Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Israel first.
Incorrect. Israel has lived with Palestinians official position being the total destruction of the Jewish state, with all the Jews dead and corpses floating in the sea, while Israel has no such declaration. It is on Hamas to moderate their stance.

Consider - as compensation for being badly mistreated by some rogue policemen that cost you your house and some family members, the county government builds you a house in a neighborhood where your great-grandparents lived and allows you to move what's left of your family in. All your neighbors immediately tell you to get out or they will kill you and your family. They post signs to that effect so your kids see them every day as they go to school. One night, they decide to attack and start shooting into your house. You are prepared, burn down a few houses and drive some of the neighbors out. You occupy their empty houses after they leave. The other neighbors, still demanding that you leave, start shooting at you from the children's playgrounds. Finally, one night, they rampage through the street, killing your children that are playing in their yards. You take the fight to them and start demolishing their houses.

Now, the sane population would agree that you are right to widen your territory and push your hostile neighbors further back, if not completely wipe them out, but then you start noticing that there are a bunch of random internet keyboard jockeys loudly demanding that you stop attacking the neighbors that have been shooting at your kids for years. They demand that you cease fire and allow the neighbors to regroup and replenish their weapons and ammo stocks.

And you want Israel to back down first? Maybe if they didn't get renewed attacks every single time they cede land for promises of peace, but not now. They've been attacked too often.
Your treatment of the Palestinians is disgusting! You have to go all the way back to Nazi Germany in the 30's, to find an entire population of people treated worse than the Palestinians are treated now.
My(?!) treatment of the Palestinians? My point is, as always, that BOTH the Jewish people AND the people of Gaza and Palestine should have self-determination and sovereignty on part of the land? How is that disgusting? How is that in any way equivalent to Nazi Germany?

My discussion with you, specifically, is intended for people and the international community to stop holding Israel to unreasonable double standards, to stop using factually and legally incorrect language, and to eliminate pre-conditions as the only means to peace.

Terminology like "occupied", "settlements", "1967 borders", "illegal", "colonizers", and certainly "Nazi Germany" prevent proper discussion about how to solve this conflict.
My discussion with you, specifically, is intended for people and the international community to stop holding Israel to unreasonable double standards, to stop using factually and legally incorrect language, and to eliminate pre-conditions as the only means to peace.
I'm with ya Shusha, yt end up a jew hater no matter how much i try

these folks here.... they want war.....but they don't want to pay for it

I'm with ya Shusha, yt end up a jew hater no matter how much i try

these folks here.... they want war.....but they don't want to pay for it

Well then tell Israel Hamas has challenged them to a pillow fight. Go deliver it in the tunnels.
Well then tell Israel Hamas has challenged them to a pillow fight. Go deliver it in the tunnels.
pfffft......go tell pillow man eagle......

I am saying you were only given 55% of the country, then you took another 25% through the use of Zionist terrorism.

What's the other 25%?

You were told in the Balfour Declaration that you have your 55% of the land, as long as you did not disenfranchise the EXISTING non-Jewish population.

The non-Jewish population are citizens and can vote in Israel.

You murdered over 13,000 Arabs

War is hell......and not murder.

and drove out over 750,000 Arabs at the point of a gun.

How many of those left because the Arab invaders told them to leave?

They were unarmed families. The Zionists destroyed their villages and shot them if they tried to return.
Your the one bitching about our wanting War.

No one wants War, but this has been forced on Israel. They have every right to go in there and end this. I suport that option and them fighting to win.

Hamas is a tool of Israel. The objective is to get rid of the Palestinian majority.

They were unarmed families. The Zionists destroyed their villages and shot them if they tried to return.

That's awful!
Their muslim brothers should have welcomed them into neighboring muslim countries, instead of keeping them in open air prisons...err...refugee camps.
Incorrect. Israel has lived with Palestinians official position being the total destruction of the Jewish state, with all the Jews dead and corpses floating in the sea, while Israel has no such declaration. It is on Hamas to moderate their stance.

Consider - as compensation for being badly mistreated by some rogue policemen that cost you your house and some family members, the county government builds you a house in a neighborhood where your great-grandparents lived and allows you to move what's left of your family in. All your neighbors immediately tell you to get out or they will kill you and your family. They post signs to that effect so your kids see them every day as they go to school. One night, they decide to attack and start shooting into your house. You are prepared, burn down a few houses and drive some of the neighbors out. You occupy their empty houses after they leave. The other neighbors, still demanding that you leave, start shooting at you from the children's playgrounds. Finally, one night, they rampage through the street, killing your children that are playing in their yards. You take the fight to them and start demolishing their houses.

Now, the sane population would agree that you are right to widen your territory and push your hostile neighbors further back, if not completely wipe them out, but then you start noticing that there are a bunch of random internet keyboard jockeys loudly demanding that you stop attacking the neighbors that have been shooting at your kids for years. They demand that you cease fire and allow the neighbors to regroup and replenish their weapons and ammo stocks.

And you want Israel to back down first? Maybe if they didn't get renewed attacks every single time they cede land for promises of peace, but not now. They've been attacked too often.
You just can't stop lying, can you? For 57 years, you've deliberately been making their lives a living hell. You don't deserve a country. You are no better than Nazi Germany in the 30's.

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