Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

As long as you maintain the illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza, there is nothing to expect but war. Palestinians do have every legal right in the world to resist the occupation of their homeland. Israel, as the occupying power, not only does not have the right to self defense, they are obligated under IHL, to ensure the safety of non-combatant's. Israel is committing war crimes.

they are obligated under IHL, to ensure the safety of non-combatant's.

Every Hamas death makes the non-combatants a little bit safer.
The war was started 16 years ago with the illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza.

On Oct. 7 Hamas proved that the blockade was absolutely justified. The Israelis would have to have been fools to let weapons into Gaza.

Egypt has also been blockading Gaza for 16 years, but somehow you don't have a problem with that.
So, the 1948 Israeli War of Independence?

Why not when the Jewish people were evicted from their land?
Many are questioning the fact that the border is considered to be the most surveilled in the world, no triggers, no proper security, not to mention that it took 6-8h to respond! Impossible to believe, there's something wrong with the whole thing.
If Hamas wanted peace they would surrender. Period loser.
So, once again, I ask you: How will we know with certainty that the occupation/blockade is ended? What is the criteria? Because I have been saying (repeatedly) that Israel ended the occupation in 2005. Gaza attacked Israel immediately (within hours of ending the occupation). Gaza has continued to attack Israel. The blockade is a consequence of the attacks, rather than the attacks being a consequence of the blockade.

I ask again, what are Israel's obligation at this moment? Be specific.

What are Gaza's obligations at this moment? Be specific.
No they did not end the occupation in 2005. If the occupation ended, then why can't Gazans fish or farm without getting shot at?

You want conditions for the end of the occupation? Get your goddamn military and your criminal settlers out of the WB, Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and end the blockade of Gaza. Honor UN resolution 242.

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