Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Even now, the military forces attacking Israel could bring hostilities to a close almost immediately if they would release the hostages and stop their attacks. Indeed ALL of Israel's military actions have been reactive to stop "Palestinian" military initiatives.
No, that would not happen under Netanyahu.

You think Santa really put that candy cane in the sock by the fireplace?
A more relevant way of looking at this.

you would wait until the neighbor was gone, then kidnap another neighbors wife, strap a suicide bomb on her while holding a knife to her infants throat, and tell her, to save her child’s life, she must enter the offending neighbors house and dentonate the vest killing his 3 children and their babysitter. Then you would throw the infant in an oven and burn it to death.

And then, of course, tell everyone your the victim.
That is the opposite of relevant.

Let me know when you are back on planet earth and we will continue the conversation sans your horseshit logic!
What has changed for the people of Gaza between 2005 and now that would create the peace now and not then? Why should we expect a different outcome now?
You murdered 225 Palestinians just this year before Oct. 7th. Settlers are murdering Palestinians in the WB with impunity. And those fucked up Israelis, live under the Israeli Judicial System, whereas the Palestinians in the WB, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights, live under martial law. How fair is that?
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I said several things. Which one did you object to in particular?
I already condemned Hamas. Now I condemn Israel. Where are your protests against Israeli atrocities and crimes against humanity? What is your position on settler violence in the West Bank? What do you have to say about the 225 Palestinians killed this year before Oct. 7th.?
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That is the opposite of relevant.

Let me know when you are back on planet earth and we will continue the conversation sans your horseshit logic!

Oh no, it is exactly relevant to the conversation. But you don’t care, you just want more and more and more children killed for some warped barbaric reason.

It’s your, and Hamases thing. You enjoy it
I already condemned Hamas. Now I condemn Israel. Where are your protests against Israeli atrocities and crimes against humanity? What is your position on settler violence in the West Bank? What do you have to say about the 225 Palestinians killed this year before Oct. 7th.?
You paid lip service to condemning Hamas. "Yeah, they did something bad, but now I'm going to go on and on and on about Israel!!!" Hamas and their fellow organizations all have one goal, and that is the total destruction of the Jewish state. If they wanted to co-exist, this wouldn't be happening right now. How long did it take you to leap from tepid comments about Hamas to full-blown condemnation of Israel? Be honest, was it before Israel even took any action at all?
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Oh no, it is exactly relevant to the conversation. But you don’t care, you just want more and more and more children killed for some warped barbaric reason.

It’s your, and Hamases thing. You enjoy it
Where's the baby proof? That story is a fucking lie!
Just locker room chest thumping. The Mossad knew Egypt would not attack. And no, they could not have it in 2008. Israel does not want peace.
Thread, please that indicates he was just “ Chest Thumping “ You can’t because you’re a liar. Did he BRAG about Closing the Straits or did he actually do it? Too bad you’re uneducated about the aftermath
Please tell us specifically why there wasn’t peace in 2008 . You can’t
Where's the baby proof? That story is a fucking lie!
No, you are a fucking lie. The only way to stop the killing, and you know this, but simply won’t admit it because you are a warped animal. Is for Hamas to surrender and unconditionally release their hostages.

So go forth my little man and lie no more.
What has changed for the people of Gaza between 2005 and now that would create the peace now and not then? Why should we expect a different outcome now?
Moron; Maybe you should check out the amt of Rockets fired at Israel IMMEDIATELY after they withdrew from Gaza
I've been saying the exact opposite, you fucked up POS! Germany tried to annex Poland, just like Israel is trying to annex the West Bank. The world didn't allow it then and it is not going to allow it now. Fuck you mother-fuckers! You are just like the Nazis!

Hamas invaded Israel and killed 1400+ unarmed Israelis. If not for the IDF, Hamas would have killed all Israelis and annexed Israel.

Israel has a responsibility to destroy Hamas at all costs.

Hamas started this war, but Israel will finish it.

Just like the Nazis started WWII, but the allies finished it.

But you knew that. Your support for terrorism is disgusting!
You murdered 225 Palestinians just this year before Oct. 7th. Settlers are murdering Palestinians in the WB with impunity. And those fucked up Israelis, live under the Israeli Judicial System, whereas the Palestinians in the WB, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights, live under martial law. How fair is that?
It isn't fair at all. And I have, and will again, condemn it. You haven't answered my question, which was: What has changed for the people of Gaza between 2005 and now that would create the peace now and not then? Why should we expect a different outcome now?

An occupier does not have the right to use arms in “self-defence”.

There are four reasons why Israel cannot cite a legal right to self-defence in response to Palestinian violence.

and foremost is that the ability of a very strong military power to achieve anything defensive by the attrition of a much weaker military power is spurious and leads into the genocidal logic of attempting to deprive a people of all capacity for violence.

The second reason is that Israel is actively contravening UN Security Council resolutions and the UN Charter is very clear on the fact that the right to self-defence exists “until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” A state that works to thwart UNSC measures to maintain peace and security cannot logically be extended the unimpaired right to self defence.

On the third count Israel is an occupying power and the occupied have a legal right to armed resistance. It would be nonsensical to accord a legal right to use arms to defend against another’s legal resistance.

Fourthly, it would be equally paradoxical to allow each party to act in self-defence against each other’s acts of self defence.
Thus one of the parties must be the aggressor. On several counts, not least its defiance of UNSC resolutions, Israel must be considered the aggressor.
Israel’s only legitimate way of defending itself begins with ending its occupation. Israelis have a right to life and they deserve peace and security as we all do, but they have no right to kill Palestinians and claim that they are pursuing those things.

Let's make no mistake, Israel is the aggressor! And it is committing genocide. According to Arnon Soffer...

“When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today … The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day..."

These words are shockingly Himmleresque in labelling a people animals; in stating that mass killing is neither choice nor desire, but necessity...

All the Israeli supporters at this website echo this theme that it is "necessary" to inflict all this damage on the Palestinian's. This is Germany in the 30's all over again!
Well that’s a huge pile of antisemitic dog droppings
Moron; Maybe you should check out the amt of Rockets fired at Israel IMMEDIATELY after they withdrew from Gaza
Within hours. I'm well aware. I want to know what @Billo thinks is the solution to the problem, so he and I can discuss it like civilized people.

(Also, no need to be rude. I'm not one of the ones participating in ad hominem attacks and nastiness).

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