Israeli ‘mini-farm’ could feed third world hungry


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
What a benefit this could be for the starving in poor countries. It's sad to see pictures of skin and bone children in places like Somalia with many of their parents dead in the road of starvation..

Israeli ‘mini-farm’ could feed third world hungry

Livingbox, a system for landless urban dwellers to grow their own food, is the $20,000 winner in the Pears Challenge competition

BY DAVID SHAMAH June 26, 2014

An Israeli-developed “mini-farm” that can grow vegetables anywhere with a self-sustaining “closed loop” of energy and nutrition and help feed a billion needy people has won a prize as the most promising project to help developing countries improve their economies.

Project co-creator Nitzan Solan says the Livingbox “is the perfect system, because it lets anyone anywhere grow vegetables without the need for fertile soil, or running water and electricity, and with minimal farming skills. It could help feed people in the developing world, providing them with access to fresh, nutritious food, while helping them maintain a clean environment.”

Read more:

Israeli 'mini-farm' could feed third world hungry | The Times of Israel
The left will ignore this as it comes from Israel.

Of course they will. However, LongKnife, I am keeping my fingers crossed that everyone here (even all the Leftists) in Southern California starts using the Israeli drip irrigation system to help combat the effects of the drought. I think some of the farmers are already using it.

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