It feels oppressive when Facebook, Twitter and Youtube start banning content based on political bias

Not political bias, truth vs lies.

If lies are lies they're not a threat to me. I think attacking him makes the situation worse.

They might not be a threat to you, but talk to some of the Sandy Hook parents who have received death threats from some of Jones' followers. Or, you could talk to the pizza shop owner whose place was shot up by a Jones follower who thought that the basement of the shop was a pedophile ring. (Hint: the pizza shop didn't have a basement.)
Jones is just pissed that he no longer has a site he doesn't have to pay for to broadcast his b.s.
are you really happy about this? jones is an idiot, yes. but he's not above the rights we all in fact share. i'm not. are you? who are we to say "you get rights, you don't"? how can that be beneficial for anyone in the end because the left can't help themselves give them a "victory" they kick it up and go for more. human nature i suppose as well. they in turn start eating themselves and we're not far from that happening.

if you don't like jones, don't listen to him. block him from facebook and wa-la problem solved. but to ban people because you don't like what they say - i can promise you one day you'll be banned for what you say.

is that really where we as a country wants to go?

Private companies have the right to pick and choose whom they wish to serve. If we force Facebook to carry Jones' material, isn't that also wrong? Facebook is a private company. You guys bitched about a baker who was being forced to bake a cake for a gay couple, and cheered when SCOTUS ruled in favor of the baker. How is Facebook different from the baker? Both have the right to choose where their products are used and by whom.
yet facebook has never said "we're a liberal company, fuck you conservatives" - they tout their services for all. if that is the route they now wish to go and just say "fuck it, we're liberal and you're not allowed to play here" then fine. let them do that. but to continue to say they're here for free speech EXCEPT YOU GUYS is wrong.

if facebook were to do this their entire model would have to change and they know this. if they could limit people's speech on their network then why were they in front of the senate and the house again? i do believe their censorship came into question and of course they deny it. they are like textbook passive aggressive. a very "liberal" trait.

i'm not going to chase strange analogies down the hallway however.

There wasn't a sign in the baker's shop that said they don't bake cakes for gay couples.
ok - here's the difference:

the only reason they (facebook/twitter) enjoyed immunity from civil liability for the content on their platform is because they claimed to be open forums for all. Now that they're politically censoring content with a slap-dash editorial process, they're a publication and should be opened to civil litigation for content on their platform exactly the way NYT is. (quoted from nigel farage) Nigel Farage: If Twitter wants to target conservative speech then treat it like the biased publisher it is

now they're opening themselves up for lawsuits.

get your popcorn.
Not political bias, truth vs lies.

If lies are lies they're not a threat to me. I think attacking him makes the situation worse.

They might not be a threat to you, but talk to some of the Sandy Hook parents who have received death threats from some of Jones' followers. Or, you could talk to the pizza shop owner whose place was shot up by a Jones follower who thought that the basement of the shop was a pedophile ring. (Hint: the pizza shop didn't have a basement.)

Kicking him off social media will radicalize his followers even more. In their minds Jones was just proven right.
Not political bias, truth vs lies.

If lies are lies they're not a threat to me. I think attacking him makes the situation worse.

They might not be a threat to you, but talk to some of the Sandy Hook parents who have received death threats from some of Jones' followers. Or, you could talk to the pizza shop owner whose place was shot up by a Jones follower who thought that the basement of the shop was a pedophile ring. (Hint: the pizza shop didn't have a basement.)
good thing the left never does death threats.

oh, wait...
If he's wrong you should encourage him being on these platforms. There are lots of different minded people there that would love to have an argument about it.
Jones is just pissed that he no longer has a site he doesn't have to pay for to broadcast his b.s.
are you really happy about this? jones is an idiot, yes. but he's not above the rights we all in fact share. i'm not. are you? who are we to say "you get rights, you don't"? how can that be beneficial for anyone in the end because the left can't help themselves give them a "victory" they kick it up and go for more. human nature i suppose as well. they in turn start eating themselves and we're not far from that happening.

if you don't like jones, don't listen to him. block him from facebook and wa-la problem solved. but to ban people because you don't like what they say - i can promise you one day you'll be banned for what you say.

is that really where we as a country wants to go?

Private companies have the right to pick and choose whom they wish to serve. If we force Facebook to carry Jones' material, isn't that also wrong? Facebook is a private company. You guys bitched about a baker who was being forced to bake a cake for a gay couple, and cheered when SCOTUS ruled in favor of the baker. How is Facebook different from the baker? Both have the right to choose where their products are used and by whom.
yet facebook has never said "we're a liberal company, fuck you conservatives" - they tout their services for all. if that is the route they now wish to go and just say "fuck it, we're liberal and you're not allowed to play here" then fine. let them do that. but to continue to say they're here for free speech EXCEPT YOU GUYS is wrong.

if facebook were to do this their entire model would have to change and they know this. if they could limit people's speech on their network then why were they in front of the senate and the house again? i do believe their censorship came into question and of course they deny it. they are like textbook passive aggressive. a very "liberal" trait.

i'm not going to chase strange analogies down the hallway however.

There wasn't a sign in the baker's shop that said they don't bake cakes for gay couples.
his history on the subject of ANY controversial cake was well known that he would not do it.

no penis cakes for bachelorette parties. no titty cakes, hell he wouldn't even do halloween cakes. well known he didn't do those cakes.

yet this couple went there anyway.
Those three platforms alone account for a huge amount of traffic and information flow on the internet. The internet in general played a very important role in the last election, and will probably play an even more important role in future ones. They technically have the right to do whatever they want with their platforms, but how is the right supposed to not feel oppressed by left wing censorship when giant internet platforms like those, who currently play a very important role in politics, start censoring right wing content? Fine, the platforms are legally entitled to do so. Let's have a philosophical discussion though. What about morality and intellectualism? They have the right, but are they right to do it?

It doesn't stop there. For years, Google has been screwing with their search results to suppress Right leaning sites and promote left leaning ones. The Left can never win in an open, free forum; the only reason why they have any following at all is through constant lies, cheating and suppression.
USMB is not biased like FB, Google, and Twitter are.

Take this from someone who has managed sites with far, far, more traffic than USMB, even traffic to include congressmen posting under screen names and accompanied by a watcher, USMB has very, very, little control over outcomes if placed into a position to comply.

If given a reason to find out who you are and where you live, USMB will comply and Officer Friendly will knock on your door..

As will most any other public platform like this. Almost all operate under the rules and regulations of their software provider or host. There have also been a few laws passed that require complicity.

The general rule of thumb is never, ever, ever, say anything online that you wouldn't be perfectly comfortable defending in a court.

There are watchers here. There are foreign agents here. And other interesting entities. And some useful idiots. They're easy to spot if you know what you're looking for.
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What is going on has nothing to do with the first amendment, it is all about giant corporations colluding to stifle conservative voices. That is all. Here is your collusion.
If conservatives are so butt hurt that Jones no longer is allowed on certain platforms, here's a solution.............................

If liberals can start up sites like Facebook and YouTube, why can't conservatives?
Liberals didnt start facebook or youtube.
it is all about giant corporations colluding to stifle conservative voices
That might not be the tack you whiners want to take. Do you really want "conservatism"defined by that freak Jones? What is conservative about his nuttery?
No one is whining. I am just pointing out what the fascists are doing. And it is not only being done to jones.
How ridiculous this is.......

1) Specific instructions on how to create a bomb..... not censored.
2) Videos showing people assaulting someone just so they can post it on youtube.... not banned.
3) Videos showing pretend high school girls giving blow jobs and having sex with teachers to get a better grade... not fact...all over the place.
4) Videos showing pretend incest between fathers/daughters....not censored.

Alex Jones..... censored. Considered bad for our youth.
Those three platforms alone account for a huge amount of traffic and information flow on the internet. The internet in general played a very important role in the last election, and will probably play an even more important role in future ones. They technically have the right to do whatever they want with their platforms, but how is the right supposed to not feel oppressed by left wing censorship when giant internet platforms like those, who currently play a very important role in politics, start censoring right wing content? Fine, the platforms are legally entitled to do so. Let's have a philosophical discussion though. What about morality and intellectualism? They have the right, but are they right to do it?

Lies, fantasy, made up nonsense designed fear-monger and race-bait are NOT Political Bias.

It's a cesspool of shit and those companies wanted to get the stench off of them.
Not political bias, truth vs lies.

If lies are lies they're not a threat to me. I think attacking him makes the situation worse.

They might not be a threat to you, but talk to some of the Sandy Hook parents who have received death threats from some of Jones' followers. Or, you could talk to the pizza shop owner whose place was shot up by a Jones follower who thought that the basement of the shop was a pedophile ring. (Hint: the pizza shop didn't have a basement.)

Kicking him off social media will radicalize his followers even more. In their minds Jones was just proven right.

Jones won't have any problem getting his hateful, ignorant message to his looney followers.
How ridiculous this is.......

1) Specific instructions on how to create a bomb..... not censored.
2) Videos showing people assaulting someone just so they can post it on youtube.... not banned.
3) Videos showing pretend high school girls giving blow jobs and having sex with teachers to get a better grade... not fact...all over the place.
4) Videos showing pretend incest between fathers/daughters....not censored.

Alex Jones..... censored. Considered bad for our youth.

You got links?


Didn't think so.

Youtube does not allow

1) depiction of a criminal act.
2) Graphic Sex.

Why do you tell dumb lies?

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