Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The Jews HAVE lived there forever and have created a Nation, a Monarchy and History with all the invading conquerors all the way to the British in 1917.

There is NO history of a people called Palestinians, much less Arabs who do not have the letter P in their alphabet.

By generations, as far as Arabs are concerned - or Palestinians - they are invaders from the 7th century, who lost control to the Crusaders and the Crusaders eventually lost the control to the Ottoman Turks. Al Hussaini Clan itself only migrated to the area in the 10th-11th Century and became wealthy under the Ottomans. They never claimed indigenous or native status of the land, non of them did, until the Ottomans lost WWI and Jews legally wanted to reclaim their ancient homeland.

All other Nations from Canaan are totally lost, as most are around Mesopotamia, etc for Arabs to really be able to claim that THEY are those people and descendants of them, in order to claim ownership of any part of it.

Note that when the nearly arrived Hashemites from Arabia received 78% of the Mandate for Palestine, not ONE Arab leader, Muslim or Christian, ever complained about it. Not from Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, North Africa, Iran.

The Canaanites were not massacred and they had some history with the Israelite Nation for thousands of yea

Syria Palestina, that is what the Romans changed the name of their Province of Judea to for the two enemies of the Israelites, Judeans who had defeated Israel and Judea.

Arabs were predominant because they migrated as part of being Muslims from 7th century on. And in 1922 many more Arabs migrated to that land due to jobs Jews had created since the 1890s having bought land and created businesses. Jews who had returned to their ancient homeland and had been doing so throughout history, before and after the Muslim invasion of the 7th century. Numbers mean nothing. It has never been about numbers. Numbers do not change who were indigenous and have the right to all of Hawaii, Australia, Greenland, New Zealand, the Americas. It is the indigenous people and not any of the invaders or those who migrated afterwards.

There was no massacre at DeirYasin. Arab leaders lied about it to scare the residents. There are a few videos of the residents debunking that claim.
The only catastrophe was that the Arab residents in the south accepted what the Arab leaders told them to do via radio and left their homes so that the Arab armies would try to destroy Israel is 2 weeks, as promised. Israel survived the assault losing over 6000 people.

The Jews are the only pre existing population left. All others like the Philistines (Greek invaders), and other nations of the time 2000 years ago, have all disappeared just like the 10 tribes of Israel disappeared after the Assyrian assault. There isn't ONE person who can actually come forward and say that they are descendants of Philistines or anyone else, besides the Jews who kept their culture, language, religion going. History of all the conquerors shows records of dealing with the Jews all the way to the British after WWI.

You are talking about a war started by the Muslims which Jews barely survived. Jews were not committing massacres of Arabs. Muslims wanted Israel destroyed and all Jews killed or gone as they did with Gaza in 1920, Hebron in 1929, all thought the years until 1947, and then refused a second partition offer to invade Israel the day after its Independence. You are doing nothing but repeating the Arab narrative which is more fiction than fact, just as it is today.

You are in denial and only repeating things which delegitimize what is actually going on.

There is no genocide, simply getting rid of Hamas fighters and their infrastructure one at a time with precision. Christian and Muslims hatred of Jews, and therefore Israel does not need any excuse. Pogroms, the Inquisition and the Holocaust needed no excuses. Denying the Jews any part of their ancient homeland does not need any excuse. All it needs is the fact that they are Jews and the Christian and Muslim horrible things, lies, told from generation to generation which has turned the minds of so many for the past 2000 years. It is the same thing then as it is now.

Kill them ALL, or kill all of Hamas and other terrorist groups bent on killing Jews and destroying Israel. One person, who has no power over Israel does not a policy make. And as I said, Israel is precisely targeting Hamas and all other terrorist groups in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, since the latter two places are governed by the PA and lots of Hamas, Fatah and other terrorists insist now in attacking Jews and the IDF incited by Abbas.

Genocide is just a word. A word used and abused by enemies of Israel in order to make ignorant people turn against what is actually happening and hoping that calling it that, it will make Israel stop with what Hamas started. Hamas meant to invade all of Israel, kill as many Jews and non Jews as possible but their plan did not materialize, thank goodness. And then we have Hezbollah, Syria and the Houthis, all of them including Hamas, armed to the teeth to attack Israel and hope to destroy it as they tried in 1948, 1967 and 1973.

There are hostages who did nothing, no crime at all, against Gaza. Many by the border were actually helping people in Gaza. Hired many, and it is some of those who used being able to come to Israel to help map the communities in order for Hamas and Iran to come up with the plan they did.

And there are people who have committed crimes against Jews and non Jews in Israel which led to a prison sentence. You are doing nothing but repenting Hamas and others, very chewed and very non truthful nonsense about there being "hostages" on "both sides".

IDF will continue to kill Hamas fighters or arresting them, as long as the leaders do not surrender and give up the war they started. And release the hostages who are still there.

That is a long way to go, as long as Hamas leaders continue to survive the disgusting war they started. Any decisions about Gaza is a long way to come still. And it will have to be with full security for Israel. Have you checked the endless walls Egypt has been building and reinforcing in order to not let any Gazan who does not pay them to get out, into Egypt? Do you remember what Hamas did in Sinai killing so many Egyptians? You are mistaken that this is just an Israel and Gaza war. It is still Islam against Jews, with Israel now totally able, since 1948, to repel any attacks on her. And survive.

I was disappointed to read your response that is replete with the same distortions, exaggerations, borderline hysteria and outright falsehoods that exemplify this and other one dimensional Hasbara scripts.

I do not have the time to address every misleading hyperbolic falsehood but will attempt to throw some light on statements that are either half true or completely false such as the first line.
The Jews HAVE lived there forever and have created a Nation,
No, Jews have not "...lived there forever" (1) and it has been German labor, ingenuity and resources before, during and after WW 2 that was largely responsible for the construction of Israel's early infrastructure.
For example, while Zionist terrorist gangs were busily destroying Palestinian homes, shops and farms, the Germans built virtually all of Israel's early infrastructure (2), (3) and are actually responsible for "... making the deserts bloom."
by building water treatment plants, rail roads, highways, electric power plants etc.

In addition to giving Israel 60 ships, new locomotives, train cars etc, Germany gave Israel entire weapon systems, small arms, patrol boats etc even during times of war when other countries refused to give or sell weapons to Israel.(4)
" creating a Nation" is only a first step that matters for little if that nation is unable to support itself and with Israel's inability to support itself without America's $ Trillions, (5) is not in the interest of either country.

In fact, any aid to Israel is illegal according to the Symington - Glenn Amendment (6) but near omnipotent and parasitic Israeli lobbies still manage to extract $ Trillions from working Americans in countless hidden forms.

It's not that I object to aid to Israel as much as I object to supporting the right wing extremists behind the very imprecise slaughter of civilians in Gaza with US munitions.

There was no massacre at DeirYasin. Arab leaders lied about it to scare the residents.

This too is a complete falsehood that is no less offensive than genuine Holocaust denial.

EXCERPT " In an authoritative account of the massacre, the British interrogating officer then, Assistant Inspector-General Richard Catling, confirmed that: "Many young school girls were raped and later slaughtered … Many infants were also butchered and killed."3 Deir Yassin was meant to set an example, a particularly shocking precedent, to terrorize the Palestinians off their lands and into exile. It was no accident, no aberration, no extreme vengeance, simply a calculated act of terror in a well-thought-out plan to depopulate Palestine, and create in the resulting space a Jewish homeland for the victims of the Nazi genocide." CONTINUED (7)

Finally, your attempts to depict what rational observers see as a blatant Genocide as "surgical" and "precise" would be laughable except for the enormity of this additional Zionist atrocity.

Gunning down half naked hostages waving white flags is hardly being "precise" just as machine gunning a line of hungry, sick and homeless men, women and children is far from "surgical"

Israel has the technology and intelligence access to do a more surgical elimination of Hamas but the Netanyahu regime prefers the revenge of widespread mass murder.

I rarely make predictions but I am comfortable in stating that there will always be a Hamas or its equivalent if not an even deadlier version as long as Netanyahu attempts to kill his way to security.

Of course Hamas has no place in a future Palestinian government but killing civilians at a greater rate(8) than any other major 21st century conflict is not the way to prevent revenge from being such an attractive response to the destruction of Gaza and its people.

While we obviously disagree on this issue, I appreciate your civility.


(1). "The Land Before the Kingdom of Israel: A History of the Southern Levant and the People who Populated It (History, Archaeology, and Culture of the Levant) Hardcover – May 19, 2016"​

Amazon product ASIN 1575064278
EXCERPT "However, scholars continue to contend that the Canaanites’ and Israelites’ social and political structures were distinct. Most scholars agree that the Israelites were geographical, economic, and/or political outsiders.

In addition to shedding light on historical memories embedded in the books of Judges and Samuel that do not conform to conventional wisdom regarding Israel’s early history, Benz demonstrates that a contingent of the early Israelites was heir to the social and political structures of their Late Bronze Age Levantine predecessors."CONTINUED

(2). “The Reparations Agreement of 1952 and the response in Israel”

EXCERPT “As part of the reparations, many goods reached Israel which helped the state economy to stabilize over the years. For example, Israel received new-fangled German-manufactured trains, which were operated for a number of years by the Israel Railways”CONTINUED

(3). “Inside the Germany/Israel Relationship”

EXCERPTS “Federal Republic of Germany laid the groundwork for Israel’s infrastructure—including roads, railways and shipping—while simultaneously rebuilding West German industry.

In addition to money, Israel also needed weapons. As early as 1954, German reparation funds were secretly being used to buy patrol boats, tanks and arms. Germany itself supplied Israel with weapons through a variety of back channels. Many details remain untold, but a 2006 U.S. Congressional Research Service report concluded that German-supplied arms “played a considerable role” in building up Israeli military might in the wars of 1967, 1973 and 1982."CONTINUED

(4). “German-Israeli Armaments Cooperation”
German-Israeli Armaments Cooperation

EXCERPT “Israel profited from cooperation by having a reliable and quick source for spare parts and complete weapon systems – even in times of war, when other nations like the United States, Great Britain and France were more restrictive in supplying arms to Israel. Another advantage was the willingness of the German government to pay for these exports to Israel."CONTINUED

(5). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"$3-trillion.html
By Thomas R. Stauffer
EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S.
aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED
(6). "Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments"
Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments - Corporate Crime Reporter

EXCERPT "A lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. claims that United States aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Such aid violates longstanding bans on foreign aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs, the lawsuit alleges."CONTINUED

(7). "From Deir Yassin to Jenin"​

(8). "Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict - Oxfam"

"Israeli military killing 250 Palestinians per day with many more lives at risk from hunger, disease and cold"

EXCERPTS "Israel’s military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day which exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years, Oxfam said today, as the escalation of hostilities nears its 100th day.

Israel’s total blockade of the Gaza Strip is restricting life-saving aid, including food, medical supplies, and water and sanitation facilities.

“On top of the already horrific death toll, many more people could die from hunger, preventable diseases, diarrhoea, and cold. The situation is particularly worrying for children, pregnant women and those with existing medical conditions."
I was disappointed to read your response that is replete with the same distortions, exaggerations, borderline hysteria and outright falsehoods that exemplify this and other one dimensional Hasbara scripts.

I do not have the time to address every misleading hyperbolic falsehood but will attempt to throw some light on statements that are either half true or completely false such as the first line.

No, Jews have not "...lived there forever" (1) and it has been German labor, ingenuity and resources before, during and after WW 2 that was largely responsible for the construction of Israel's early infrastructure.
For example, while Zionist terrorist gangs were busily destroying Palestinian homes, shops and farms, the Germans built virtually all of Israel's early infrastructure (2), (3) and are actually responsible for "... making the deserts bloom."
by building water treatment plants, rail roads, highways, electric power plants etc.

In addition to giving Israel 60 ships, new locomotives, train cars etc, Germany gave Israel entire weapon systems, small arms, patrol boats etc even during times of war when other countries refused to give or sell weapons to Israel.(4)
" creating a Nation" is only a first step that matters for little if that nation is unable to support itself and with Israel's inability to support itself without America's $ Trillions, (5) is not in the interest of either country.

In fact, any aid to Israel is illegal according to the Symington - Glenn Amendment (6) but near omnipotent and parasitic Israeli lobbies still manage to extract $ Trillions from working Americans in countless hidden forms.

It's not that I object to aid to Israel as much as I object to supporting the right wing extremists behind the very imprecise slaughter of civilians in Gaza with US munitions.

This too is a complete falsehood that is no less offensive than genuine Holocaust denial.

EXCERPT " In an authoritative account of the massacre, the British interrogating officer then, Assistant Inspector-General Richard Catling, confirmed that: "Many young school girls were raped and later slaughtered … Many infants were also butchered and killed."3 Deir Yassin was meant to set an example, a particularly shocking precedent, to terrorize the Palestinians off their lands and into exile. It was no accident, no aberration, no extreme vengeance, simply a calculated act of terror in a well-thought-out plan to depopulate Palestine, and create in the resulting space a Jewish homeland for the victims of the Nazi genocide." CONTINUED (7)

Finally, your attempts to depict what rational observers see as a blatant Genocide as "surgical" and "precise" would be laughable except for the enormity of this additional Zionist atrocity.

Gunning down half naked hostages waving white flags is hardly being "precise" just as machine gunning a line of hungry, sick and homeless men, women and children is far from "surgical"

Israel has the technology and intelligence access to do a more surgical elimination of Hamas but the Netanyahu regime prefers the revenge of widespread mass murder.

I rarely make predictions but I am comfortable in stating that there will always be a Hamas or its equivalent if not an even deadlier version as long as Netanyahu attempts to kill his way to security.

Of course Hamas has no place in a future Palestinian government but killing civilians at a greater rate(8) than any other major 21st century conflict is not the way to prevent revenge from being such an attractive response to the destruction of Gaza and its people.

While we obviously disagree on this issue, I appreciate your civility.


(1). "The Land Before the Kingdom of Israel: A History of the Southern Levant and the People who Populated It (History, Archaeology, and Culture of the Levant) Hardcover – May 19, 2016"​

Amazon product ASIN 1575064278
EXCERPT "However, scholars continue to contend that the Canaanites’ and Israelites’ social and political structures were distinct. Most scholars agree that the Israelites were geographical, economic, and/or political outsiders.

In addition to shedding light on historical memories embedded in the books of Judges and Samuel that do not conform to conventional wisdom regarding Israel’s early history, Benz demonstrates that a contingent of the early Israelites was heir to the social and political structures of their Late Bronze Age Levantine predecessors."CONTINUED

(2). “The Reparations Agreement of 1952 and the response in Israel”

EXCERPT “As part of the reparations, many goods reached Israel which helped the state economy to stabilize over the years. For example, Israel received new-fangled German-manufactured trains, which were operated for a number of years by the Israel Railways”CONTINUED

(3). “Inside the Germany/Israel Relationship”

EXCERPTS “Federal Republic of Germany laid the groundwork for Israel’s infrastructure—including roads, railways and shipping—while simultaneously rebuilding West German industry.

In addition to money, Israel also needed weapons. As early as 1954, German reparation funds were secretly being used to buy patrol boats, tanks and arms. Germany itself supplied Israel with weapons through a variety of back channels. Many details remain untold, but a 2006 U.S. Congressional Research Service report concluded that German-supplied arms “played a considerable role” in building up Israeli military might in the wars of 1967, 1973 and 1982."CONTINUED

(4). “German-Israeli Armaments Cooperation”
German-Israeli Armaments Cooperation

EXCERPT “Israel profited from cooperation by having a reliable and quick source for spare parts and complete weapon systems – even in times of war, when other nations like the United States, Great Britain and France were more restrictive in supplying arms to Israel. Another advantage was the willingness of the German government to pay for these exports to Israel."CONTINUED

(5). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"$3-trillion.html
By Thomas R. Stauffer
EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S.
aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED
(6). "Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments"
Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments - Corporate Crime Reporter

EXCERPT "A lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. claims that United States aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Such aid violates longstanding bans on foreign aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs, the lawsuit alleges."CONTINUED

(7). "From Deir Yassin to Jenin"​

(8). "Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict - Oxfam"

"Israeli military killing 250 Palestinians per day with many more lives at risk from hunger, disease and cold"

EXCERPTS "Israel’s military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day which exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years, Oxfam said today, as the escalation of hostilities nears its 100th day.

Israel’s total blockade of the Gaza Strip is restricting life-saving aid, including food, medical supplies, and water and sanitation facilities.

“On top of the already horrific death toll, many more people could die from hunger, preventable diseases, diarrhoea, and cold. The situation is particularly worrying for children, pregnant women and those with existing medical conditions."
Bravo !!!! A total meltdown with every single misinformation you could find courtesy of Hamas and others like that terrorist group which has oppressed Gaza for 17 years. 17 yers when you and all others could not care less what they did to the people there.

Yes, I did miswrite about Jews being there forever. Judaism has been there for the past 3800 years, with the inhabitants of the area converting to Judaism with time. So, in a sense, the JEWS have lived on their ancient homeland since before history was ever recorded. It is the same with many other indigenous peoples around the world.

Keep up with your anti Israel meltdown. Israel is strong. Will remain strong. Will put an end to Hamas in Gaza. And you will continue to meltdown about it.
[Ignorant, irresponsible and dangerous. Every lie evolves into another lie, one more dangerous than the other in the ears of those who remain ignorant]

Bravo !!!! A total meltdown with every single misinformation you could find courtesy of Hamas and others like that terrorist group which has oppressed Gaza for 17 years. 17 yers when you and all others could not care less what they did to the people there.

Yes, I did miswrite about Jews being there forever. Judaism has been there for the past 3800 years, with the inhabitants of the area converting to Judaism with time. So, in a sense, the JEWS have lived on their ancient homeland since before history was ever recorded. It is the same with many other indigenous peoples around the world.

Keep up with your anti Israel meltdown. Israel is strong. Will remain strong. Will put an end to Hamas in Gaza. And you will continue to meltdown about it.

I've never seen such hatred, extremism and denial than I've seen expressed by apologists for right wing Zionist genocide.

Every pro genocide opinion is simply a carbon copy of the other and straight from the Hasbara Handbook with the same fraudulent cliche's over and over.

Zionist nonsense about an exclusively Jewish "homeland" ignores the fact that today's Khazarian Jews are about as closely related to ancient Hebrew warriors as they are to the Eskimos.

17 yers when you and all others could not care less what they did to the people there.

Nonsense like this is especially ridiculous coming from genocidal Hasbara shills who are cheerleading an internationally condemned and illegal genocide of a hungry, homeless and traumatized civilian population.

It is additionally deceptive to misrepresent opposition to Zionist genocide as "anti Israel" when it is precisely Israel's genocidal right wing Zealots that have made Israel one of the least popular countries in the world(1) and that was before Netanyahu's genocidal foray around Gaza.
Rewriting Ancient History

  • Fatah official: “Goliath is none other than a Palestinian king and hero who fought…and defeated the Hebrews and sent them to the ‘trash can of history.'”
  • Quran: “They [Children of Israel] defeated them [Goliath’s army - ed.] by permission of Allah, and David killed Goliath.”
Rewriting Recent History

  • Fatah official: “…in Hebron. They always claim that we slaughtered them. We didn’t slaughter them, not at all.”
  • Historical fact: 65 Jews were brutally murdered in one day in 1929 by Arabs in Hebron.

The Palestinians are so obsessed with denying Israel's right to exist that they are even willing to contradict the Quran to force history to conform to their worldview.

Click to play

A Fatah official and former president of Al-Quds Open University, contradicting the Quran which writes “David killed Goliath,” claimed that Goliath was a Palestinian and that he “defeated the Hebrews,” who went “in the trash can of history.”

Younes Amr, Fatah Revolutionary Council member and former president of Al-Quds Open University:

“Through the unity of our Canaanite Arab ancestors against all the invaders who came to our land – there were among them those who triumphed and ruled here, and there were those who were defeated, left, and moved to the trash can of history, and foremost among them the Hebrews. Goliath is none other than a Palestinian king and hero who fought the Hebrews, and our Palestinian ancestors prevented the Hebrews from reaching the coasts…”
[Official PA TV, Jan. 31, 2024]
As stated, Amr blatantly contradicts the Quran, which states:

“[King] Saul went forth with the soldiers… to [face] Goliath and his soldiers, they said, ‘Our Lord… give us victory over the disbelieving people.’ So they defeated them by permission of Allah, and David killed Goliath.”
[Saheeh International translation, Quran, 2:249-251]
With this historical revision, Amr is trying to disconnect the indigenous Jewish people of the Bible from their descendants who are today’s modern Israelis. The Palestinian Authority teaches its people that the Hebrews of the Bible were all destroyed, and today’s Jews and Israelis are descendants of a Khazar tribe that converted to Judaism. They argue that Jews today therefore are only a religion with no connection to the Biblical nation of Israel and no national rights to the land of Israel. This is why Amr is teaching that the biblical Hebrews ended up in the "trash can of history."

However, Amr does not suffice with a revision of ancient history. He also seeks to revise more recent history. He continued:

“The best period in their [Jewish] history, they lived under Muslim Arab rule in Spain, Egypt, Baghdad, Syria, and Palestine, even here, even in Hebron. They always claim that we slaughtered them [in Hebron]. We didn’t slaughter them, not at all.”
[Official PA TV, Jan. 31, 2024]
While there were periods of time in which Jews were given freedom in Muslim countries, this romanticized vision of Jewish history is false, just like the claim that Jews were not massacred in Hebron is a lie. In fact, Arabs brutally murdered 65 Jews in just one day in the 1929 Hebron Massacre.


Palestinians are so desperate to deny Israel’s right to exist and to remove Jewish presence from the Land of Israel that they will even contradict their own holiest source, the Quran. A prominent Fatah official claimed that Goliath was a Palestinian king who defeated the Hebrews, when the Quran itself states that the Hebrews defeated Goliath’s people and that David killed Goliath. Is this former head of a Palestinian university just ignorant or is he intentionally denying a verse in the Quran for political purposes?

I've never seen such hatred, extremism and denial than I've seen expressed by apologists for right wing Zionist genocide.

Every pro genocide opinion is simply a carbon copy of the other and straight from the Hasbara Handbook with the same fraudulent cliche's over and over.

Zionist nonsense about an exclusively Jewish "homeland" ignores the fact that today's Khazarian Jews are about as closely related to ancient Hebrew warriors as they are to the Eskimos.

Nonsense like this is especially ridiculous coming from genocidal Hasbara shills who are cheerleading an internationally condemned and illegal genocide of a hungry, homeless and traumatized civilian population.

It is additionally deceptive to misrepresent opposition to Zionist genocide as "anti Israel" when it is precisely Israel's genocidal right wing Zealots that have made Israel one of the least popular countries in the world(1) and that was before Netanyahu's genocidal foray around Gaza.
There are NO "Khazarian Jews".

And that shows the world you live in. One of following every source which is Anti Israel, anti Zionist. Anti Jews.

You will continue to go to only sources which call Israel illegal, what is happening in Gaza a "genocide" and everything else your mind has decided is the truth.

Everything you have read is a LIE about Jews, Judaism, Zionism and Israel.

When your mind can come to accept that all which you are accepting as truth is not the truth, hopefully you will start to delve into more of what is history and what over 90% of Jews who are Zionists know.

Jews know their history, their culture, etc and do NOT go around denying anyone anything, much less their history, just as Muslims continue to try to deny Jewish History of their ancient homeland since 1920 as shown in my post above this one.

I will now leave it to you and your mind.
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