It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

^^ pretty sure you won't. My pointing out that you're defending cloaked-pedophilia is legal protected speech. Meanwhile child abuse or promoting it is a crime. So...if I was a mod and had to choose between the two of us...?

Plus, if the mods here shut people down for noticing that you're defending cloaked pedophilia, they'd have to shut other people down for noticing other stuff. And that has a chilling snowball effect on a website whose bread and butter is freedom of speech and free flow of observation and opinion. Fascism loves to shut down free speech. Way to also be another stereotype.
^^ pretty sure you won't. My pointing out that you're defending cloaked-pedophilia is legal protected speech. Meanwhile child abuse or promoting it is a crime. So...if I was a mod and had to choose between the two of us...?

Plus, if the mods here shut people down for noticing that you're defending cloaked pedophilia, they'd have to shut other people down for noticing other stuff. And that has a chilling snowball effect on a website whose bread and butter is freedom of speech and free flow of observation and opinion. Fascism loves to shut down free speech. Way to also be another stereotype.
Let me try to educate you , if that's at all possible. Free speech, like all rights has it's limits, and slander is crossing that line. I said nothing to defend child sexual abuse. I spent a career fighting child abuse. Defending gay rights is not supporting child abuse except in the dark recesses of your diseased and twisted mind. I will shut you down!
How does the implications of a topic (that has all sorts of implications involved in it) get discussed if people get offended once they attempt to defend or attack the implications that may or may not be found within a topic ? Most are against their children being used as political footballs on these topics, so tempers easily flare when these things are discussed in which involve the children and their learning.
How does the implications of a topic (that has all sorts of implications involved in it) get discussed if people get offended once they attempt to defend or attack the implications that may or may not be found within a topic ? Most are against their children being used as political footballs on these topics, so tempers easily flare when these things are discussed in which involve the children and their learning.
Shutting down the speech of any and all opposition seems to be their strategy.
Personal attacks shouldn't take place when discussing topics, but people get wound up, and begin either winning and/or losing in a discussion, and then the next thing you know the discussion quickly becomes a sling fest that ends up drifting away from the merits of a topic or the resolving of a topic...... The discussions become opinions about who is right and who is wrong, and yet the opinions are then based upon people's pride once it all goes downhill, and this happens instead of it being based upon all of our critical thinking skills that keep great ideas or thoughts rolling onward. So many topics end up in sling fest here, but I ignore the fest in order to remain focused on the topics as best I can. It's also funny when people start a sling fest, but then accuse others of starting it. Just saying that topics can be discussed without the people melting down can't they ?
How does the implications of a topic (that has all sorts of implications involved in it) get discussed if people get offended once they attempt to defend or attack the implications that may or may not be found within a topic ? Most are against their children being used as political footballs on these topics, so tempers easily flare when these things are discussed in which involve the children and their learning.
Shutting down the speech of any and all opposition seems to be their strategy.
. It most definitely can be a strategy.
How does the implications of a topic (that has all sorts of implications involved in it) get discussed if people get offended once they attempt to defend or attack the implications that may or may not be found within a topic ? Most are against their children being used as political footballs on these topics, so tempers easily flare when these things are discussed in which involve the children and their learning.
Shutting down the speech of any and all opposition seems to be their strategy.
. It most definitely can be a strategy.
Horseshit. You and that other idiot pretend that free speech has not limits. Either that or you and she are really just that stupid
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
How does the implications of a topic (that has all sorts of implications involved in it) get discussed if people get offended once they attempt to defend or attack the implications that may or may not be found within a topic ? Most are against their children being used as political footballs on these topics, so tempers easily flare when these things are discussed in which involve the children and their learning.
Shutting down the speech of any and all opposition seems to be their strategy.
. It most definitely can be a strategy.
Horseshit. You and that other idiot pretend that free speech has not limits. Either that or you and she are really just that stupid
. You called me stupid.. Reported... LOL.
How does the implications of a topic (that has all sorts of implications involved in it) get discussed if people get offended once they attempt to defend or attack the implications that may or may not be found within a topic ? Most are against their children being used as political footballs on these topics, so tempers easily flare when these things are discussed in which involve the children and their learning.
Shutting down the speech of any and all opposition seems to be their strategy.
. It most definitely can be a strategy.
Horseshit. You and that other idiot pretend that free speech has not limits. Either that or you and she are really just that stupid
. You called me stupid.. Reported... LOL.
Let me tell all of you people something . First of all, equating what is going on in Cal. with supporting children sexual abuse is beyond stupid. However, that is the least of it. I will not stand by and allow myself to be slandered by a suggestion that I personally support or condone child sexual abuse. I spend 26 fucking years of my life fighting all forms of child abuse and neglect. I took kids away from abusers. I testified against them in criminal and family court. So STFU!
There's study after study after study on these subjects, so I guess it comes down to what people believe, and whether or not the studies are correct or not to them, but personal attacks should be refrained from when discussing the issues if at all possible. My hats off to prog for being proud of helping those kids in life, and my hats off to Sil for trying to help out as well.
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
I understand your position.

Mine is that there would be no homos were it not for the heteros. Homos owe their very existence to heteros.

Whites have just as much right to have pride in their race as anyone else.

Your views come off as closed and bigoted to me.
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
. All whites and heterosexuals aren't oppressed in any way eh ? Bold statement there, and really it is an incorrect statement just like when it is said that blacks do this and blacks do that upon painting them with the broad brush as well. That is the problem in these debates in which so many fall victim to, where as the broad brush is easily pulled out to make it easier to make a point, but when using a broad brush it catches people up by race etc. who are innocent, and for whom are not considered in the equation of suffering just as much as the next person suffers regardless of race etc. No matter how easy it is to do, people need to refrain from doing it as best they can.
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
. All whites and heterosexuals aren't oppressed in any way eh ? Bold statement there, and really it is an incorrect statement just like when it is said that blacks do this and blacks do that upon painting them with the broad brush as well. That is the problem in these debates in which so many fall victim to, where as the broad brush is easily pulled out to make it easier to make a point, but when using a broad brush it catches people up by race etc. who are innocent, and for whom are not considered in the equation of suffering just as much as the next person suffers regardless of race etc. No matter how easy it is to do, people need to refrain from doing it as best they can.
White people calling white people racists. They don't mean themselves or their spouses. They mean those other white people, but not themselves.
There's study after study after study on these subjects, so I guess it comes down to what people believe, and whether or not the studies are correct or not to them, but personal attacks should be refrained from when discussing the issues if at all possible. My hats off to prog for being proud of helping those kids in life, and my hats off to Sil for trying to help out as well.
Thank you for that recognition but I have to question what" help " Sil has provided and what studies that your referring to that show what exactly do they show, and who conducted them.
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
. All whites and heterosexuals aren't oppressed in any way eh ? Bold statement there, and really it is an incorrect statement just like when it is said that blacks do this and blacks do that upon painting them with the broad brush as well. That is the problem in these debates in which so many fall victim to, where as the broad brush is easily pulled out to make it easier to make a point, but when using a broad brush it catches people up by race etc. who are innocent, and for whom are not considered in the equation of suffering just as much as the next person suffers regardless of race etc. No matter how easy it is to do, people need to refrain from doing it as best they can.
There are many examples of people acting like gay lives and black lives do not matter. How many examples are there of people acting and speaking like white and straight lives don't matter? To chant that white /straight lives matter, to advocate for white / straight rights is an insult and disservice to those who are the real victims of discrimination.
Mine is that there would be no homos were it not for the heteros. Homos owe their very existence to heteros.
How the hell is that?? Are gay people sterile ? Are they unable to produce or bear a child, some of which will be gay. ? Should they be grateful to the hetero couples who did produce gay kids. ??Stupid and pointless!!

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