Israeli Man Sexually Assaults 2 Boys In Jordan Valley


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Israeli man 'sexually assaults' 2 boys in Jordan Valley. BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "A human rights group said Saturday that it was "deeply disturbed" by reports that an armed Israeli man dressed in a police uniform sexually assaulted two Palestinian boys in the Jordan Valley in April.Defense for Children International Palestine said that in late April an Israeli man driving a white car with yellow Israeli plates approached two 14-year-old boys attending goats north of Jericho, and with his firearm visible, ordered them to strip before sexually assaulting them one at a time.The grandfather of one of the boys said that the Palestinian Authority Liaison office submitted a complaint to Israeli police, but the attacker has still not been found."It's been three weeks since these kids were sexually assaulted, and they live in fear with their attacker still on the loose," Ayed Abu Eqtaish, Accountability Program director at DCI-Palestine, said."We urge Israeli authorities to carry out a swift investigation and apprehend the suspect before he attacks again."Israeli investigators have reportedly obtained statements from the boys, who said they would be able to identify their attacker in a lineup.They described the man as average height, black hair, in his 30s and with a mole on his left cheek. According to their testimony, the boys saw their attacker in the same area a few days after the assault and hid until he drove away." Israeli man 'sexually assaults' 2 boys in Jordan Valley | Maan News Agency. Well, here is another Israeli crime against Palestinian children and we can expect no justice for these continuing Israeli crimes against Palestinian children. There simply is no justice for Palestinian children victims of Israeli crimes.

What the OP exposes is the face of Zionist Israel, it is a place where Jews all over the world can come and molest little boys with Impunity. And the posts here demonstrate there is no defense for this and supporters of Zionism practices like the acts of the perpetrator of the offenses in the OP can only attack me personally when I bring the truths about Zionism into the light. I could care less how you insult me, I am Blessed by your insults. You just keep them coming.

Merged Your first 2 Post to bring Your Opening Post in compliance with Opening Post Rule. You need to include your own relevant input when starting threads. -Intense
Israeli man 'sexually assaults' 2 boys in Jordan Valley. BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "A human rights group said Saturday that it was "deeply disturbed" by reports that an armed Israeli man dressed in a police uniform sexually assaulted two Palestinian boys in the Jordan Valley in April.Defense for Children International Palestine said that in late April an Israeli man driving a white car with yellow Israeli plates approached two 14-year-old boys attending goats north of Jericho, and with his firearm visible, ordered them to strip before sexually assaulting them one at a time.The grandfather of one of the boys said that the Palestinian Authority Liaison office submitted a complaint to Israeli police, but the attacker has still not been found."It's been three weeks since these kids were sexually assaulted, and they live in fear with their attacker still on the loose," Ayed Abu Eqtaish, Accountability Program director at DCI-Palestine, said."We urge Israeli authorities to carry out a swift investigation and apprehend the suspect before he attacks again."Israeli investigators have reportedly obtained statements from the boys, who said they would be able to identify their attacker in a lineup.They described the man as average height, black hair, in his 30s and with a mole on his left cheek. According to their testimony, the boys saw their attacker in the same area a few days after the assault and hid until he drove away." Israeli man 'sexually assaults' 2 boys in Jordan Valley | Maan News Agency. Well, here is another Israeli crime against Palestinian children and we can expect no justice for these continuing Israeli crimes against Palestinian children. There simply is no justice for Palestinian children victims of Israeli crimes.
There are many articles about Imam and Mullahs sexually abusing young people in mosques and madrassas. I certainly hope that Frau Sherri is keeping up with all the news when it concerns Muslim children. In addition, I don't think Frau Sherri should go to England because she doesn't want to land up like some of these other "White" women.

?Imams promote grooming rings?, Muslim leader claims - Telegraph
Israeli man 'sexually assaults' 2 boys in Jordan Valley. BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "A human rights group said Saturday that it was "deeply disturbed" by reports that an armed Israeli man dressed in a police uniform sexually assaulted two Palestinian boys in the Jordan Valley in April.Defense for Children International Palestine said that in late April an Israeli man driving a white car with yellow Israeli plates approached two 14-year-old boys attending goats north of Jericho, and with his firearm visible, ordered them to strip before sexually assaulting them one at a time.The grandfather of one of the boys said that the Palestinian Authority Liaison office submitted a complaint to Israeli police, but the attacker has still not been found."It's been three weeks since these kids were sexually assaulted, and they live in fear with their attacker still on the loose," Ayed Abu Eqtaish, Accountability Program director at DCI-Palestine, said."We urge Israeli authorities to carry out a swift investigation and apprehend the suspect before he attacks again."Israeli investigators have reportedly obtained statements from the boys, who said they would be able to identify their attacker in a lineup.They described the man as average height, black hair, in his 30s and with a mole on his left cheek. According to their testimony, the boys saw their attacker in the same area a few days after the assault and hid until he drove away." Israeli man 'sexually assaults' 2 boys in Jordan Valley | Maan News Agency. Well, here is another Israeli crime against Palestinian children and we can expect no justice for these continuing Israeli crimes against Palestinian children. There simply is no justice for Palestinian children victims of Israeli crimes.
There are many articles about Imam and Mullahs sexually abusing young people in mosques and madrassas. I certainly hope that Frau Sherri is keeping up with all the news when it concerns Muslim children. In addition, I don't think Frau Sherri should go to England because she doesn't want to land up like some of these other "White" women.

?Imams promote grooming rings?, Muslim leader claims - Telegraph

Yes. It's very noticeable that of the many cases around the world of paedophilia and children forced into prostitution, often by muslim gangs, she cherry picks only examples to support her political agenda of hate. Clearly her concern for child abuse is a big con. What a despicable example of the female species. I wonder how much she gets paid by the brethren to post her poison.
What the OP exposes is the face of Zionist Israel, it is a place where Jews all over the world can come and molest little boys with Impunity. And the posts here demonstrate there is no defense for this and supporters of Zionism practices like the acts of the perpetrator of the offenses in the OP can only attack me personally when I bring the truths about Zionism into the light. I could care less how you insult me, I am Blessed by your insults. You just keep them coming.

What those who repeat baseless sexual libels expose is the fact of the FILTH OF
GENOCIDE, MASSACRES and LYNCHINGS thruout the world for more than 1700
years based on the DEPRAVITY OF ISA WORSHIP ------there are scum like this
entity of excrement who sullied the soil of the USA with the same sort of filth when
they lynched black children whilst farting out similar libels An interesting factoid
is that the depraved meccaist infant throat slitting dogs used similar libels to justify
many of their throat slitting fests. ------they have been used almost to the same
extant isa advised the dogs and pigs to use the BLOOD LIBELS to justify their filth
and to glorify IT (him?)

an intersting historical factoid is that the Aden pogrom ----1947--- was galvanized by
a very similar idea and a very similar filthy slut. It is fascinating that the filthy scum
cling to their customary MODI OPERANDI-=====filth think with one mind
Yes. It's very noticeable that of the many cases around the world of paedophilia and children forced into prostitution, often by muslim gangs, she cherry picks only examples to support her political agenda of hate. Clearly her concern for child abuse is a big con. What a despicable example of the female species. I wonder how much she gets paid by the brethren to post her poison.

Sherri is really a Muslim man named Mahmoud with a big belly.

Seriously, she's nothing but a " christian" hypocrite

Sherri's material and style could be entirely consistent with a very typical
iUSA born and bred nazi. It parrots material produced by nazi war criminals '
who found refuge in Egypt and Syria during the post world war II era
and was actually avialabe to the scum of USA earth in the 1950s
I grew up in what had been a bundist town------I read it as a child and heard
it spoken by "intellectuals" educated in places like pakistan 10-15 years later

The story about the "iranian" may or may not be true-----the part that rings
true is his lack or religious belief . I know known lots of Iranian shiites in
the USA just like that-----but some do harbor a very traditional anti ---ANYTHING
else including anti jew. Iranians (at least those whom I have known---
lots of whom have been the intelliegent and educated who fled Iran after 1979 )
are not interested in 'religion' It is not at all uncommon for ---people like THAT
to invent a persona
The travesty of justice lies with the fact noone will be arrested or prosecuted for this crime because the victims are Palestinian children living under Israeli Occupation.
The travesty of justice lies with the fact noone will be arrested or prosecuted for this crime because the victims are Palestinian children living under Israeli Occupation.

The travesty is that an entity which claims to be "officer of the court" in the USA
made the above statement -----and has also supports the release from jail of any
palestinian convicted of slitting the throat of a jewish baby and ---in fact---lauds such
people ----as well as bomb on ass sluts as NOBLE HEROES

So far it has insisted that the lawyer----who violated a court order that tne 1993
bomber of the world trade center SHAYKH ABDEL RAJMAN ---NOT BE ALLOWED
CONTACT WITH HIS TERRORIST followers. The lawyer---lyn stewart managed
to sneak ---under the guise of arabic interpreter----one of the good murdering
shaykh's-----a fellow terrorist----into the jail. For that crime which endangered the
lives of MORE AMERICAN CITIZENS to the delight of sherri----Lyn Stewart was
convicted and jailed -------"UNFAIR" fart the jihadist sluts of the world !!!!!! and
a USA lawyer chalks the crime up to "GOOD DEFENSE"

The USA fails to identify the perpetrators of many crimes----most lawyers do not
have the filth of spirit to claim ---that which the jihadist slut claims ---but most
lawyers do have some sense of decency. In fact so far the jihadist slut had failed
to provide any evidence that ANY CRIME TOOK PLACE AT ALL-----it insists that
a one lone "jewish man" accosted TWO arab adolesecents in the field and
FORCED THEM TO STRIP-------and so some un named and undescribed act----
that's it From which STERLING source is this nonsense derived ???
MAAN of course
The travesty of justice lies with the fact noone will be arrested or prosecuted for this crime because the victims are Palestinian children living under Israeli Occupation.

Actually, the real travesty is the one trick pony you sit astride. The one you've blinkered to trot past all else until you spot something, often less heinous, to prop up your personal agenda of bile and hate.
People of conscience shall be speaking out against human rights abuses against Palestinians living under Occupation as long as they continue. And that is exactly how it should be, we still live in a world where there are people speaking truth and taking stands against injustice. I think a lot about words written and spoken by MLK, like silence in the face of injustice constituting complicity with it.
People of conscience shall be speaking out against human rights abuses against Palestinians living under Occupation as long as they continue. And that is exactly how it should be, we still live in a world where there are people speaking truth and taking stands against injustice. I think a lot about words written and spoken by MLK, like silence in the face of injustice constituting complicity with it.
You keep talking about "people of conscience", however, we are yet to see any on the Palestinian side protest all the human rights abuses and crimes against humanity committed by Hamas and the other goons running Gaza. Do you think it's because THEY GET KILLED if they say anything? Ha ha ha.

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