Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The most horrifying video from the day of the massacre in Israel isn't the one showing dead bodies or assaulted women. It's this.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniya and his associates, dressed in suits, watch the attack on TV. They witness the brutal murder of 1,300 civilians, the assault on women, and the beheading of babies. How do they respond? By sitting in their million-dollar-a-week hotel suite in Qatar, aware that this could escalate to war for their people in Gaza. Yet they celebrate, giving thanks to what they believe is their God. (I don't know any god who condones such actions. Perhaps it's Satan.)

Those are the worst terrorists the world has ever seen.Hamas must be eradicated from the face of the earth, just like ISIS.

[ Do not forget that the terrorists took the same kind of drugs ISIS takes when they attack people. This is the result ]

The Swiss judiciary is investigating possible financing of Hamas from Switzerland despite the country not classifying the group as a terrorist organization, its attorney general says.

The investigation was opened “several weeks” before the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel, Stefan Blaettler says, on Swiss public radio station SRF, without revealing further details.

The Attorney General’s office later tells AFP that the investigation was launched “on suspicion of financing Hamas from Switzerland”.

The investigation is expected to be laborious because, unlike the European Union and the United States, Switzerland has not placed bans on Hamas.

But since the attack, mounting calls for the Swiss government to take action has prompted it to respond.

Four days after the attack, the government said it was “of the opinion that Hamas must be classified a terrorist organization”.

The Swiss judiciary is investigating possible financing of Hamas from Switzerland despite the country not classifying the group as a terrorist organization, its attorney general says.

The investigation was opened “several weeks” before the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel, Stefan Blaettler says, on Swiss public radio station SRF, without revealing further details.

The Attorney General’s office later tells AFP that the investigation was launched “on suspicion of financing Hamas from Switzerland”.

The investigation is expected to be laborious because, unlike the European Union and the United States, Switzerland has not placed bans on Hamas.

But since the attack, mounting calls for the Swiss government to take action has prompted it to respond.

Four days after the attack, the government said it was “of the opinion that Hamas must be classified a terrorist organization”.

Gazan children? Anything?

Oh! I get it now. They’re just as guilty as Hamas terrorists and deserve to die. Nice! :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
Now do a post on the many Gazan children mass murdered by Israel.

Human Rights, Israel, Palestine, War Crimes

‘Israel Kills 1 Child in Gaza Every 15 Minutes’​

October 17, 2023
The latest tally by the Defense for Children International–Palestine comes as Israel continues a relentless bombing campaign and an unlawful total blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Medics transport an injured Palestinian child into Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli airstrike on Oct. 11. (Atia Darwish, Palestinian News & Information Agency —Wafa — in contract with APAimages, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

". . . Children have faced some of the most horrific impacts of Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, where roughly half of the population is under the age of 18. Israel has dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza — home to 2.3 million people — in the wake of Hamas’ deadly attack.

Mohammad Abu Rukbeh, senior Gaza field researcher at DCIP, said in a statement Monday that “the repercussions of this war will not only affect the victims we have lost, some of which are still trapped under the rubble of their homes, and not only the residential areas that have been completely destroyed, including our own homes, but the psychological impact on us civilians and our children will be catastrophic.”

Research released before Israel’s latest bombardment of Gaza found that four out of five children in the Gaza Strip reported living with depression, grief and fear amid a yearslong Israeli blockade and frequent outbreaks of deadly violence.

Israel’s current military campaign in Gaza is its deadliest to date, and the unlawful total blockade it has imposed on the strip has further deprived children and the rest of the civilian population of food, fuel, electricity, and clean water. Some Gazans have resorted to drinking seawater and water contaminated by sewage, and hospital staff have reportedly had to drink from IV solution bags.

“Israeli authorities cut water supply to Gaza on October 9, and since then, all three water desalination plants in Gaza have been forced to cease operations,” DCIP noted Monday, citing the United Nations. “Even though Israeli authorities claimed to resume water supply to southern Gaza yesterday, there is no electricity to operate water pumps, Israeli airstrikes have damaged many water lines, and very little water in Gaza is drinkable in the first place.”

Still nothing on the thousands of innocent Gazan children ruthlessly murdered by Israel?
No doubt you believe Israel would never bomb a hospital. Proving you’ve been duped.

From 1982…

[From Noam Chomsky's FATEFUL TRIANGLE on Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon. Thanks to Jamie Stern-Weiner for his research]
Repeatedly, Israel blocked international relief efforts and prevented food and medical supplies from reaching victims. Israeli military forces also appear to have gone out of their way to destroy medical facilities—at least, if one wants to believe Israeli government claims about “pinpoint accuracy” in bombardment. “International agencies agree that the civilian death toll would have been considerably higher had it not been for the medical facilities that the Palestine Liberation Organization provides for its own people”—and, in fact, for many poor Lebanese—so it is not surprising that these were a particular target of attack.
In the first bombing in June, a children’s hospital in the Sabra refugee camp was hit, Lebanese television reported, and a cameraman said he saw “many children” lying dead inside the Bourj al Barajneh camp in Beirut, while “fires were burning out of control at dozens of apartment buildings” and the Gaza Hospital near the camps was reported hit… On June 12, four bombs fell on a hospital in Aley, severely damaging it. “There is nothing unusual” in the story told by an operating room assistant who had lost two hands in the attack; “That the target of the air strike was a hospital, whether by design or accident, is not unique either,” William Branigan reports, noting that other hospitals were even more badly damaged. Fragments of cluster bombs were found on the grounds of an Armenian sanitarium south of Beirut that was also “heavily damaged during the Israeli drive.” A neurosurgeon at the Gaza hospital in Beirut “insists that Israeli gunners deliberately shelled his hospital,” it was reported at the same time. A few days later, Richard Ben Cramer reported that the Acre Hospital in Beirut was hit by Israeli shells, and that the hospitals in the camps had again been hit. “Israeli guns never seem to stop here,” he reported from the Sabra camp, later to be the scene of a major massacre: “After two weeks of this random thunder, Sabra is only a place to run through.”

The Acre hospital was again hit on June 24, along with the Gaza hospital and the Islamic Home for Invalids, where “the corridors were streaked with blood.” The hospitals were short of supplies because Israel was blocking tons of medical supplies ready for shipment in Cyprus, according to the International Red Cross. By mid-August, the Islamic Home had been repeatedly shelled, only 15 of 200 staff members remained, and “several of the retarded children have died of starvation for lack of someone who has the time to feed them properly.” At the Palestinian Hospital for the Disabled (perhaps the same institution), “a visitor walking the gloomy corridors is approached by stumbling figures crying ‘Food, food’ in Arabic”; 800 patients remained, all mentally ill, half of them children, cared for by a dozen nurses.

A French doctor reported witnessing “an intense Israeli bombing raid around and against the [Gaza] hospital, which forced the evacuation of the hospital at the time.” When the Beirut mental hospital was hit shortly after, “800 patients varying in condition from senile dementia to violent schizophrenia were released into the streets of Beirut.” The hospital, clearly marked by Red Cross flags, was hit by artillery and naval gunfire, including four phosphorus shells. Medical personnel reported that the patients, including children with mental problems whose nursery was hit by rockets that set beds on fire, were 90% Lebanese. No military target was found within a half-mile. The hospital was, however, “precariously located near the Palestinian ghettoes of Sabra and Shatila, frequent targets of Israeli bombardment,” though the “immediate surroundings are residential” (i.e., not Palestinian slums).
Israel Would NEVER Bomb Hospitals (Part 2)

Human Rights, Israel, Palestine, War Crimes

‘Israel Kills 1 Child in Gaza Every 15 Minutes’​

October 17, 2023
The latest tally by the Defense for Children International–Palestine comes as Israel continues a relentless bombing campaign and an unlawful total blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Medics transport an injured Palestinian child into Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli airstrike on Oct. 11. (Atia Darwish, Palestinian News & Information Agency —Wafa — in contract with APAimages, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

". . . Children have faced some of the most horrific impacts of Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, where roughly half of the population is under the age of 18. Israel has dropped more than 6,000 bombs on Gaza — home to 2.3 million people — in the wake of Hamas’ deadly attack.

Mohammad Abu Rukbeh, senior Gaza field researcher at DCIP, said in a statement Monday that “the repercussions of this war will not only affect the victims we have lost, some of which are still trapped under the rubble of their homes, and not only the residential areas that have been completely destroyed, including our own homes, but the psychological impact on us civilians and our children will be catastrophic.”

Research released before Israel’s latest bombardment of Gaza found that four out of five children in the Gaza Strip reported living with depression, grief and fear amid a yearslong Israeli blockade and frequent outbreaks of deadly violence.

Israel’s current military campaign in Gaza is its deadliest to date, and the unlawful total blockade it has imposed on the strip has further deprived children and the rest of the civilian population of food, fuel, electricity, and clean water. Some Gazans have resorted to drinking seawater and water contaminated by sewage, and hospital staff have reportedly had to drink from IV solution bags.

“Israeli authorities cut water supply to Gaza on October 9, and since then, all three water desalination plants in Gaza have been forced to cease operations,” DCIP noted Monday, citing the United Nations. “Even though Israeli authorities claimed to resume water supply to southern Gaza yesterday, there is no electricity to operate water pumps, Israeli airstrikes have damaged many water lines, and very little water in Gaza is drinkable in the first place.”

This is all so appalling and depressing. After the horrors Ukrainians have endured, now this. For the first time in awhile I’m considering zoning out entirely.
No doubt you believe Israel would never bomb a hospital. Proving you’ve been duped.

From 1982…

[From Noam Chomsky's FATEFUL TRIANGLE on Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon. Thanks to Jamie Stern-Weiner for his research]
Repeatedly, Israel blocked international relief efforts and prevented food and medical supplies from reaching victims. Israeli military forces also appear to have gone out of their way to destroy medical facilities—at least, if one wants to believe Israeli government claims about “pinpoint accuracy” in bombardment. “International agencies agree that the civilian death toll would have been considerably higher had it not been for the medical facilities that the Palestine Liberation Organization provides for its own people”—and, in fact, for many poor Lebanese—so it is not surprising that these were a particular target of attack.
In the first bombing in June, a children’s hospital in the Sabra refugee camp was hit, Lebanese television reported, and a cameraman said he saw “many children” lying dead inside the Bourj al Barajneh camp in Beirut, while “fires were burning out of control at dozens of apartment buildings” and the Gaza Hospital near the camps was reported hit… On June 12, four bombs fell on a hospital in Aley, severely damaging it. “There is nothing unusual” in the story told by an operating room assistant who had lost two hands in the attack; “That the target of the air strike was a hospital, whether by design or accident, is not unique either,” William Branigan reports, noting that other hospitals were even more badly damaged. Fragments of cluster bombs were found on the grounds of an Armenian sanitarium south of Beirut that was also “heavily damaged during the Israeli drive.” A neurosurgeon at the Gaza hospital in Beirut “insists that Israeli gunners deliberately shelled his hospital,” it was reported at the same time. A few days later, Richard Ben Cramer reported that the Acre Hospital in Beirut was hit by Israeli shells, and that the hospitals in the camps had again been hit. “Israeli guns never seem to stop here,” he reported from the Sabra camp, later to be the scene of a major massacre: “After two weeks of this random thunder, Sabra is only a place to run through.”

The Acre hospital was again hit on June 24, along with the Gaza hospital and the Islamic Home for Invalids, where “the corridors were streaked with blood.” The hospitals were short of supplies because Israel was blocking tons of medical supplies ready for shipment in Cyprus, according to the International Red Cross. By mid-August, the Islamic Home had been repeatedly shelled, only 15 of 200 staff members remained, and “several of the retarded children have died of starvation for lack of someone who has the time to feed them properly.” At the Palestinian Hospital for the Disabled (perhaps the same institution), “a visitor walking the gloomy corridors is approached by stumbling figures crying ‘Food, food’ in Arabic”; 800 patients remained, all mentally ill, half of them children, cared for by a dozen nurses.

A French doctor reported witnessing “an intense Israeli bombing raid around and against the [Gaza] hospital, which forced the evacuation of the hospital at the time.” When the Beirut mental hospital was hit shortly after, “800 patients varying in condition from senile dementia to violent schizophrenia were released into the streets of Beirut.” The hospital, clearly marked by Red Cross flags, was hit by artillery and naval gunfire, including four phosphorus shells. Medical personnel reported that the patients, including children with mental problems whose nursery was hit by rockets that set beds on fire, were 90% Lebanese. No military target was found within a half-mile. The hospital was, however, “precariously located near the Palestinian ghettoes of Sabra and Shatila, frequent targets of Israeli bombardment,” though the “immediate surroundings are residential” (i.e., not Palestinian slums).
Israel Would NEVER Bomb Hospitals (Part 2)
Nice substack.

You know a tend toward libertarian anarchism myself, I don't believe government or corporate control, can ever shackle the human spirit. It bothers me when a fuckin' communist has balls that large, and that much integrity to tell it like it is.


THE SLAVE REVOLT IN GAZA, and Bernie Sanders​

I watched this interview a while back because I am entertained by Reason's & the Hill's RISING podcast, and Brianna has her own, it was really quite good. . . (well, let's be honest, anything not controlled by the government or corporations is interesting, informative and honest.)

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