Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

You beyond clearly, like so many others, confuse the word native of a place - as in born in - with indigenous.

Palestinians, they are Arabs, they are indigenous of Arabia, and it does not matter where in the world they are BORN, they will continue to be indigenous of that Peninsula, just as Europeans who are born in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Greenland, are still INDIGENOUS of the countries they came from in Europe, or those who came from Japan, China, etc and live in those places or are BORN there.

Indigenous people of the Americans fought the European invaders as much as they could.

The Jewish people INDIGENOUS of their ancestral homeland were never able to fight their invaders after the Bar Kochba defeat in the 2nd Century CE.

The Jewish People legally bought land from the Ottomans once that Empire allowed buying land after 1850. Arabs also bought land. Arabs, NOT Palestinians, they never called themselves that and JEWS are the original Palestinians because the Romans changed their homeland JUDEA's name into SYRIA Palestina, not JUST Palestina, because of the two previous Empires who had defeated the Jews ON their homeland.

Being BORN on any land does not make one INDIGENOUS, no matter how many centuries one has live there, and MOST Arabs only move the the REGION called Palestine because the Jews started businesses in the Land of Israel which attracted lots of Arabs who were looking for work. Therefore any of those Arab migrants can never be called Indigenous, much less "Natives" of the land of Israel.

Come up with any study you wish to "prove" the Arab rights to the Jewish land, to prove Israel's "Intent" in ethnically cleansing Arabs from the land, but the facts only pinpoint to endless ethnic cleansing of Jews :

1920 Gaza
1929 Hebron
1948 ALL of Judea, Samaria AND the Jewish Quarter of Judea.

Arabs fled in 1948 listening to their Arab leaders who promised a destroyed Israel and an Israel free of Jews. That is why so many ended up in Gaza, while the Arabs in the North, like Haifa, were asked by Israeli leaders to stay and STAY they did, and still there making part of the 2 MILLION non Jews in Israel who have the same rights as the Jews.

Say whatever you like about your walkings, visits, etc, etc, you choose the "facts" which suit how your mind sees and believes are the facts. Millions of others have been, yes, programmed by abut five decades of accusations against Israel.

The Levant is in the Middle East. The term Middle East only exists since last century. Notice how the "Middle East" is practically ALL Arab Muslim plus Persian Iran with little tiny Israel there.

Of all of those countries, which were invaded by the Arab Muslims, since the 7th Century CE, ONLY Kurdistan and Israel are ruled by the indigenous people of those lands. And Kurdistan has yet to be accepted as a sovereign country.

Jew hatred is a disease which grows and grows, seems dormant for some time than hits hard again because people wish to believe the worst of Jews.

It comes from 2000 years of anti Jewish lies from Christianity.

It comes from 1700 years of anti Jewish lies from Islam.

Work AGAINST Jew hatred .

Stop running full force towards Jew hatred.

Jews have rights to be sovereign on their ancient homeland.

Arabs have the right to live in peace on that land as they are doing now.

GAZA was full abandoned by Israel in 2005.

NO excuse for Arabs to be attacking Israel from Gaza.

The reason they have continued to do it is because they want to destroy Israel, as they have been attempting to do since 1920 with the first Arab riots against Jews by the Al Hussaini Clan which could not accept Jewish sovereignty on land once conquered by either Arab or Turkish Muslims.

That is ALL this conflict has ever been about, and will continue to be about as long as there is anyone attempting to help the terrorists who never wanted peace, but simply ALL OF THE LAND.

That goes for the UN, UNWRA, any organizations or politicians in the world who are such antisemites that they are willing to make laws to help the terrorists and never protect sovereign Israel as they should.

Are you for peace?

Demand that the hostages are freed by Hamas.

Everyone who thinks they know what Israel is about is "demanding" a ceasefire, but not the release of the hostages.

That is the most telling part of what has happened since 10/7.

Before Israel was prepared to put down Hamas in Gaza after 10/7, people all over the world started celebrating the barbaric attack. And then later, how dare Israel go into Gaza to end Hamas and liberate the hostages.

You are more than probably not going to read this, much less think about any of it.

It does not matter.

Israel is winning the war. People screaming all the lies they can does not matter, exactly because they are lies.

The People of Israel LIVE !!!

Sorry for the delay in responding.
I try to respond to all civil and substantive comments promptly but have been busier than usual lately.

Since you have apparently already read some of what I've written you probably have an idea of my opinions and the experiences and research that have shaped them.

Your comment begins with reasons why you think that today's modern day Jews from around the world have a greater claim on former Palestine than the people who have lived there for generations.

Because of my fascination with archeology, I have studied and researched the region's history for about 60 years.
As you must know, the Levant has served both as a corridor and home to several ancient Semitic and non Semitic tribes with the existing Canaanites massacred, raped and plundered in one of the bloodiest scenes in the Bible by the invading Hebrews.
The Muslims took control of Palestine in 640 AD, the Ottomans occupied Palestine in 1516 and with the aid of the Arabs, the British occupied Palestine until the invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs who were reportedly more barbaric than Hamas.

According to the last study I've read, the people most closely related to the ancient Canaanites are the residents of Southern Lebanon. While newer studies may negate that, history has shown that ownership of Palestine is determined by military might, not who was there first.

Come up with any study you wish to "prove" the Arab rights to the Jewish land, to prove Israel's "Intent" in ethnically cleansing Arabs from the land, but the facts only pinpoint to endless ethnic cleansing of Jews :

I don't need to prove that the Arabs were the predominant and preexisting population in Palestine because I don't know of anyone who rejects the 1922 British Mandatory Palestine Census and Survey or related documents.

Since Deir Yasin (1) and the subsequent Nakba, Palestine's pre existing population is responding just as the ancient Canaanites did to the invading ancient Hebrews.

I don't deny that Muslims butchered innocent Jews with the same barbaric zeal that Zionist terrorists displayed during the Nakba because I firmly believe that no single race, religion ethnic group or nationality is any more predisposed toward evil or good than another.

Among the things I learned in the US Military is that blood type is far more important than race, religion or ethnic background.

Therefore, throwing around worn out and frivolous accusations of "Jew hate", "anti Semitism", "Neo Nazism" is not only a waste of space but widely acknowledged as an evasive deception(2).

I don't doubt that the world is full of irrational and violent people who hate Jews and among the reasons I oppose Netanyahu's genocidal foray around Gaza is that genuine anti Jewish sentiment can only become exponentially worse.

I am, honestly, just as offended by calls to "kill all the Jews", "drive the Israelis int the sea" etc as I am about calls for harm to come to any group of people.
For example, in November 2023 a US Politician openly said of the Palestinians: "...kill them all". (3)

I didn't read about the incident until today and can promise you that if any US Politician declared "Kill them all" in reference to a Jewish population that the ADL, AIPAC, ZOA would ensure an abrupt impeachment and eternal pariah status.

Finally, you asked:
Are you for peace?

Of course.
I've seen too many mutilated bodies, traumatized children, charred and stinking human remains to be as patient as I should with naive, pro war "Keyboard Commandos" that include the people supporting a continuation of what a growing number of Jews(4) and non Jews condemn as a genocide.

I can promise you that I would be just as vocal if the victims were Jewish and have not forgotten that there are hostages on both sides that I would like to see go home.

I hope we can at least agree that the sooner this increasingly volatile killing in Gaza stops and the fewer human beings that are crushed, dismembered, burned to death etc, the better.

A just and durable peace can only occur with an independent and peaceful Palestinian government negotiating with rational Israelis willing to respect mutually agreed upon borders.

I hope I have answered at least some of your questions and clarified some of my views.


(1). “Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED

(2). “Don’t be caught out by ‘the trick’”

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Shulamit Aloni

(3). "Florida lawmaker says kill ‘all of them’ in response to Palestinian deaths, sparking outrage"​

(4). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
Sorry for the delay in responding.
I try to respond to all civil and substantive comments promptly but have been busier than usual lately.

Since you have apparently already read some of what I've written you probably have an idea of my opinions and the experiences and research that have shaped them.

Your comment begins with reasons why you think that today's modern day Jews from around the world have a greater claim on former Palestine than the people who have lived there for generations.

The Jews HAVE lived there forever and have created a Nation, a Monarchy and History with all the invading conquerors all the way to the British in 1917.

There is NO history of a people called Palestinians, much less Arabs who do not have the letter P in their alphabet.

By generations, as far as Arabs are concerned - or Palestinians - they are invaders from the 7th century, who lost control to the Crusaders and the Crusaders eventually lost the control to the Ottoman Turks. Al Hussaini Clan itself only migrated to the area in the 10th-11th Century and became wealthy under the Ottomans. They never claimed indigenous or native status of the land, non of them did, until the Ottomans lost WWI and Jews legally wanted to reclaim their ancient homeland.

All other Nations from Canaan are totally lost, as most are around Mesopotamia, etc for Arabs to really be able to claim that THEY are those people and descendants of them, in order to claim ownership of any part of it.

Note that when the nearly arrived Hashemites from Arabia received 78% of the Mandate for Palestine, not ONE Arab leader, Muslim or Christian, ever complained about it. Not from Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, North Africa, Iran.

Because of my fascination with archeology, I have studied and researched the region's history for about 60 years.
As you must know, the Levant has served both as a corridor and home to several ancient Semitic and non Semitic tribes with the existing Canaanites massacred, raped and plundered in one of the bloodiest scenes in the Bible by the invading Hebrews.

The Canaanites were not massacred and they had some history with the Israelite Nation for thousands of years.
The Muslims took control of Palestine in 640 AD, the Ottomans occupied Palestine in 1516 and with the aid of the Arabs, the British occupied Palestine until the invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs who were reportedly more barbaric than Hamas.

Syria Palestina, that is what the Romans changed the name of their Province of Judea to for the two enemies of the Israelites, Judeans who had defeated Israel and Judea.
According to the last study I've read, the people most closely related to the ancient Canaanites are the residents of Southern Lebanon. While newer studies may negate that, history has shown that ownership of Palestine is determined by military might, not who was there first.

Indigenous people all over the world will disagree with that view. One may conquer a land, but one may never become the indigenous people and particularly the owners of all the history which came before the invaders or afterwards. This kind of thinking has been used only towards Canaan/Israel/Judea/ Palestine because some extreme Muslims refuse to allow the Jews to peacefully have any part of their ancient homeland. Jews earned that right legally and not by force. And they had to keep it by forced due to the assault on them by extreme Muslims. ONE Muslim Clan, the Al Hussaini dictated to all other Muslims, if they agreed or not, that Jews should never be allowed to regain, rebuild their Nation on any part of once conquered Muslim land. Notice that it is about Mulsim conquered land and not Arab or Palestinian, or much less the previous conquerors, the Ottomans .
I don't need to prove that the Arabs were the predominant and preexisting population in Palestine because I don't know of anyone who rejects the 1922 British Mandatory Palestine Census and Survey or related documents.

Arabs were predominant because they migrated as part of being Muslims from 7th century on. And in 1922 many more Arabs migrated to that land due to jobs Jews had created since the 1890s having bought land and created businesses. Jews who had returned to their ancient homeland and had been doing so throughout history, before and after the Muslim invasion of the 7th century. Numbers mean nothing. It has never been about numbers. Numbers do not change who were indigenous and have the right to all of Hawaii, Australia, Greenland, New Zealand, the Americas. It is the indigenous people and not any of the invaders or those who migrated afterwards.
Since Deir Yasin (1) and the subsequent Nakba, Palestine's pre existing population is responding just as the ancient Canaanites did to the invading ancient Hebrews.

There was no massacre at DeirYasin. Arab leaders lied about it to scare the residents. There are a few videos of the residents debunking that claim.
The only catastrophe was that the Arab residents in the south accepted what the Arab leaders told them to do via radio and left their homes so that the Arab armies would try to destroy Israel is 2 weeks, as promised. Israel survived the assault losing over 6000 people.

The Jews are the only pre existing population left. All others like the Philistines (Greek invaders), and other nations of the time 2000 years ago, have all disappeared just like the 10 tribes of Israel disappeared after the Assyrian assault. There isn't ONE person who can actually come forward and say that they are descendants of Philistines or anyone else, besides the Jews who kept their culture, language, religion going. History of all the conquerors shows records of dealing with the Jews all the way to the British after WWI.

I don't deny that Muslims butchered innocent Jews with the same barbaric zeal that Zionist terrorists displayed during the Nakba because I firmly believe that no single race, religion ethnic group or nationality is any more predisposed toward evil or good than another.

You are talking about a war started by the Muslims which Jews barely survived. Jews were not committing massacres of Arabs. Muslims wanted Israel destroyed and all Jews killed or gone as they did with Gaza in 1920, Hebron in 1929, all thought the years until 1947, and then refused a second partition offer to invade Israel the day after its Independence. You are doing nothing but repeating the Arab narrative which is more fiction than fact, just as it is today.
Among the things I learned in the US Military is that blood type is far more important than race, religion or ethnic background.

Therefore, throwing around worn out and frivolous accusations of "Jew hate", "anti Semitism", "Neo Nazism" is not only a waste of space but widely acknowledged as an evasive deception(2).
You are in denial and only repeating things which delegitimize what is actually going on.
I don't doubt that the world is full of irrational and violent people who hate Jews and among the reasons I oppose Netanyahu's genocidal foray around Gaza is that genuine anti Jewish sentiment can only become exponentially worse.
There is no genocide, simply getting rid of Hamas fighters and their infrastructure one at a time with precision. Christian and Muslims hatred of Jews, and therefore Israel does not need any excuse. Pogroms, the Inquisition and the Holocaust needed no excuses. Denying the Jews any part of their ancient homeland does not need any excuse. All it needs is the fact that they are Jews and the Christian and Muslim horrible things, lies, told from generation to generation which has turned the minds of so many for the past 2000 years. It is the same thing then as it is now.
I am, honestly, just as offended by calls to "kill all the Jews", "drive the Israelis int the sea" etc as I am about calls for harm to come to any group of people.
For example, in November 2023 a US Politician openly said of the Palestinians: "...kill them all". (3)

Kill them ALL, or kill all of Hamas and other terrorist groups bent on killing Jews and destroying Israel. One person, who has no power over Israel does not a policy make. And as I said, Israel is precisely targeting Hamas and all other terrorist groups in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, since the latter two places are governed by the PA and lots of Hamas, Fatah and other terrorists insist now in attacking Jews and the IDF incited by Abbas.
I didn't read about the incident until today and can promise you that if any US Politician declared "Kill them all" in reference to a Jewish population that the ADL, AIPAC, ZOA would ensure an abrupt impeachment and eternal pariah status.

I have nothing more to say about ONE person being irresponsible.

Of course.
I've seen too many mutilated bodies, traumatized children, charred and stinking human remains to be as patient as I should with naive, pro war "Keyboard Commandos" that include the people supporting a continuation of what a growing number of Jews(4) and non Jews condemn as a genocide.
Genocide is just a word. A word used and abused by enemies of Israel in order to make ignorant people turn against what is actually happening and hoping that calling it that, it will make Israel stop with what Hamas started. Hamas meant to invade all of Israel, kill as many Jews and non Jews as possible but their plan did not materialize, thank goodness. And then we have Hezbollah, Syria and the Houthis, all of them including Hamas, armed to the teeth to attack Israel and hope to destroy it as they tried in 1948, 1967 and 1973.
I can promise you that I would be just as vocal if the victims were Jewish and have not forgotten that there are hostages on both sides that I would like to see go home.
There are hostages who did nothing, no crime at all, against Gaza. Many by the border were actually helping people in Gaza. Hired many, and it is some of those who used being able to come to Israel to help map the communities in order for Hamas and Iran to come up with the plan they did.

And there are people who have committed crimes against Jews and non Jews in Israel which led to a prison sentence. You are doing nothing but repenting Hamas and others, very chewed and very non truthful nonsense about there being "hostages" on "both sides".

I hope we can at least agree that the sooner this increasingly volatile killing in Gaza stops and the fewer human beings that are crushed, dismembered, burned to death etc, the better.
IDF will continue to kill Hamas fighters or arresting them, as long as the leaders do not surrender and give up the war they started. And release the hostages who are still there.
A just and durable peace can only occur with an independent and peaceful Palestinian government negotiating with rational Israelis willing to respect mutually agreed upon borders.
That is a long way to go, as long as Hamas leaders continue to survive the disgusting war they started. Any decisions about Gaza is a long way to come still. And it will have to be with full security for Israel. Have you checked the endless walls Egypt has been building and reinforcing in order to not let any Gazan who does not pay them to get out, into Egypt? Do you remember what Hamas did in Sinai killing so many Egyptians? You are mistaken that this is just an Israel and Gaza war. It is still Islam against Jews, with Israel now totally able, since 1948, to repel any attacks on her. And survive.
I hope I have answered at least some of your questions and clarified some of my views.


(1). “Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED

(2). “Don’t be caught out by ‘the trick’”

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Shulamit Aloni

(3). "Florida lawmaker says kill ‘all of them’ in response to Palestinian deaths, sparking outrage"​

(4). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
The Jews HAVE lived there forever and have created a Nation, a Monarchy and History with all the invading conquerors all the way to the British in 1917.

There is NO history of a people called Palestinians, much less Arabs who do not have the letter P in their alphabet.

By generations, as far as Arabs are concerned - or Palestinians - they are invaders from the 7th century, who lost control to the Crusaders and the Crusaders eventually lost the control to the Ottoman Turks. Al Hussaini Clan itself only migrated to the area in the 10th-11th Century and became wealthy under the Ottomans. They never claimed indigenous or native status of the land, non of them did, until the Ottomans lost WWI and Jews legally wanted to reclaim their ancient homeland.

All other Nations from Canaan are totally lost, as most are around Mesopotamia, etc for Arabs to really be able to claim that THEY are those people and descendants of them, in order to claim ownership of any part of it.

Note that when the nearly arrived Hashemites from Arabia received 78% of the Mandate for Palestine, not ONE Arab leader, Muslim or Christian, ever complained about it. Not from Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, North Africa, Iran.

The Canaanites were not massacred and they had some history with the Israelite Nation for thousands of yea

Syria Palestina, that is what the Romans changed the name of their Province of Judea to for the two enemies of the Israelites, Judeans who had defeated Israel and Judea.

Arabs were predominant because they migrated as part of being Muslims from 7th century on. And in 1922 many more Arabs migrated to that land due to jobs Jews had created since the 1890s having bought land and created businesses. Jews who had returned to their ancient homeland and had been doing so throughout history, before and after the Muslim invasion of the 7th century. Numbers mean nothing. It has never been about numbers. Numbers do not change who were indigenous and have the right to all of Hawaii, Australia, Greenland, New Zealand, the Americas. It is the indigenous people and not any of the invaders or those who migrated afterwards.

There was no massacre at DeirYasin. Arab leaders lied about it to scare the residents. There are a few videos of the residents debunking that claim.
The only catastrophe was that the Arab residents in the south accepted what the Arab leaders told them to do via radio and left their homes so that the Arab armies would try to destroy Israel is 2 weeks, as promised. Israel survived the assault losing over 6000 people.

The Jews are the only pre existing population left. All others like the Philistines (Greek invaders), and other nations of the time 2000 years ago, have all disappeared just like the 10 tribes of Israel disappeared after the Assyrian assault. There isn't ONE person who can actually come forward and say that they are descendants of Philistines or anyone else, besides the Jews who kept their culture, language, religion going. History of all the conquerors shows records of dealing with the Jews all the way to the British after WWI.

You are talking about a war started by the Muslims which Jews barely survived. Jews were not committing massacres of Arabs. Muslims wanted Israel destroyed and all Jews killed or gone as they did with Gaza in 1920, Hebron in 1929, all thought the years until 1947, and then refused a second partition offer to invade Israel the day after its Independence. You are doing nothing but repeating the Arab narrative which is more fiction than fact, just as it is today.

You are in denial and only repeating things which delegitimize what is actually going on.

There is no genocide, simply getting rid of Hamas fighters and their infrastructure one at a time with precision. Christian and Muslims hatred of Jews, and therefore Israel does not need any excuse. Pogroms, the Inquisition and the Holocaust needed no excuses. Denying the Jews any part of their ancient homeland does not need any excuse. All it needs is the fact that they are Jews and the Christian and Muslim horrible things, lies, told from generation to generation which has turned the minds of so many for the past 2000 years. It is the same thing then as it is now.

Kill them ALL, or kill all of Hamas and other terrorist groups bent on killing Jews and destroying Israel. One person, who has no power over Israel does not a policy make. And as I said, Israel is precisely targeting Hamas and all other terrorist groups in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, since the latter two places are governed by the PA and lots of Hamas, Fatah and other terrorists insist now in attacking Jews and the IDF incited by Abbas.

Genocide is just a word. A word used and abused by enemies of Israel in order to make ignorant people turn against what is actually happening and hoping that calling it that, it will make Israel stop with what Hamas started. Hamas meant to invade all of Israel, kill as many Jews and non Jews as possible but their plan did not materialize, thank goodness. And then we have Hezbollah, Syria and the Houthis, all of them including Hamas, armed to the teeth to attack Israel and hope to destroy it as they tried in 1948, 1967 and 1973.

There are hostages who did nothing, no crime at all, against Gaza. Many by the border were actually helping people in Gaza. Hired many, and it is some of those who used being able to come to Israel to help map the communities in order for Hamas and Iran to come up with the plan they did.

And there are people who have committed crimes against Jews and non Jews in Israel which led to a prison sentence. You are doing nothing but repenting Hamas and others, very chewed and very non truthful nonsense about there being "hostages" on "both sides".

IDF will continue to kill Hamas fighters or arresting them, as long as the leaders do not surrender and give up the war they started. And release the hostages who are still there.

That is a long way to go, as long as Hamas leaders continue to survive the disgusting war they started. Any decisions about Gaza is a long way to come still. And it will have to be with full security for Israel. Have you checked the endless walls Egypt has been building and reinforcing in order to not let any Gazan who does not pay them to get out, into Egypt? Do you remember what Hamas did in Sinai killing so many Egyptians? You are mistaken that this is just an Israel and Gaza war. It is still Islam against Jews, with Israel now totally able, since 1948, to repel any attacks on her. And survive.
More Mossad lies.
More Mossad lies.
So Gipper, where is the History of the Palestinians in the Philistine, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Persian, Muslim, Crusaders and Ottoman written records?

Where is the archeology of all of these Palestinian history before 1918 CE? Ever visited the Palestine Museum in Ramallah? Seen anything in there which reflects Palestinian History, Culture, Archeology before 1918 CE?

Curious how there is nothing to show before the end of WWI. Nothing at all.

But Muslims will keep on digging and destroying any and all Jewish History they can find in the Ancient Jewish homeland. If one cannot find any history to make a people up, one will destroy that of the people they really want to see destroyed.

No such luck.

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