and then once they moved in , they began fighting and killing and stealing land. They are still using American taxpayers money to fund their military and US men to fight their fights. They kill civilians and children without even any remorse, they actually blame their killing on their victims. They are full of hot air, and many have attained higher places in the US society just because they are jews and its who you are and who you know. Also many have made money by illegal means. No not a ounce of respect or admiration. Does that answer your question.

I see you are crying out for a remedial education....

...coming right up:

The Jews stole the land from the Palestinians.

No, they didn't.
After the Romans cleared out and decimated the mighty cities built by Jews like King Herod, Palestine was an arid, sparsely populated backwater that was eventually claimed (for land bridge reasons) by the Ottoman Empire, then by the British Empire.

Jews have lived in the region continuously for well over 2,000 years. The British found themselves overseeing an indigenous population made up of Jews and Arabs-and sometimes Arab Jews. All were referred to as "Palestinians." Ownership of the land was a patch work. Much of the land was owned by absentee landlords who lived in places like Egypt, and farmed by local Arab Palestinians. This may have made many Palestinians believe it was "their land," but sorry, that just wasn't the case.

As the Zionist movement gained traction in the early 1900s, Jews around the world contributed to a fund to buy up tranches of land, and much of the land for the future Jewish state envisioned by the early Zionists was acquired this way. Once again, the poor Arabs living on and farming the land may not have been happy to give up the land they lived on, but it was not "stolen from them," because they didn't own it to begin with.

From the book by James Delingpole, '365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy'
George Gilder's "Israel Test"

A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations, i.e., communism. On another level, it explains the Left’s dislike for capitalism, a system which produces winners and losers, a painful fact that the Left would rather not see.

And on an international level, it largely explains the Left's antipathy toward Israel.....

1." How do you respond to people who excel you in invention, creativity, and wealth? Do you envy them? Do you feel their success somehow diminishes you? Or do you admire what they've achieved and try to emulate it? [That is] what I call "The Israel Test."

2. ... Jews settled in mandate Palestine and wrought an agricultural miracle..... Jewish settlers drained malarial swamps, leached salt from the soils, terraced the barren hills, and planted millions of trees. They massively expanded the capacity of the land and enabled it to support a substantial Arab population.

3. Crucial to Israel's accomplishments were world leading technological advances in the recovery of water through desalinization, drip irrigation, and sewage recycling.

4. .... between 1921 and 1943, Jews quadrupled the number of enterprises, multiplied the number of jobs by a factor of 10, and increased the level of capital investment a hundredfold. Far from displacing Arabs, they provided the capital for a major expansion of Arab farms and enabled a sevenfold rise in Arab population by 1948, to a level of 1.35 million, the largest in the long history of Palestine. In other words, the Arabs came to what would be soon be the State of Israel because of the Jews

5. By comparison, Trans-Jordan, now known as Jordan, with the same geological endowment and four times the land but no Jews was able to sustain a population density only one tenth of the population density of Palestine.

6. Over the past fifty years, Israel has increased its population tenfold, its agricultural production sixteen fold and its industrial production fifty-fold while actually reducing net water consumption by ten percent since 1948 [enabling] the land to support not only more Jews, but also millions more Arabs.

7. ... Israel with its astonishing achievements in computer science and other high tech fields distills both the genius of the Jews and the misdirected anger of the failed states that surround her.

8. The great divide in the Middle East is .... between admiration of achievement, along with a desire to replicate it, and envy accompanied by violent resentment.

9. People who admire success, who pass the Israel Test, tend to be wealthy and peaceful. People who resent achievement, who fail the Israel Test, tend to become poor and violent.

10. The Israel Test is the central divide in the world today.

How you answer it as an individual and ultimately how we answer it as a nation is a test of our own will to triumph over enemies who hate us, as they hate Israel, for what is best within us."
Do You Pass the Israel Test? - Prager University
Political Chick,
The Jews are a disease that needs to be wiped off the face of the planet! No form of slow death would be too bad for them. If you aren't Jewish, you're one of their deluded slaves. If the Jews are successful, it is because of organized crime. Another rerason is that they support each other while Christians support them too. Another reason why they do well is because being successful is just another tool the "chosen of god" use as a means of warfare. Having taken over in the movie industry and on TV to enslave your minds is another reason for their success. Also, if you like the Jews so much, go to your browser and enter "Talmud, Three years and a day." In it, you will see Jewish religious people talking about having sex with girls of that age. Are you also a supporter of babyfucking?
There is an interesting thing about Christanity. In the old testament, the Jews started trying to wipe out one group of people after another. Then things changed and they started getting their asses kicked by Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, etc. It was time for a little asymmetrical warfare. That is where Jesus comes in. It gave the Jews the opportunity to do what they do while they beat other people over the heads with Jesus. I have ran across a free Atheist ebook that is sure to break you out of your cult. It's called, "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." Just enter the title into your browser. I dare you to find out the real scoup about the bible.
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Political Chick,
The Jews are a disease that needs to be wiped off the face of the planet! No form of slow death would be too bad for them. If you aren't Jewish, you're one of their deluded slaves. If the Jews are successful, it is because of organized crime. Another rerason is that they support each other while Christians support them too. Another reason why they do well is because being successful is just another tool the "chosen of god" use as a means of warfare. Having taken over in the movie industry and on TV to enslave your minds is another reason for their success. Also, if you like the Jews so much, go to your browser and enter "Talmud, Three years and a day." In it, you will see Jewish religious people talking about having sex with girls of that age. Are you also a supporter of babyfucking?
There is an interesting thing about Christanity. In the old testament, the Jews started trying to wipe out one group of people after another. Then things changed and they started getting their asses kicked by Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, etc. It was time for a little asymmetrical warfare. That is where Jesus comes in. It gave the Jews the opportunity to do what they do while they beat other people over the heads with Jesus. I have ran across a free Atheist ebook that is sure to break you out of your cult. It's called, "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." Just enter the title into your browser. I dare you to find out the real scoup about the bible.

Remember the first thing you heard the paramedics say after your accident…”there must be another cerebral hemisphere around here somewhere…”
Sorry they couldn’t come up with it.
No assessment of current-day Israel can be considered realistic or complete if it ignores the massive and systematic theft of property, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, and crimes past and present against the indigenous Arab population. Further, one cannot ignore the duplicity of the Zionist state in pretending to support a "two-state solution" while continuously taking steps on the ground that make it a practical impossibility.

PoliticalChic's analysis is like publishing a glowing article about the philanthropic efforts of a group of prisoners in a maximum-security prison - without mentioning that they are all convicted felons.
No assessment of current-day Israel can be considered realistic or complete if it ignores the massive and systematic theft of property, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, and crimes past and present against the indigenous Arab population. Further, one cannot ignore the duplicity of the Zionist state in pretending to support a "two-state solution" while continuously taking steps on the ground that make it a practical impossibility.

PoliticalChic's analysis is like publishing a glowing article about the philanthropic efforts of a group of prisoners in a maximum-security prison - without mentioning that they are all convicted felons.

What utter nonsense....with an overlay of the sociopathic.

You, for whatever reason, choose to ignore the blood cult known as Islamism.

For edification:

1. And a clear nexus of death cults: the Nazis were largely responsible for the creation of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the first modern mass movement of political Islam (1928): they hoped to use the Brotherhood against the British in the Middle East. Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 60,

and John Loftus, ‘The Muslim Brotherhood, The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda

a. Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler. FrontPage Magazine - Islamo-Fascism Denial

2. Islamism also has roots in Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Turkish journalist Mustafa Akyol has written about the influence of Marxism on the godfathers of Islamism, Sayyid Qutb, Muslim Brotherhood theoretician, and Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi, major 20th century Islamist thinker, and Ali Shariati, the 'ideologue of the Iranian Revolution'. Akyol wrote in ‘Bolshevism in a Headdress,’ that many ex-Marxists joined the Islamists.

a. The Ayatollah Khomeini incorporated the Marxist paradigm of a world divided into oppressors and oppressed, but made it Islamic by using the terms ‘mostakbirine’ (the arrognant) and ‘mostadafine’ (the weakened).

3. The outpost of civilization called Israel must contend with both the the actual homicidal enemies surrounding them, and the myopic anti-Semites like you.
PolChic, what the hell are you talking about?

I don't care if the indigenous Arabs are all the Devil personified. That has nothing to do with the history of outrageous conduct by the Zionists - which continues to this very day. OF COURSE their enemies keep attacking them; they have stolen the land on which they live, created a bogus country, evicted the natives and destroyed their property, and only allow the remaining Arabs to live in apartheid-like conditions under their oppressive thumb.

As I said above, go ahead and talk about how bad the "Islamists" have been, or how much Israel has accomplished, but to omit the Zionists outrageous conduct over the past 100+ years is absurd and offensive.
PolChic, what the hell are you talking about?

I don't care if the indigenous Arabs are all the Devil personified. That has nothing to do with the history of outrageous conduct by the Zionists - which continues to this very day. OF COURSE their enemies keep attacking them; they have stolen the land on which they live, created a bogus country, evicted the natives and destroyed their property, and only allow the remaining Arabs to live in apartheid-like conditions under their oppressive thumb.

As I said above, go ahead and talk about how bad the "Islamists" have been, or how much Israel has accomplished, but to omit the Zionists outrageous conduct over the past 100+ years is absurd and offensive.

"I don't care if the indigenous Arabs are all the Devil personified..."

And, therein, lies your problem.

The rest of your rant, slander, of the Israelis is a pack of lies.
George Gilder's "Israel Test"

A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations, i.e., communism. On another level, it explains the Left’s dislike for capitalism, a system which produces winners and losers, a painful fact that the Left would rather not see.

And on an international level, it largely explains the Left's antipathy toward Israel.....

do you talk just to hear yourself? I can think of at least a half dozen left-leaners on this board who are pro Israel. I can think of many more rightwingnut loons who hate Israel and want to do nothing but let it spin in the wind.

thanks for your "insight", however.
PolChic, what the hell are you talking about?

I don't care if the indigenous Arabs are all the Devil personified. That has nothing to do with the history of outrageous conduct by the Zionists - which continues to this very day. OF COURSE their enemies keep attacking them; they have stolen the land on which they live, created a bogus country, evicted the natives and destroyed their property, and only allow the remaining Arabs to live in apartheid-like conditions under their oppressive thumb.

As I said above, go ahead and talk about how bad the "Islamists" have been, or how much Israel has accomplished, but to omit the Zionists outrageous conduct over the past 100+ years is absurd and offensive.

it would probably be helpful if you knew anything about the history. but I look forward to your ringing objections to the dozen muslim countries that tossed their jews out.

thanks :thup:
do you talk just to hear yourself? I can think of at least a half dozen left-leaners on this board who are pro Israel. I can think of many more rightwingnut loons who hate Israel and want to do nothing but let it spin in the wind.

thanks for your "insight", however.

I know how hard you try to find things in my post to carp about....

If this is the best you can come up with, it's practically a 'high five' for the post.

Better luck next time.

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