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Israeli peace activist: Hamas leader Jabari killed amid talks on long-term truce

try again georgie---- sovereign nations have the right to determine their own demographics which is why partitions between parties in conflict have been so popular and effective historically Your dream of allowing majorties to commit genocide upon minorities-----is frowned upon by-------ETHICISTS. The ethical considerations are a bone in the throat of the ummah----(maybe that is why its members SLIT THROATS)
Has the sovereign, yet UNETHICAL, state of Israel decided on its Eastern border, yet?

I'm not sure if nations enjoy the right of sovereignty?
It didn't work out too well for Russell Means

Sooner or later Israel will have to decide between being a democratic or Jewish state.

That may be but the Israelis will be the ones to decide that, Princess, and what the hell is an "unethical state." Methinks you single Israel (read: Jews) out for criticism virtually all states deserve. Typical Nazi-like thinking. :D
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews inflict a Jewish State on 1.2 million Arabs.
Read up on popular sovereignty:

"Popular sovereignty or the sovereignty of the people is the principle that the legitimacy of the state is created and sustained by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of all political power."

That would be ALL the people who are the source of ALL political power, Imbecile.

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Palestinian Authority police

TEL AVIV – Major Palestinian factions, including terrorist organizations, reject Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ United Nations statehood request, arguing Abbas does not represent the Palestinian people.

Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said Abbas’ U.N. petition “lacks any legitimacy.”

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“Abbas speech includes a huge contradiction between his own personal point of view and the great majority of the Palestinian people,” he told WND.

Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, is at odds with Abbas’ Fatah party.

Abu Mujaheed, spokesperson for the Popular Resistance Committees, a major Gazan jihadist group, told WND Abbas’ U.N. petition “was a spectacle for the media.”

“Palestinians know it will bring our cause no where,” he said. “For Palestinians, the borders are based on 1948 (all of Israel) and this is not negotiable.”

The above is not going to happen; You moron. Israel is here to stay and you and your ilk better get used to the idea. When vermon like you are asked what there is to " negotiate" about under the above circumstances there is nobody home. Just more proof that the 1967 Borders are NOT " negotiable".

Mujaheed blasted Abbas as not representing the majority of the Palestinian people.

“He only represents a minority, while the great majority are still committed to the right of return and the release of all Palestine,” he told WND.

The Hamas ("Palestinian"?) & GPhillip POV would lead any rational Israeli to believe there is no negotiated option and that Israel must unilaterally do whatever she deems necessary to establish security and stability. :D
Israel cannot make a UNILATERAL decision on its eastern border ---there are other countries involved

There is no demographic requirement for a DEMOCRACY-----try again---- Even maldives which requires that ALL CITIZENS be muslims can be a democracy
Israel has already made a de facto decision on its Eastern border, namely the Jordan River.
That means every human being of voting age living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan has a right to vote in Israel's elections.

UNLESS Arabs aren't human beings that means an end to the Jewish State.
There's nothing to "negotiate" because the US and Israel have rejected every Arab peace proposal since 1976:

"The basic terms of the international consensus on the Arab-Israel conflict were expressed in a resolution brought to the Security Council in January 1976, calling for a settlement on the pre-June 1967 borders (the Green Line) with 'appropriate arrangements...to guarantee...the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all states in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries,' including Israel and a new Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"The resolution was backed by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and the PLO -- in fact 'prepared' by the PLO according to Israel's UN Ambassador Haim Herzog, now President. It was strenuously opposed by Israel and vetoed by the United States, once again in 1980.

"These events are -- automatically -- out of history, along with other facts unacceptable to US power, including repeated PLO initiatives through the 1980s calling for negotiations with Israel leading to mutual recognition... "

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky

Every Arab "peace" proposal demands the right of return of Arab "refugees" to Israel, amounting to the demographic destruction of the Jewish Homeland. What Chumpsky refers to as Arab "Middle East Diplomacy" is just a euphamism the destruction of Israel.
That sounds like an admission that Jews prefer their religion to democracy.
That sort of prejudice didn't turn out too well in White South Africa AFTER the US stopped blocking international efforts to reject apartheid:

"For many years, the US has stood virtually alone in opposition to international efforts to initiate a 'peace process' on the Middle East. The UN record brings out the issues with considerable clarity. The Security Council was eliminated as a forum years ago, thanks to the US veto.

"At its annual winter meetings, the General Assembly regularly passes resolutions calling for a conference on the Arab-Israel crisis, most recently, in December 1990 (144-2, US and Israel in opposition).

"In December 1989, the vote was 151-3, Dominica joining the two rejectionist states; a year earlier, 138-2; and so on. US international isolation dates to February 1971...The peace process has been effectively deterred."

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky
There's nothing to "negotiate" because the US and Israel have rejected every Arab peace proposal since 1976:

"The basic terms of the international consensus on the Arab-Israel conflict were expressed in a resolution brought to the Security Council in January 1976, calling for a settlement on the pre-June 1967 borders (the Green Line) with 'appropriate arrangements...to guarantee...the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all states in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries,' including Israel and a new Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"The resolution was backed by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and the PLO -- in fact 'prepared' by the PLO according to Israel's UN Ambassador Haim Herzog, now President. It was strenuously opposed by Israel and vetoed by the United States, once again in 1980.

"These events are -- automatically -- out of history, along with other facts unacceptable to US power, including repeated PLO initiatives through the 1980s calling for negotiations with Israel leading to mutual recognition... "

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky

Every Arab "peace" proposal demands the right of return of Arab "refugees" to Israel, amounting to the demographic destruction of the Jewish Homeland. What Chumpsky refers to as Arab "Middle East Diplomacy" is just a euphamism the destruction of Israel.
That sounds like an admission that Jews prefer their religion to democracy.
That sort of prejudice didn't turn out too well in White South Africa AFTER the US stopped blocking international efforts to reject apartheid:

Jews prefer their religion to Democracy but yet it's O.K. for Abbas to have a NJA Policy in " Palestine?" How is " religious freedom" working out for Christians in the Sudan, Coptic Christians, and others?

Let's talk about " Religious Freedom" in Saudi Arabia ( for starters) where our Military were VERBOTEN to have even Bibles .

The above just comes from one more Pro- Palestinian racist S**MBAG with the typical double standard:clap2:
There's nothing to "negotiate" because the US and Israel have rejected every Arab peace proposal since 1976:

"The basic terms of the international consensus on the Arab-Israel conflict were expressed in a resolution brought to the Security Council in January 1976, calling for a settlement on the pre-June 1967 borders (the Green Line) with 'appropriate arrangements...to guarantee...the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all states in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries,' including Israel and a new Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"The resolution was backed by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and the PLO -- in fact 'prepared' by the PLO according to Israel's UN Ambassador Haim Herzog, now President. It was strenuously opposed by Israel and vetoed by the United States, once again in 1980.

"These events are -- automatically -- out of history, along with other facts unacceptable to US power, including repeated PLO initiatives through the 1980s calling for negotiations with Israel leading to mutual recognition... "

There is nothing to " negotiate" because it calls for Israel to make ALL the concessions. When two or more parties " negotiate" it means that BOTH ( or more ) parties have to be willing to compromise sonewhere along the way. Exactly what are the Palestinians willing to do? Oh.. I forgot. The answer is NOTHING.

In addition to insisting that Israel return to boundries that they NEVER recognized in the first place the " Saudi Peace Plan" and Abbas are demanding " Right of Return". Just more proof that the 1967 Boundries never meant anything before 1967 and don't mean anything now.

You are nothing but a Stupid Pro- Palestinian with a demented I.Q ( doubt you even have one) Keep drinking the Kool- Aid :eusa_pray:

In all fairness to Abbas, he recently said that Israel belongs to the Israelis (sounds like recognition) and that, in his mind, the right of return is negotiable. Of course, the duly elected gov't of the "Palestinians" disagrees and slammed Abbas for having the temerity to offer some hope for a peaceful solution:

Stung by mounting criticism – including a rally in Gaza where protesters set fire to his portrait – the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, back-pedalled yesterday on his historic compromise over the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees – a major sticking-point in Middle East peace-making.

In a TV interview last week, Mr Abbas said he no longer had an automatic right to return to live in Safed, in northern Galilee where he was born in 1935, now part of Israel.

"It's my right to see it, but not to live there ..."

Following the criticism, Mr Abbas told Egyptian television he had been expressing his personal views, not official policy. "What I said about Safed is my personal stance."

Abbas has proved many times his idea of " negotiations" is no compromise on anything. If he was seriously interested about " peace" why not take it off the table entirely?

Because it is his wish that one day the number of Palestinians will outnunber the Jews and the JEWISH STATE will no longer exist.
There's nothing to "negotiate" because the US and Israel have rejected every Arab peace proposal since 1976:

"The basic terms of the international consensus on the Arab-Israel conflict were expressed in a resolution brought to the Security Council in January 1976, calling for a settlement on the pre-June 1967 borders (the Green Line) with 'appropriate arrangements...to guarantee...the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all states in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries,' including Israel and a new Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"The resolution was backed by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and the PLO -- in fact 'prepared' by the PLO according to Israel's UN Ambassador Haim Herzog, now President. It was strenuously opposed by Israel and vetoed by the United States, once again in 1980.

"These events are -- automatically -- out of history, along with other facts unacceptable to US power, including repeated PLO initiatives through the 1980s calling for negotiations with Israel leading to mutual recognition... "

There is nothing to " negotiate" because it calls for Israel to make ALL the concessions. When two or more parties " negotiate" it means that BOTH ( or more ) parties have to be willing to compromise sonewhere along the way. Exactly what are the Palestinians willing to do? Oh.. I forgot. The answer is NOTHING.

In addition to insisting that Israel return to boundries that they NEVER recognized in the first place the " Saudi Peace Plan" and Abbas are demanding " Right of Return". Just more proof that the 1967 Boundries never meant anything before 1967 and don't mean anything now.

You are nothing but a Stupid Pro- Palestinian with a demented I.Q ( doubt you even have one) Keep drinking the Kool- Aid :eusa_pray:

In all fairness to Abbas, he recently said that Israel belongs to the Israelis (sounds like recognition) and that, in his mind, the right of return is negotiable. Of course, the duly elected gov't of the "Palestinians" disagrees and slammed Abbas for having the temerity to offer some hope for a peaceful solution:

Stung by mounting criticism – including a rally in Gaza where protesters set fire to his portrait – the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, back-pedalled yesterday on his historic compromise over the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees – a major sticking-point in Middle East peace-making.

In a TV interview last week, Mr Abbas said he no longer had an automatic right to return to live in Safed, in northern Galilee where he was born in 1935, now part of Israel.

"It's my right to see it, but not to live there ..."

Following the criticism, Mr Abbas told Egyptian television he had been expressing his personal views, not official policy. "What I said about Safed is my personal stance."


Below is what Abbas actually said. He is not changing his mind or position on the " Right of Return". Let them keep demanding Borders that they never recognized plus " Right of RETURN". It will get them no where

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas appeared to concede the "right of return" on Friday, as we reported. The remark was a shock to Palestinians, for whom the demand that they be able to return to their ancestral homes in Israel has been a foundational demand for the two-state negotiations, and many called him a "traitor." However, on Sunday Abbas reversed himself, saying that his previous remarks were only "personal," not applicable to all Palestinians:

"Talking about Safad is a personal position and does not mean giving up the right of return.
No one can give up the right of return as all international texts and Arab and Islamic decisions refer to a just and agreed solution to the refugee issue, according to U.N. Resolution 194, with the term ‘agreed on’ meaning agreed with the Israeli side.

I do not change my position – what I say to the Palestinians is no different from what I say to the Israelis or the Americans or anyone."
Israel cannot make a UNILATERAL decision on its eastern border ---there are other countries involved

There is no demographic requirement for a DEMOCRACY-----try again---- Even maldives which requires that ALL CITIZENS be muslims can be a democracy
Israel has already made a de facto decision on its Eastern border, namely the Jordan River.
That means every human being of voting age living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan has a right to vote in Israel's elections.

UNLESS Arabs aren't human beings that means an end to the Jewish State.

Wishful thinking, Princess.
Israel has not annexed all territory to the Jordan River and all Israeli citizens - both Jewish and non-Jewish - have the right to vote in Israel's (The Jewish Homeland) elections. :D
Why are Jews, along among all the nations of the world, entitled to steal land their ancestors possessed thousands of years ago?

Jews never gave up hope of returning to our ancestors' land. We prayed for it 3x a day, and fasted on Tisha B'av. It was our hope for two thousand years, like it says in Hatikva--Israel's national anthem. If you've ever visited Israel, you'd see the country is full of Jewish history. I don't know why it bothers you so much that the Jews have a tiny sliver of land to call our own.
Why are Jews, along among all the nations of the world, entitled to steal land their ancestors possessed thousands of years ago?

Jews never gave up hope of returning to our ancestors' land. We prayed for it 3x a day, and fasted on Tisha B'av. It was our hope for two thousand years, like it says in Hatikva--Israel's national anthem. If you've ever visited Israel, you'd see the country is full of Jewish history. I don't know why it bothers you so much that the Jews have a tiny sliver of land to call our own.
As I understand it, the Jordan River is the Eastern boundary of the Land of Israel.
If that holds true for the present, then Israel will have to choose between being a democratic state or a Jewish state.
What would your choice be?
Why are Jews, along among all the nations of the world, entitled to steal land their ancestors possessed thousands of years ago?

Jews never gave up hope of returning to our ancestors' land. We prayed for it 3x a day, and fasted on Tisha B'av. It was our hope for two thousand years, like it says in Hatikva--Israel's national anthem. If you've ever visited Israel, you'd see the country is full of Jewish history. I don't know why it bothers you so much that the Jews have a tiny sliver of land to call our own.

Ask the Pro- Pal piece of trash why the Palestinians never had a STATE prior to 1967 and there will be no response. Ask him why it's O.K. for Abbas to declare that " Palestine" be a NJA State and there will be no response. Ask the piece of trash why he's not concerned about " oppression" when it pertains to Jews, ENSLAVING CHRISTIANS, depriving women of medical care and education, etc. etc.

Why it it O.K. to have a " Palestinian State", recognized " Arab Nations" like Saudi Arabia but not a predominently Jewish one where Jews, Christians, and Muslims do live? The Pro- Pal piece of trash will not answer :cool:
Why are Jews, along among all the nations of the world, entitled to steal land their ancestors possessed thousands of years ago?

Jews never gave up hope of returning to our ancestors' land. We prayed for it 3x a day, and fasted on Tisha B'av. It was our hope for two thousand years, like it says in Hatikva--Israel's national anthem. If you've ever visited Israel, you'd see the country is full of Jewish history. I don't know why it bothers you so much that the Jews have a tiny sliver of land to call our own.
As I understand it, the Jordan River is the Eastern boundary of the Land of Israel.
If that holds true for the present, then Israel will have to choose between being a democratic state or a Jewish state.
What would your choice be?

Israelis and "Palestinians" will have to work that out, Princess. :D
Not if it reaches from the Mediterranean to the Jordan.

we shall see all the nations of the world are entitled to their own "PLACE"
This concept is well treated in the books of the bible----known as PROPHETS
Did those TRUTH TELLERS value to rights of Jews and non-Jews equally?

Why don't these " truth teller" S**MBAG Pro- Palestinian posters tell the truth? Because they are incapable. What if Israel took the policy as described below instead reading;


Abbas: No Jews in Palestinian State

by Eric on December 28, 2010

In 1948 and again in 1967, Israel made big steps to naturalize Palestinians living in annexed territories.

The Druze in the Golan, for example, have virtually all accepted citizenship, been given access to world-class education and healthcare for free, and volunteer for the army. They are free to travel anywhere in Israel, including the “Arab free” roads in Judea and Samaria. They have Israeli passports and enjoy every freedom given to people in the Western, democratic world.

The Palestinians living in cities like Umm Al-Faham, Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem were all given the same offer. In Haifa, Israeli Arabs live next door to Israeli Jews in peace. I will admit that there are problems. Racism is a major issue. There is some segregation between neighborhoods, but that is no different from “Black neighborhoods” and “Mexican neighborhoods” and “White neighborhoods” in the United States. They are all given the same rights.

So why do the Palestinians treat the Jews differently?

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas made it clear that a future state called Palestine will not be a home to Jews.

“We have frankly said, and always will say: If there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli in it.”



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