It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

Mine is that there would be no homos were it not for the heteros. Homos owe their very existence to heteros.
How the hell is that?? Are gay people sterile ? Are they unable to produce or bear a child, some of which will be gay. ? Should they be grateful to the hetero couples who did produce gay kids. ??Stupid and pointless!!
We're not talking about gay people. We are discussing homos vs. heteros. Homosexuality will not produce offspring. Heterosexuality will.
Mine is that there would be no homos were it not for the heteros. Homos owe their very existence to heteros.
How the hell is that?? Are gay people sterile ? Are they unable to produce or bear a child, some of which will be gay. ? Should they be grateful to the hetero couples who did produce gay kids. ??Stupid and pointless!!
We're not talking about gay people. We are discussing homos vs. heteros. Homosexuality will not produce offspring. Heterosexuality will.
You don't really know a whole hell of a lot about this , do you?
Mine is that there would be no homos were it not for the heteros. Homos owe their very existence to heteros.
How the hell is that?? Are gay people sterile ? Are they unable to produce or bear a child, some of which will be gay. ? Should they be grateful to the hetero couples who did produce gay kids. ??Stupid and pointless!!
We're not talking about gay people. We are discussing homos vs. heteros. Homosexuality will not produce offspring. Heterosexuality will.
You don't really know a whole hell of a lot about this , do you?
I know how to make babies, whether they turn out homos or heteros. You should read up on it.
It's amazing how intolerant people get all bent out of shape when someone tries to teach tolerance..

Tolerance” of evil is not a virtue. It never has been, and it never will be.

In this case, the specific point and purpose of this “tolerance” is to set children up to be easier prey for sexual perverts. Tolerance of this is no virtue at all, but a vice.

I guess you're on the side of those who would sexually abuse children, just as Tommy Tainant is.

For all their evil and madness, ISIS did get one thing right, and that is how to deal with dangerous, perverted filth such as you. many gigs of girl-girl porn you figure this dude has?
It's amazing how intolerant people get all bent out of shape when someone tries to teach tolerance..

Tolerance” of evil is not a virtue. It never has been, and it never will be.

In this case, the specific point and purpose of this “tolerance” is to set children up to be easier prey for sexual perverts. Tolerance of this is no virtue at all, but a vice.

I guess you're on the side of those who would sexually abuse children, just as Tommy Tainant is.

For all their evil and madness, ISIS did get one thing right, and that is how to deal with dangerous, perverted filth such as you. many gigs of girl-girl porn you figure this dude has?
At least enough to realize he's not that hot.
There's study after study after study on these subjects, so I guess it comes down to what people believe, and whether or not the studies are correct or not to them, but personal attacks should be refrained from when discussing the issues if at all possible. My hats off to prog for being proud of helping those kids in life, and my hats off to Sil for trying to help out as well.
Thank you for that recognition but I have to question what" help " Sil has provided and what studies that your referring to that show what exactly do they show, and who conducted them.
. Well, that would be one you would have to talk with Sil on if she wants to debate you or you her anymore.
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
Surely you can't be so ignorant you can't understand the info in the OP?
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
. All whites and heterosexuals aren't oppressed in any way eh ? Bold statement there, and really it is an incorrect statement just like when it is said that blacks do this and blacks do that upon painting them with the broad brush as well. That is the problem in these debates in which so many fall victim to, where as the broad brush is easily pulled out to make it easier to make a point, but when using a broad brush it catches people up by race etc. who are innocent, and for whom are not considered in the equation of suffering just as much as the next person suffers regardless of race etc. No matter how easy it is to do, people need to refrain from doing it as best they can.
There are many examples of people acting like gay lives and black lives do not matter. How many examples are there of people acting and speaking like white and straight lives don't matter? To chant that white /straight lives matter, to advocate for white / straight rights is an insult and disservice to those who are the real victims of discrimination.
. There you go again with the broad brush. Good grief. So white's and straights have no grievances ever in which are the same as the so called minority in your thinking or mind ? So you believe that all whites are white privilege, and therefore they can never equate to or suffer as a minority suffers in the world ? Come on, you can't really believe this position you have right ?
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
Surely you can't be so ignorant you can't understand the info in the OP?
. Care to clear it up, because maybe everyone is confused about it.
Many people find my firm support for the heterosexual cause to be very upsetting. Bigots.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
. All whites and heterosexuals aren't oppressed in any way eh ? Bold statement there, and really it is an incorrect statement just like when it is said that blacks do this and blacks do that upon painting them with the broad brush as well. That is the problem in these debates in which so many fall victim to, where as the broad brush is easily pulled out to make it easier to make a point, but when using a broad brush it catches people up by race etc. who are innocent, and for whom are not considered in the equation of suffering just as much as the next person suffers regardless of race etc. No matter how easy it is to do, people need to refrain from doing it as best they can.
White people calling white people racists. They don't mean themselves or their spouses. They mean those other white people, but not themselves.
. And if they're not racist, and they know of a racist, then they have every right to call them out if see them being a racist at anytime they act this way.
What do you think of people who support White Lives Matter and White Pride ??
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
. All whites and heterosexuals aren't oppressed in any way eh ? Bold statement there, and really it is an incorrect statement just like when it is said that blacks do this and blacks do that upon painting them with the broad brush as well. That is the problem in these debates in which so many fall victim to, where as the broad brush is easily pulled out to make it easier to make a point, but when using a broad brush it catches people up by race etc. who are innocent, and for whom are not considered in the equation of suffering just as much as the next person suffers regardless of race etc. No matter how easy it is to do, people need to refrain from doing it as best they can.
White people calling white people racists. They don't mean themselves or their spouses. They mean those other white people, but not themselves.
. And if they're not racist, and they know of a racist, then they have every right to call them out if see them being a racist at anytime they act this way.
They aren't saying some white people are racists. They're saying white people are racists. Just not themselves.
I think they have that right. You?
They may have a right but that does not make it right. Whites and heterosexuals are not an oppressed minority yet some in those groups try to make themselves into the victims of oppression at the expense of those who are really oppressed. It is used as a way of depreciating the importance of the value of minority lives.
. All whites and heterosexuals aren't oppressed in any way eh ? Bold statement there, and really it is an incorrect statement just like when it is said that blacks do this and blacks do that upon painting them with the broad brush as well. That is the problem in these debates in which so many fall victim to, where as the broad brush is easily pulled out to make it easier to make a point, but when using a broad brush it catches people up by race etc. who are innocent, and for whom are not considered in the equation of suffering just as much as the next person suffers regardless of race etc. No matter how easy it is to do, people need to refrain from doing it as best they can.
White people calling white people racists. They don't mean themselves or their spouses. They mean those other white people, but not themselves.
. And if they're not racist, and they know of a racist, then they have every right to call them out if see them being a racist at anytime they act this way.
They aren't saying some white people are racists. They're saying white people are racists. Just not themselves.
Crazy huh.. lol
Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be universally considered to be a very serious crime. Now, it's a plank in the Democratic Party's platform, and the legislated policy of the State of California.
Surely you can't be so ignorant you can't understand the info in the OP?
. Care to clear it up, because maybe everyone is confused about it.
LGBT inclusive textbooks
. And as most here have said that the government is not to be forcing studies upon the students that are against the parents will. The Christian's are hated by those who make sure that religion can't be taught in the schools to their children, and they are going as far as attacking the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem etc. but figure that evolution and so on and so forth is ok ?? All things not pertaining to an education that teaches students a skill for the work place should be electives that are offered by popular vote including Christianity, creationism etc. The stopping of some while allowing others is one sided and wrong.
You have gone too far now. Suggesting that I support or engage in pedophilia? YOU are reported!

You openly defend those who indoctrinate children with immoral sexual perverted filth. There are plenty of examples of you blatantly doing so in this very thread, for everyone to see.

If you don't want to be accused of supporting sexual abuse of children, then you might try not openly defending and supporting the sexual abuse of children.
Let me tell all of you people something . First of all, equating what is going on in Cal. with supporting children sexual abuse is beyond stupid.

That is exactly what it is. Denying it is stupid, and demonstrates a complete lack of any conscience.

However, that is the least of it. I will not stand by and allow myself to be slandered by a suggestion that I personally support or condone child sexual abuse.

This thread is full of very clear, undeniable examples of you blatantly doing exactly that. Denying that what you are defending and supporting is sexual abuse of children does not change the very clear fact that that is exactly what it is.

I spend 26 fucking years of my life fighting all forms of child abuse and neglect. I took kids away from abusers. I testified against them in criminal and family court. So STFU!

Given your conduct in this thread, and elsewhere on this forum, I call bullshit. You are very clearly on the side of those who sexually abuse children.

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