Israel Figured out How to Stop School Shootings Years Ago

Australia, not under constant attack by neighboring nations, also solved their mass shooting problem . Why no accolades for them?
.Ok everybody let's bite... How did Australia solve their mass shootings problem ?? Here it comes y'all, get ready. Got my money on gun control being the next response.
First problem, this was not what one could consider a high risk area. Second, mental illness knows no bounds.
I understand doing it at the local level. We live in a safe area, but our schools are like Fort Knox. The biggest problem is we all need to stay on top of school districts and cities to make sure they allocate the money for doing drills, and/ or having armed security. Researching for Broward county schools I found a constant struggle with trying to push it all off on the city, where as the school district needs to play their part, as well. These districts over spend constantly, with little going overall to security and safety, or ridiculous implementation of security measures, paying for tons of personnel which have nothing to do with their supposed roles of ‘safety’ that really aren’t doing a thing.
There is over a 100,000 schools in the United States............

Any policy by the Federal Gov't could be massive in costs...............

Those areas where the threat of violence is much higher have taken measures to add security to those schools.

Some have put in metal detectors, and or Armed Security Guards.........done so because at a LOCAL LEVEL they understood that the threat level required Better Security Measures to be taken.

These decisions should come from the LOCAL LEVEL, and NOT THE FEDERAL LEVEL...........Because Locally the people there know better than anyone else if there is a Increased Risk Level to their children.

Education would be a key.............or simple procedures to be followed in case of an Active Shooter situation.....More so with the Teachers than the students.............

There is NO PERFECT SOLUTION TO THIS..........and there is NO ONE policy that can Prevent it from happening again. Life goes on.............and you must just hope for the best.
There were armed security guards at the school that just had the shooting..............I believe that is what I heard........

Reaction time is still a problem.............there are NO GUARANTEES...........except try to educate the teachers and students the best we can.

There are no absolutes here.
.Secure all points of entry... Then security can do it's job better. Also get rid of political correctness. Begin to recognize the problems again. Enough with the idiocy.
As I've already said..................that cost in money would be very high............

Security Guard Salaries in Florida and by education, experience, Location and more -
.It can be done.. In fact we should be ashamed of ourselves for what has happened, and also for the excuses that are being made. Are we the wealthiest nation on earth or not ??
Our Nation is in a Sea of Debt.................our States for the most part are in a Sea of Debt................

So that begs the question you already asked...........Are we the wealthiest nation on earth?

Just throwing money at it doesn't solve the problem...................Security camera systems...............option....yes.......

Security cards for students or teachers........that activate card reader option.........

Metal Detectors....and security option............

But WHAT IS THE BUDGET allocated for these measures.............ALL ARE GOOD IDEAS.........ALL COST MONEY.
But, that does not solve the problem, it only helps possibly deter the problem. As an immediate measure, yes. Long term? No.
Florida Carry calls for emergency legislation to arm teachers in the classroom

He says arming untrained teachers is too great a risk right now, but it's something that should bve up for debate.

"How would a law enforcement office knows the teacher is not the shooter?"

On Saturday Shine sent a letter to Superintendent Patricia Willis offering alternative forms of security.

"Mace and pepper spray have a range of about 20 feet," said Shine.

In his letter, he says:

One thing to consider is allowing trained members of a school staff to use/have access to non-lethal intervention tools -- mace, bean bag, body armor, etc.. I understand it will be impossible to stop all events, but if we can minimize the event -- or even more, create the perception among possible perpetrators that they will be less likely to be successful in consummating their crime -- the deterrent factor could be of value.
He also says that Duval County’s aging buildings need to be updated with technology.

"For example, if a door is open that shouldn’t be a buzz will go off in the front office."
Florida Carry calls for emergency legislation to arm teachers in the classroom

He says arming untrained teachers is too great a risk right now, but it's something that should bve up for debate.

"How would a law enforcement office knows the teacher is not the shooter?"

On Saturday Shine sent a letter to Superintendent Patricia Willis offering alternative forms of security.

"Mace and pepper spray have a range of about 20 feet," said Shine.

In his letter, he says:

One thing to consider is allowing trained members of a school staff to use/have access to non-lethal intervention tools -- mace, bean bag, body armor, etc.. I understand it will be impossible to stop all events, but if we can minimize the event -- or even more, create the perception among possible perpetrators that they will be less likely to be successful in consummating their crime -- the deterrent factor could be of value.
He also says that Duval County’s aging buildings need to be updated with technology.

"For example, if a door is open that shouldn’t be a buzz will go off in the front office."
.Start by putting fire alarms inside of the locked classrooms instead of in the hallways. Securing the fire alarms should be first priority in this case.
We should follow suit. They were out front back in the day when planes were hijacked regularly in regard to security. Same with their schools


President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols

I’m a small government guy, however, it’s sadly apparent that the United States of America is paralyzed with political indecision over something the State of Israel figured out more than 40 years ago: all schools should have mandated security features and active shooter protocols.

The horrific scene in Parkland, and the upsetting videos broadcast from the school during the shooting, should be the final straw. The kids should not have been hiding and screaming, they should have been in the midst of a pre-determined security protocol.

President Trump, if the Department of Education can force Americans to deal with the disaster of Common Core, it can certainly issue a federal mandate regarding school security. The time is now.

My personal manifesto is that government should never get involved in an issue unless an ongoing clear and present danger exists to large numbers of people, and that any regulation or legislation has a sunset provision.

Here we are.

In 1974, Israel endured the Ma’alot Massacre in which “Palestinian” terrorists took 115 people hostage at Netiv Meir Elementary School. Twenty-two children and three others were killed and 68 injured. Israel now requires schools with 100 or more students to have a guard posted. The civilian police force handles the entire security system of all schools from kindergarten through college. The Ministry of Education funds shelters and fences, reinforces school buses, and hires and trains guards.

Lawrence Meyers - Israel Figured Out How to Prevent School Shootings 40 Years Ago-It's Time the US Followed Suit

Throwing out ideas here: Metal detector's at each main entrance with 2 armed national guard that rotate once a month. One way in and one way out unless there is an emergency during school hours. When the school day starts no one without a valid ID can get in the main entrance. Some schools already make you show an ID if you're coming in after starting time or to get a student out. Now people are going to scream "what about my rights"? If you want to minimize school shooting's you're going to have to give up a few of your rights during school hours, if you don't then things will stay status quo.
It's also mandatory all available and able bodies serve in the military, spur bones or not. This also includes participating in police forcing.

Cadet Trump would surely not like this rule and responsibility.

Sigh. . . . Really? That's your response? Why couldn't we provide training to the teachers designated to have a gun at school? A gun-use course takes all of a few hours. It's not rocket science. It takes about, oh, half an hour, at the most, to show someone how to operate and maintain a gun, and then you give them two or three hours of target practice, and, boom, they can handle a gun. Then, once a year, they spend an hour at a gun range doing target practice. All of this would cost far less than one 3-semester-hours class at most colleges.

Why do liberals constantly oppose things that we know work?
Welll arming teachers has no history of success as we have never done it! I also wonder how experienced with fire arms you are? Not every body is suited to carry a fire arm and use it under duress. Pulling the trigger on another human is not as easy as one might think. Most of the people I know are not sujited for such a thing and would wind up shot with thier own gun. You pull your weapon and do not have what it takes to use it, it will be used on you. Trained guards seem like a much better solution to me, than putting guns in the hands of the inexperienced. They have enough to worry about trying to get a bunch of hormone driven kids to learn.
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure.

sure it is. When the left decides that they are going to completely knuckle under to the right on gun safety, this is totally the new normal.

Active Shooter drills
Metal detectors
Armed Teachers.

We keep having these incidents, and we keep making it easier for nuts to get guns.
Australia, not under constant attack by neighboring nations, also solved their mass shooting problem . Why no accolades for them?
.Ok everybody let's bite... How did Australia solve their mass shootings problem ?? Here it comes y'all, get ready. Got my money on gun control being the next response.

Why is Israel's solution (which occurs under very different circumstances) better than Australia's?

Can a citizen legally buy an AR 15 in Israel?
First problem, this was not what one could consider a high risk area. Second, mental illness knows no bounds.
I understand doing it at the local level. We live in a safe area, but our schools are like Fort Knox. The biggest problem is we all need to stay on top of school districts and cities to make sure they allocate the money for doing drills, and/ or having armed security. Researching for Broward county schools I found a constant struggle with trying to push it all off on the city, where as the school district needs to play their part, as well. These districts over spend constantly, with little going overall to security and safety, or ridiculous implementation of security measures, paying for tons of personnel which have nothing to do with their supposed roles of ‘safety’ that really aren’t doing a thing.
There were armed security guards at the school that just had the shooting..............I believe that is what I heard........

Reaction time is still a problem.............there are NO GUARANTEES...........except try to educate the teachers and students the best we can.

There are no absolutes here.
.Secure all points of entry... Then security can do it's job better. Also get rid of political correctness. Begin to recognize the problems again. Enough with the idiocy.
As I've already said..................that cost in money would be very high............

Security Guard Salaries in Florida and by education, experience, Location and more -
.It can be done.. In fact we should be ashamed of ourselves for what has happened, and also for the excuses that are being made. Are we the wealthiest nation on earth or not ??
Our Nation is in a Sea of Debt.................our States for the most part are in a Sea of Debt................

So that begs the question you already asked...........Are we the wealthiest nation on earth?

Just throwing money at it doesn't solve the problem...................Security camera systems...............option....yes.......

Security cards for students or teachers........that activate card reader option.........

Metal Detectors....and security option............

But WHAT IS THE BUDGET allocated for these measures.............ALL ARE GOOD IDEAS.........ALL COST MONEY.
. The biggest effect would be to break the strangle hold that the left has perpetrated on the American culture and our safety. They are breaking this nation in way more ways than just one, yet we feel powerless to stop them.

Drain the swamp already. It's not to make this political, because political has become part of the problem.
Sigh. . . . Really? That's your response? Why couldn't we provide training to the teachers designated to have a gun at school? A gun-use course takes all of a few hours. It's not rocket science. It takes about, oh, half an hour, at the most, to show someone how to operate and maintain a gun, and then you give them two or three hours of target practice, and, boom, they can handle a gun. Then, once a year, they spend an hour at a gun range doing target practice. All of this would cost far less than one 3-semester-hours class at most colleges.

Why do liberals constantly oppose things that we know work?


Gun control works just fine in every other industrialized country where these sorts of things don't happen.

Sorry, teachers are there to teach, not try to be the next line of defense against gun nuts and emo kids with guns.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live. It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey

I vaguely remember those, we had a sirens around town that would coordinate with the school drills that would go off. I believe ours were every couple of months on a Friday. Once it went off earlier in the week and we all shit, that was a tornado warning.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live. It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.

Um, Fire drills make sense.

Active Shooter drills because we can't keep the guns out of the hands of nuts, isn't.
Florida Carry calls for emergency legislation to arm teachers in the classroom

He says arming untrained teachers is too great a risk right now, but it's something that should bve up for debate.

"How would a law enforcement office knows the teacher is not the shooter?"

On Saturday Shine sent a letter to Superintendent Patricia Willis offering alternative forms of security.

"Mace and pepper spray have a range of about 20 feet," said Shine.

In his letter, he says:

One thing to consider is allowing trained members of a school staff to use/have access to non-lethal intervention tools -- mace, bean bag, body armor, etc.. I understand it will be impossible to stop all events, but if we can minimize the event -- or even more, create the perception among possible perpetrators that they will be less likely to be successful in consummating their crime -- the deterrent factor could be of value.
He also says that Duval County’s aging buildings need to be updated with technology.

"For example, if a door is open that shouldn’t be a buzz will go off in the front office."
.Start by putting fire alarms inside of the locked classrooms instead of in the hallways. Securing the fire alarms should be first priority in this case.

That would decrease, not increase, safety. Better yet, replace all aging manual alarm systems with automated.
Australia, not under constant attack by neighboring nations, also solved their mass shooting problem . Why no accolades for them?
.Ok everybody let's bite... How did Australia solve their mass shootings problem ?? Here it comes y'all, get ready. Got my money on gun control being the next response.

Why is Israel's solution (which occurs under very different circumstances) better than Australia's?

Can a citizen legally buy an AR 15 in Israel?
.Not sure, but you are working your way to that gun control answer are you not ??
But, that does not solve the problem, it only helps possibly deter the problem. As an immediate measure, yes. Long term? No.
Florida Carry calls for emergency legislation to arm teachers in the classroom

He says arming untrained teachers is too great a risk right now, but it's something that should bve up for debate.

"How would a law enforcement office knows the teacher is not the shooter?"

On Saturday Shine sent a letter to Superintendent Patricia Willis offering alternative forms of security.

"Mace and pepper spray have a range of about 20 feet," said Shine.

In his letter, he says:

One thing to consider is allowing trained members of a school staff to use/have access to non-lethal intervention tools -- mace, bean bag, body armor, etc.. I understand it will be impossible to stop all events, but if we can minimize the event -- or even more, create the perception among possible perpetrators that they will be less likely to be successful in consummating their crime -- the deterrent factor could be of value.
He also says that Duval County’s aging buildings need to be updated with technology.

"For example, if a door is open that shouldn’t be a buzz will go off in the front office."
As I have already said...........there is no absolute solution.........

And a deterrent is a form of Security..............Just as the security consultant said.........pepper spray and mace with longer effective ranges COULD DETER or LIMIT the ability of a shooter.............better than being a sitting duck and the cost of such devices is NOT THAT HIGH............

The other security measures you have mentioned have a HIGH COST...........and again I ask.......where is the 100's of millions going to come from......................

And even after implementing it................It only deters a active shooter doesn't end it.....
Florida Carry calls for emergency legislation to arm teachers in the classroom

He says arming untrained teachers is too great a risk right now, but it's something that should bve up for debate.

"How would a law enforcement office knows the teacher is not the shooter?"

On Saturday Shine sent a letter to Superintendent Patricia Willis offering alternative forms of security.

"Mace and pepper spray have a range of about 20 feet," said Shine.

In his letter, he says:

One thing to consider is allowing trained members of a school staff to use/have access to non-lethal intervention tools -- mace, bean bag, body armor, etc.. I understand it will be impossible to stop all events, but if we can minimize the event -- or even more, create the perception among possible perpetrators that they will be less likely to be successful in consummating their crime -- the deterrent factor could be of value.
He also says that Duval County’s aging buildings need to be updated with technology.

"For example, if a door is open that shouldn’t be a buzz will go off in the front office."
.Start by putting fire alarms inside of the locked classrooms instead of in the hallways. Securing the fire alarms should be first priority in this case.

That would decrease, not increase, safety. Better yet, replace all aging manual alarm systems with automated.
Well the alarms should be front and center in this case. Any improvement is needed to secure them.
Australia, not under constant attack by neighboring nations, also solved their mass shooting problem . Why no accolades for them?
.Ok everybody let's bite... How did Australia solve their mass shootings problem ?? Here it comes y'all, get ready. Got my money on gun control being the next response.

Why is Israel's solution (which occurs under very different circumstances) better than Australia's?

Can a citizen legally buy an AR 15 in Israel?
.Not sure, but you are working your way to that gun control answer are you not ??

You're not aware of much are you?
According to liberals, Israel are a bunch of nazis. Not kidding. That is what we are dealing with here, and around the globalist satanic world.
According to liberals Jews are not the Nazis you dumb fuck, NAzis and alt right idiots are th Nazis!
They are there to teach, yet daily they have to deal with kids that have mental disabilities that disrupt the classroom.
The stories my niece has told me from first being a licensed counselor in schools, and then as a therapist in private practice, for some of those kids in our schools today and being called there to try to get them under control.
Sigh. . . . Really? That's your response? Why couldn't we provide training to the teachers designated to have a gun at school? A gun-use course takes all of a few hours. It's not rocket science. It takes about, oh, half an hour, at the most, to show someone how to operate and maintain a gun, and then you give them two or three hours of target practice, and, boom, they can handle a gun. Then, once a year, they spend an hour at a gun range doing target practice. All of this would cost far less than one 3-semester-hours class at most colleges.

Why do liberals constantly oppose things that we know work?


Gun control works just fine in every other industrialized country where these sorts of things don't happen.

Sorry, teachers are there to teach, not try to be the next line of defense against gun nuts and emo kids with guns.

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