It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
We do not need to teach children about gay people. Children already know about gay people . They probably know a gay person. We need to teach children respect for and acceptance of gay people to counter the fear mongering and bigotry that they will surly be exposed to at some point. No one is teaching kids about anyones "sex life"
. So you are an advocate maybe for government getting involved in the raising of people's children against their will in a school setting, and why is this again ??.

Good luck defending what most people are against if that's what you are doing here, because I think when advocating the teaching of children (a very volatile subject through a sex Ed program either being added to or redefined in ways that will be highly against most people's beliefs and/or religions), and the parents are being kept out of it, then look for a huge push back that will come from the entire nation of religious groups and/or citizens who will become as a unified majority to battle in the courts such a thing (especially if it keeps getting closer to them and their children).

So here we are again in this country about to attempt to try and force Christian's, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Jew's, and on and on and on, to now be forced to agree with something in which their religions, beliefs, and gut feelings don't agree with, and to do it all by government force ??

Like I said before, there are laws in place to stop people from committing criminal acts against each other, and we have laws against discriminating against each other in the public space, abusing each other in any place, and there is no law that forces parents to agree with or to make them believe in or even requires them to raise their children in certain ways that are against their belief systems.

There won't be any laws that force parents to raise their children in according to the government by force of or by any other group that thinks they should pursue such a thing as taking over parental guidance of the children.

Give it up if you think that there can be laws or classes aimed at teaching kids things against the parents will when raising a child. Might get away with it for a minute or two, but the people will end it if they are against it.
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Hardly so, you piece of shit for even mentioning it that I may support the abuse of kids sexually. I will report your dumb ass the net time you even mention it. It is a TOS violation...You creepy bitch..B ut as far as referencing people in a book doesn't mean any type of sexual activity is indoctrinated..

As with TheProgressivePatriot the evidence is here, in this very thread, for all to see. You are openly defending the sexual manipulation, brainwashing, and abuse of children.

This certainly leaves you ion no position to call anyone else “creepy” nor to cast any aspersions on anyone else's moral character.

If you don't like being accused of supporting the sexual abuse of children, then it might help for you to refrain from openly defending and supporting the sexual abuse of children.
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.
You support teaching kids how to butt fuck.
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
We do not need to teach children about gay people. Children already know about gay people . They probably know a gay person. We need to teach children respect for and acceptance of gay people to counter the fear mongering and bigotry that they will surly be exposed to at some point. No one is teaching kids about anyones "sex life"
no, they need to be taught that the ass is for expelling excrement, and not for any other purpose. And that those who are gay should be ostracized as abnormal, much like those with other genetic disorders such as Downs syndrome.
Hardly so, you piece of shit for even mentioning it that I may support the abuse of kids sexually. I will report your dumb ass the net time you even mention it. It is a TOS violation...You creepy bitch..B ut as far as referencing people in a book doesn't mean any type of sexual activity is indoctrinated..

As with TheProgressivePatriot the evidence is here, in this very thread, for all to see. You are openly defending the sexual manipulation, brainwashing, and abuse of children.

This certainly leaves you ion no position to call anyone else “creepy” nor to cast any aspersions on anyone else's moral character.

If you don't like being accused of supporting the sexual abuse of children, then it might help for you to refrain from openly defending and supporting the sexual abuse of children.
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.
You support teaching kids how to butt fuck.
. His position is that he doesn't want kids growing up to hate gays or to think that they need to harm gays out of being taught such things as hate if so be the case, so the idea I guess he supports is what Cali is wanting to do, and that is to add to or create a learning experience that tells students that gays are not the Boogeymen or women thought to be or that their not the bad guy's and gals that they (the kids) were possibly being taught about them to be.

The only problem, is that such a thing could go wrong if the parents aren't allowed to opt in or opt out of the situation, and so the idea is that the government is being allowed to basically indoctrinate by way of having a situation that takes over the learning process in which parents hold dear to themselves when raising their children, and the parents having no say in the situation in which fuels the suspicion of the government big time over the issue.

People raise their children based upon their religious beliefs, personal beliefs, and their cultural beliefs, and they don't want government involving itself in these things.

The counter arguments have been that if Christianity or religion can't be taught in public schools, then how does all these other things get to be allowed inside of the curriculum ? The only thing the government should be allowed to do, is to make laws against the discrimination of any American citizens within the public space in which is controlled by the government through policing and such, and not to favor one ideology or religion over the other keeping the public sphere balanced and accessible to all without a government bias being involved.

Not sure why Cali would think that it needed such a thing unless the so called gender landscape there is changing faster than a speeding bullet. Sounds like an exodus may be on the way for those whose beliefs and religions don't allow for such things to take place against their teachings to their children. The Christian belief is to love the human being/sinner, but not the sin. Not sure what the future holds on all of this, but one things for sure, and that is that people aren't going to go along with any and everything, and they are going to have their views on life, their religions, cultures, lifestyles, and their accented languages. It will always be that way, and the only thing government can do is keep the citizenry from going to war with one another, and to make it known that people aren't going to always agree, and yet the nation is big enough to have freedom regardless of what people believe or don't believe in life.
Hardly so, you piece of shit for even mentioning it that I may support the abuse of kids sexually. I will report your dumb ass the net time you even mention it. It is a TOS violation...You creepy bitch..B ut as far as referencing people in a book doesn't mean any type of sexual activity is indoctrinated..

As with TheProgressivePatriot the evidence is here, in this very thread, for all to see. You are openly defending the sexual manipulation, brainwashing, and abuse of children.

This certainly leaves you ion no position to call anyone else “creepy” nor to cast any aspersions on anyone else's moral character.

If you don't like being accused of supporting the sexual abuse of children, then it might help for you to refrain from openly defending and supporting the sexual abuse of children.
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.
You support teaching kids how to butt fuck.
. His position is that he doesn't want kids growing up to hate gays or to think that they need to harm gays out of being taught such things as hate if so be the case, so the idea I guess he supports is what Cali is wanting to do, and that is to add to or create a learning experience that tells students that gays are not the Boogeymen or women thought to be or that their not the bad guy's and gals that they (the kids) were possibly being taught about them to be.

The only problem, is that such a thing could go wrong if the parents aren't allowed to opt in or opt out of the situation, and so the idea is that the government is being allowed to basically indoctrinate by way of having a situation that takes over the learning process in which parents hold dear to themselves when raising their children, and the parents having no say in the situation in which fuels the suspicion of the government big time over the issue.

People raise their children based upon their religious beliefs, personal beliefs, and their cultural beliefs, and they don't want government involving itself in these things.

The counter arguments have been that if Christianity or religion can't be taught in public schools, then how does all these other things get to be allowed inside of the curriculum ? The only thing the government should be allowed to do, is to make laws against the discrimination of any American citizens within the public space in which is controlled by the government through policing and such, and not to favor one ideology or religion over the other keeping the public sphere balanced and accessible to all without a government bias being involved.

Not sure why Cali would think that it needed such a thing unless the so called gender landscape there is changing faster than a speeding bullet. Sounds like an exodus may be on the way for those whose beliefs and religions don't allow for such things to take place against their teachings to their children. The Christian belief is to love the human being/sinner, but not the sin. Not sure what the future holds on all of this, but one things for sure, and that is that people aren't going to go along with any and everything, and they are going to have their views on life, their religions, cultures, lifestyles, and their accented languages. It will always be that way, and the only thing government can do is keep the citizenry from going to war with one another, and to make it known that people aren't going to always agree, and yet the nation is big enough to have freedom regardless of what people believe or don't believe in life.

Excellent. I agree with your whole post. It is not the school's business to be teaching these things to young impressionable children. I don't really want them discussing these kinds of things with my child either. I really don't trust them enough to get into sex talk with children. Let's face it, a lot of teachers are just weird anyways, and then you have the reports of the teachers molesting children to boot!) Teachers and schools exist to teach the kids academic subjects and nothing more. It is not the state's job to raise other people's children for them. They are WAY overstepping their boundaries when it comes to our kids.
Newsflash you idiots. No one is instructing sex ed for anal pounding or girly fisting, at all, that's is your lucid dream you keep injecting... This is an issue of footnotes in a book that are not sexually explicit, nor is there anything pornographic or whatever your devious, uptight, anal retentive logic can convulse over...

Carry on.. You people just make yourself look like stupid fucks..But I enjoy laughing at you...
Newsflash you idiots. No one is instructing sex ed for anal pounding or girly fisting, at all, that's is your lucid dream you keep injecting... This is an issue of footnotes in a book that are not sexually explicit, nor is there anything pornographic or whatever your devious, uptight, anal retentive logic can convulse over...

Carry on.. You people just make yourself look like stupid fucks..But I enjoy laughing at you...
. Newsflash, it matters not how much, but it matters what exactly is going on in the attempts (even in the smallest of ways) to usurp the authority of the parents found within the upbringing of their children based upon their cultures, religions, lifestyles etc....

The laws regarding discrimination and other such things should also be sexless in their content and/or in their protections offered. Sex has no place at all in the government public sphere or it's platform, nor should the government recognize ones sex when handing out equal rights to any human being in this country.

The interjecting of ones sex is purposed for special treatment to be given above and beyond what other Americans get or receive in the public square, and it should not be this way. The government has to be careful because it can end up picking winners and losers by involving itself in things that it shouldn't be involving itself in at all. People have sadly used government involvement to hoist themselves up above and beyond what other Americans receive from the government in equal protections and rights.

It has become an abusive situation, and the government should re-evaluate it's purpose in order to serve all American's with an even hand, and to stop allowing groups to gain special rights and privileges that go far above and beyond what other Americans receive.
Hardly so, you piece of shit for even mentioning it that I may support the abuse of kids sexually. I will report your dumb ass the net time you even mention it. It is a TOS violation...You creepy bitch..B ut as far as referencing people in a book doesn't mean any type of sexual activity is indoctrinated..

As with TheProgressivePatriot the evidence is here, in this very thread, for all to see. You are openly defending the sexual manipulation, brainwashing, and abuse of children.

This certainly leaves you ion no position to call anyone else “creepy” nor to cast any aspersions on anyone else's moral character.

If you don't like being accused of supporting the sexual abuse of children, then it might help for you to refrain from openly defending and supporting the sexual abuse of children.
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.
You support teaching kids how to butt fuck.
. His position is that he doesn't want kids growing up to hate gays or to think that they need to harm gays out of being taught such things as hate if so be the case, so the idea I guess he supports is what Cali is wanting to do, and that is to add to or create a learning experience that tells students that gays are not the Boogeymen or women thought to be or that their not the bad guy's and gals that they (the kids) were possibly being taught about them to be.

The only problem, is that such a thing could go wrong if the parents aren't allowed to opt in or opt out of the situation, and so the idea is that the government is being allowed to basically indoctrinate by way of having a situation that takes over the learning process in which parents hold dear to themselves when raising their children, and the parents having no say in the situation in which fuels the suspicion of the government big time over the issue.

People raise their children based upon their religious beliefs, personal beliefs, and their cultural beliefs, and they don't want government involving itself in these things.

The counter arguments have been that if Christianity or religion can't be taught in public schools, then how does all these other things get to be allowed inside of the curriculum ? The only thing the government should be allowed to do, is to make laws against the discrimination of any American citizens within the public space in which is controlled by the government through policing and such, and not to favor one ideology or religion over the other keeping the public sphere balanced and accessible to all without a government bias being involved.

Not sure why Cali would think that it needed such a thing unless the so called gender landscape there is changing faster than a speeding bullet. Sounds like an exodus may be on the way for those whose beliefs and religions don't allow for such things to take place against their teachings to their children. The Christian belief is to love the human being/sinner, but not the sin. Not sure what the future holds on all of this, but one things for sure, and that is that people aren't going to go along with any and everything, and they are going to have their views on life, their religions, cultures, lifestyles, and their accented languages. It will always be that way, and the only thing government can do is keep the citizenry from going to war with one another, and to make it known that people aren't going to always agree, and yet the nation is big enough to have freedom regardless of what people believe or don't believe in life.

Excellent. I agree with your whole post. It is not the school's business to be teaching these things to young impressionable children. I don't really want them discussing these kinds of things with my child either. I really don't trust them enough to get into sex talk with children. Let's face it, a lot of teachers are just weird anyways, and then you have the reports of the teachers molesting children to boot!) Teachers and schools exist to teach the kids academic subjects and nothing more. It is not the state's job to raise other people's children for them. They are WAY overstepping their boundaries when it comes to our kids.
. Great points, and to focus in on your comment about teachers molesting the children, it could be said that this is possibly yet another point where the door to such things could have been opened up, because the school's were given the right to talk about sex with your children beyond the biological scientific aspect of teaching a subject under very strict guidelines where the child's mind is not to be manipulated into venturing into areas that are outside of the guidelines that should be given.

I personally think that the government has no place in teaching children about sex period, and especially after what has been seen as a result of such a thing over the years now.

Hi-jacked government power has been used to usurp the people's right to a sex free public environment, and that needs to be revisited.
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
We do not need to teach children about gay people. Children already know about gay people . They probably know a gay person. We need to teach children respect for and acceptance of gay people to counter the fear mongering and bigotry that they will surly be exposed to at some point. No one is teaching kids about anyones "sex life"
Small thinking, Buford. Heteros are mocked and called "breeders" and other names that the non-child producing homos think are slurs. We need to protect the heteros from such bigoted views.
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
We do not need to teach children about gay people. Children already know about gay people . They probably know a gay person. We need to teach children respect for and acceptance of gay people to counter the fear mongering and bigotry that they will surly be exposed to at some point. No one is teaching kids about anyones "sex life"
Small thinking, Buford. Heteros are mocked and called "breeders" and other names that the non-child producing homos think are slurs. We need to protect the heteros from such bigoted views.
I'm proud to be breeder.....Just call me Johnny Semenseed...
His position is that he doesn't want kids growing up to hate gays or to think that they need to harm gays out of being taught such things as hate if so be the case, so the idea I guess he supports is what Cali is wanting to do, and that is to add to or create a learning experience that tells students that gays are not the Boogeymen or women thought to be or that their not the bad guy's and gals that they (the kids) were possibly being taught about them to be.
Well said.
The only problem, is that such a thing could go wrong if the parents aren't allowed to opt in or opt out of the situation, and so the idea is that the government is being allowed to basically indoctrinate by way of having a situation that takes over the learning process in which parents hold dear to themselves when raising their children, and the parents having no say in the situation in which fuels the suspicion of the government big time over the issue.

People raise their children based upon their religious beliefs, personal beliefs, and their cultural beliefs, and they don't want government involving itself in these things.
I don't see the problem at all. Teaching historically correct facts about what people accomplished and who they were is not indoctrination . This is just anti government hysteria . Parents are still free to teach their children whatever religious or personal beliefs they wish to teach them. You seem to think that the parents have a right to indoctrinate kids with bigoted values that will dog them and undermine their ability to function in the real world, but that the schools should not provide them with a perspective that will make life better for them.
Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
We do not need to teach children about gay people. Children already know about gay people . They probably know a gay person. We need to teach children respect for and acceptance of gay people to counter the fear mongering and bigotry that they will surly be exposed to at some point. No one is teaching kids about anyones "sex life"
Small thinking, Buford. Heteros are mocked and called "breeders" and other names that the non-child producing homos think are slurs. We need to protect the heteros from such bigoted views.
I'm proud to be breeder.....Just call me Johnny Semenseed...
I'm proud to be hetero, too.
What makes teaching immoral and disgusting sexual perversions to young children more valid than teaching them Christianity?
No one is, that is your fantasy..

You're as mad as TheProgressivePatriot. What do you think this whole thread is about? Fools such as you would stare at the Sun, and deny that it exists, even as it burns your retinae away.
Just because a footnote in a history book may or may not note a sexual preference doesn't mean they are not indoctrinating the kids to have homosexual intercourse, you goddamned fool...

It's perverted matter how you want to wrap it up and put a bow on it.

It's fucking disgusting and shouldn't be taught in schools.
Hardly so, you piece of shit for even mentioning it that I may support the abuse of kids sexually. I will report your dumb ass the net time you even mention it. It is a TOS violation...You creepy bitch..B ut as far as referencing people in a book doesn't mean any type of sexual activity is indoctrinated..

As with TheProgressivePatriot the evidence is here, in this very thread, for all to see. You are openly defending the sexual manipulation, brainwashing, and abuse of children.

This certainly leaves you ion no position to call anyone else “creepy” nor to cast any aspersions on anyone else's moral character.

If you don't like being accused of supporting the sexual abuse of children, then it might help for you to refrain from openly defending and supporting the sexual abuse of children.
You are reported bitch. I told you people that I will not tolerate your moronic accusations about my supporting or defending child sexual abuse. It is highly offensive and against the rules.

You supporting child sexual abuse is disgusting...don't they have sites for your kind?
Newsflash, it matters not how much, but it matters what exactly is going on in the attempts (even in the smallest of ways) to usurp the authority of the parents found within the upbringing of their children based upon their cultures, religions, lifestyles etc....

The laws regarding discrimination and other such things should also be sexless in their content and/or in their protections offered. Sex has no place at all in the government public sphere or it's platform, nor should the government recognize ones sex when handing out equal rights to any human being in this country.

The interjecting of ones sex is purposed for special treatment to be given above and beyond what other Americans get or receive in the public square, and it should not be this way. The government has to be careful because it can end up picking winners and losers by involving itself in things that it shouldn't be involving itself in at all. People have sadly used government involvement to hoist themselves up above and beyond what other Americans receive from the government in equal protections and rights.

It has become an abusive situation, and the government should re-evaluate it's purpose in order to serve all American's with an even hand, and to stop allowing groups to gain special rights and privileges that go far above and beyond what other Americans receive.

Newsflash ... It's not about sexual orientation, gender, equality, special treatment, parents, children, nor the protection of rights.
It's the insidious erosion of our liberties and freedoms ... At any cost ... And using whatever excuse is popular enough to gain traction at the moment.

It's about government ... :thup:

What makes teaching immoral and disgusting sexual perversions to young children more valid than teaching them Christianity?
No one is, that is your fantasy..

You're as mad as TheProgressivePatriot. What do you think this whole thread is about? Fools such as you would stare at the Sun, and deny that it exists, even as it burns your retinae away.
Just because a footnote in a history book may or may not note a sexual preference doesn't mean they are not indoctrinating the kids to have homosexual intercourse, you goddamned fool...

It's perverted matter how you want to wrap it up and put a bow on it.

It's fucking disgusting and shouldn't be taught in schools.
Not really..What shouldn't be taught in schools is hate...I don't see hate being taught..
I don't see why we all need to KNOW what someone else is doing in their bedroom anyways. I certainly see no need to "teach" any kids about it. Can't we just keep that kind of thing to ourselves instead of letting everyone else know your private sexual proclivities? Why do people feel the need to tell everyone? I don't want to know. I know that my kid doesn't want to either. Yes, a lot of it IS definitely yucky (that goes for sex acts in general of course!)
And just who the hell is doing any of that ? Where? When?

Well, you to name one. Why do we HAVE to know if you are gay or not? Why should we care that you are gay or not?
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Just look at your aviator, you are as queer as a two dollar bill
What makes teaching immoral and disgusting sexual perversions to young children more valid than teaching them Christianity?
No one is, that is your fantasy..

You're as mad as TheProgressivePatriot. What do you think this whole thread is about? Fools such as you would stare at the Sun, and deny that it exists, even as it burns your retinae away.
Just because a footnote in a history book may or may not note a sexual preference doesn't mean they are not indoctrinating the kids to have homosexual intercourse, you goddamned fool...

It's perverted matter how you want to wrap it up and put a bow on it.

It's fucking disgusting and shouldn't be taught in schools.
Not really..What shouldn't be taught in schools is hate...I don't see hate being taught..
Christianity teaches love.
When did I ever say anything about myself, about my sexuality? You seem to be delusional.

Why do we have to "teach" children about gay people. The only difference between gay people and other people is their sex lives. You see what I'm saying? Why the need to teach people about your sex lives? Not enough people keep shit to themselves anymore.
We do not need to teach children about gay people. Children already know about gay people . They probably know a gay person. We need to teach children respect for and acceptance of gay people to counter the fear mongering and bigotry that they will surly be exposed to at some point. No one is teaching kids about anyones "sex life"
Small thinking, Buford. Heteros are mocked and called "breeders" and other names that the non-child producing homos think are slurs. We need to protect the heteros from such bigoted views.
I'm proud to be breeder.....Just call me Johnny Semenseed...
I'm proud to be hetero, too.
Then drop yer pants and fire off a rocket...

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