Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

And Joey Xiden is sending them more aid

Just sad
Israel will allow all the aid needed. Israel could stop it at any time, but that is not what Israel wants to do. But turn it against Biden, the same way anti Israel people turn it against Israel .

Ceasefire now, people say. But what does that actually mean? So ceasefire is what we've had on October 6th and what we all want, obviously. But President Biden said it best. Ceasefire and a hostage deal, he said, is at the hands of Hamas.

President Biden said that Israel put down a rational offer because Israel is a rational country. The problem is that Hamas is not a rational actor. It is a genocidal Jihadi terrorist organization that doesn't care about the lives of Palestinians. And people in the West have been yelling ceasefire now at the wrong side of this war.

Hamas has rejected countless ceasefires. Hamas and Iran are not trying to build a better life for the Palestinian people. You have to understand what Hamas and Iran are doing right now is they're actively trying to inflame the entire Middle East right before the holy month of Ramadan, which as President Biden said is going to be very, very dangerous. And this is exactly what they are after.

There is currently a multi-front war going on in Israel in which Israel is being attacked by Jihadi terrorists from all sides, all prompted, pushed, and sponsored by Iran. Hamas, according to what was published, said that they have Israel exactly where they want her. That means the international pressure is on Israel to stop the war so that Hamas can remain in power in Gaza. So if you're calling at Israel to ceasefire, you're doing the bidding of Hamas.

Hamas does not want to ceasefire. They're going to do whatever it takes in order to maintain power, including hiding in the elaborated tunnel system that they build instead of building a Palestinian state and remain in power at the cost of Israeli children and Palestinian children.

It's time to dehamasify Gaza. And next time you demand a ceasefire, just make sure you aim it at the right direction. As President Biden said, this is at the hands of Hamas.
Israel will allow all the aid needed. Israel could stop it at any time, but that is not what Israel wants to do. But turn it against Biden, the same way anti Israel people turn it against Israel .
Israel can stop xiden from sending aid to Hamas? How?

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