It Has Started: Activist Court Rewrites Law

lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent.
So, 100 years is considered "temporary" under that definition. As long as it is not "permanent" right?

And where, in the Constitution, is it suggested that government has the authority to enact “laws” outside of the defined valid processes for doing so, or to violate the rights of the people that the Bill of Rights explicitly affirms, so long as these are only in effect “temporarily”?

I know I know!

Temporary health orders are not laws.

If they are not laws, then we are under no obligation to obey them, and government has no authority to enforce them.

You kids need to stop with this "FREEDUMB" crap. You are murdering innocent people.

Each state's governor is given the authority per law to impose public health orders in emergency situations.

I call shenanigans. The government creating a moral panic is not a true emergency.
I'm all for.closing everything down in hotspots. You're gonna hafta talk to the conservitards running various states about that.

How many people do you want to starve to death, or to die from other causes related from not being able to obtain the things that they need to survive, in order to assuage your insane fear of a hyperbolized flu bug?
You folks are the reason the US has some of the worst Covid rates in the world. I hope you're proud.

Don't blame thos eof us who demand our rightful freedoms.

Blame the corrupt politicians who have cooked up this fake “pandemic” as an excuse to seize and abuse powers.

It is those of you who stupidly obey them and allow them to get away with this shit who are to blame for allowing it to continue. This “pandemic” will last exactly as long as corrupts politicians are able to get away with exploiting it, no more or less.
How can you possibly call a Germ that has killed close to half a million Americans a hoax?
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19
Sounds like a circumcision / vaccination district where New Testament preaching is absolutely forbidden.

It's a Constitutional issue... good grief
B. Public health orders are not tyranny. Nor will you endlessly repeating that lie change anything.
So, hide and wait. Just don't expect everyone to cower to these unconstitutional orders.

Also, those of us who are willing to take the risks of every day life to go out, work at our jobs, make an honest living, and produce the goods and services that everyone needs should not be expected to pay an extra cent in taxes to support government handouts to worthless, dead wood that chooses to hide in their mothers' basements.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Kagan only proved that she doesn't give a shit about the law. She only cares what Fauci the minister of health says. Here's a clue for you: it doesn't matter what Fauci thinks is good policy. The laws is the law.

The Supreme Court has always had the power to strike down "burdens on religious freedom, you fucking NAZI moron. What "case law" did they toss out?
I'm all for.closing everything down in hotspots. You're gonna hafta talk to the conservitards running various states about that.

How many people do you want to starve to death, or to die from other causes related from not being able to obtain the things that they need to survive, in order to assuage your insane fear of a hyperbolized flu bug?
No one has starved, Mr. Hyperbole.
The big problem you have is there is no justification for closing churches down when you allow bars and liquor stores to remain open.

Strip clubs open, churches closed.

I think it tells us all that we need to know about their moral character when they prioritize bars, liquor stores, and strip clubs over churches.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Did you bitch about the gatherings of filthy booger’s and woke white guilt whackos over summer?
Link us to those posts....if not, kindly shut the fuck up. Thanks in advance.
The freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly apply to all persons regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic background, or any other characteristic. Our laws should NEVER, EVER prefer one over another or establish one religion/ideology over another. People who attend mass gatherings endanger the American People in this time of pandemic. If you want to contract the virus and have you and your loved ones die of it, so be it. You earned it. You have a right to be a dirty person. But don't spread it among the rest of us.
On the one hand you claim to support religious freedom, and then you immediately attack it. No one is forcing you to go to church, asshole.
It was in the news

The same “news” that has been complicit in deceiving and brainwashing you into living in fear and submission over this hoax built around a hyperbolized flu bug.

Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Temporary health orders are not laws.

You kids need to stop with this "FREEDUMB" crap. You are murdering innocent people.

You have no proof that they are "temporary."

They told us "two weeks."

They told us a month.

They keep saying temporary. . .it has turned out to be nothing but lies.

Cold and flues come and go, as will this thing, over and over again.

Health orders CANNOT take the place of laws. They go unchecked.
The tolls on the Mass Pike were temporary, they could come down when the construction bonds were paid off. The bonds were paid off in 1983. The Pike it still a tollway.
No one has starved, Mr. Hyperbole.

It's already happening in other parts of the world, that are economically weaker than we are. If we continue along your path, it will happen here as well.

Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month

Note that although the title of the article misleadingly says “Virus-linked hunger”, it is economic and supply issues created by the overreaction to the virus, and not the virus itself, that is causing this.

It just now struck me that this article, being from about six months ago, that the baby shown in the picture at the head of the article, and described in the second paragraph thereof, is probably dead now, unless somehow she and her family received a lot more help than appeared to be forthcoming.


That hunger is already stalking Haboue Solange Boue, an infant who has lost half her former body weight of 5.5 pounds (2.5 kilograms) in the last month. With the markets closed because of coronavirus restrictions, her family sold fewer vegetables. Her mother is too malnourished to nurse her.

There is a face for the true impact of the #CoronaHoax2020. This precious baby girl, and who knows how many tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of others like her.
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Don't care. Freedom is freedom.

Protect yourself if you are afraid.

Public safety is the easiest and most widely used excuse for totalitarianism.

I wonder if the world has ever before seen such a blatant and extreme case as the #CoronaHoax2020 of a fake crisis being cooked up, just so that totalitarians can use it to create a “public safety” pretext for their abuses of power?
I am afraid it has gone so far that bullets will fly.

Valhalla, I am coming.
Each state's governor is given the authority per law to impose public health orders in emergency situations.

That's bullshit, and you know it.

In any event, no otherwise valid process of lawmaking, short of the Amendment process, can legitimately override the Constitution. Per the First Amendment, as incorporated to the states under the Fourteenth Amendment, our freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly are untouchable; and any act of government which seeks to violate these is an act of corruption and lawlessness.
How can you possibly call a Germ that has killed close to half a million Americans a hoax?

My Uncle died late last summer from colon cancer. He was 94 and living with one of his sons. When things looked hopeless, my cousin called the family to come over and say their likely final goodbye. They did, about a dozen people came to visit in the room, and then they hauled him to the VA. When he got there, he tested positive for Covid.

All 12 people including my father had to either quarantine or be tested. None of them had it. My Uncle who couldn't walk never went anywhere. He had one nurse come in, and she tested negative as well. So where did he get Covid from? He died about two weeks later.

A month or so went by and my cousins stopped by for a visit. They were furious that the hospital ruled his death as Covid instead of what really killed him which was the cancer. One of them had a picture of his death certificate on his phone. The VA called him a few weeks after my Uncles death to ask his opinion of the care his father received. He told them the care was fine, but......

The doctor on the other end of the phone told him to take a number, because they have many complaints about patients that were ruled a Covid death instead of the real cause.

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