Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Are you fucking out of your mind? Biden is worse than Hamas
You love old Joe. Why lie?
They have a right to defend themselves. The way they did it, happens to be a war crime. But they still have that right. Israel is the aggressor, Gazans are the victims.

Oh, your buddy Adolph had rights!

Gazans are only the victims of Hamas. Now scoot child, you’re late for your Jew baby cooking class
No they did not end the occupation in 2005. If the occupation ended, then why can't Gazans fish or farm without getting shot at?

You want conditions for the end of the occupation? Get your goddamn military and your criminal settlers out of the WB, Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and end the blockade of Gaza. Honor UN resolution 242.
The series of events in 2005 was: Disengagement. Rocket attacks. Blockade. The CAUSE of the blockade is the belligerence. End the belligerence and the blockade will come down. Then we return to the condition of disengagement and we see (again) what the people of Gaza do with the end of the occupation (again).

Being Jewish (or Israeli) and residing in a territory does not make one a criminal. The act of having residency is not a criminal act. If Palestine refuses to have a single Jew as part of their new State, they are engaged in apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

UNSCR 242 is completed and done. File it.

You are deliberately creating conditions that are IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill, because they are undefined goalposts. And when I address a goalpost, you move it. "End the blockade". But you won't define the criteria. "End the occupation". But you won't define the criteria. "Get your settlers out". But you won't define or defend the criteria. "Golan Heights". Which has nothing to do with Palestine, but is a separate problem. Does this mean there can't be a peace treaty between Israel/Palestine without Syrian agreement? Make it make sense.
One man's terrorist , is another's freedom fighter Red....~S~
I don’t know if a single heroic freedom fighter who raped a woman, then killed her, then drug her naked body through the streets while his comrades spit and mutilated her.


Oh I know you find that stimulating. That’s why no one would ever willfully leave a woman alone with you.
They have a right to defend themselves. The way they did it, happens to be a war crime. But they still have that right. Israel is the aggressor, Gazans are the victims.
It is not a just a war crime, it is a crime against humanity what Hamas did. Do the people of Gaza have a right to defend themselves? Of course, they do. But defend themselves from what? Responses to their own belligerence? Ridiculous. The solution to the end of the response to their belligerence is for them to, you know, stop being belligerent.

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