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Israel squeezed out by Iran and US goodwill

ethnic cleansingn. :The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide."

ethnic cleansing - definition of ethnic cleansing by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

It has been ongoing since Israel declared herself a nation.

Today, we see home demolitions, people driven from their homes.

WE see destructions of schools and villages. People are forced to leave.

Palestinians are pushed into smaller and smaller areas of land.

Rabbis For Human Rights addresses this.

AS Palestinians are forced off their lands in the process called ethnic cleansing, ZIONIST outsiders move onto their lands squatting on the land as illegal settlers This is a war crime, Israel unlawfully moving over 600000 Jewish settlers into Occupied lands since 1967 violates The Fourth Geneva Convention.
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The ultimate goal of West Bank policy – crowding Palestinians into enclaves: from planning to political agreements, all policies lead to one place*What’s the big picture? From a bird’s eye view, the primary task of the Israeli military regime in the territories is to crowd and squeeze Palestinians into the minimum amount of territory – it’s a “crowding regime,” and the planning system is a central part of it.*

Crowded and fragmented enclaves, which make up all together 40% of the West Bank, are designated for 2 million Palestinians [Areas*A+B]. This is while approximately 250,000 settlers are to be allocated 60% of the contiguous West Bank [Area C, not including East Jerusalem], with 150,000 Palestinians living in this area with no possibility for development.*Population density in Areas A and B is approximately 6.6 times higher than the remainder of the West Bank (Area C), where Palestinian development is prohibited via a military planning system and there is a trend of cramming more and more Palestinian residents of Area C into “crowded enclaves” of Areas B and C.*

Palestinians cannot subsist in the crowded and fragmented enclaves (Areas A and B) with no possibility for development and movement in the majority of the West Bank – Area C.*The land on which Palestinians live their lives has been made more and more small, crowded, fragmented and disintegrating. To illustrate: If the West Bank is Swiss cheese, the Palestinians got the holes.*Hence the critical importance of the*petition to return planning rights to the Palestinians in Area C, which was submitted by Rabbis for Human Rights and additional organizations.* ”How terrible it will be for you who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is no more room, and you have settled yourselves alone in the middle of the land!” (Isaiah 5:8) – A warning against the powerful who take up land with their homes and their fields such that no room will be left for the weak, and they will settle the land alone.

The complete guide to crowding the Palestinians into enclaves in the West Bank | Rabbis for Human RightsRabbis for Human Rights
What nonsense comes out of the mouth of Zionist Hollie.

This is about Colonial Imperialistic designs of the new Crusaders in the Middle East, Israel and the US.

They keep invading and occupying one nation after another.

But Occupations in the ME always ultimately fail, look what happened to The Soviet Union in her Occupation of Afghanistan. A failed Occupation and a breakup of The Soviet Union.

I cannot wait to see all of today's Occupations fall apart.

What a beautiful day that shall be, when Palestine is free.

The Turks made the ME a mini-me for 600 years. Before that, it was conquered by whatever Islamic band of bandits had thirst for an empire. As for Afghanistan, the Russians had it locked up until America and Saudi Arabia financed the Afghans, who never would have done it alone and only managed to create a cut-and-paste "nation," that should be partitioned among its neighbors. That will keep Muzzie killing Muzzie until they are all dead there, as Nature intended them to be.

As dumb as was the war in Viet Nam-----the US involvement in
Afghanistan was even worse. We did---by that idiotic mistake---
actually CREATE the Taliban The obvious logic was----lets help the
muslims fight the Russians----because we don't like the Russians----
no good. The people in Washington do not seem to understand that the
JIHADISTS hate the USA a lot more than they dislike the Russian involvement
in Afghanistan. What we did was create an OPPORTUNITY for the vile taliban---
and even a haven for OSAMA

I am very much against US involvement in Syria-----who are we going to
help? al quaeda fight hezbollah? -------face facts----every bullet we give
to any player in syria is likely to end up in the head of an american
There has only been a Jewish issue since Zionism emerged in the 1800s and Zionists began colonial ventures in Palestine.

What's wrong with colonialism? Would you want Americans to give our land back to the useless savages and the Australians to let the Abos take what Whites built?

TIMING is the difference.

We have international laws and treaties that make Colonialism unlawful today.

The rule of law is the law of the rulers. New phrase for this Halloween: "Trick or treaty." They are the same thing. Real Americans don't have to obey the pieces of paper our criminal rulers scribble on. The ones with the signing pens pen us in. The 1% benefit from humiliating us by saying that Third World savages are just as good as we are. And it's all signed, sealed, and delivered, especially our submission to that multiculties' petting zoo at the UN.
It's a great way to distract the masses from the real problems. Just point your finger at the Jews and people will quickly forget all the corruption, thievery,oppression, intolerance, persecution, and barbarism being committed by their "leaders".

The Nazislamis' "real problem" is that their primate genes make them bloodthirsty predators. The religion that preys together stays together. All this blaming of their corrupt leadership lets the savage masses off the hook.

What Hate and Lies you spew!

Lies and hate they fuel each other.

Traitors neither shame me nor scare me.
The Nazislamis' "real problem" is that their primate genes make them bloodthirsty predators. The religion that preys together stays together. All this blaming of their corrupt leadership lets the savage masses off the hook.

What Hate and Lies you spew!

Lies and hate they fuel each other.

Traitors neither shame me nor scare me.

The words that flow from minds who hate.

Best to simply keep ones distance from the Hate.
It really will be a continuation of the 800 year old slaughter-fest that has defined the visceral hatreds between the shia and sunni.

There is real fear on the part of the sunni/salafi/wahabbi tribes arising from the threat of nuclear (shia) Iran. The proxy war being waged in Syria is really just another battle in the ancient war of attrition that the moslem tribes have been fighting for millennia.

Muzzies killing Muzzies. That's as good as it gets. We should encourage Obomber and Comrade Putin to play Dr. Kevorkians to this sectarian suicide.

Words that could only come out of the mouth of a Hater.

Or a historian.
The Supremacy Clause of The US Constitution makes treaties the law of the land.

What should we say about Americans who shun our very own Constitution?
ethnic cleansingn. :The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide."

Palestinians are pushed into smaller and smaller areas of land.

AS Palestinians are forced off their lands in the process called ethnic cleansing, ZIONIST outsiders move onto their lands squatting on the land as illegal settlers This is a war crime, Israel unlawfully moving over 600000 Jewish settlers into Occupied lands since 1967 violates The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Some genos need to be cided. Dirtbags need to be laundered.
Muzzies killing Muzzies. That's as good as it gets. We should encourage Obomber and Comrade Putin to play Dr. Kevorkians to this sectarian suicide.

Words that could only come out of the mouth of a Hater.

Or a historian.

Your challenge, where is the Historian who said these words?
"Muzzies killing Muzzies. That's as good as it gets. We should encourage Obomber and Comrade Putin to play Dr. Kevorkians to this sectarian suicide"
ethnic cleansingn. :The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide."

Palestinians are pushed into smaller and smaller areas of land.

AS Palestinians are forced off their lands in the process called ethnic cleansing, ZIONIST outsiders move onto their lands squatting on the land as illegal settlers This is a war crime, Israel unlawfully moving over 600000 Jewish settlers into Occupied lands since 1967 violates The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Some genos need to be cided. Dirtbags need to be laundered.

More Hate.

Where does that Hate take you?

Have you ever heard the story of a God who created all men in His image and a God who loved and still loves each of His creations?
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What nonsense comes out of the mouth of Zionist Hollie.

This is about Colonial Imperialistic designs of the new Crusaders in the Middle East, Israel and the US.

They keep invading and occupying one nation after another.

But Occupations in the ME always ultimately fail, look what happened to The Soviet Union in her Occupation of Afghanistan. A failed Occupation and a breakup of The Soviet Union.

I cannot wait to see all of today's Occupations fall apart.

What a beautiful day that shall be, when Palestine is free.

The Turks made the ME a mini-me for 600 years. Before that, it was conquered by whatever Islamic band of bandits had thirst for an empire. As for Afghanistan, the Russians had it locked up until America and Saudi Arabia financed the Afghans, who never would have done it alone and only managed to create a cut-and-paste "nation," that should be partitioned among its neighbors. That will keep Muzzie killing Muzzie until they are all dead there, as Nature intended them to be.

As dumb as was the war in Viet Nam-----the US involvement in
Afghanistan was even worse. We did---by that idiotic mistake---
actually CREATE the Taliban The obvious logic was----lets help the
muslims fight the Russians----because we don't like the Russians----
no good. The people in Washington do not seem to understand that the
JIHADISTS hate the USA a lot more than they dislike the Russian involvement
in Afghanistan. What we did was create an OPPORTUNITY for the vile taliban---
and even a haven for OSAMA

I am very much against US involvement in Syria-----who are we going to
help? al quaeda fight hezbollah? -------face facts----every bullet we give
to any player in syria is likely to end up in the head of an american

The Taliban prevent Iran from expanding east. As for Al Qaida, we got help from the French king in our revolution, did that make us royalists? Our incompetent, class-appointed leaders don't keep tabs on people after we use them. The conceit of these pampered and sheltered Heirheads is that once somebody is on our side, he's ours for keeps.
Ethnic cleansing is that which happened throut history to every land invaded by jihadists---
and is STILL HAPPENING There is no muslim majority land in which the non muslim population is either not showing normal natural growth or -----actually becoming reduced---
that phenomenon meets the defintion of at the very least ETHNIC CLEANSING----and---
reaches directly into GENOCIDE

IN the past 50 years IRAN comitted genocide upon its jewish population---a population
with roots in Iran for more than 2500 years. Same thing happend in Tunisia over the
past 80 years in fact all thruout the middle east. ------christian populations are doing
---in some places almost and in other places precisely as badly......hindus are getting
the same treatment-------for example in KENYA ---where muslims are not actually a
majoirity----just an aggressive throat slitting minority

There was a time----beileve it or not----that KABUL was a center of HINDU, BUDDHIST
and JEWISH scholarship-----some christians too. Actually a shining city
ethnic cleansingn. :The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration, or genocide."

Palestinians are pushed into smaller and smaller areas of land.

AS Palestinians are forced off their lands in the process called ethnic cleansing, ZIONIST outsiders move onto their lands squatting on the land as illegal settlers This is a war crime, Israel unlawfully moving over 600000 Jewish settlers into Occupied lands since 1967 violates The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Some genos need to be cided. Dirtbags need to be laundered.

More Hate.

Where does that Hate take you?

Have you ever heard the story of a God who created all men in His image and a God who loved and still loves each of His creations?

That wasn't the God who created Allah's creatures.
Is that the next Zionist ethnic cleansing plan?


You Zionists do not get it, the Palestinians are there to stay.

As far as Iran and Israel, it is mostly the threat Israel poses to peace that is the problem. Israel needs to accept other people but Jews have the right to exist in the Middle East. The problem is Zionist Exceptionalism and let us not forget Idolatry. Actually, the two are related.
Garbled gibberish, Flower Child. The Palis don't have a protector like Israel has. And I'm not talking about Uncle Sugar.

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.*38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
Isn't it wonderful how the Imam of the mosque in Reseda when Frau Sherri lived out that way told her to act like a "good Christian woman" and that the Infidels will fall for it? How nice that the Internet has many sites where one can go for Bible passages to fake that they are good Christians. You missed out, Frau Sherri; there is a new Islamic Center on Victory Blvd. that you could be attending.
Some genos need to be cided. Dirtbags need to be laundered.

More Hate.

Where does that Hate take you?

Have you ever heard the story of a God who created all men in His image and a God who loved and still loves each of His creations?

That wasn't the God who created Allah's creatures.

You raise an interesting point Prometheus-----in fact ----quite consistent with
your personality as the 'god' which gave fire to man. I am not sure that
muslims like the "OLD TESTAMENT" thing "MAN IS MADE IN THE IMAGE OF
GOD" I am not sure it is included in their dogma. It IS one of the most
important themes of the first book of the bible ---Genesis----which includes the
concept of FREE WILL for man ----a concept rejected in islamic dogma.

an interesting aspect of the PROMETHEUS ---uhm life-history----is he DEFIED
the "gods" by giving man TOO MUCH POWER----to wit "fire"

anyone out there know if muslims accept the idea "man is made in the imaga of
G-d"???????------they certainly reject its corollary statement----"man has free will"--
which ----just as prometheus GRANTED fire to man ----irrevocably----G-d
granted free will to man---IRREVOCABLY

Prometheus ----is that damned big bird still eating your liver?

I wonder if Sherri knows that the "IMAGE OF G-D" thing includes "FREE WILL"---
she keeps commenting that her "god" controls her mind
More Hate.

Where does that Hate take you?

Have you ever heard the story of a God who created all men in His image and a God who loved and still loves each of His creations?

That wasn't the God who created Allah's creatures.

You raise an interesting point Prometheus-----in fact ----quite consistent with
your personality as the 'god' which gave fire to man. I am not sure that
muslims like the "OLD TESTAMENT" thing "MAN IS MADE IN THE IMAGE OF
GOD" I am not sure it is included in their dogma. It IS one of the most
important themes of the first book of the bible ---Genesis----which includes the
concept of FREE WILL for man ----a concept rejected in islamic dogma.

an interesting aspect of the PROMETHEUS ---uhm life-history----is he DEFIED
the "gods" by giving man TOO MUCH POWER----to wit "fire"

anyone out there know if muslims accept the idea "man is made in the imaga of
G-d"???????------they certainly reject its corollary statement----"man has free will"--
which ----just as prometheus GRANTED fire to man ----irrevocably----G-d
granted free will to man---IRREVOCABLY

Prometheus ----is that damned big bird still eating your liver?

I wonder if Sherri knows that the "IMAGE OF G-D" thing includes "FREE WILL"---
she keeps commenting that her "god" controls her mind

I gave them fire and I gave them the order to ready, aim, fire whenever they get a Muzzie in range. They are the Religion of Cain, the true story behind the legend, where criminals were banished from the tribe and started tribes with their own kind.
Garbled gibberish, Flower Child. The Palis don't have a protector like Israel has. And I'm not talking about Uncle Sugar.

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.*38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
Isn't it wonderful how the Imam of the mosque in Reseda when Frau Sherri lived out that way told her to act like a "good Christian woman" and that the Infidels will fall for it? How nice that the Internet has many sites where one can go for Bible passages to fake that they are good Christians. You missed out, Frau Sherri; there is a new Islamic Center on Victory Blvd. that you could be attending.

You have no response to the words of Jesus, that says it all.

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