It begins: The GOP's dismantling of the United States of America

I remember how the t@rds were laughing after Bush was elected. They were so sure he was going to make America "great" again. Now they won't even let him near their presidential conventions. They don't even want his name mentioned. Trump is already way worse. He won't be the end of the US, but he will be the end of how far back Obama brought us from the brink.

But seriously, what can you expect from people who think higher education is worthless and supply side economics works. And companies who need educated people would hire them just because they chased away a few immigrants.

Right wingers truly are a pitiful people. All we can do is the same thing we did under Bush. Try to minimize the damage.
Have you noticed there deano that you arw the ONLY one here touting these silly notions?
Whatsat tell ya?
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?

Working as a fry-cook at Micky D's, does not an Economist make. You're out of your depth kid.
Sorry, retired manufacturing engineer.
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?
Still hung up on Reagan and Bush.....Oy vey....
Here's one for ya.....Remember when the ice cream truck was a refrigerated box on a pick up truck?
Ya, ok...And this means what?
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?
Still hung up on Reagan and Bush.....Oy vey....
Here's one for ya.....Remember when the ice cream truck was a refrigerated box on a pick up truck?
Ya, ok...And this means what?
I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. Someone was shouting "Obama and Clinton". I think it was Trump.
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?

Working as a fry-cook at Micky D's, does not an Economist make. You're out of your depth kid.
Sorry, retired manufacturing engineer.
Sorry. no one as stupid as you could engineer anything except shit that don't work.
BTW, ANYONE can become a "manufacturing engineer"....its not that big of a deal. All it takes is on the job training and little common sense.
Real engineers design new concepts in how to build things. Such as bridges, tunnels, sky scrapers, 20 acre warehouses....etc...
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?
Still hung up on Reagan and Bush.....Oy vey....
Here's one for ya.....Remember when the ice cream truck was a refrigerated box on a pick up truck?
Ya, ok...And this means what?
I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. Someone was shouting "Obama and Clinton". I think it was Trump.
"I think"....No, you don't.....BTW, during your tenure as a manufacturing engineer, did you draw a paycheck? Have a pension plan of 401k?
If so, you are an EEEEEEVIL capitalist.....And a fucking hypocrite.
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.
It won't matter in the end as far as ACA goes. Republicans will NEVER agree on a healthcare plan. ACA is here to stay. Their own agenda won't see the light of day. They are at that terrible at governing.
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.

And the Earth will spin off its axis as well.

If you can't disprove it, make fun of it.

You should be used to people making fun of you by this point, R-Derp! Vegas has made you the favorite to win "Dumbest String of the Year" once again!
When it comes from a tard, it's totally understandable.

If what I say could be easily disproven, it would be. That much is obvious.

Disproving what you post is the easy part of dealing with you, R-Derp! You're like a nasty case of herpes...every time someone thinks they're finally done with you...back you come again!

What's amusing is that you post the same two or three things OVER and OVER and OVER somehow it's changed from the last string where you got your little ass handed to you...but don't seem to realize it!
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.
It won't matter in the end as far as ACA goes. Republicans will NEVER agree on a healthcare plan. ACA is here to stay. Their own agenda won't see the light of day. They are at that terrible at governing.

Is it here to stay in it's current form, Billy? Because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it's viable as it was drawn up! You progressives deliberately set up the ACA so that it wouldn't work. Now the GOP is faced with having to fix the unfixable.
I didn't know the United States didn't exist before Obamacare.

The things you learn here.

Er..umm.. The United States was in beta until President Nimrod and his merry band of left wing lunatics came along and finalized the RTM code, Obamacare and President Trump are just two of the many "features" of that release. :p

"If you're so smart how come you didn't know that?" -- Secretary of State, Idiocracy
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.
It won't matter in the end as far as ACA goes. Republicans will NEVER agree on a healthcare plan. ACA is here to stay. Their own agenda won't see the light of day. They are at that terrible at governing.

Is it here to stay in it's current form, Billy? Because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it's viable as it was drawn up! You progressives deliberately set up the ACA so that it wouldn't work. Now the GOP is faced with having to fix the unfixable.
And they keep failing to do anything about it lol. Quit pretending it will happen.
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.
It won't matter in the end as far as ACA goes. Republicans will NEVER agree on a healthcare plan. ACA is here to stay. Their own agenda won't see the light of day. They are at that terrible at governing.

Is it here to stay in it's current form, Billy? Because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it's viable as it was drawn up! You progressives deliberately set up the ACA so that it wouldn't work. Now the GOP is faced with having to fix the unfixable.
And they keep failing to do anything about it lol. Quit pretending it will happen.

They keep failing to fix something that was designed to fail by you Progressives and also gave millions of people huge subsidies that they now consider a "right". The GOP can't fix the ACA because it wasn't designed to be was designed to be replaced with Single Payer.

So why don't you liberals be honest for a change and admit that's what you wanted all along...tell the American Middle Class how much THEIR taxes are going to have to go up to PAY for Single Payer...and let the voters decide what it is that they want for a healthcare system?
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.
It won't matter in the end as far as ACA goes. Republicans will NEVER agree on a healthcare plan. ACA is here to stay. Their own agenda won't see the light of day. They are at that terrible at governing.

Is it here to stay in it's current form, Billy? Because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it's viable as it was drawn up! You progressives deliberately set up the ACA so that it wouldn't work. Now the GOP is faced with having to fix the unfixable.
And they keep failing to do anything about it lol. Quit pretending it will happen.

They keep failing to fix something that was designed to fail by you Progressives and also gave millions of people huge subsidies that they now consider a "right". The GOP can't fix the ACA because it wasn't designed to be was designed to be replaced with Single Payer.

So why don't you liberals be honest for a change and admit that's what you wanted all along...tell the American Middle Class how much THEIR taxes are going to have to go up to PAY for Single Payer...and let the voters decide what it is that they want for a healthcare system?
You're the one who wants people do die. Not us.
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.
It won't matter in the end as far as ACA goes. Republicans will NEVER agree on a healthcare plan. ACA is here to stay. Their own agenda won't see the light of day. They are at that terrible at governing.

Is it here to stay in it's current form, Billy? Because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it's viable as it was drawn up! You progressives deliberately set up the ACA so that it wouldn't work. Now the GOP is faced with having to fix the unfixable.
And they keep failing to do anything about it lol. Quit pretending it will happen.

They keep failing to fix something that was designed to fail by you Progressives and also gave millions of people huge subsidies that they now consider a "right". The GOP can't fix the ACA because it wasn't designed to be was designed to be replaced with Single Payer.

So why don't you liberals be honest for a change and admit that's what you wanted all along...tell the American Middle Class how much THEIR taxes are going to have to go up to PAY for Single Payer...and let the voters decide what it is that they want for a healthcare system?
You're the one who wants people do die. Not us.

Being honest about what healthcare will cost is going to "kill" people? Sure, R-Derp! Despite your hysterics the bottom line remains that you progressives had to lie about what the ACA would do and what it would cost. If it's such a great bill, little buddy...take a crack at explaining why you had to do that!

Instead of trying to scare people with ridiculous things like the GOP wants to push grandma off a cliff...why don't you simply level with the Middle Class and tell them that in order to pay for the healthcare program you want...that they will be hit with a large increase in their premiums or their taxes in order to pay for the people you want to subsidize?
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?

Dean has already abandoned the premise of his own thread and gone to attack bush again.

You cant make is up.
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.
It won't matter in the end as far as ACA goes. Republicans will NEVER agree on a healthcare plan. ACA is here to stay. Their own agenda won't see the light of day. They are at that terrible at governing.

Is it here to stay in it's current form, Billy? Because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it's viable as it was drawn up! You progressives deliberately set up the ACA so that it wouldn't work. Now the GOP is faced with having to fix the unfixable.
And they keep failing to do anything about it lol. Quit pretending it will happen.

They keep failing to fix something that was designed to fail by you Progressives and also gave millions of people huge subsidies that they now consider a "right". The GOP can't fix the ACA because it wasn't designed to be was designed to be replaced with Single Payer.

So why don't you liberals be honest for a change and admit that's what you wanted all along...tell the American Middle Class how much THEIR taxes are going to have to go up to PAY for Single Payer...and let the voters decide what it is that they want for a healthcare system?
You're the one who wants people do die. Not us.

You keep saying that but then you keep adopting policies that actually kill people

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