It appears the Democrat Party's KKK roots are still very much alive!!

Oh my goodness, how ignorant are liberals? Do you not realize your the ones that play the race card constantly? Also if you read history black people started the republican party.

1. Then why did black people leave the Republican party?

2. The NEW Republican party is not the OLD Republican party.

facts confuse them...

when he signed the civil rights act, johnson said he'd lost the south for democrats for a generation.

i suspect he'd be surprised to learn that the racism of the south was so deep that it has led to it's loss for 3 generations.







The rest were landslides
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What's funny is they were so republican, they voted for democrats in state and local offices and still do. Republicans moving south have caused the politics to shift. I mean TN has a republican majority for the first time, in 2008....not 1978......interesting....
What's funny is they were so republican, they voted for democrats in state and local offices and still do. Republicans moving south have caused the politics to shift. I mean TN has a republican majority for the first time, in 2008....not 1978......interesting....

Jillians too busy using talking points to actually check the facts for herself :eusa_eh:
Oh my goodness, how ignorant are liberals? Do you not realize your the ones that play the race card constantly? Also if you read history black people started the republican party.

1. Then why did black people leave the Republican party?

2. The NEW Republican party is not the OLD Republican party.

Black people left because of welfare, something that has destroyed minority families than anything. Liberals like to keep them uneducated and on welfare all for a vote. Which is sick in itself. Even obama tried to stop a charter school in washington that benefited minorities.
1. Then why did black people leave the Republican party?

2. The NEW Republican party is not the OLD Republican party.

facts confuse them...

when he signed the civil rights act, johnson said he'd lost the south for democrats for a generation.

i suspect he'd be surprised to learn that the racism of the south was so deep that it has led to it's loss for 3 generations.

You guys are so misinformed....check this out.. and tell me how it's wrong:

[ame=""]Revealing the Truth about the Democratic Party Part 2: The Parties Switched - YouTube[/ame]

still waiting......what was that like 23 of 24 no on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 stayed democrats their ENTIRE can this be?
the KKK was not 'founded by the democratic party'. it was founded by some angry southern racists who were confederate soldiers who just lost the civil war.

i love when rightwingers talk about democrats as if they were the racists b/c there were some prominent southern dems who happened to be KKK'ers....

i'lll remind you that changed the minute johnson signed the civil rights act....then all the southern racists became republicans...which is why the GOP has run the southern strategy ever since.

so you were saying?

Bull...Name them, you can't because it isn't true. there was 1 thats it. Learn little history please before you post and the KKK was an arm of the democrat party
The South has long been right wing. First, Conservative Democrats, and since '64, Conservative republicans.
You might want to read some history yourself.

And it wasn't even that long ago.
Bull...Name them, you can't because it isn't true. there was 1 thats it. Learn little history please before you post and the KKK was an arm of the democrat party
The South has long been right wing. First, Conservative Democrats, and since '64, Conservative republicans.
You might want to read some history yourself.

And it wasn't even that long ago.

So give us some evidence of this? What racists switched parties? I have a video crushing your entire arguement as well as the fact that Arkansas and West Virginia DEMOCRATS voted heavily to not elect a black democrat......interesting....
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vote totals
Totals are in "Yea–Nay" format:
The original House version: 290–130 (69–31%).
Cloture in the Senate: 71–29 (71–29%).
The Senate version: 73–27 (73–27%).
The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289–126 (70–30%).
[edit]By party
The original House version:[16]
Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[17]
Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:[16]
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[16]
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
[edit]By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.
The original House version:
Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:
Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
Here is all the more proof of what hateful, racist and violent trash lefties really are. From the racist ancient saying Clarence Thomas should be put back in the fields and Alito should be shipped back to Sicily. To these lefties wanting to torcher and lynch Clarence Thomas...ahh yes, you just can't take the KKK out of the lefty Democrats.....

[ame=]Democrats Want To Lynch The African American Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas - YouTube[/ame]
Here is all the more proof of what hateful, racist and violent trash lefties really are. From the racist ancient saying Clarence Thomas should be put back in the fields and Alito should be shipped back to Sicily. To these lefties wanting to torcher and lynch Clarence Thomas...ahh yes, you just can't take the KKK out of the lefty Democrats.....

Democrats Want To Lynch The African American Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas - YouTube

1:00 mark, put thomas back in the was talking about democrats putting ya'all back in chains (since the democrats are the only ones to have people in chains, they're the only ones that can put you BACK in chains........democrats are stupid as hell)

These people are kooks, no wonder lakhota loves them
What's funny is they were so republican, they voted for democrats in state and local offices and still do. Republicans moving south have caused the politics to shift. I mean TN has a republican majority for the first time, in 2008....not 1978......interesting....

Jillians too busy using talking points to actually check the facts for herself :eusa_eh:

keep lying...s'okay. :thup:

maybe someday you'll get something right.

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