Israel vs Hamas


Nov 21, 2012
As Hamas continues to target Israeli civilians in their homes, Israel continues to target terrorist leaders and other legitimate military targets. Hamas has now succeeded in killing a family of three in their home. Targeting civilians, such as that family, is a calculated Hamas policy designed to sow terror among the Israeli population. Hamas supporters celebrate the murder of Jewish civilians. Every rocket fired by Hamas from one of its own civilian areas at a non-military Israeli target is a double war crime that should be universally condemned by all reasonable people. Israel’s response—targeting only terrorists and Hamas military leaders – is completely lawful and legitimate. It constitutes an act of self-defense pursuant to Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and universally accepted principles of international law.

There is absolutely no comparison between the murderous war crimes being committed by Hamas and the lawful targeting of terrorists by the Israeli military. Yet the Egyptian government, now controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, has condemned Israel while remaining relatively silent about Hamas. This should not be surprising, since Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Some in the media also insist on describing the recent events in Gaza as “a cycle of violence,” without distinguishing between the war crimes committed by Hamas and the lawful actions undertaken by Israel to protect its citizens against such war crimes. It would be as if the media described lawful police efforts to stop illegal drug-related murders as a “cycle of violence.” Yet J Street, an organization that persists in calling itself pro-Israel, insists on describing the situation in Gaza as a “spiral of violence."

What would Egypt do if Hamas or Islamic Jihad suddenly began to lob deadly shells in the direction of Cairo suburbs? What would any country do? President Obama was entirely correct in defending Israel’s right to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks and in condemning Hamas for initiating these attacks. He is also correct in calling for Israel to try its best to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties, as Israel has always done and continues to do. The targeted killing of Hamas military commander Ahmed al-Jabari is a case and point. He and a Hamas associate were killed in a pinpoint airstrike that apparently caused no collateral damage.

There are some who argue, quite absurdly, that all targeted assassination is unlawful, since it constitutes “extrajudicial killing.” But all military deaths are extrajudicial killings, as are deaths caused in the civilian context by individual acts of self-defense or by the police shooting a dangerous fleeing felon. In fact, only Israel among all the countries of the world has subjected its policy of targeted killing of terrorists to judicial review. The Israeli Supreme Court has set out careful and precise criteria for when targeted killing is appropriate and which people constitute appropriate targets under international law. Ahmed Jabari plainly fits within those criteria.

Israel’s response to the Hamas rockets must of course be proportional, but proportionality does not require that Israel wait until a large number of its civilians are actually killed or seriously injured. Israel’s response must be proportionate to the threat faced by its civilian population. Indeed, the goal of its actions must be to prevent even a single Israeli civilian death.

In addition to the Israel Supreme Court imposing constraints on its military, Israeli civilians and the Israeli media also serve as an important check. When, on occasion, Israeli military actions have caused a disproportionate number of civilian deaths, Israelis have become outraged at their military and demand a greater adherence to the principles of proportionality. This contrasts sharply with the population of Gaza, much of which applauds and celebrates every time an Israeli child is killed by a Hamas rocket. It is immoral in the extreme to compare Israel to Gaza or to compare the Israeli military to Hamas terrorists.

It would be better, of course, if a permanent ceasefire could be arranged under which Hamas would stop firing rockets at civilians and Israel would no longer need to target Hamas terrorists. Egypt could play a more positive role by trying to bring about a ceasefire instead of unilaterally condemning the victims of war crimes, as it has done.

But until Hamas stops terrorizing more than a million Israeli civilians, the Israeli military will have no choice other than to use its technological advantage to prevent and deter Hamas terrorism. It is the obligation of every sovereign state, first and foremost, to protect its civilian population from terrorist attacks. Israel’s decision to use targeted assassination against Hamas combatants is preferable to other military options, such as a massive ground attack that inevitably will cause more collateral damage.

But if Hamas’s rocket attacks persist, Israel may have little choice to invade the Gaza and take more extensive steps to protect its civilian population. It’s up to Hamas, which is entirely to blame for the current situation, as it was when Israel was forced to invade back in 2008. The international community and the media must begin to differentiate between war crimes committed by terrorists and legitimate acts of self-defense engaged in by a responsible military. Failing to emphasize that distinction encourages terrorism and erodes the moral basis of the important principle of just warfare.
[ame=]Ron Paul - Israel Created Hamas! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Blowback: Did Israel Help To Create Hamas? - YouTube[/ame]
Israel continues to target terrorist leaders and other legitimate military targets.

Well that 14 year old they got a head shot on, in the soccer field, did seems suspect.

Hey..and if Israel kills an American on a Turkish flagged ship in a midnight raid in international waters, what's the big deal?

It's only an American, right?
'Think there was extra credit for deliberately killing 34 Americans in 1967?

"The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War.[3] The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship."

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

None of Israel's actions can be seen as defensive Whilst they occupy 20% of the Palestinians land. You cannot be a defender and an occupier. if the Israelis were to hand back the land and stop blockading Gaza then I would feel some sympathy, if their attacks were proportionate I would feel some sympathy, but to kill 20x the number of people in supposed retaliation is frankly immoral.

I am not Jewish or Muslim. I am a white European Christian and from my completely independant view with information from neutral sources such as the BBC and major British press I quite frankly am becoming pro Palestinian. I would like to see them armed properly. Then they wouldn't need to use poorly targeted rockets and instead target military and political targets for assassination like Israel does.

I have no doubt that Israel would have murdered even more Palestinians if, for example, Palestinians had executed Netinyahu or Barak.
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None of Israel's actions can be seen as defensive Whilst they occupy 20% of the Palestinians land. You cannot be a defender and an occupier. if the Israelis were to hand back the land and stop blockading Gaza then I would feel some sympathy, if their attacks were proportionate I would feel some sympathy, but to kill 20x the number of people in supposed retaliation is frankly immoral.

I am not Jewish or Muslim. I am a white European Christian and from my completely independant view with information from neutral sources such as the BBC and major British press I quite frankly am becoming pro Palestinian. I would like to see them armed properly. Then they wouldn't need to use poorly targeted rockets and instead target military and political targets for assassination like Israel does.

I have no doubt that Israel would have murdered even more Palestinians if, for example, Palestinians had executed Netinyahu or Barak.
Welcome to the asylum:

"Gaza is Always Under Siege

Israel controls the airspace, waters, and borders of Gaza (with the exception of Rafah, the border with
Egypt). Israel controls the electrical and sewage infrastructure of Gaza, and how much food, fuel and
other supplies can arrive and leave, giving it almost total control over the economy. Palestinians in
Gaza do not have the freedom to leave at will, to visit relatives in the West Bank, or get adequate
health care. 1.7 million Palestinians are crammed into 140 square miles, making it one of the most
crowded places on earth.
In other words, even on the best of days, when Israel is not bombing Gaza, it is largely responsible for
holding 1.7 million people captive in miserable conditions. According to international law, by maintaining 'effective control' of Gaza, Israel still meets the definition of occupying power. This status
has been affirmed by the Red Cross, Amnesty International, the U.N., and the U.S. State Department..."

None of Israel's actions can be seen as defensive Whilst they occupy 20% of the Palestinians land. You cannot be a defender and an occupier. if the Israelis were to hand back the land and stop blockading Gaza then I would feel some sympathy, if their attacks were proportionate I would feel some sympathy, but to kill 20x the number of people in supposed retaliation is frankly immoral.

I am not Jewish or Muslim. I am a white European Christian and from my completely independant view with information from neutral sources such as the BBC and major British press I quite frankly am becoming pro Palestinian. I would like to see them armed properly. Then they wouldn't need to use poorly targeted rockets and instead target military and political targets for assassination like Israel does.

I have no doubt that Israel would have murdered even more Palestinians if, for example, Palestinians had executed Netinyahu or Barak.

I agree, Israel should surrender to the great nation of Palestine, led by a group of ak-47 toting Islamic jihadist monkeys who want all Jews dead and cheer when Israelis are killed.

Thats such a reasonable outcome!
Or Israel could simply annex all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River and exterminate the "two-legged beasts."
Georgie lied and sherrie said AMEEEEN while it is true that Israel controls the eletricity in Gaza----georgie with the agreement of sherrie failed to mention that prior to 1967---Gaza lived with almost no electricity at all because before 1967----EGYPT WAS IN CHARGE (egyptians hate BALESTINIANS-----the disdain they express when they SAY THE WORD ----actually startles me) The most significant lie ---expressed by georgie and seconded by the every vulgar sherrie----THE GAZANS ARE LOCKED INTO GAZA----well---actually I have never been in gaza----but I have encountered many Gazans-----many who were in the USA for short periods of time----will they have to file their way thru bars to BREAK BACK IN? THEY ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO BREAK INTO THEIR "CONCENTRATION CAMP"? in short---Gazans are free to leave Gaza any time they wish----of course Egyptians do not want to see them or their children. So much for the gross georgie /sherrie lie HELD CAPTIVE IN MISERABLE CONDITIONS -----again---I have never been to Gaza----but have been involved on some of their "problems" resulting from their DELIGHTFUL conditions prior to 1967----when they were denied even the most basic medical care-----stuff the people of the slums of calcutta get was denied the Gazans by the Egyptians. Today----they have ----amongst all the muslim nations of the world ----ONE OF THE BEST INFANT MORTALITY RATES -------they beat egypt----but that is a condition only since 1967. Did either of you idiots ever both to talk to a Gazan born before 1967? If I were a Gazan mother----I would scratch the eyes out of the heads of the pigs who created the HEREDITARY REFUGEE SYSTEM ----sorry sherrie----it was not jews. If Jews used the same criteria for REFUGEEE that arab muslims inflict on the gazans -----both I and my husband would also be "REFUGEES"
Or Israel could simply annex all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River and exterminate the "two-legged beasts."
A comedian you ain't ,Studley.
"At the most basic level, Israel’s actions in Gaza are inextricably bound up with its efforts to create a Greater Israel that stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."

Do you doubt it?

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Or Israel could simply annex all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River and exterminate the "two-legged beasts."
A comedian you ain't ,Studley.
"At the most basic level, Israel’s actions in Gaza are inextricably bound up with its efforts to create a Greater Israel that stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."

Do you doubt it?

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Oh how nice!!! All the anti-Semites get around to pulling up stuff from Counterpunch from time to time. I am beginning to wonder if Georgie Boy here is practicing to becoming the Imam at some big mosque in the Los Angeles area and uses Counterpunch in his practice sermons. Is there an opening for an assistant Imam at that mosque in Culver City, Georgie Boy, that you are trying to get hired for?
I am not an anti Semite. I hate what Israel is doing and I cannot see why anybody who is remotely humane cannot see that occupying Palestinian land and blockading Gaza will result in Palestinians fighting back.

You will never have peace whilst Israel continue to do this. This is because whilst these things happen Israel will always be the aggressor and Palestine will always be able to justify their actions to the international community.
I am not an anti Semite. I hate what Israel is doing and I cannot see why anybody who is remotely humane cannot see that occupying Palestinian land and blockading Gaza will result in Palestinians fighting back.

You will never have peace whilst Israel continue to do this. This is because whilst these things happen Israel will always be the aggressor and Palestine will always be able to justify their actions to the international community.

you are ignoring many realities----either you simply do not know because---you do not know or are very young and do not know the history of the area-----are---you are anti semitic. I will help----Before 1967----Gaza was actually controlled by egypt----it was essentially a part of egypt but egypt chose to make it a reserve to store "refugees" ----and make sure they stay refugees ----forever by denying them citizenship-----in fact an egyptian could become a "refugee" by marrying one of them which netted him a bag of rice from the UN and a pail full of water. -------back then when misery was the OPTION chosen by the "refugees" and their bretheren----there was violence in the form of various kinds of terrorist acts -------the so-called "OCCUPATION" did not start it

You are clearly a complete idiot. The simple truth is that you will not get peace whilst you occupy land that you took illegally. The further simple truth is that by occupying it you cannot truthfully claim self defence as you are clearly the aggressors.

How many more have to die on both sides for you to satisfy your need to claim victory and carry on with the complete lunacy of killing eachother.

If Israel want the fighting to stop they should hand back the land and stop attacking people in Palestinian territories, either with military or police force.

You may say that the Arabs want the destruction of Israel, frankly at the moment given the attitude of the Israeli government to bombing Palestine I can see why that would be appealing to them. Take away the land theft and the killing and maye Israel can claim to be a victim and the Arab arguments evaporate.

The simple truth is that the Palestinians do not have a choice is topping aggression, since the Israelis continue to occupy their land. The Israel's do have the choice but elect not to use it because they are arrogant racists who consider themselves to be more important than the Palestinians.

You are clearly a complete idiot. The simple truth is that you will not get peace whilst you occupy land that you took illegally. The further simple truth is that by occupying it you cannot truthfully claim self defence as you are clearly the aggressors.

How many more have to die on both sides for you to satisfy your need to claim victory and carry on with the complete lunacy of killing eachother.

If Israel want the fighting to stop they should hand back the land and stop attacking people in Palestinian territories, either with military or police force.

You may say that the Arabs want the destruction of Israel, frankly at the moment given the attitude of the Israeli government to bombing Palestine I can see why that would be appealing to them. Take away the land theft and the killing and maye Israel can claim to be a victim and the Arab arguments evaporate.

The simple truth is that the Palestinians do not have a choice is topping aggression, since the Israelis continue to occupy their land. The Israel's do have the choice but elect not to use it because they are arrogant racists who consider themselves to be more important than the Palestinians.

the simple truth is that you are a typical islamo nazi idiot-----you did not even bother
to address the fact that your fellow islamo pigs were engaged in terrorism
against Israelis even before 1967 ----there are all sorts of other issues which you
fail to address-----but I am not here to educate you------why you claim that -----I STOLE LAND----from whom? I was born in the USA-----and the only land I own is a tiny parcel wth a tiny house on it in the USA --------you are quite an idiot

why do you post if you know nothing about the issues?
GAZA is a semi-self-regulating concentration camp.

It's population concentration is 9,000 per square mile.

It is an ongoing human right violation.

There are NO non-residential areas.

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