Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

“We stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict”

1) I'm an atheist. I refute all organized religions. I still stand by the right of the Jewish state to exist in safety.

2) Occupation? In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza. The Palestinians responded by electing Hamas, who immediately executed the opposition, kidnapped an Israeli soldier, and went on to fire over 15000 rockets at Israeli civilians. And that is before October 7th.

3) Jonathan Glazer and everyone who applauded him at the #Oscar2024 should learn a bit about the history of the conflict. I just finished making a whole series about it.
[ That pin is truly for the intentional ignorance these and so many others choose to live in. The truth is out there, their minds cannot accept it]

The truth must be told - A red pin calling for a ceasefire in Gaza was launched at the Oscars as a response to the yellow pin calling for the release of the Israeli hostages.

The red pin supports the side of a terrorist organization that committed a brutal massacre, it’s a pin that says the State of Israel has no right to defend its security and fight for its existence and also proclaims that the Israeli hostages can say in Gaza and continue to go through hell... It's a shame that all those who wore it at the ceremony didn't already receive an Oscar for the amount of hypocrisy!

10 things no one, including your favorite mainstream publications, will tell you.

Now, mind you, this is only for people wit integrity, people who are honest and who want to know facts.

People who care about the truth. If that’s not you, keep scrolling. If you’re still here, here we go.

1- There never was an Arab Palestinian state ever in history. Palestine was Israel. Fact.

2- Palestinian terror against Jews has absolutely zero to do with some fake occupation. Arab terror against Jews existed way before any occupation. There was Arab terror against Jews before there was even an Israel. Fact.

3- The Palestinian expertise is playing victim. In every other case, a refugee, once settled, is no longer a refugee. Not so with the Palestinians. The status of refugee is handed down to their kids even though they’re living in their own place, whether that’s Gaza or area A. Fact.

4- Close to 90% of people in Gaza support Hamas and the events of October 7th. Enough with the innocent Palestines narrative. Fact.

5- Israel has NOT killed 30,000 innocent Gazans and repeating that falsehood is repeating Hamas propaganda. Fact.

6- If Israel wanted to commit genocide, the war would have been over on October 8th. Israel could have flattened Gaza but it didn’t. Instead it sent in our kids on foot and as a result, Israel has endured massive loss. Fact.

7- Gaza and the Palestinian people, as a collective, have chosen the path of terror and violence. There are literal streets in Gaza named after murderers and terrorists. Fact.

8- Not a single Palestinian leader wants a two state solution. They want a one state solution, “From the river to the sea”. Anyone who chants that is changing for the genocide of the Jewish people. Fact.

9- Israel has now offered a ceasefire multiple times and was willing to make painful compromises in order to get the hostages back. Hamas rejected the offer multiple times. Fact.

10- Israel has sent in thousands of trucks carrying aid into Gaza. Those trucks were attacked, a driver lynched and murdered. Other trucks were stolen by Hamas and the aid sold for 10x the price on the black market. I know that none of these get clicks so the press won’t tell you any of this but none of this is my opinion. Everything mentioned above is an indisputable fact so if you do dispute any of them, you are dishonest and lack integrity.
[ How does one re educate any and all of those in the West who have received an endless anti Israel education for the past 50 years?]


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