Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Isreal has a right to self defense period.

Ben Gurion had made a statement at Tel Hai, which is one of the group meetings in Palestine. "As soon as the war in Europe is over, the war in the Middle East will begin." The Zionists had no question but that they were going to fight and drive out the Arabs. This has been written in many of their documents, and Mr. Truman didn't know this. [John Davis The Evasive Peace, Chapter 5, "The Palestine Refugee Problem," Cleveland, 1976.]
That may be your fantasy, but there are no murders, just collateral damage which is permitted under Internation Humanitarian Law, and since the Israeli response to the Oct. 7 massacre was foreseeable, yes, the Arabs brought all this on to themselves. If they could just give up their ambition to annihilate the Jews, none of this would happen to them, but they can't give it up, because the only thing the so called Palestinians have in common is this depraved desire to kill all the Jews.
Lol. You’ve lost your mind.

Does the following mean anything to you?
Awwwwwwww, pooor widdle dildo.

Face it asshole. YOUR heroes raped and murdered Argentinians, Thai's, American's, German's, Frenchies and Russians.

ALL completely innocent of any crimes other than being in proximity to YOUR fucking vermin.

So go fuck yourself sideways, dickhead.
Why would you support genocide? Do you hate all Muslims?
Yet both sides are asking the world to help them commit genocide

So what else is new? Typical in such a situation. Both sides wanna win. Both sides have been guilty of being the ass hole at one time or another. Ya,I would rather not be involved but here we are.I would like for them to stop killing each other. I do not know how to get them to stop. If I did know how to stop it I would. Again would rather not be involved. Hopefully it doesn't grow into a larger conflict.
Bullshit, the Arab admit that genocide is their goal, but there is no rational basis for believing it is Israel's goal.

Ben Gurion had made a statement at Tel Hai, which is one of the group meetings in Palestine. "As soon as the war in Europe is over, the war in the Middle East will begin." The Zionists had no question but that they were going to fight and drive out the Arabs. This has been written in many of their documents, and Mr. Truman didn't know this. [John Davis The Evasive Peace, Chapter 5, "The Palestine Refugee Problem," Cleveland, 1976.]
Yep. Both sides have a right to exist. Palestinians invaded this time. Isreal not anyone else would just absorb such an attack. The question is what is a valid response to the situation. This I do not have an answer for. Where is the line between to much of a response and not enough. I personally favor to two state solution. Who knows how to solve a several thousand year old problem? I know this. Kill me and mine i will defend myself no matter what some charter says.
This is not just another response to another terror attack from the Palestinians. In the past, Israel sought deterrence, to prevent future attacks, but the Oct. 7 invasion of Israel proved that was a failed concept, so this time the goal is to capture or kill all members of the terrorist groups, destroy all their hardware and monitor activities in Gaza to prevent them from reorganizing. This is the best possible solution at this time.
Bullshit, the Arab admit that genocide is their goal, but there is no rational basis for believing it is Israel's goal.


Again, Israel is following the Laws of Armed Conflict so there is no rational basis for believing Israel seeks genocide, but the Palestinians admit that is what they are after.
This is not a valid response. It’s a war crime.

War crimes have been committed by both sides. There is collateral damage in every military action Hamas hides in civilian population. How do you get hamas with out getting civilians.The initial attack was aimed at civilians by Hamas. Nothing that has happened there is good. I do not have a solution for the issue.Evil done on both sides. I would rather not be involved at all. All the US can do is try and limit the spread of the conflict. Bad situation.
Ya,I would rather not be involved but here we are.I would like for them to stop killing each other. I do not know how to get them to stop. If I did know how to stop it I would. Again would rather not be involved. Hopefully it doesn't grow into a larger conflict.
The way to get them to stop , is to let them sort it out for themselves even

Otherwise it does become a larger ongoing conflict , with atrocities no sane human will be able to justify

This is not just another response to another terror attack from the Palestinians. In the past, Israel sought deterrence, to prevent future attacks, but the Oct. 7 invasion of Israel proved that was a failed concept, so this time the goal is to capture or kill all members of the terrorist groups, destroy all their hardware and monitor activities in Gaza to prevent them from reorganizing. This is the best possible solution at this time.
Lol, I am sure this is a new strategy that has never been tried before. I am sure that he problem will disappear forever this time. Lol
War crimes have been committed by both sides. There is collateral damage in every military action Hamas hides in civilian population. How do you get hamas with out getting civilians.The initial attack was aimed at civilians by Hamas. Nothing that has happened there is good. I do not have a solution for the issue.Evil done on both sides. I would rather not be involved at all. All the US can do is try and limit the spread of the conflict. Bad situation.
This is the Israeli talking point…we must kill civilians to get Hamas. Do you fail to understand how heinous that is?

Its meaningless anyway. Israel isn’t trying to avoid civilian casualties. They are intentionally targeting civilians. Get informed.
Again, Israel is following the Laws of Armed Conflict so there is no rational basis for believing Israel seeks genocide, but the Palestinians admit that is what they are after.

That’s the command Netanyahu used to explain and justify what Israel is going to do in Gaza. It’s a call for what the United Nations and
international law today would consider genocide. A call to kill everyone. Not just enemy combatants but even infants. It’s a call not for a “just war” but for a total war in the name of God.

This is the Israeli talking point…we must kill civilians to get Hamas. Do you fail to understand how heinous that is?

Its meaningless anyway. Israel isn’t trying to avoid civilian casualties. They are intentionally targeting civilians. Get informed.
Both sides gave done heinous things. Murdering 1300 civilians at the start is also heinous.
Ben Gurion had made a statement at Tel Hai, which is one of the group meetings in Palestine. "As soon as the war in Europe is over, the war in the Middle East will begin." The Zionists had no question but that they were going to fight and drive out the Arabs. This has been written in many of their documents, and Mr. Truman didn't know this. [John Davis The Evasive Peace, Chapter 5, "The Palestine Refugee Problem," Cleveland, 1976.]
Once again, you seem incapable of putting up a post without lying. Of course everyone knew there was going to be a war because the so called Palestinis had started fighting one against the Jews in 1920 and the Arab states were openly threatening to attack Israel if it declared statehood.

An October 11, 1947 report on the pan-Arab summit in the Lebanese town of Aley,[9] by Akhbar al-Yom's editor Mustafa Amin, contained an interview he held with Arab League secretary-general Azzam. Titled, "A War of Extermination," the interview read as follows (translated by Efraim Karsh; all ellipses are in the original text):

Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha spoke to me about the horrific war that was in the offing… saying:
"I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre[10] or the Crusader wars. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine … You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews.

A clear threat of genocide. Forty million Arabs threatening to exterminate a few hundred thousand Jews armed mostly with homemade weapons. The Nakba was not about losing the land it was about failing to kill all the Jews, and the loss of the land was just a further humiliation.
Oh look, another Hamas apologist.....The MSM has given the leftist contrarian children a new loud toy to pester the adults with.

That's the best line that paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls can come up with?

You're as confused about pro Israel MSM(1) as you are about Zionist genocide.

(1). "Killing Mosquitoes: The Latest Gaza Massacres, Pro-Israel Media Bias and The Weapon of “Antisemitism”"
Killing Mosquitoes: The Latest Gaza Massacres, Pro-Israel Media Bias and The Weapon of “Antisemitism” | Dissident Voice

EXCERPT" One hundred Israeli snipers lay in wait, shooting at protesters, including an 18-year-old shot in the back while running away from the border. The Israel armyboasted in a quickly-deleted tweet that the massacre had been planned, deliberate and premeditated:

'Nothing was carried out uncontrolled; everything was accurate and measured, and we know where every bullet landed.'

BBC News and other ‘mainstream’ news outlets, including the Guardian, carried headlines about ‘clashes’ at the Gaza-Israel border ‘leaving’ Palestinians dead and injured. As we noted via Twitter, an honest headline would have read:

"Israeli troops kill 16 Palestinians and injure hundreds" CONTINUED
Here’s some logic for you Baby Killer.

Learn it!

War is terrible, but the only way the Israeli government can protect its people from more attacks from Gaza is to destroy Hamas and the other terrorists and because Hamas uses civilians as human shields, a lot of Gaza civilians will be caught in the crossfire, but if Isael does not finish the job of destroying Hamas, a lot of Israeli civilians will die, so everyone will be safer once this mission has been completed.

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