Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Do your homework. I didn't make up the term. I know you are not dumb. I know you are a decent person.

Gaza is part of the occupied territories.
I wasn't suggesting that YOU made up the term. I'm well aware of the term and its origins. I'm suggesting that if the old terms are not sufficient, well, "You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Let's try this another way. What would "unoccupy" Gaza, in your opinion.
Take a break asshole!
No, why don't you fuck off! Israel has been the occupier for over 56 years. If I was President, I'd submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to get their murderous military and their fucked up settlers out of the OPT, or the decision to leave, will no longer be theirs to make!
I wasn't suggesting that YOU made up the term. I'm well aware of the term and its origins. I'm suggesting that if the old terms are not sufficient, well, "You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Let's try this another way. What would "unoccupy" Gaza, in your opinion.
Lift the blockade and allow freedom of movement for the Palestinians.

An occupier does not have the right to use arms in “self-defence”.

There are four reasons why Israel cannot cite a legal right to self-defence in response to Palestinian violence.

and foremost is that the ability of a very strong military power to achieve anything defensive by the attrition of a much weaker military power is spurious and leads into the genocidal logic of attempting to deprive a people of all capacity for violence.

The second reason is that Israel is actively contravening UN Security Council resolutions and the UN Charter is very clear on the fact that the right to self-defence exists “until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” A state that works to thwart UNSC measures to maintain peace and security cannot logically be extended the unimpaired right to self defence.

On the third count Israel is an occupying power and the occupied have a legal right to armed resistance. It would be nonsensical to accord a legal right to use arms to defend against another’s legal resistance.

Fourthly, it would be equally paradoxical to allow each party to act in self-defence against each other’s acts of self defence.
Thus one of the parties must be the aggressor. On several counts, not least its defiance of UNSC resolutions, Israel must be considered the aggressor.
Israel’s only legitimate way of defending itself begins with ending its occupation. Israelis have a right to life and they deserve peace and security as we all do, but they have no right to kill Palestinians and claim that they are pursuing those things.

Let's make no mistake, Israel is the aggressor! And it is committing genocide. According to Arnon Soffer...

“When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today … The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day..."

These words are shockingly Himmleresque in labelling a people animals; in stating that mass killing is neither choice nor desire, but necessity...

All the Israeli supporters at this website echo this theme that it is "necessary" to inflict all this damage on the Palestinian's. This is Germany in the 30's all over again!
They could have had their “ state” in 2008
Israel has had decades in which to "destroy" the Palestinians and have not even attempted it. The Palestinians have sworn to destroy Israel, not the other way around.
What kind of bullshit hasbara logic is that? The Pals do not have the capacity to destroy Israel. No one in the ME does. It's like a 4 year old walking up to you and saying, "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Are you telling me you would consider that a legitimate threat?
Would you mind being more specific? How will we know when the blockade has been lifted? What do you mean by "freedom of movement"?
Stop being so obtuse! Gaza is a prison. They can't even get their dead out of bombed buildings because Israel will not allow the particular equipment needed to be in Gaza. Goddammit, stop being so obtuse!
...If I was President, I'd submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to get their murderous military and their fucked up settlers out of the OPT ...
Literally what happened in Gaza in 2005. (Ethnic cleansing, btw). What do you think would be the result of this unilateral action by Israel? Rainbows and unicorns?
No they couldn't! In 2008, there was a ceasefire for over 4 months. But it ended when the IDF launched a raid into Gaza to kill Hamas representatives. Israel has broken every ceasefire it agreed to.
Another lie . Abbas rejected it . Hamas has broken every treaty with its Rockets Including the increase after Israel withdrew
Stop being so obtuse! Gaza is a prison. They can't even get their dead out of bombed buildings because Israel will not allow the particular equipment needed to be in Gaza. Goddammit, stop being so obtuse!
Should have thought of it before Oct 7
Stop being so obtuse! Gaza is a prison. They can't even get their dead out of bombed buildings because Israel will not allow the particular equipment needed to be in Gaza. Goddammit, stop being so obtuse!
Oh come on!. It is the middle of a war. The rules are different now. We were talking about "ending the occupation". So I need to know what you mean by that. How will we know that Israel has fulfilled its "obligations" to "end the occupation"?

Does "end the blockade" mean releasing Gaza's airspace and territorial waters? Does "end the blockade" mean Israel is obligated, in perpetuity, to provide Gaza with electricity, water, food, medical supplies? Does "end the blockade" mean entering into normal trade relations with Gaza? Does it mean something else?

Does "freedom of movement" mean that Israel must allow every citizen of Gaza entry into Israel? An open border?

Does any of this depend on final peace agreements between Gaza and Israel? Does it require a Gaza State and sovereignty? Does any of this depend on Israel restraining ANY response to belligerent actions by Gaza, its government, or its people on the citizens of Israel?

Do the people of Gaza, or the government of Gaza have any obligations?

Make an argument, instead of just throwing words around, hoping they will confound me. They won't.
Stop being so obtuse! Gaza is a prison. They can't even get their dead out of bombed buildings because Israel will not allow the particular equipment needed to be in Gaza. Goddammit, stop being so obtuse!
Because Gaza refuses to act as a good civilized neighbor.

Now go think of more excuses for baking babies you barbaric savage.
What kind of bullshit hasbara logic is that? The Pals do not have the capacity to destroy Israel. No one in the ME does. It's like a 4 year old walking up to you and saying, "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Are you telling me you would consider that a legitimate threat?
It goes to the futility of trying to co-exist with them. You forget that the Palestinians really do kill Israelis and apparently consider it a positive thing based on how they celebrate. What exactly do you think Israel is supposed to do? I see a lot of yelling and hand-waving about Israel and very little about Hamas from you.
Because Gaza refuses to act as a good civilized neighbor.

Now go think of more excuses for baking babies you barbaric savage.
There are JUST two stories that were made public; there obviously have to be a lot more
Those Barbarians broke into a House, threw the three kids in the oven, turned it up all the way so the parents could hear the screams and when there weren’t anymore they were murdered
The IDF found a newborn in the oven and he was literally baked
It goes to the futility of trying to co-exist with them. You forget that the Palestinians really do kill Israelis and apparently consider it a positive thing based on how they celebrate. What exactly do you think Israel is supposed to do? I see a lot of yelling and hand-waving about Israel and very little about Hamas from you.
He refuses to acknowledge Olmert’s proposal because he’s not capable

An occupier does not have the right to use arms in “self-defence”.

There are four reasons why Israel cannot cite a legal right to self-defence in response to Palestinian violence.

and foremost is that the ability of a very strong military power to achieve anything defensive by the attrition of a much weaker military power is spurious and leads into the genocidal logic of attempting to deprive a people of all capacity for violence.

The second reason is that Israel is actively contravening UN Security Council resolutions and the UN Charter is very clear on the fact that the right to self-defence exists “until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” A state that works to thwart UNSC measures to maintain peace and security cannot logically be extended the unimpaired right to self defence.

On the third count Israel is an occupying power and the occupied have a legal right to armed resistance. It would be nonsensical to accord a legal right to use arms to defend against another’s legal resistance.

Fourthly, it would be equally paradoxical to allow each party to act in self-defence against each other’s acts of self defence.
Thus one of the parties must be the aggressor. On several counts, not least its defiance of UNSC resolutions, Israel must be considered the aggressor.
Israel’s only legitimate way of defending itself begins with ending its occupation. Israelis have a right to life and they deserve peace and security as we all do, but they have no right to kill Palestinians and claim that they are pursuing those things.

Let's make no mistake, Israel is the aggressor! And it is committing genocide. According to Arnon Soffer...

“When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today … The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day..."

These words are shockingly Himmleresque in labelling a people animals; in stating that mass killing is neither choice nor desire, but necessity...

All the Israeli supporters at this website echo this theme that it is "necessary" to inflict all this damage on the Palestinian's. This is Germany in the 30's all over again!

If it was 1945, you'd be arguing that the allies were the aggressors, and that the Nazis were right to defend Germany.

Hitler would have LOVED You!!!

You're a lunatic!

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