Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

My(?!) treatment of the Palestinians? My point is, as always, that BOTH the Jewish people AND the people of Gaza and Palestine should have self-determination and sovereignty on part of the land? How is that disgusting? How is that in any way equivalent to Nazi Germany?

My discussion with you, specifically, is intended for people and the international community to stop holding Israel to unreasonable double standards, to stop using factually and legally incorrect language, and to eliminate pre-conditions as the only means to peace.

Terminology like "occupied", "settlements", "1967 borders", "illegal", "colonizers", and certainly "Nazi Germany" prevent proper discussion about how to solve this conflict.
Is it too much, at the very minimum, to ask you to obey the law? You're a member of the United Nations, why won't you honor their Charter? Why won't you honor IHL? They are both designed for peace.

As far as terminology, that is the position of every country on this planet! Wake up and smell the coffee. As long as you keep bombing hospitals and refugee camps, you will get no sympathy from me.

You are a fascist, apartheid country, no different than Germany in the 30's.
First time you're hearing of this?
Damn, you're even more ignorant than you first appeared.
And you are still a troll who won't answer questions. What a fuckin' pussy, you are! Can't even answer a simple question? That's why you are a troll. Trolls don't answer questions, because they are not here at a debate website, to debate.
Is it too much, at the very minimum, to ask you to obey the law? You're a member of the United Nations, why won't you honor their Charter? Why won't you honor IHL? They are both designed for peace.

As far as terminology, that is the position of every country on this planet! Wake up and smell the coffee. As long as you keep bombing hospitals and refugee camps, you will get no sympathy from me.

You are a fascist, apartheid country, no different than Germany in the 30's.
The law is not a popularity contest. In order for law to be valid, it has to be applied equally in all cases. There can't be special exceptions for Jews. (You know the word for that, right?)

Israel came into being the same way Jordan did. Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon as well. No one questions their "right" to exist. No one goes to war to prevent their sovereignty and self-determination. No one takes away their land. No one questions where their borders are.

Why is there a special exception for Israel?
That's awful!
Their muslim brothers should have welcomed them into neighboring muslim countries, instead of keeping them in open air prisons...err...refugee camps.

The Arab states took in tens of thousands. You must be very young not to know. The Palestinians kept the keys to their 500 year old family homes. They were not ready to capitulate to the Jewish nationalists.

I do understand the desire for a Jewish state. But, not in Palestine where they were a minority.

The law is not a popularity contest. In order for law to be valid, it has to be applied equally in all cases. There can't be special exceptions for Jews. (You know the word for that, right?)

Israel came into being the same way Jordan did. Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon as well. No one questions their "right" to exist. No one goes to war to prevent their sovereignty and self-determination. No one takes away their land. No one questions where their borders are.

Why is there a special exception for Israel?

The Jordanians didn't immigrate from Eastern Europe and Russia.
The Jordanians didn't immigrate from Eastern Europe and Russia.
The Jewish people have lived in Israel, Judea, and Samaria for more than three thousand years.

So, there is no "right of return" for those who were forcibly removed from their land?
The Arab states took in tens of thousands. You must be very young not to know. The Palestinians kept the keys to their 500 year old family homes. They were not ready to capitulate to the Jewish nationalists.

I do understand the desire for a Jewish state. But, not in Palestine where they were a minority.

The Arab states took in tens of thousands.

More or less than Israel took in?
Why did the Arab states, to this day, keep them in camps?

The Palestinians kept the keys to their 500 year old family homes.

The homes they rented from the Ottomans? LOL!

I do understand the desire for a Jewish state. But, not in Palestine where they were a minority.

The Palestinians should live in the Palestinian state of Jordan.

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