Israeli new laws will make Shalit's captors raise their demands

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian prisoner affairs minister Attallah Abu Sabh has called on the world community to intervene as the Israel Knesset is expected to approve a law tightening restrictions on Palestinian war prisoners.

He asserted that the new set of laws contravenes the fourth Geneva convention.

The law is aimed at accelerating the liberation of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured by resistance forces in Gaza three years back.

”The [move] could in fact perpetuate the positions of the factions and cause them to increase their demands. This is what Shalit's father understood as he attended the hearing and called for the non-implementation of the law to change conditions of prisoners, and also demanded that his son's name not be used on the laws if they were passed, for fear that it would have a negative effect on negotiations.”

He pointed out that Israel already violates many norms and laws and deprives prisoners of basic rights. He said they are not given quality food and medicine and are deprived of education and visits and thrown into solitary confinement. Their cells are also raided and searched regularly, and they are beaten.

Abu Sabh: Israeli new laws will make Shalit's captors raise their demands

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