Israel Figured out How to Stop School Shootings Years Ago

We can solve this problem with common sense and reason, but all liberals want to do is to do what Stalin, Mao, and Castro did: just take everyone's guns.
Common sense? Liberals? They don't know the difference between a man and a woman? Common sense?

Same group of losers mind you that say there is no gender, then rally about #METOO and how men mistreat WOMEN!!!!!

And still taking WInston Churchill out of context to fit an ALT-Right WeakWhyte agenda.
Yeah, that is what I thought. Cliches. You have nothing you limp wristed globalist faggot. You have no debate skills, you are a fucking loser.

Dance for us monkey.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live. It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey
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According to liberals, Israel are a bunch of nazis. Not kidding. That is what we are dealing with here, and around the globalist satanic world.

It's also mandatory all available and able bodies serve in the military, spur bones or not. This also includes participating in police forcing.

Cadet Trump would surely not like this rule and responsibility.
Yeah, I have no fucking idea what your post has to do with my post.

Yeah, and you have no idea how you cherry picked Winston Churchill and made him look like a mad racist and crazy religious fanatic either.

But that's what you do.
Ahhhh, there it is folks. The cliche. RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM.


Little polly want a cracker?

Ignorance is your bliss.

So special, pass this little weasel a tiki torch... This little biotch snowflake just had a meltdown.


The Israeli protocal for protecting schools, bus station and public places call for limiting guns to civilians.

So nice, right.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey
I thought about that as I was writing, and you may be right. The difference here is that the threat is not a distant enemy, but people who live among us. And it's happening with regularity, it's not just a possibility.

I don't know, you may be right. But there are some significant differences.
We can solve this problem with common sense and reason, but all liberals want to do is to do what Stalin, Mao, and Castro did: just take everyone's guns.
Common sense? Liberals? They don't know the difference between a man and a woman? Common sense?

Same group of losers mind you that say there is no gender, then rally about #METOO and how men mistreat WOMEN!!!!!

And still taking WInston Churchill out of context to fit an ALT-Right WeakWhyte agenda.
Yeah, that is what I thought. Cliches. You have nothing you limp wristed globalist faggot. You have no debate skills, you are a fucking loser.

Dance for us monkey.

When white trash goes wrong! Such a special white snowflake is the victim.
As a child, we didn’t know it was distant, just that the threat was there, and to be prepared. In ways it made us more aware about life being fragile, itself. Which I think was a good thing. Hope that makes sense.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey
I thought about that as I was writing, and you may be right. The difference here is that the threat is not a distant enemy, but people who live among us. And it's happening with regularity, it's not just a possibility.

I don't know, you may be right. But there are some significant differences.
We can solve this problem with common sense and reason, but all liberals want to do is to do what Stalin, Mao, and Castro did: just take everyone's guns.
Common sense? Liberals? They don't know the difference between a man and a woman? Common sense?

Same group of losers mind you that say there is no gender, then rally about #METOO and how men mistreat WOMEN!!!!!

And still taking WInston Churchill out of context to fit an ALT-Right WeakWhyte agenda.
Yeah, that is what I thought. Cliches. You have nothing you limp wristed globalist faggot. You have no debate skills, you are a fucking loser.

Dance for us monkey.

When white trash goes wrong! Such a special white snowflake is the victim.
You lost man. You have nothing other than your go to....

Everyone knows it.
We can solve this problem with common sense and reason, but all liberals want to do is to do what Stalin, Mao, and Castro did: just take everyone's guns.
Common sense? Liberals? They don't know the difference between a man and a woman? Common sense?

Same group of losers mind you that say there is no gender, then rally about #METOO and how men mistreat WOMEN!!!!!

And still taking WInston Churchill out of context to fit an ALT-Right WeakWhyte agenda.
Yeah, that is what I thought. Cliches. You have nothing you limp wristed globalist faggot. You have no debate skills, you are a fucking loser.

Dance for us monkey.

When white trash goes wrong! Such a special white snowflake is the victim.
You lost man. You have nothing other than your go to....

Everyone knows it.

Yay, the guy speaking in tongues and using bs WeakWhyte cliches just blew a fuckin' gasket. Of course you win!

Now will the Jews replace us?

It also gave a sense of some control, which it just might give these kids, otherwise they might think of just being a sitting duck, if it worries them.
As a child, we didn’t know it was distant, just that the threat was there, and to be prepared. In ways it made us more aware about life being fragile, itself. Which I think was a good thing. Hope that makes sense.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey
I thought about that as I was writing, and you may be right. The difference here is that the threat is not a distant enemy, but people who live among us. And it's happening with regularity, it's not just a possibility.

I don't know, you may be right. But there are some significant differences.
According to liberals, Israel are a bunch of nazis. Not kidding. That is what we are dealing with here, and around the globalist satanic world.

It's also mandatory all available and able bodies serve in the military, spur bones or not. This also includes participating in police forcing.

Cadet Trump would surely not like this rule and responsibility.

Nice job avoiding the topic. Liberals only solution is a Constitutional disaster. Come back when you have something resembling a solution.
What a racist, bigot you are. We don’t need more of your kind here.
Common sense? Liberals? They don't know the difference between a man and a woman? Common sense?

Same group of losers mind you that say there is no gender, then rally about #METOO and how men mistreat WOMEN!!!!!

And still taking WInston Churchill out of context to fit an ALT-Right WeakWhyte agenda.
Yeah, that is what I thought. Cliches. You have nothing you limp wristed globalist faggot. You have no debate skills, you are a fucking loser.

Dance for us monkey.

When white trash goes wrong! Such a special white snowflake is the victim.
You lost man. You have nothing other than your go to....

Everyone knows it.

Yay, the guy speaking in tongues and using bs WeakWhyte cliches just blew a fuckin' gasket. Of course you win!

Now will the Jews replace us?

There is over a 100,000 schools in the United States............

Any policy by the Federal Gov't could be massive in costs...............

Those areas where the threat of violence is much higher have taken measures to add security to those schools.

Some have put in metal detectors, and or Armed Security Guards.........done so because at a LOCAL LEVEL they understood that the threat level required Better Security Measures to be taken.

These decisions should come from the LOCAL LEVEL, and NOT THE FEDERAL LEVEL...........Because Locally the people there know better than anyone else if there is a Increased Risk Level to their children.

Education would be a key.............or simple procedures to be followed in case of an Active Shooter situation.....More so with the Teachers than the students.............

There is NO PERFECT SOLUTION TO THIS..........and there is NO ONE policy that can Prevent it from happening again. Life goes on.............and you must just hope for the best.
What a racist, bigot you are. We don’t need more of your kind here.
And still taking WInston Churchill out of context to fit an ALT-Right WeakWhyte agenda.
Yeah, that is what I thought. Cliches. You have nothing you limp wristed globalist faggot. You have no debate skills, you are a fucking loser.

Dance for us monkey.

When white trash goes wrong! Such a special white snowflake is the victim.
You lost man. You have nothing other than your go to....

Everyone knows it.

Yay, the guy speaking in tongues and using bs WeakWhyte cliches just blew a fuckin' gasket. Of course you win!

Now will the Jews replace us?

Ever notice how everything I claim about them is true? They then do exactly what I say they will do and they claim what I say they will claim. The reason is they really cannot help it. They literally have nothing else.

Like I said, they would never discuss the Trans Sahara slave trade during black history month. Only proves they are nothing but about an agenda, and that desperately relies on their victimology strategy.

Notice how none of them acknowledge the various Native American Tribes that owned slaves and fought for the confederacy. Why do you suppose that is? He won't acknowledge it. Never. He lost. He is a loser.

Instead he displays his anti semitism. Ironic, how those losers call us nazis, isn't it? I told you they are that dumb, and this piece of shit proves it.

Ask the loser about the Barbary Coast slave trade. Yeah, yet another thing we cannot discuss during black patronizing month. Wonder why?
There is over a 100,000 schools in the United States............

Any policy by the Federal Gov't could be massive in costs...............

Those areas where the threat of violence is much higher have taken measures to add security to those schools.

Some have put in metal detectors, and or Armed Security Guards.........done so because at a LOCAL LEVEL they understood that the threat level required Better Security Measures to be taken.

These decisions should come from the LOCAL LEVEL, and NOT THE FEDERAL LEVEL...........Because Locally the people there know better than anyone else if there is a Increased Risk Level to their children.

Education would be a key.............or simple procedures to be followed in case of an Active Shooter situation.....More so with the Teachers than the students.............

There is NO PERFECT SOLUTION TO THIS..........and there is NO ONE policy that can Prevent it from happening again. Life goes on.............and you must just hope for the best.
First problem, this was not what one could consider a high risk area. Second, mental illness knows no bounds.
I understand doing it at the local level. We live in a safe area, but our schools are like Fort Knox. The biggest problem is we all need to stay on top of school districts and cities to make sure they allocate the money for doing drills, and/ or having armed security. Researching for Broward county schools I found a constant struggle with trying to push it all off on the city, where as the school district needs to play their part, as well. These districts over spend constantly, with little going overall to security and safety, or ridiculous implementation of security measures, paying for tons of personnel which have nothing to do with their supposed roles of ‘safety’ that really aren’t doing a thing.
There is over a 100,000 schools in the United States............

Any policy by the Federal Gov't could be massive in costs...............

Those areas where the threat of violence is much higher have taken measures to add security to those schools.

Some have put in metal detectors, and or Armed Security Guards.........done so because at a LOCAL LEVEL they understood that the threat level required Better Security Measures to be taken.

These decisions should come from the LOCAL LEVEL, and NOT THE FEDERAL LEVEL...........Because Locally the people there know better than anyone else if there is a Increased Risk Level to their children.

Education would be a key.............or simple procedures to be followed in case of an Active Shooter situation.....More so with the Teachers than the students.............

There is NO PERFECT SOLUTION TO THIS..........and there is NO ONE policy that can Prevent it from happening again. Life goes on.............and you must just hope for the best.
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We should follow suit. They were out front back in the day when planes were hijacked regularly in regard to security. Same with their schools


President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols

I’m a small government guy, however, it’s sadly apparent that the United States of America is paralyzed with political indecision over something the State of Israel figured out more than 40 years ago: all schools should have mandated security features and active shooter protocols.

The horrific scene in Parkland, and the upsetting videos broadcast from the school during the shooting, should be the final straw. The kids should not have been hiding and screaming, they should have been in the midst of a pre-determined security protocol.

President Trump, if the Department of Education can force Americans to deal with the disaster of Common Core, it can certainly issue a federal mandate regarding school security. The time is now.

My personal manifesto is that government should never get involved in an issue unless an ongoing clear and present danger exists to large numbers of people, and that any regulation or legislation has a sunset provision.

Here we are.

In 1974, Israel endured the Ma’alot Massacre in which “Palestinian” terrorists took 115 people hostage at Netiv Meir Elementary School. Twenty-two children and three others were killed and 68 injured. Israel now requires schools with 100 or more students to have a guard posted. The civilian police force handles the entire security system of all schools from kindergarten through college. The Ministry of Education funds shelters and fences, reinforces school buses, and hires and trains guards.

Lawrence Meyers - Israel Figured Out How to Prevent School Shootings 40 Years Ago-It's Time the US Followed Suit
. Or

Just go back to before these problems existed, and learn how the problems started, identify the source, stop the on going problem, and restore the free movement of Americans instead of letting the bad guy's win. We came down a path, and we can go back to where we entered upon the path, and then we can take a better path. Recognizing and outing the truth in it all is imperative. What have we allowed or had the nation done in which has placed it on the path of destruction in which has proven deadly over and over now ?? Trump came into office attempting to speak the truth to some degree, and he was attacked viciously ever since for it, and by the usual suspects.

The culprits are not ashamed to raise their heads in order to protect what they have done to the country, so why is the country fooled into not identifying the culprits, and taking action to break their grip on the country in which has caused so much heart ache and death to occur ???
First problem, this was not what one could consider a high risk area. Second, mental illness knows no bounds.
I understand doing it at the local level. We live in a safe area, but our schools are like Fort Knox. The biggest problem is we all need to stay on top of school districts and cities to make sure they allocate the money for doing drills, and/ or having armed security. Researching for Broward county schools I found a constant struggle with trying to push it all off on the city, where as the school district needs to play their part, as well. These districts over spend constantly, with little going overall to security and safety, or ridiculous implementation of security measures, paying for tons of personnel which have nothing to do with their supposed roles of ‘safety’ that really aren’t doing a thing.
There is over a 100,000 schools in the United States............

Any policy by the Federal Gov't could be massive in costs...............

Those areas where the threat of violence is much higher have taken measures to add security to those schools.

Some have put in metal detectors, and or Armed Security Guards.........done so because at a LOCAL LEVEL they understood that the threat level required Better Security Measures to be taken.

These decisions should come from the LOCAL LEVEL, and NOT THE FEDERAL LEVEL...........Because Locally the people there know better than anyone else if there is a Increased Risk Level to their children.

Education would be a key.............or simple procedures to be followed in case of an Active Shooter situation.....More so with the Teachers than the students.............

There is NO PERFECT SOLUTION TO THIS..........and there is NO ONE policy that can Prevent it from happening again. Life goes on.............and you must just hope for the best.
There were armed security guards at the school that just had the shooting..............I believe that is what I heard........

Reaction time is still a problem.............there are NO GUARANTEES...........except try to educate the teachers and students the best we can.

There are no absolutes here.
Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

The state’s 67 school districts share a pot of money earmarked for such security needs as armed guards, bullying prevention and after-school programs.

But the cash — a total of $64.4 million — has remained the same for the past seven years, leading to reductions in school resource officers.

The money … is nowhere near enough to do what’s necessary to keep schools safe,” Andy Tuck, a member of the state Board of Education, said at a July 17 meeting, according to USA Today.

They spent 64.4 million in that state for security measures........but still say it isn't enough.........yet the very school in question had armed security on site.............IT DIDN'T MATTER............
It's also mandatory all available and able bodies serve in the military, spur bones or not. This also includes participating in police forcing.

Cadet Trump would surely not like this rule and responsibility.

Sigh. . . . Really? That's your response? Why couldn't we provide training to the teachers designated to have a gun at school? A gun-use course takes all of a few hours. It's not rocket science. It takes about, oh, half an hour, at the most, to show someone how to operate and maintain a gun, and then you give them two or three hour of target practice, and, boom, they can handle a gun. Then, once a year, they spend an hour at a gun range doing target practice. All of this would cost far less than one 3-semester-hours class at most colleges.

Why do liberals constantly oppose things that we know work?
Same reason why the love run down cities, why they hate self made black conservatives, and don't want to ever discuss actual "black history" if it includes the Trans Sahara slave trade. Wonder why that is. They certainly don't want to include the history of black slave owners in this country or how many Native American tribes owned slaves AND fought for the confederacy.

To a piece of shit like that asshole, any and all brown people are innocent and victims of whitey. He still thinks Israel "occupies" the Palestinian land and not one of these fucking know it all do gooder globalists could not begin to tell you the truth about that land. They would not dare.

Instead, when confronted with truth in any form, they go to their old globalist talking points. FAIR SHARE, RACISM RACISM RACISM, GLOBAL WARMING, SOCIALISM!!!!

They cannot possibly have any other response.

And this is a great example when the ALT-RIght punk azzes get touch on the internet.

Go fvck yourself, Hucklefvck. You provide no answer for America! Just like expected for the WeakWhyte mentality.

I'm sure you were up and arms and totally pissed off when the Black actually could protect themselves from Whitey!


And your an advocate of taking that right away... Bawahawahawahahahahaha...

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