Israeli campaign against Hamas could develop into a wider middle east conflict.?!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
If the Israeli war with Hamas continues, at its current rate, it may bring other nations into the conflict.?! The lopsided death toll, and the killing of the Palestinian civilians, and then stating that they want to destroy Hamas, may bring in the some of the global terror network members into the battle.?! The Muslims have a credo, where they must come to the aide of a brother Muslim, if they are under attack.!?
It won't be the neighboring countries so they'd have to fly in to Syria which can be easily prevented
Just more of the Jews shouldn't protect themselves, give up and die. From the River to the sea, right ?
No, Israel has every right to defend itself from any attacks. I 'am just saying, the way its going, it may bring in other Arab nations, who see people being slaughtered men, women, and babies, on a daily basis with no let up or breaks. The Hamas fighters don't have Tanks, and an Airforce to drop bombs on Israel.!?
No, Israel has every right to defend itself from any attacks. I 'am just saying, the way its going, it may bring in other Arab nations, who see people being slaughtered men, women, and babies, on a daily basis with no let up or breaks. The Hamas fighters don't have Tanks, and an Airforce to drop bombs on Israel.!?
They would regret it. IDF get a hard on if they get to fight a straight up army instead of rats in holes.
I'd expect the worst if the Butterfingers Biden Administration has anything to do with it.. :(
If the Israeli war with Hamas continues, at its current rate, it may bring other nations into the conflict.?! The lopsided death toll, and the killing of the Palestinian civilians, and then stating that they want to destroy Hamas, may bring in the some of the global terror network members into the battle.?! The Muslims have a credo, where they must come to the aide of a brother Muslim, if they are under attack.!?

I never heard that credo and I lived in the Middle East 2 decades.
If the Israeli war with Hamas continues, at its current rate, it may bring other nations into the conflict.?! The lopsided death toll, and the killing of the Palestinian civilians, and then stating that they want to destroy Hamas, may bring in the some of the global terror network members into the battle.?! The Muslims have a credo, where they must come to the aide of a brother Muslim, if they are under attack.!?
Let them come. The issues at play are simple. Most of the world would prefer not to be bothered by a Jewish state in Palestine. They actually tried to help the locals remove the Jews beginning in '48 but were unsuccessful. Since then they have doggedly used the UN to blame Israel for every wrong on the planet that touched on the strife between the Jews and the Arab Muslim states of the world.

On the other side of the equation, those Jews have decided they aren't ever going to be pushed off that land and since they managed to become a nuclear weapons state in the 60s, the world hasn't been able to come at them directly for fear that the whole planet might be burned down with them. Beginning on 10/7, Israelis have had their eyes permanently reopened to their actual jeopardy and they've decided that despite US/EU pressure, they are going to do what is necessary to survive, regardless of how many civilian deaths Hamas causes.

World media is solidly anti-Israel and is pounding the drum against Israel and fostering the rise of severe anti-Semitism, globally. This will lead to an effort by the world to send a coalition of Islamic states, augmented by Russia, to finish Israel as a nation. That won't likely happen as a result of this particular conflagration but this current struggle will set the stage for it.

That effort, when it comes, will be used by God to sanctify Himself before all the nations on the planet. Israel will have NO ALLIES and will be seen to be facing utter annihilation but the actual result will be that 5/6 of all troops who engage against them will fall in death on the mountains of Israel and God will then "send fire upon those dwelling carelessly in the isles" -(the countries that have sent military forces against His people in Israel)
I never heard that credo and I lived in the Middle East 2 decades.
Did you ever hear of Muslims in the region who were seriously interested in finding a path to coexistence in peace and in sharing that land? If so, please share that experience with us. There is a tremendous amount of polling and history written of that conflict between Arab Muslims and Jews and I've never seen any serious attempts by Muslims to go against their military/religious leaders and try to make peace with the Jews most of them hate so much.
If the Israeli war with Hamas continues, at its current rate, it may bring other nations into the conflict.?! The lopsided death toll, and the killing of the Palestinian civilians, and then stating that they want to destroy Hamas, may bring in the some of the global terror network members into the battle.?! The Muslims have a credo, where they must come to the aide of a brother Muslim, if they are under attack.!?

Why stop with Hamas? I hope they go after Hezbollah and Iran next.

The more war, death, and destruction in the world means the more people will be fed up with Joe Biden's incompetent administration. None of this shit would have happened under Trump.
Did you ever hear of Muslims in the region who were seriously interested in finding a path to coexistence in peace and in sharing that land? If so, please share that experience with us. There is a tremendous amount of polling and history written of that conflict between Arab Muslims and Jews and I've never seen any serious attempts by Muslims to go against their military/religious leaders and try to make peace with the Jews most of them hate so much.

Israel continues to steal land and kill resistance. That's been constant since 1950.
Israel continues to steal land and kill resistance. That's been constant since 1950.
You are like a parrot that keeps repeating the same meaningless thing over and over… Here Polly is your cracker….The Ottoman empire was in control of the land that stretched from where Turkey is now to where Egypt is today.. After the disintegration of the empire said lands fell into the hands of the British and they continued this practise... The land was not owned by the arabs living there or anyone else as per the Ottoman land code of 1858…The people who lived on the land knew this and it was traditionally held that the land belonged to God and the Sultan( as in the leader of the Ottoman Empire)…..The notion of private property was alien to themYou can still see that today in most placesor countries where the vast majority of the land is owned by the state and not individually owned…Now that being said the land was viewed as Miri( Alloted by the state to a village or number of villages and cannot be private property and is only leased to the tenenents for an indefinite duration.. Taxes were due and if not paid then the people lost allrights to staying there this is called Ragabi.. So claiming that someone is stealing someone else’s land is a bogus argument you should take it up with the British and the Ottoman Empire before them and for that matter the League of Nations and the UN as well and while we are at it the Quran which states the land belongs to the jews and the Hebrew Scriptures …Now who are these Palestinians you are talking about after all the people living in the land were Muslim, Christian’s , Jews , Druze . Baha’i etc etc… If my memory serves me correctly the state of Israel has all these people living in their land today however the ones You call Palestinians don’t seem to have any tolerance for any but ones that follow the Muslim faith to live where they live .. I am just reposting this info so people can figure things out for themselves and give you a cracker so you can try to repeat your lies which is harder when your mouth is full instead of your empty retureck
Israel continues to steal land and kill resistance. That's been constant since 1950.
Speaking of 1950 -- isn't that when you were the world's only high-powered female oil mogul, and had Arab boys peeling grapes for you when you were lounging about the sauna?
Did you ever hear of Muslims in the region who were seriously interested in finding a path to coexistence in peace and in sharing that land? If so, please share that experience with us. There is a tremendous amount of polling and history written of that conflict between Arab Muslims and Jews and I've never seen any serious attempts by Muslims to go against their military/religious leaders and try to make peace with the Jews most of them hate so much.

Yes. We were very excited about the Saudi peace initiative, but Ariel Sharon mocked it.
In spite of the petty bickering here, it is good to see the Freedom Fighters pushing the bully boy Cleansers backwards .

Seems now that the Israeli terrorists are losing to the Freedom Fighters the Houthis and Hezbollah : with Iran entering the conflict the UseLess will be dragged into another humiliating defeat .

Can they never learn?

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