It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

Your views come off as closed and bigoted to me.
I made my point about that . Moronically and repeatedly calling me a bigot does not change the stupidity of it.

That's pretty much the only argument you ever have.

One who stands for basic decency, morality, and common sense, to you is a bigot.

One who thinks that children should be protected from sick sexual perverts is a bigot.

One who thinks that a pair of depraved lesbians shouldn't adopt a boy, brainwash him into thinking that he's a girl, and give him hormone blockers to stunt his normal development is a bigot.

One who doesn't want a creepy male perverts following his wife, sister, or daughter into a ladies' restroom room is a bigot.

Surely, if you can throw that insult around as freely and gratuitously as you do, then you can take having it thrown back at you once in a while.
The solution is you can get high enough to be brain dead and not care any more.

It's like Brave New World.
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
Surely you can't be so ignorant you can't understand the info in the OP?
. Care to clear it up, because maybe everyone is confused about it.
LGBT inclusive textbooks
. And as most here have said that the government is not to be forcing studies upon the students that are against the parents will. The Christian's are hated by those who make sure that religion can't be taught in the schools to their children, and they are going as far as attacking the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem etc. but figure that evolution and so on and so forth is ok ?? All things not pertaining to an education that teaches students a skill for the work place should be electives that are offered by popular vote including Christianity, creationism etc. The stopping of some while allowing others is one sided and wrong.
Shall we teach all religions in schools or just one? Why is Christianity any more important than Judaism?
What makes teaching immoral and disgusting sexual perversions to young children more valid than teaching them Christianity?
No one is, that is your fantasy..

You're as mad as TheProgressivePatriot. What do you think this whole thread is about? Fools such as you would stare at the Sun, and deny that it exists, even as it burns your retinae away.
Just because a footnote in a history book may or may not note a sexual preference doesn't mean they are not indoctrinating the kids to have homosexual intercourse, you goddamned fool...
What makes teaching immoral and disgusting sexual perversions to young children more valid than teaching them Christianity?
No one is, that is your fantasy..

You're as mad as TheProgressivePatriot. What do you think this whole thread is about? Fools such as you would stare at the Sun, and deny that it exists, even as it burns your retinae away.
Just because a footnote in a history book may or may not note a sexual preference doesn't mean they are not indoctrinating the kids to have homosexual intercourse, you goddamned fool...

It's no surprise that you would deny it. Like certain other pieces of subhuman perverted filth, you are openly on the side of the sexual abuse of children.

There are very few on your side who will yet openly admit it, but you haven't exactly been subtle about your agenda, and the steps being taken to promote it. One has to be blind to not see what your side is doing, and where it is clearly intended to lead.
How dare you teach my children not to hate gays?
. Not the governments job to teach on these subjects, and the nation has laws against discrimination that cover every angle needed, so why do people think that they need the schools to teach the kids apart from their parents teaching such things, in which keeps their kids out of trouble with the law ? Is there a fear that the majority of parents won't teach their children to obey the law, and so those parents have to be by passed when the children are away from their care and influence ?
Teaching good citizenship is a schools job
. Wrong... It's the parents job.

Parents are teaching them hate
Schools are not obliged to support it
. So basically you're a communist, and you desire communism as a means for this country to operate on ? I mean, so you are ready to transform this nation into a communist nation over this issue ? Taking away the parents rights to raise and/or to teach their children is Communism/Socialism/Marxism or some kind of ism, and it is in full view here. So you're a communist or worse ?
I'd say the trumpscum who are ok with Russia installing the orange sociopath in office are the commies.

But then again I think an ex KGB guy dictating our policy is a bad thing.
What makes teaching immoral and disgusting sexual perversions to young children more valid than teaching them Christianity?
No one is, that is your fantasy..

You're as mad as TheProgressivePatriot. What do you think this whole thread is about? Fools such as you would stare at the Sun, and deny that it exists, even as it burns your retinae away.
Just because a footnote in a history book may or may not note a sexual preference doesn't mean they are not indoctrinating the kids to have homosexual intercourse, you goddamned fool...

It's no surprise that you would deny it. Like certain other pieces of subhuman perverted filth, you are openly on the side of the sexual abuse of children.
Hardly so, you piece of shit for even mentioning it that I may support the abuse of kids sexually. I will report your dumb ass the net time you even mention it. It is a TOS violation...You creepy bitch..B ut as far as referencing people in a book doesn't mean any type of sexual activity is indoctrinated..
Hardly so, you piece of shit for even mentioning it that I may support the abuse of kids sexually. I will report your dumb ass the net time you even mention it. It is a TOS violation...You creepy bitch..B ut as far as referencing people in a book doesn't mean any type of sexual activity is indoctrinated..

As with TheProgressivePatriot the evidence is here, in this very thread, for all to see. You are openly defending the sexual manipulation, brainwashing, and abuse of children.

This certainly leaves you ion no position to call anyone else “creepy” nor to cast any aspersions on anyone else's moral character.

If you don't like being accused of supporting the sexual abuse of children, then it might help for you to refrain from openly defending and supporting the sexual abuse of children.
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
I can totally understand the marriage issue. The state telling people that they cannot get married is wrong. Two gays should be able to marry each other if that's what they want to do. That is their own personal business. MY issue is when they want to tell and teach everyone about gay. No thank you is how I respond. If you need some kind of validation, that is on you. No need to "teach" it to others to get your validation.
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
We do not need to teach children about gay people. Children already know about gay people . They probably know a gay person. We need to teach children respect for and acceptance of gay people to counter the fear mongering and bigotry that they will surly be exposed to at some point. No one is teaching kids about anyones "sex life"
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.

It"s all over this thread, for everyone to see—you openly and unabashedly defending and supporting the brainwashing of children into sick, depraved sexual perversions.

If you're going to openly advocate the sexual abuse of children, then you have no cause to get so upset at those of us who call you you it. Going crying to the moderators about it is a cowardly act, and only shows that you know damn well that you cannot defend your evil position in any honest or ethical manner.
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.

It"s all over this thread, for everyone to see—you openly and unabashedly defending and supporting the brainwashing of children into sick, depraved sexual perversions.

If you're going to openly advocate the sexual abuse of children, then you have no cause to get so upset at those of us who call you you it. Going crying to the moderators about it is a cowardly act, and only shows that you know damn well that you cannot defend your evil position in any honest or ethical manner.
Fuck off Blaylock. You are reported again. And don't be surprised if I have my lawyer issue a subpoena to get your IP address to find out who you are and sue your sorry ass.

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