It Begins… New Jersey Democrats Introduce Bill to Pay Reparations to African Americans


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Folks, let's be honest. This is why a black should never be elected to hold a legislative position in state or federal government. This is pure insanity. Why the hell should we pay for something that was abolished in 1865 and how can a black be psychologically hurt from it today some 154 years later? This is a cotton pickin scam pure and simple!

It Begins... New Jersey Democrats Introduce Bill to Pay Reparations to African Americans
Do the blacks and Indians that had slaves have to pay too?
Before you reach into my pocket some more, do you need to prove that any of my ancestors were blameworthy, or is this merely a skin color tax? How much do bi-racials get? Does Obama have to pay Obama?
If you have Creole in your ancestry, do you qualify for free money too?
What about the blacks in Africa that rounded up the soon to be slaves and corralled them for global purchasers? Are they also considered culpable? Is this a universal plan or is the United States expected to carry the recompense?
Does a black indentured servitude also count?
Does having ancestors that died to free slaves clean the slate?
What about having ancestors that risked their lives and land to railroad blacks to safety?

Here's the thing:
I have never owned slaves and you have never picked cotton.

Stop coming up with ways to help yourselves to the outcome of my hard work, my income.
New Jersey is the 9th most taxed state in the nation, and number one in 2018 to move out of. They are even taxing people for wanting to leave, when they sell their homes. They call that a "nonresidents" tax. Now they want more.
If you want your elected officials to stop thinking of ways to rob you , stop voting liberals into office. They are the worst!
..they want to ''feel good'' about themselves
..yes--it's undeniable as I've linked/documented many times = blacks think of race much more than anything else when making decisions
Our resident racist doesn't have it exactly right.

"Leaders of the state’s Legislative Black Caucus introduced a bill that would establish the New Jersey Reparations Task Force.

It would review the history of slavery in the state, and any racial discrimination or disparity from it."

Maybe white Americans would be more comfortable NOT knowing or admitting the endemic racism that existed in this country from 1865 to the present. Sorta seems that way

Make note. I am not in favor of reparations. Sending out checks is expensive,ineffective, and clumsy as all hell.

But knowledge of what occurred..has value
American Slavery was the best that ever happened to Africans. Southern civilization in particular treated the Africans as humans who simply had lower IQs, generally speaking. Which obviously has been proven by science. In contrast to the Africans, the Asians called American Indians, were "wilder" and refused to integrate for the most part. The one tribe that had a Southern attitude were the Cherokee. They attempted to demand a nation in Georgia, but at that point, the government could not dick around anymore, Harvard offered Indians free education, etc., and nothing worked so the government promised them welfare for life if they moved Westward somewhere. Totally understandable. Demented idiot and closet Zionsit Noam Chompsky calls that genocide!
There is a huge disparity. The slaves who came here live in one of the richest first world society. The people who stayed in Africa live in the worst shitholes the earth knows.
To hell with so-called Slavery Reparations, and to hell with anyone who either proposes or supports it.

I despise modern-day Republican dog-whistling, and Trump in particular, but I will vote against any Democrat who supports this.

Even if it means that the Orange Creature and his robber-baron minions get a second term.

Do you "copy that", you idiot a$$hole Democrats? Push 'Reparations' on the national level and I will vote against you.
Lesh, did Africans ever do anything when left alone in Africa beside enslave, rape and murder other tribes? Southerners taught Africans how to be civilized. Of course when some civilized Africans returned to Africa in Liberia they were attacked by local African savages from Chocolate City etc., and enslave, raped and murdered, the usual calling cared of savages who hate Whitey.
Our resident racist doesn't have it exactly right.

"Leaders of the state’s Legislative Black Caucus introduced a bill that would establish the New Jersey Reparations Task Force.

It would review the history of slavery in the state, and any racial discrimination or disparity from it."

Maybe white Americans would be more comfortable NOT knowing or admitting the endemic racism that existed in this country from 1865 to the present. Sorta seems that way

Make note. I am not in favor of reparations. Sending out checks is expensive,ineffective, and clumsy as all hell.

But knowledge of what occurred..has value

What is the practical reason for this task force? Ok, so racism occurred. We all know that. Another waste of money and a way to keep that racial divide alive and well. Democrats MUST have this in order to win, without it, some of the educated African Americans may recognize that voting for Democrats is just another way of keeping them down.
Our resident racist doesn't have it exactly right.

"Leaders of the state’s Legislative Black Caucus introduced a bill that would establish the New Jersey Reparations Task Force.

It would review the history of slavery in the state, and any racial discrimination or disparity from it."

Maybe white Americans would be more comfortable NOT knowing or admitting the endemic racism that existed in this country from 1865 to the present. Sorta seems that way

Make note. I am not in favor of reparations. Sending out checks is expensive,ineffective, and clumsy as all hell.

But knowledge of what occurred..has value

Like you prefer not knowing how much white tax dollars has been spent on blacks.

Like you prefer not acknowledging the crime statistics.

Like you prefer not to acknowledge the races for which affirmative action applies.

The costs only go one way, the benefits the other. That's the fact. Of course, demographics will triumph over any fact, which is why we need to immediately secure the border.
I would donate $1,000 a year if Negros would stop attacking White people for no reason. It would be so cool if there were no "bad" parts of cities. Alternatively, if cops did their jobs, all parts of every city would be safe. But thanks to "diversity" and the hiring of unqualified Negroes and assorted Europhobic non-Whites, enforcing law and order is racist!
Our resident racist doesn't have it exactly right.

"Leaders of the state’s Legislative Black Caucus introduced a bill that would establish the New Jersey Reparations Task Force.

It would review the history of slavery in the state, and any racial discrimination or disparity from it."

Maybe white Americans would be more comfortable NOT knowing or admitting the endemic racism that existed in this country from 1865 to the present. Sorta seems that way

Make note. I am not in favor of reparations. Sending out checks is expensive,ineffective, and clumsy as all hell.

But knowledge of what occurred..has value

What is the practical reason for this task force? Ok, so racism occurred. We all know that. Another waste of money and a way to keep that racial divide alive and well. Democrats MUST have this in order to win, without it, some of the educated African Americans may recognize that voting for Democrats is just another way of keeping them down.

Over 90% of black conservatives still voted Clinton. The black people are much more self-centered than white people. Most blacks are very fine with whites paying their way, which is what the reparations are all about, a white tax.
To hell with so-called Slavery Reparations, and to hell with anyone who either proposes or supports it.

See my post above

"Make note. I am not in favor of reparations. Sending out checks is expensive,ineffective, and clumsy as all hell."

I despise modern-day Republican dog-whistling, and Trump in particular, but I will vote against any Democrat who supports this.

Very few do.

Even if it means that the Orange Creature and his robber-baron minions get a second term.

That's an insane statement. You would allow "The Orange Creature" (your words) four more years to create chaos and screw up the country over something that will never happen because why? Your racism scares you SO much that you'd do damage to your country and even yourself...over again...something that would never happen?
American Slavery was the best that ever happened to Africans

Oh My God.

I can't believe that someone said something that incredibly stupid outside the walls of an Aryan Nation meeting hall.

that is the result of anonymity on the internet...these racist fucks can say whatever they like.

I am 100% against the idea of reparations, but that does not change the stupidity of Snouter's words
Lesh, did Africans ever do anything when left alone in Africa beside enslave, rape and murder other tribes? Southerners taught Africans how to be civilized.

I don't normally engage with racists...but I will say this.

A. Of course they have. The fact that you don't acknowledge this speaks you your stupidity and ignorant racism.

B. Southerners did WHAT? My Gawd....
It would review the history of slavery in the state, and any racial discrimination or disparity from it."

The racism displayed on this very thread shows there is value in exploring this

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