Israel Figured out How to Stop School Shootings Years Ago

Israel is at war and rightly needs to defend its schools from attack. Are you saying that the US citizenry is at war with itself? Well... ok.
He is saying that we have a model where they have gotten rid of school shootings, and we should use what they learned, what the fuck is so difficult to understand or even controversial?
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey
I thought about that as I was writing, and you may be right. The difference here is that the threat is not a distant enemy, but people who live among us. And it's happening with regularity, it's not just a possibility.

I don't know, you may be right. But there are some significant differences.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live. It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey

As strange as it may seem in today's world of social media some kids and I'm finding even more adults have no awareness of their surrounding's.

I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.
We should follow suit. They were out front back in the day when planes were hijacked regularly in regard to security. Same with their schools

There's nothing about the morally degenerate, apartheid Zionist Entity we should want to emulate.

But if we did, we should probably treat white males the way they treat Arab males.
People who actualkly like to win at war will use what ever tactics that are effective no matter who deploys them. In other waords if it works you use it or die!
I agree 100%. And it can create dregs of society, particularly at certain ages. Hope that makes sense.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey
I thought about that as I was writing, and you may be right. The difference here is that the threat is not a distant enemy, but people who live among us. And it's happening with regularity, it's not just a possibility.

I don't know, you may be right. But there are some significant differences.
I grew up during the Cold War. We had drills all the time, in case of attack. It didn’t harm us. In fact, it made us stronger, and recognize there are those that wish to harm us, yet life will go on. In other words, be prepared for any possible emergency, but continue to live. It made me more aware to want to study what it was all about as I got older.
President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols
Interesting piece. Guards. Protocols.

Talk about mixed feelings. The ideas are good, and may have to be necessary, but the thought that we have to put something this horrific in kids' minds is just sad. This shouldn't be a part of their school day, that's for damn sure. Hey

As strange as it may seem in today's world of social media some kids and I'm finding even more adults have no awareness of their surrounding's.
Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

The state’s 67 school districts share a pot of money earmarked for such security needs as armed guards, bullying prevention and after-school programs.

But the cash — a total of $64.4 million — has remained the same for the past seven years, leading to reductions in school resource officers.

The money … is nowhere near enough to do what’s necessary to keep schools safe,” Andy Tuck, a member of the state Board of Education, said at a July 17 meeting, according to USA Today.

They spent 64.4 million in that state for security measures........but still say it isn't enough.........yet the very school in question had armed security on site.............IT DIDN'T MATTER............

I believe all the high schools here have one armed resource officer from the local police department, don't know about elementary or middle. One armed guard roaming the halls or sitting in an office is not going to do a thing. Maybe some of the schools in higher crime areas have more than one, but I may be wrong, these mass school shootings don't seem to happen in high crime areas. I have been and always will be an advocate for metal detector's in every school.

Even those Israelis who pass through extensive hoops to get a firearm permit can only own one gun. And that’s a handgun — not a semi-automatic rifle capable of rapid fire. There are also limits on ammunition.

Many US states grant gun permits liberally, but Israel limits gun permits to people who meet strict requirements of residency, occupation, or army rank.

For instance, security workers, jewelers, hunters and West Bank residents are eligible for permits.

Forty percent of all gun permit applicants are flat-out rejected by the Israeli government.
What none of those do is stop a shooter on the grounds itself. When school lets out, and they have passed outside those measures at the doors to be picked up, takes the bus, whatever, they are still sitting ducks for a they pass out those doors.

I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.
Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

The state’s 67 school districts share a pot of money earmarked for such security needs as armed guards, bullying prevention and after-school programs.

But the cash — a total of $64.4 million — has remained the same for the past seven years, leading to reductions in school resource officers.

The money … is nowhere near enough to do what’s necessary to keep schools safe,” Andy Tuck, a member of the state Board of Education, said at a July 17 meeting, according to USA Today.

They spent 64.4 million in that state for security measures........but still say it isn't enough.........yet the very school in question had armed security on site.............IT DIDN'T MATTER............

I believe all the high schools here have one armed resource officer from the local police department, don't know about elementary or middle. One armed guard roaming the halls or sitting in an office is not going to do a thing. Maybe some of the schools in higher crime areas have more than one, but I may be wrong, these mass school shootings don't seem to happen in high crime areas. I have been and always will be an advocate for metal detector's in every school.
Metal detectors would not have stopped the current shootings..............the shooter began shooting outside........then went into the building and continued to shoot..................

The metal detectors would not have stopped this shooting...................

Secure entry points................with card reader access only entry points would have deterred his entry into the school..........

But he simply could have just shot out a window and went in a different way.

As I keep saying there is NO ABSOLUTE must be brain stormed to find the best way to protect the kids on a budget.
I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.

Our schools can barely afford current textbooks, and teachers have to dip into their own pockets to buy school supplies.

and you want to piss away money on security turnstyles and armed guards and safes because we can't even do the simple tasks of keepign guns out of the hands of nuts.
What none of those do is stop a shooter on the grounds itself. When school lets out, and they have passed outside those measures at the doors to be picked up, takes the bus, whatever, they are still sitting ducks for a they pass out those doors.

I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.

of course.................So do we build Walls and moats outside full of alligators.................hire a dozen security guards for every school......................................

And then they'd just open up on the buses after leaving the fortress.....................

Again..................simple solutions to deter.............

Again..................there is no absolute measures to be taken that will end every scenario........
Let's get one thing understood here, and that is that the left attacking guns over the issue (the AR-15), is as dumb as it gets. To start with absolutely no guns are allowed on school campuses especially long guns, so the fact that a former student was able to bring a weapon of any kind onto the campus was a major failure of school security and protocols concerning security.

Note the former student could have had a homemade bomb, a vehicle to run people down with or multiple handguns on a belt that could be unloaded dropped and the next one pulled quickly.

The security of the school wasn't prepared for the attack, because for some reason it took an opinion or ideology that what happens elsewhere wouldn't happen there. It's time for unity in the solving of the issue in a multi-layered solutional attack that recognizes every aspect of what caused the problems to begin with. The long gun isn't the problem, because it should have never been missed along with the rogue student who came on campus that day to murder innocent civilians.

We have a leftist cultural rotting problem that has been Hell bent on erasing our nation, and attempting to form it into a nation it wants. They are very exclusive and not inclusive as they lie and claim that they are. The quicker it resonates, the faster the healing can begin.
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Let's get one thing understood here, and that is that the left attacking guns over the issue (the AR-15), is as dumb as it gets. To start with absolutely no guns are allowed on school campuses especially long guns, so the fact that a former student was able to bring a weapon of any kind onto the campus was a major failure of school security and protocols concerning security. Note the former student could have had a homemade bomb, a vehicle to run people down with or multiple handguns on a belt that could be unloaded dropped and the next one pulled quickly. The security of the school wasn't prepared for the attack, because for some reason it took an opinion or ideology that what happens elsewhere wouldn't happen there. It's time for unity in the solving of the issue in a multi-layered solutional attack that recognizes every aspect of what caused the problems to begin with. The long gun isn't the problem, because it should have never been missed along with the rogue student who came on campus that day to murder innocent civilians.
1 security guard..................

unlocking the doors of the school in prep for class dismissed.........

Not possible.........Unless that one guard is SUPERMAN..............

Reasonable solutions ........................KISS

keep it simple sailor....................and old saying............
Israel is at war and rightly needs to defend its schools from attack. Are you saying that the US citizenry is at war with itself? Well... ok.
He is saying that we have a model where they have gotten rid of school shootings, and we should use what they learned, what the fuck is so difficult to understand or even controversial?
The Israelis are doing it because they are at war and their opponents hate them and want to kill them. Seems sad that we have to resort to that.
What none of those do is stop a shooter on the grounds itself. When school lets out, and they have passed outside those measures at the doors to be picked up, takes the bus, whatever, they are still sitting ducks for a they pass out those doors.

I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.

of course.................So do we build Walls and moats outside full of alligators.................hire a dozen security guards for every school......................................

And then they'd just open up on the buses after leaving the fortress.....................

Again..................simple solutions to deter.............

Again..................there is no absolute measures to be taken that will end every scenario........

See this is what we have forgotten about politics, some problems have no easy solutions. We expect our issues to be resolved over night and if they are not we blame government.
Israel is at war and rightly needs to defend its schools from attack. Are you saying that the US citizenry is at war with itself? Well... ok.
He is saying that we have a model where they have gotten rid of school shootings, and we should use what they learned, what the fuck is so difficult to understand or even controversial?
The Israelis are doing it because they are at war and their opponents hate them and want to kill them. Seems sad that we have to resort to that.
A good percentage of what I see today is sad! We do what we must or put up with the status quo! I do say this quit naming the fuck who did it, we should not make them famous for it!
What none of those do is stop a shooter on the grounds itself. When school lets out, and they have passed outside those measures at the doors to be picked up, takes the bus, whatever, they are still sitting ducks for a they pass out those doors.

I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.

of course.................So do we build Walls and moats outside full of alligators.................hire a dozen security guards for every school......................................

And then they'd just open up on the buses after leaving the fortress.....................

Again..................simple solutions to deter.............

Again..................there is no absolute measures to be taken that will end every scenario........
. Just go into the culture, and fight the rot there. Cheap enough. Oh and bring back public hangings to show future generations that if you do this, then you get that... No more sympathy for the devil.
What none of those do is stop a shooter on the grounds itself. When school lets out, and they have passed outside those measures at the doors to be picked up, takes the bus, whatever, they are still sitting ducks for a they pass out those doors.

I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.

of course.................So do we build Walls and moats outside full of alligators.................hire a dozen security guards for every school......................................

And then they'd just open up on the buses after leaving the fortress.....................

Again..................simple solutions to deter.............

Again..................there is no absolute measures to be taken that will end every scenario........

See this is what we have forgotten about politics, some problems have no easy solutions. We expect our issues to be resolved over night and if they are not we blame government.
Israel is at war and rightly needs to defend its schools from attack. Are you saying that the US citizenry is at war with itself? Well... ok.
He is saying that we have a model where they have gotten rid of school shootings, and we should use what they learned, what the fuck is so difficult to understand or even controversial?
The Israelis are doing it because they are at war and their opponents hate them and want to kill them. Seems sad that we have to resort to that.
A good percentage of what I see today is sad! We do what we must or put up with the status quo! I do say this quit naming the fuck who did it, we should not make them famous for it!
.Agree, stop with the idiot media coverage as if we are a bunch of mental cases ourselves who lust over it like a bunch of thieves lusting over a pot of gold.

To know all things good and evil is absolutely what we have been practicing with no editing, and we have to bring back control of some of these things concerning what is broadcast and what shouldn't be broadcasted due to security reasons. Let the law do their jobs to investigate and secure these things, and leave the happiness and innocence intact for the children.
Israel is at war and rightly needs to defend its schools from attack. Are you saying that the US citizenry is at war with itself? Well... ok.
He is saying that we have a model where they have gotten rid of school shootings, and we should use what they learned, what the fuck is so difficult to understand or even controversial?
The Israelis are doing it because they are at war and their opponents hate them and want to kill them. Seems sad that we have to resort to that.
.We are in a culture war, and of course it is a war all the same. Hollywood is one of the culprits or opposition leaders in the war. It holds the high ground on the propaganda part of it all.
What none of those do is stop a shooter on the grounds itself. When school lets out, and they have passed outside those measures at the doors to be picked up, takes the bus, whatever, they are still sitting ducks for a they pass out those doors.

I go through these types of turnstiles every day at work................Because I work at a MARSEC REQUIRED WORK PLACE.

AGAIN......these security measures are available but expensive.

of course.................So do we build Walls and moats outside full of alligators.................hire a dozen security guards for every school......................................

And then they'd just open up on the buses after leaving the fortress.....................

Again..................simple solutions to deter.............

Again..................there is no absolute measures to be taken that will end every scenario........

See this is what we have forgotten about politics, some problems have no easy solutions. We expect our issues to be resolved over night and if they are not we blame government.
Israel is at war and rightly needs to defend its schools from attack. Are you saying that the US citizenry is at war with itself? Well... ok.
He is saying that we have a model where they have gotten rid of school shootings, and we should use what they learned, what the fuck is so difficult to understand or even controversial?
The Israelis are doing it because they are at war and their opponents hate them and want to kill them. Seems sad that we have to resort to that.
A good percentage of what I see today is sad! We do what we must or put up with the status quo! I do say this quit naming the fuck who did it, we should not make them famous for it!

When you are being eaten alive by cancer, you either fix the problem or you die. You don't just stuff more gauze into it.
Doing an Israeli style protection of US school would be admitting that our society is morally bankrupt, and no longer the land of the free.

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