It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

I could just imagine if I lived in California ,in my 40s and my 10 year's old daughter would tell me this , I would of gone nuts and went to a parent teacher day and just cussed out the teacher so bad I probably would of ended up in jail..

What are these parents supposed to do from hiding their kids from such filth ?

Home school......Charter school.....Private school.... for those in highly populated leftist-liberal areas. In rural areas of CA the schools are mostly traditional. Smaller communities have much better participation in local schools. Most of Geographic CA is conservative and traditional.

Sure treat your offspring like objects to be protected like little china dolls from the big bad scary world. Tell your daughters that daddy know best for them and you will protect them all their lives...That will make them want to stay with you.

Yea you want to turn these little girls into feminist fat cow lesbos like Rosie

Admit it ...
If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

Public schools are prohibited from teaching Christianity you blithering idiot. They are apparently NOT prohibited from teaching aberrant sexual behavior (homosexuality) which is as much of a religion as any other belief. :321:

Public schools aren't there to have them teach your particular brand of religious fanaticism.

There also not there teaching them to be intolerant pieces shit either.
Sure treat your offspring like objects to be protected like little china dolls from the big bad scary world. Tell your daughters that daddy know best for them and you will protect them all their lives...That will make them want to stay with you.

Why not? Young children should be protected. Do you have children? Do you protect them? Come on now.....As a matter of fact, Daddy DOES know best because DADDY has committed to being RESPONSIBLE for his offspring. You stupid fool.
If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

Public schools are prohibited from teaching Christianity you blithering idiot. They are apparently NOT prohibited from teaching aberrant sexual behavior (homosexuality) which is as much of a religion as any other belief. :321:

Public schools aren't there to have them teach your particular brand of religious fanaticism.

There also not there teaching them to be intolerant pieces shit either.

Try reading my post you dunderhead. I said public schools are PROHIBITED from teaching Christianity yet they can teach the religion of homosexuality. You didn't even come close to an intelligent reply.
What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

I have no problem with public schools teaching about the LGBT. It's a sociological reality. In deciding what kind of curriculum a school teaches, we elect school board members to oversee this. Public school districts (which are taxing authorities) across the US number in the tens of thousands and each one has a school board. What California has done is legally force these independent school districts to adopt state law within the schools curriculum. That's my beef, so to speak. Your sexual insecurities about the LGBT, is your problem. You might want to start voicing your opinions on this to your districts school board first, however regressive as your message is. Let me know how it turns out.

So is RAPE and many other disgusting things. Why should we open our children's heads and shit on their brains by teaching them such perversions?

If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

And teach them that killing is wrong?

Stealing is wrong?

Sanctuary cities is wrong?

Two homos don't make a baby?

Honor your parents is wrong ?

Being a dumbass broke lazy ass welfare whore with 5 kids by five different mothers is wrong.

Envy of the rich is wrong?

Personal responsibility is wrong?

This is what your complaining about?

Religious fanatics believe the following.

Killing is wrong only if it's a fetus.
Stealing is wrong only if it transfers money to a lower economic class of people.
Sanctuary cites are wrong because immigration scares me.
Two homosexual parents can't raise child.
Honoring parents is required because of its implied control, being inspired by them is another matter.
Somehow racism is a religious value.
Class warfare is good.
Personal responsibility is good as long as I can discriminate

Is that what you complain about?
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I am not the one who is openly, unabashedly taking the side of sick sexual perverts, especially those who abuse children. That would be you.

In a sane society, sick f•••s such as you and TheProgressivePatriot would be kept confined in prisons or mental hospitals, and in no instance ever be allowed near children.
Get some help you sick fuck.

Again, I am not the one openly defending and advocating the sexual abuse of children. That's you.

Exactly this is total sexual abuse of children..

What's next force them to learn about kiddie porn ?

That is fucking normal?

What does kiddie porn have to with LGBT inclusion?

I think one finds more sexual perversion in repressive religious families. Like in the hills of Kentucky or Tennessee.

Prove it....Provide links....

And of course Deliverance.
I am not the one who is openly, unabashedly taking the side of sick sexual perverts, especially those who abuse children. That would be you.

In a sane society, sick f•••s such as you and TheProgressivePatriot would be kept confined in prisons or mental hospitals, and in no instance ever be allowed near children.
Get some help you sick fuck.

Again, I am not the one openly defending and advocating the sexual abuse of children. That's you.

Exactly this is total sexual abuse of children..

What's next force them to learn about kiddie porn ?

That is fucking normal?

What does kiddie porn have to with LGBT inclusion?

I think one finds more sexual perversion in repressive religious families. Like in the hills of Kentucky or Tennessee.

One step at a time faggot ..that's what you want a complete moral fabric of society gone so you can do why ever god knows what in public..

I guess we are going to have to pay alot of workers to watch the sheep in this country if the LGBT crowd gets it's way

Say nikki, did you vote for the Appalachian Trail adulterer in the last SC senate race?

Or the twice divorced orange president with children of multiple wives?

When do your moral rationalizations stop or start?
I could just imagine if I lived in California ,in my 40s and my 10 year's old daughter would tell me this , I would of gone nuts and went to a parent teacher day and just cussed out the teacher so bad I probably would of ended up in jail..

What are these parents supposed to do from hiding their kids from such filth ?

Home school......Charter school.....Private school.... for those in highly populated leftist-liberal areas. In rural areas of CA the schools are mostly traditional. Smaller communities have much better participation in local schools. Most of Geographic CA is conservative and traditional.

Sure treat your offspring like objects to be protected like little china dolls from the big bad scary world. Tell your daughters that daddy know best for them and you will protect them all their lives...That will make them want to stay with you.

Yea you want to turn these little girls into feminist fat cow lesbos like Rosie

Admit it ...

People who have daughters watch them turn into who THEY ARE, not the parents trophies.

You understand that, right?
If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

Public schools are prohibited from teaching Christianity you blithering idiot. They are apparently NOT prohibited from teaching aberrant sexual behavior (homosexuality) which is as much of a religion as any other belief. :321:

Public schools aren't there to have them teach your particular brand of religious fanaticism.

There also not there teaching them to be intolerant pieces shit either.

Try reading my post you dunderhead. I said public schools are PROHIBITED from teaching Christianity yet they can teach the religion of homosexuality. You didn't even come close to an intelligent reply.

Can you provide on example of the gay religion that you seem to refer too?
What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

I have no problem with public schools teaching about the LGBT. It's a sociological reality. In deciding what kind of curriculum a school teaches, we elect school board members to oversee this. Public school districts (which are taxing authorities) across the US number in the tens of thousands and each one has a school board. What California has done is legally force these independent school districts to adopt state law within the schools curriculum. That's my beef, so to speak. Your sexual insecurities about the LGBT, is your problem. You might want to start voicing your opinions on this to your districts school board first, however regressive as your message is. Let me know how it turns out.

So is RAPE and many other disgusting things. Why should we open our children's heads and shit on their brains by teaching them such perversions?

If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

And teach them that killing is wrong?

Stealing is wrong?

Sanctuary cities is wrong?

Two homos don't make a baby?

Honor your parents is wrong ?

Being a dumbass broke lazy ass welfare whore with 5 kids by five different mothers is wrong.

Envy of the rich is wrong?

Personal responsibility is wrong?

This is what your complaining about?

Religious fanatics believe the following.

Killing is wrong only if it's a fetus.

Say what?

You have a link and proof for this nonsense?

So if we think killing is not wrong why are jails filled with killers numb nuts?

Stealing is wrong only if it transfers money to a lower economic class of people.

That is called stealing money that people earned

How the fuck can you give people money that didn't earn it through work?

Sanctuary cites are wrong because immigration scares me.

Still don't know the difference between legal immigration between ilegal ones?

Still can't figure out illegals jump ahead of the line and lower wages ?

Two homosexual parents can't raise child.
Honoring parents is required because of it control, being inspired by them is another matter.

It's unnatural and child abuse

Keep your sick perversion to your self and don't bring children into your sexual fantasy.

Somehow racism is a religious value.

Only in the blue cities, they are way more segergated and racist in the year 2017 then the red states

That's all the Democrats have is to divide the races ....if blacks and whites got together like we do in the South ...the Democrat party would be dead

Class warfare is good.
Personal responsibility is good as long as I can discriminate

Is that what you complain about?
Yes we know for 8 years Obama was all about class warfare..
What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

I have no problem with public schools teaching about the LGBT. It's a sociological reality. In deciding what kind of curriculum a school teaches, we elect school board members to oversee this. Public school districts (which are taxing authorities) across the US number in the tens of thousands and each one has a school board. What California has done is legally force these independent school districts to adopt state law within the schools curriculum. That's my beef, so to speak. Your sexual insecurities about the LGBT, is your problem. You might want to start voicing your opinions on this to your districts school board first, however regressive as your message is. Let me know how it turns out.

So is RAPE and many other disgusting things. Why should we open our children's heads and shit on their brains by teaching them such perversions?

If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

And teach them that killing is wrong?

Stealing is wrong?

Sanctuary cities is wrong?

Two homos don't make a baby?

Honor your parents is wrong ?

Being a dumbass broke lazy ass welfare whore with 5 kids by five different mothers is wrong.

Envy of the rich is wrong?

Personal responsibility is wrong?

This is what your complaining about?

Religious fanatics believe the following.

Killing is wrong only if it's a fetus.

Killing is NOT wrong. Lots of Nazis got killed. A fetus is a developing human being and abortion KILLS it's development you dunderhead.

Stealing is wrong only if it transfers money to a lower economic class of people.

Liberal socialists steal money from working people and transfer it to those who are able-bodied but refuse to work. These people are the perennial unemployed and cast their vote for socialist government give-away programs that Democrats always promise but never really provide completely.

Sanctuary cites are wrong because immigration scares me.

Illegal aliens have no business in our country. Giving them 'sanctuary' when they are not refugees is insane. I noticed like many leftist-socialist types you omitted the 'ILLEGAL' from 'immigration.' You are either a commie or totally confused.

Two homosexual parents can't raise child.

Sure they can. But it will never be normal and probably sexually confuse the child.

Honoring parents is required because of it control, being inspired by them is another matter.

What a vapid statement. Parents are only truly honored by their children when they (the parents) have earned it.

Somehow racism is a religious value.

More vapidity. The real racists are the ones that label others.

Class warfare is good.

You must hate liberal Democrats then. They are the ones who separate people into classes.

Personal responsibility is good as long as I can discriminate

Is that what you complain about?

Personal responsibility means I have the intelligence to discriminate about the crap I have read that YOU posted and decide to reply to your garbage.
If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

Public schools are prohibited from teaching Christianity you blithering idiot. They are apparently NOT prohibited from teaching aberrant sexual behavior (homosexuality) which is as much of a religion as any other belief. :321:

Public schools aren't there to have them teach your particular brand of religious fanaticism.

There also not there teaching them to be intolerant pieces shit either.

Try reading my post you dunderhead. I said public schools are PROHIBITED from teaching Christianity yet they can teach the religion of homosexuality. You didn't even come close to an intelligent reply.

Can you provide on example of the gay religion that you seem to refer too?
I could just imagine if I lived in California ,in my 40s and my 10 year's old daughter would tell me this , I would of gone nuts and went to a parent teacher day and just cussed out the teacher so bad I probably would of ended up in jail..

What are these parents supposed to do from hiding their kids from such filth ?

Home school......Charter school.....Private school.... for those in highly populated leftist-liberal areas. In rural areas of CA the schools are mostly traditional. Smaller communities have much better participation in local schools. Most of Geographic CA is conservative and traditional.

Sure treat your offspring like objects to be protected like little china dolls from the big bad scary world. Tell your daughters that daddy know best for them and you will protect them all their lives...That will make them want to stay with you.

Yea you want to turn these little girls into feminist fat cow lesbos like Rosie

Admit it ...

People who have daughters watch them turn into who THEY ARE, not the parents trophies.

You understand that, right?

It's called indoctrination you stupid fuck by the left..

You started this war on family's in the 60s

You went from promoting single mothers to now guys dressing up as girls and wanting to be a mother

You sick bastards
Can you provide on example of the gay religion that you seem to refer too?

A lot of Catholic priests are gay also, a homosexual believes they are normal. It is only a belief, just like a religion that believes in a particular god. There is absolutely no logical support for it however belief overshadows reality. Thus a religion.
If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

Public schools are prohibited from teaching Christianity you blithering idiot. They are apparently NOT prohibited from teaching aberrant sexual behavior (homosexuality) which is as much of a religion as any other belief. :321:

Public schools aren't there to have them teach your particular brand of religious fanaticism.

There also not there teaching them to be intolerant pieces shit either.

Try reading my post you dunderhead. I said public schools are PROHIBITED from teaching Christianity yet they can teach the religion of homosexuality. You didn't even come close to an intelligent reply.

Can you provide on example of the gay religion that you seem to refer too?

Easy twinkle toes



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If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

Public schools are prohibited from teaching Christianity you blithering idiot. They are apparently NOT prohibited from teaching aberrant sexual behavior (homosexuality) which is as much of a religion as any other belief. :321:

Public schools aren't there to have them teach your particular brand of religious fanaticism.

There also not there teaching them to be intolerant pieces shit either.

Try reading my post you dunderhead. I said public schools are PROHIBITED from teaching Christianity yet they can teach the religion of homosexuality. You didn't even come close to an intelligent reply.

Can you provide on example of the gay religion that you seem to refer too?
Dude thinking the way you do is not normal..

You and your Ilk has a mental disease.

It's called being a retarded faggot democrat
We had to learn about religion in our school, thank God they took it out of the curriculum..

There are certain things that should be addressed in the home. Religion is one, human sexuality is another.
If one wants to shit on children's brains, one would teach them to be a religious fundamentalist.

Public schools are prohibited from teaching Christianity you blithering idiot. They are apparently NOT prohibited from teaching aberrant sexual behavior (homosexuality) which is as much of a religion as any other belief. :321:

Public schools aren't there to have them teach your particular brand of religious fanaticism.

There also not there teaching them to be intolerant pieces shit either.

Try reading my post you dunderhead. I said public schools are PROHIBITED from teaching Christianity yet they can teach the religion of homosexuality. You didn't even come close to an intelligent reply.

Can you provide on example of the gay religion that you seem to refer too?
I could just imagine if I lived in California ,in my 40s and my 10 year's old daughter would tell me this , I would of gone nuts and went to a parent teacher day and just cussed out the teacher so bad I probably would of ended up in jail..

What are these parents supposed to do from hiding their kids from such filth ?

Home school......Charter school.....Private school.... for those in highly populated leftist-liberal areas. In rural areas of CA the schools are mostly traditional. Smaller communities have much better participation in local schools. Most of Geographic CA is conservative and traditional.

Sure treat your offspring like objects to be protected like little china dolls from the big bad scary world. Tell your daughters that daddy know best for them and you will protect them all their lives...That will make them want to stay with you.

Yea you want to turn these little girls into feminist fat cow lesbos like Rosie

Admit it ...

People who have daughters watch them turn into who THEY ARE, not the parents trophies.

You understand that, right?

It's called indoctrination you stupid fuck by the left..

You started this war on family's in the 60s

You went from promoting single mothers to now guys dressing up as girls and wanting to be a mother

You sick bastards
Mate, you got nothing.
You whine about indoctrination without any facts to back it up.
In years to come people will not believe that dinosaurs like you existed.
We won - get over it.
Not everyone has the $ to make that choice....

I live in Wisconsin which is a "School Choice" state. Parents are given vouchers which allows them to send their children to any participating school, public or private, of their choice. While obviously, this does not apply to all states, many private parochial schools throughout the US charge tuition based on family income, many times for free. I'm sure California has parochial schools that do that. My girls chose to attend Catholic schools, which allow the parents to "opt out" on any religious classes.
We had to learn about religion in our school, thank God they took it out of the curriculum..

There are certain things that should be addressed in the home. Religion is one, human sexuality is another.
Yeah well the christians want god back in school and the lack of sexual awareness and education is for those that never get any info from parents..

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