Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The negotiators [Hamas Leaders] should leave Egypt. If the negotiators truly believe that Gaza is the home of honor and glory, they should not go to Qatar or Lebanon, but should come to the home of glory and honor, and die here. They [Hamas Leaders] gave us a whole song and dance about death being our loftiest aspiration, so they should come and die here.״
I have been having a hard time finding any Arabs in Arab countries denouncing the October 7 pogrom in Arabic. But French magazine Le Point did publish this unequivocal condemnation of the attacks by Moroccan Muslim intellectual Tahar Ben Jelloun several days after the attacks:

As a Moroccan Arab and Muslim by birth, culture and traditional education, I cannot find the words to say how horrified I am by what the Hamas militants did to the Jews . Brutality, when it attacks women and children, becomes barbaric and has no excuse or justification.

I am horrified because the images I saw touched me to the depths of my humanity.

I believe that we can resist an occupation, fight against colonization, but not with these acts of great savagery.

The Palestinian cause died on October 7, 2023, assassinated by fanaticized elements, mired in an Islamist ideology of the worst kind.

Hamas is the enemy, not only of the Israeli people, but also of the Palestinian people. A cruel enemy without any political sense, manipulated by a country where young opponents are hanged for not wearing a veil on their heads.

The taking of hostages and the blackmail of their execution only exacerbates the anger of all of us.

This brutality comes from far away. Certainly from the occupation and humiliations suffered by youth without a future, quickly taken over by an Islamist movement dependent on the goodwill of Iran.

After the massacre, whatever the number of deaths on both sides, barbarism has permeated our imagination and it is difficult today to believe that these men did this to “liberate” a territory. No, war is fought between soldiers. Not by killing innocent civilians.

No, there is no reason to excuse what they did in homes, in camps, wherever they could seize young people partying.

The horror is human, I mean animals would never have done what Hamas did. A minister in Netanyahu's government [Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant] called Gazans "animals." No, there are men without conscience, without morality, without humanity who perpetrated the massacres, then there is a population which suffers, which is neither armed nor barbaric.

Do not confuse Hamas with the population (2.5 million people), who live under occupation and embargo .

I say it, but my voice is alone.

I, in my solitude, in my sadness and my shame as a human being, my disgust at this humanity to which I refuse to belong, I say, no, this is a fight that does not honor their cause. No, to these applause in certain Arab capitals. No, to this bloody triumph over the innocent. No, to the blindness of those who pull the strings of a tragedy where, sooner or later, it will be the Palestinian population who will pay this heavy bill.

We will carry this tragedy in our memory as an injury to all humanity. A wound, never closed, never forgotten.

Morocco's Hespress wrote that other Moroccan intellectuals were "almost unanimous" in denouncing Ben Jelloun.

Moroccan writer Aziz Lazraq said that this article was filled with "hasty and emotional statements that are not part of his language or nature, and devoid of any meaning."

Another writer, Montaser Hamadeh, accused Ben Jalloun of adopting the French position towards Israel instead of the Moroccan one.

Both he and writer Abdel Samad Belkabir explained that Ben Jallun lacked proper "context" in condemning Hamas without seeing that everything is really Israel's fault, and Hamas' murders and kidnappings and rapes are mere "mistakes."


Muslims boycotting other Muslims because of Israel

If you go to the McDonald's Pakistan webpage, you see a pop-up:

Short version: "Please don't boycott us! We aren't Jewish!"

Early in the war, McDonald's Israel said it would donate thousands of meals to soldiers. As a result, Israel-haters worldwide are boycotting McDonald's - and only hurting their own locally owned franchises.

McDonald's Pakistan has slashed prices, some by over half their normal prices, to stay afloat.

McDonald's Malaysia is similarly begging customers not to leave, saying that they are 100% Muslim.

And they donated $214,000 to a Palestinian Humanitarian Fund.

McDonald's Jordan similarly announced it is 100% Jordanian and they gave money to a Gaza fund as well.

All these boycotts only hurting the neighbors and friends of the boycotters.

Are your glasses on?

Are you seriously unable to see the coward IOF terrorists targetting the 8 year old child?

What kind of cruelity is this?

Those war criminals must be brought to justice.
Right, Hamas must be brought to justice.
The PA must be brought to justice.
Fatah, must be brought to justice.
The PLO must be brought to justice.
UNWRA must be brought to justice.

What do they have in common which is criminal?

A whole century of inciting their populations to attack Jews.

A whole century of lying to their populations that "their land" was stolen when they were never owners of it, much less CAME from that land. Their ancestral land is Arabia, and is not in danger of being taken by Israel, and much less Jews. No Jews have been allowed to live there since Mohammad in the 7th century.

An education, summer camps, social media, etc devoted to lying about Israel'r right to exist, especially since during the Mandate for Palestine 78% of the Mandate was given to the just kicked out of Arabia, the Hashemites, who went to expel all Jews from TransJordian, aka ALSO part of the Jewish homeland.

An education of love for death, of sudden martyrdom and 72 virgins which never existed in the history of any Muslim anywhere.

Did not exist when the Crusaders took over or the Ottoman Empire took over.

This "Death culture" did not exist when the Hashemites TOOK, Accepted 78% of the Jewish Homeland for a new Arab country.

Nor did it exist when Egypt took over Gaza from 1948 to 1967.

Or Jordan took over Judea and Samaria and gave it a new name, for the Jews to forget about it, from 1948 to 1967.

The "Cruelty" is to bring all of those people to life in Gaza and the PA ONLY for them to become murderers of Jews for Allah.

THAT is the crime.

When are all of those responsible for turning all of those lives into a way to destroy Israel and kill Jews going to be brought to justice?

And THAT while all the leaders are cozy and nice living somewhere else instead of living in Gaza, while they tell their people to go and die while killing Jews?

Or all the wealthy pro Hamas in Gaza who have such nice homes and businesses and food to eat while they keep most of the population in despair so that THEY will go out and kill Jews?

That is what happened to that boy. Born in the wrong place in the world, where the people who are supposed to care about his life really DO NOT.

He and others like him are nothing but weapons to destroy Israel and kill Jews, and they are worth nothing to the Palestinian leaders. Just another excuse to attack Israel in the news and point the finger at Israel and not at this worthless century old culture they have developed in order to Some DAY hope to destroy Israel and turn the land into a Caliphate where the poor will continue to be poor and being used to die for anything their leaders want them to.

Congratulate yourself in your knowledge and understanding of what is going on, because it is nil, zero and it only helps more of those boys and girls to be killed and reach martyrdom and 72 virgins.

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