It Has Started: Activist Court Rewrites Law

But the court’s new conservative majority
The court has been conservative for at least the last 20 years. You think that is a NEW majority? SMH.
Conservative, yes.

Rabidly conservitard? Not until tRump.
I am sorry that the Court refuses to allow your further tyranny and complete shitting on individual rights. Those evil bastards.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

What they did was murder a bunch of nice old folks to keep you and your retarded friends happy.

Ummmm, that's governor cuomo, dumbass. Not these religious people.

Get your facts straight.
Bars were and are closed in new York.
The freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly apply to all persons regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic background, or any other characteristic. Our laws should NEVER, EVER prefer one over another or establish one religion/ideology over another. People who attend mass gatherings endanger the American People in this time of pandemic. If you want to contract the virus and have you and your loved ones die of it, so be it. You earned it. You have a right to be a dirty person. But don't spread it among the rest of us.
As a fat person with doubtless the maladies that occur I understand your personal concern, but your being fat should not limit the Constitutional rights of others.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This would be true. . . but not in this case, because the Constitution DOES prohibit the States from interfering with the people in this regard. . . it is right there in the Bill of Rights, very first Amendment.

First Amendment

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What part of "NO LAW" are you having problems with?

The black plague, small pox, and many other diseases were far worse than what we are experiencing now, so you can't come back with they didn't know about "diseases" or public health threats like we have now. That would be disingenuous. So stop already.
Outbreaks of small pox were local affairs and were handled locally. This is a pandemic.
We already know your excuse for shitting all over individual liberty. You have to repeat that pathetic excuse.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Temporary health orders are not laws.

You kids need to stop with this "FREEDUMB" crap. You are murdering innocent people.

You have no proof that they are "temporary."

They told us "two weeks."

They told us a month.

They keep saying temporary. . .it has turned out to be nothing but lies.

Cold and flues come and go, as will this thing, over and over again.

Health orders CANNOT take the place of laws. They go unchecked.
Our churches were closed for two months. They've been open since. Schools were closed through June but have all been green lighted to reopen since September.

The restrictions are as temporary as the Germ allows.
But the court’s new conservative majority
The court has been conservative for at least the last 20 years. You think that is a NEW majority? SMH.
Conservative, yes.

Rabidly conservitard? Not until tRump.
I am sorry that the Court refuses to allow your further tyranny and complete shitting on individual rights. Those evil bastards.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

What they did was murder a bunch of nice old folks to keep you and your retarded friends happy.
And you accuse me of hyperbole. Jesus.
Outbreaks of small pox were local affairs and were handled locally. This is a pandemic.
Been to Walmart lately? Home Depot or Lowes? There are thousands possibly of people in these places daily during this "pandemic".

I was thinking the same thing. It's ok to go to Wal Mart and be packed into that store and buy a bunch of Chinese crap, but go to Church and worship God? How DARE you!! In the middle of a PAN-DEMocratIC!!!

Strip clubs open, churches closed.

Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Temporary health orders are not laws.

You kids need to stop with this "FREEDUMB" crap. You are murdering innocent people.

You have no proof that they are "temporary."

They told us "two weeks."

They told us a month.

They keep saying temporary. . .it has turned out to be nothing but lies.

Cold and flues come and go, as will this thing, over and over again.

Health orders CANNOT take the place of laws. They go unchecked.
Our churches were closed for two months. They've been open since. Schools were closed through June but have all been green lighted to reopen since September.

The restrictions are as temporary as the Germ allows.
No. Restrictions are as "temporary" as DICTATORS ALLOW!!!!

You need to move to a county that gives not one single fuck about liberty and leave us alone.
I do not give a single fuck.
Obviously. Just don't hide behind
But the court’s new conservative majority
The court has been conservative for at least the last 20 years. You think that is a NEW majority? SMH.
Conservative, yes.

Rabidly conservitard? Not until tRump.
I am sorry that the Court refuses to allow your further tyranny and complete shitting on individual rights. Those evil bastards.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

What they did was murder a bunch of nice old folks to keep you and your retarded friends happy.

Ummmm, that's governor cuomo, dumbass. Not these religious people.

Get your facts straight.
Bars were and are closed in new York.
And in Maine. The only thing still closed.
Outbreaks of small pox were local affairs and were handled locally. This is a pandemic.
Been to Walmart lately? Home Depot or Lowes? There are thousands possibly of people in these places daily during this "pandemic".

I was thinking the same thing. It's ok to go to Wal Mart and be packed into that store and buy a bunch of Chinese crap, but go to Church and worship God? How DARE you!! In the middle of a PAN-DEMocratIC!!!

Strip clubs open, churches closed.

They're incapable of grasping it
First Amendment guarantees the right to ASSEMBLE--do you think you can pick and choose what parts of the constitution you want to listen to? I believe the first amendment is a power that is delegated to the US by the constitution. Clean your stomach window or pull your head out of your ass.

The first amendment also guarantees us the right to free speech, and now the Nazis are impeaching a President for exercising that right and removed a member of the House from committees for doing the same. Do you think they care about the right to peacefully assemble?
In the same post you state that these rights exist and should not be excluded on religion, then say the exact opposite.


I have never seen a more complete 180 in the same fucking post.

It's a rare LIE-sistrata post in which she is coherent enough for the contradiction to be that blatant, but it's also rare for her to make any more sense than that anyway.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Temporary health orders are not laws.

You kids need to stop with this "FREEDUMB" crap. You are murdering innocent people.

You have no proof that they are "temporary."

They told us "two weeks."

They told us a month.

They keep saying temporary. . .it has turned out to be nothing but lies.

Cold and flues come and go, as will this thing, over and over again.

Health orders CANNOT take the place of laws. They go unchecked.
Our churches were closed for two months. They've been open since. Schools were closed through June but have all been green lighted to reopen since September.

The restrictions are as temporary as the Germ allows.

You mean, they are as temporary as the politics allow.

I have looked at the IFR and CFR rates, they have nothing to do with the lock-downs and restrictions.

These orders are always based on politics. They choose to open and close things based on holidays, shopping seasons and elections. It is used to garner emotional responses from the public, and manipulate the economy.
I do not give a single fuck.
Obviously. Just don't hide behind
But the court’s new conservative majority
The court has been conservative for at least the last 20 years. You think that is a NEW majority? SMH.
Conservative, yes.

Rabidly conservitard? Not until tRump.
I am sorry that the Court refuses to allow your further tyranny and complete shitting on individual rights. Those evil bastards.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

What they did was murder a bunch of nice old folks to keep you and your retarded friends happy.

Ummmm, that's governor cuomo, dumbass. Not these religious people.

Get your facts straight.
Bars were and are closed in new York.
And in Maine. The only thing still closed.

No they're not, a simple Google search told me that
Obviously. Just don't hide behind a pastor's robes to justify your disregard for your fellow citizens.

The Constitution doesn't require citizens to have any regards for each other. This not only violates the first Amendment, but also the 14th amendment that guarantees us equal protection under the law. The state cannot penalize one entity for being open and not penalize others that are open.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
You folks are the reason the US has some of the worst Covid rates in the world. I hope you're proud.
It must be terrible to live in such fear. I and five members of my family were tested positive at the hospital for covid during the holidays. One had a severe flu (treated with OTC remedies), one had minor cold symptoms and four had NO symptoms at all. We are all recovered thank you very much. We all feel that this is a partisan political ploy that you sheep have bought into.
First Amendment guarantees the right to ASSEMBLE--do you think you can pick and choose what parts of the constitution you want to listen to? I believe the first amendment is a power that is delegated to the US by the constitution. Clean your stomach window or pull your head out of your ass.

The first amendment also guarantees us the right to free speech, and now the Nazis are impeaching a President for exercising that right and removed a member of the House from committees for doing the same. Do you think they care about the right to peacefully assemble?
I think you missed my point Ray. Old Lady was trying to use the 10th amendment as a way to justify the closing of churches. I was pointing out that the 10th does not overrule the 1st.

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