Israel is kicking ass

Last I checked, 97% of the territory the Arab Palestinians claimed to want. But that deal is no longer viable.
The Israeli government is extreme right wing, these extremists play a part in determining the future of the country.

These are belligerent, racists, and there are lots of them, a Palestinian seeing the true nature of Israel's political system is under no illusion about their plight.

Smotrich is right now actively enabling settlers to terrorize the non-Jew population, as we speak him and many like him are enabling the persecution and abuse of non-Jews.

With a system like that, claims like "The Arabs in Israel HAVE the same rights" is merely vacuous rhetoric.

If there was a law maker in the US saying that we needed to resume slavery and lynching's and that same individual was then in charge of allocating land only to whites, how would that be for a black person?

If I were a Palestinian having to live under that kind of rule, I'd resist, I'd want to destroy the obscene system of government, I'd refuse to be trampled under foot by thugs in kippahs who keep telling me I have the same rights as Jews.

Israel cannot govern itself, the Jews running the place do not know how to govern, they've had zero experience in the past almost three thousands years, all they can do is act like stone age tribalists, it's insane, and cannot be sustained.
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Smotrich is right now actively enabling settlers to terrorize the non-Jew population, as we speak him and many like him are enabling the persecution and abuse of non-Jews.
You be sure to let me know when the Israeli government institutes a pay-for-slay policy, 'kay?
Right, including East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Yep. That was the deal on the table.

That deal is long gone. I can't see any deal in the near future. But that is not because Israel refuses Arab Palestinian self-determination. It is because Arab Palestine (and Hezbollah/Lebanon; Houthis; and Iran) continually undermine the security and sovereignty of Israel. (The inconvenient part of 242 that everyone seems to forget.)
Yep. That was the deal on the table.

That deal is long gone. I can't see any deal in the near future. But that is not because Israel refuses Arab Palestinian self-determination. It is because Arab Palestine (and Hezbollah/Lebanon; Houthis; and Iran) continually undermine the security and sovereignty of Israel. (The inconvenient part of 242 that everyone seems to forget.)
If I remember correctly, it was not that simple. One of three sectors of the West Bank was never intended to be under full Palestinian sovereignty.
If I remember correctly, it was not that simple. One of three sectors of the West Bank was never intended to be under full Palestinian sovereignty.
I don't know what you mean by "three sectors of the West Bank". Do you mean Areas A, B, and C under the Oslo Accords?

Final boundaries are subject to negotiation and treaty agreement.

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