It begins: The GOP's dismantling of the United States of America

Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.

It's not taking away healthcare, it's stopping Americans from having to pay for health insurance they either don't want or can't afford, or taking away a tax for them wanting to keep their current plan or having the issues previously stated.

Can you actually give me any stats on this whole rural hospitals thing? "An unknown number" sounds like it was pulled out of your ass.

Actually, that number isn't close to 11,000, it's around 1,000. (look under How many transgender personnel serve in the U.S. military?) These people have a clear mental illness and need serious help from a psychiatrist. Allowing their mental illness to worsen only hurts them.

The country isn't in danger. Trump's "war" on the Intel community is actually just him saying that there's no evidence of any collusion between him and the Russian Federation. The President doesn't side with Russia over the US. He defended us at the G20 and will do so again in the future, unlike with Obama's hot mic moment talking to then-President Medvedev.

How have Republicans been attacking our voting rights? Voter ID laws are common sense, so that only people with a valid ID can vote in the United States. If you argue the law is racist, that's complete bullsh*t. Black people and Hispanic people have as much of an ability as White people, etc., to get their proper ID.

Republicans aren't killing the environment, they're taking away all the suppressing regulations from businesses that will help the economy. Those regulations were limiting growth in this country. Look, I'm all for alternative sources of energy, but I don't support favoring one energy source over another. We should be fighting to power people's homes, not squabbling over how to power them.

How has the US leadership been attacked? If anything, Trump has been stronger than Obama has. The strike on the Syrian airbase, for example, was highly successful and bolstered the US's standing in the world. The Syrian government crossed a red line they shouldn't've crossed, and Trump punished them for it. Another example, the ceasefire in Syria. The US and Russia actually worked out a deal that allowed part of Syria to stop fighting. We aren't in the Cold War anymore. Russia's certainly not perfect, but they're better than the USSR.

Trump isn't stopping the press from reporting. He's just pointing out their constant lies and slandering. They're disrespecting the American people by constantly pushing false conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia.

In short, American isn't being dismantled. It's actually being built up.
all that is well and good, but it pales in comparison to the most wonderful thing President Tannen has done-----whip the nanny state leftist scumbags into a permanent frenzy that is entertaining to watch, and has no doubt created serious health problems(anxiety, etc) for only idssappointment is that the trump presidency hasn't produced at least one report of one of these fruit loops literally committing suicide over him.
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?

Working as a fry-cook at Micky D's, does not an Economist make. You're out of your depth kid.
Sorry, retired manufacturing engineer.
So that's what they call burger flippers these days? Sort of like "sanitation engineers"...
Taking away healthcare will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

The GOP plan for Obamacare could kill more people each year than gun homicides, HIV and Skin Cancer

An unknown number of rural hospitals will close. In many communities, the hospital is the single biggest employer. So not only will people lose their healthcare, Republicans are looking at a double whammy of also taking away jobs.

It's estimated 150,000 transgenders have served in the military. The current estimate on active duty goes as high as 11,000. These people put their lives on the line to protect this country. Now they won't. And can the military lose as many as 11,000 skilled individuals?

We already know the country has been placed into danger with Trump's war on US Intelligence. Who wants to put their lives in danger working for a president who sides with Russia against the United States? Giving away US intelligence without any American but Trump in the room?

What's next? What is the next disastrous GOP plan designed to damage and weaken the United States? Is it economic? Is it military? Is it an attack on our judicial system? Republican have been attacking our voting rights for years. Is that the next biggie?

They have already started on our environment.

Senate Republicans Attack Clean Water & Air in EPA Spending Bill

The attacks on US leadership:

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US

Of course the attacks on our free press.

The dismantling of America has begun and they aren't playing around.

It's not taking away healthcare, it's stopping Americans from having to pay for health insurance they either don't want or can't afford, or taking away a tax for them wanting to keep their current plan or having the issues previously stated.

Can you actually give me any stats on this whole rural hospitals thing? "An unknown number" sounds like it was pulled out of your ass.

Actually, that number isn't close to 11,000, it's around 1,000. (look under How many transgender personnel serve in the U.S. military?) These people have a clear mental illness and need serious help from a psychiatrist. Allowing their mental illness to worsen only hurts them.

The country isn't in danger. Trump's "war" on the Intel community is actually just him saying that there's no evidence of any collusion between him and the Russian Federation. The President doesn't side with Russia over the US. He defended us at the G20 and will do so again in the future, unlike with Obama's hot mic moment talking to then-President Medvedev.

How have Republicans been attacking our voting rights? Voter ID laws are common sense, so that only people with a valid ID can vote in the United States. If you argue the law is racist, that's complete bullsh*t. Black people and Hispanic people have as much of an ability as White people, etc., to get their proper ID.

Republicans aren't killing the environment, they're taking away all the suppressing regulations from businesses that will help the economy. Those regulations were limiting growth in this country. Look, I'm all for alternative sources of energy, but I don't support favoring one energy source over another. We should be fighting to power people's homes, not squabbling over how to power them.

How has the US leadership been attacked? If anything, Trump has been stronger than Obama has. The strike on the Syrian airbase, for example, was highly successful and bolstered the US's standing in the world. The Syrian government crossed a red line they shouldn't've crossed, and Trump punished them for it. Another example, the ceasefire in Syria. The US and Russia actually worked out a deal that allowed part of Syria to stop fighting. We aren't in the Cold War anymore. Russia's certainly not perfect, but they're better than the USSR.

Trump isn't stopping the press from reporting. He's just pointing out their constant lies and slandering. They're disrespecting the American people by constantly pushing false conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia.

In short, American isn't being dismantled. It's actually being built up.
It's impossible for t@rds to learn how to use Google.

Republicans' Proposed Medicaid Cuts Would Hit Rural Patients Hard

How the American Health Care Act’s Changes to Medicaid Will Affect Hospital Finances in Every State

Deep Cuts To Medicaid Put Rural Hospitals In The Crosshairs

No matter how hard you work to teach right wingers, it's no good. It simply doesn't "take".
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?

Working as a fry-cook at Micky D's, does not an Economist make. You're out of your depth kid.
Sorry, retired manufacturing engineer.
So that's what they call burger flippers these days? Sort of like "sanitation engineers"...

Personal attacks, a sign of having lost.

See: Trump
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?

Working as a fry-cook at Micky D's, does not an Economist make. You're out of your depth kid.
Sorry, retired manufacturing engineer.
So that's what they call burger flippers these days? Sort of like "sanitation engineers"...

Personal attacks, a sign of having lost.

See: Trump

Do you read what you write?
Remember when Bush was president? Remember what happened at the end of his second term? That kind of damage to the economy takes momentum. Does anything think that ending trade agreements and letting trading partners exclude us from trade deals is good for the American economy over the long term? I know dumbshits do but does the US really have that many dumbshits?

Working as a fry-cook at Micky D's, does not an Economist make. You're out of your depth kid.
Sorry, retired manufacturing engineer.
So that's what they call burger flippers these days? Sort of like "sanitation engineers"...

Personal attacks, a sign of having lost.

See: Trump

Do you read what you write?
Probably not. Rather sad, actually.
Economy humming along at record levels, Illegal Immigration cut in half. I'm good. Trump's on it. :thup:
What sector is booming at record levels?
The dismantling of America.

We know Rex Tillerson is taking apart the State Department.

Present at the Destruction: How Rex Tillerson Is Wrecking the State Department

The State Department has $80 million to fight Russian misinformation but isn't using it

Congress has given $80 million to the State Department to fight Russian propaganda and misinformation, but Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly is reluctant to put it to use.

A former senior State Department official told Politico that Tillerson’s spokesman, R.C. Hammond, suggested using the money to counter Russian disinformation and propaganda would rile Moscow.
He's afraid it would upset Putin.
Trump and Co. don't see Russian Propaganda as propaganda, they see it as "instructions".
Actually more people do die every year from causes other than "gun homicides, HIV and skin cancer". Is the left prepared to blame Trump for every death?

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