Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran

Iran downplayed the Israeli attack involving small drones that children can play with. Iran confirmed that it will not launch further attacks.

Do you guys remember "Baghdad Bob"? This guy lies about as well. The truth is that Iran has spent a lot of money on rockets to hit Israel through it's proxies and not a lot on air defenses which leaves them vulnerable to attack. What Israel just did was to remind them of that fact. If Iran REALLY wants to stop hiding behind those proxies and go toe to toe with Israel...then they are going to pay a very high price doing so!
You know EXACTLY who the Iranian proxies are, Glasnost but now you're tap dancing because your narrative isn't holding up to debate! Which says volumes about the bullshit that you're peddling here!
He was on another thread, or maybe it’s this one, saying that he hopes the antisemitism being spread in NYC drives out the Jews and makes the city Juden-free.

He is a hard-core Jew-hater and is likely being paid by HAMAS.
You know EXACTLY who the Iranian proxies are, Glasnost

No, I don't. I'll have to ask the CIA. Only they know. :stir:

He was on another thread, or maybe it’s this one, saying that he hopes the antisemitism being spread in NYC drives out the Jews and makes the city Juden-free.
Lying doesn't bother your conscience at all. :nono: I'm going to tell Uncle Zoltan what you are doing here.
He is .... being paid by HAMAS.
They don't pay me enough so I've offered my services for free. :bow2:
..... If Iran REALLY wants to ..... go toe to toe with Israel...then they are going to pay a very high price doing so!
You've just given them a good reason why they shouldn't go "toe to toe". Anyway, they've got the winning formula right now - why change?
Clearly this is an antisemitic thread, started by an antisemite. It should be in Racism. Why are blacks afforded the protection of Zone 1, and Jews have to subjected to hearing how the OP loves Hitler, and you and others screaming “Jew bitch” at everyone?
Sorry bout that,

1. No you are wrong, the OP I posted was in support of, The Jews, you need to learn when you are being supported.
2. Try to be grateful.

Sorry bout that,

1. No you are wrong, the OP I posted was in support of, The Jews, you need to learn when you are being supported.
2. Try to be grateful.

Sorry about that, but I think two threads were merged, and the OP I referred to was from the other thread. That OP was saying how he admired Hitler.

I do appreciate your support!
Why do they complain and exaggerate all of the time? I've seen a lot of those "Karen" videos and about 80% of them are Jew bitches.
What decides who is a proxy of Iran? The same CIA b'stards who tallied up the WMDs in Irak? :auiqs.jpg:
Numerous government and NGO sources.
Hamas and Hezbollah insiders going public.
Sources from within Iran.
And for a useful and informative NGO source;

Speaking of WMDs in Iraq; Saddam draining the estuary marshes of Southern Iraq was an environmental/ecological WMD with regional impact. There were trace evidence of others.
Most "Greenies"/Enviro-nazis won't admit this since they loved Saddam and his regime.

Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran​

There wasn’t much to this Israeli attack. It was just a mild response to Iran just to let them know they can. They certainly didn’t “bomb the hell out of Iran.”

Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran​

There wasn’t much to this Israeli attack. It was just a mild response to Iran just to let them know they can. They certainly didn’t “bomb the hell out of Iran.”
Agree. It shows that the Jews are smart, disciplined, strategic, and able to let the Islamic terrorists that there’s more where that came from, should the antisemites choose to strike again.
Agree. It shows that the Jews are smart, disciplined, strategic, and able to let the Islamic terrorists that there’s more where that came from, should the antisemites choose to strike again.
And to show Iran that it can no longer send its vassal states and militia to attack Israel with impunity.

MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and Karine Jean-Pierre couldn't have said it better!!!

They are very, very good at parroting the MSM narrative, aren't they? I'm sure the powers-that-shouldnt-be and the MSM are so very pleased if / when they ever read this site. :lol:

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