It Has Started: Activist Court Rewrites Law

This isn't an "alleged burden". It's an actual burden. Argue if you wish it was justified (I disagree) but you can't argue it was an "alleged burden".

There’s nothing in Christian doctrine or dogma which compels adherents to meet in large numbers at a specified place or time, where failing to do renders one a ‘bad’ or ‘failed’ Christian.

No right is absolute, including the rights enshrined in the First Amendment – rights that are subject to reasonable, appropriate regulation by government.

The California policy is clearly religiously neutral, motivated not by government hostility toward Christianity or religious practice, but by a warranted concern to protect public safety.

The OP is correct, this represents the start of an activist conservative Court hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence whose goal is to further conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers’ original intent.
Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Maybe you need to polish up a bit on your history. Freedom is the fundamental reason America was founded. The courts have no right or authority to undo those freedoms established in our Constitution.

Tell that to Native Americans, African, and Chinese slaves. What a dumbass statement. And right in tune with the entitled asshole mindset. And lets not forget the rights of women. Which according to the good book are subserviants, to the entitled asshole mindset.

Every state has the duty to protect its citizens above everything else. Rights don't mean anything when you're dead. Or enslaved.

And what about those "Free" Americans that can become infected with the virus, after coming into contact with one of those entitled assholes, who think their "right" to worship, is above everyone else's "right", to not be infected? Of forced to have to endure their ignorance, because they exercise their "Freedom" from religion?

So they don't have the same "Freedoms". Is that what you're insinuating?

So in your estimation, burning women to death, or drowning them, because the might be percieved by one of these fundamentalist shit for brains assholes, of being a witch, should be a First Amendment right also, based on this new ruling by the newly packed court?

What other religious atrocities from the old world should we reinstate to accomodate these worhippers "rights"?

You get more demented everyday.

"So in your estimation, burning women to death, or drowning them, because the might be percieved by one of these fundamentalist shit for brains assholes, of being a witch, should be a First Amendment right also, based on this new ruling by the newly packed court?"

What a load of crap. NONE of that is happening. Tell us....should Christians, Conservatives, Rump supporters and anyone else you don't like be incarcerated, deprogrammed and ostracized socially?

There’s nothing in Christian doctrine or dogma which compels adherents to meet in large numbers at a specified place or time, where failing to do renders one a ‘bad’ or ‘failed’ Christian.

No right is absolute, including the rights enshrined in the First Amendment – rights that are subject to reasonable, appropriate regulation by government.

The California policy is clearly religiously neutral, motivated not by government hostility toward Christianity or religious practice, but by a warranted concern to protect public safety.

The OP is correct, this represents the start of an activist conservative Court hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence whose goal is to further conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers’ original intent.

This isn't an "alleged burden". It's an actual burden. Argue if you wish it was justified (I disagree) but you can't argue it was an "alleged burden".

There’s nothing in Christian doctrine or dogma which compels adherents to meet in large numbers at a specified place or time, where failing to do renders one a ‘bad’ or ‘failed’ Christian.

No right is absolute, including the rights enshrined in the First Amendment – rights that are subject to reasonable, appropriate regulation by government.

The California policy is clearly religiously neutral, motivated not by government hostility toward Christianity or religious practice, but by a warranted concern to protect public safety.

The OP is correct, this represents the start of an activist conservative Court hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence whose goal is to further conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers’ original intent.

A few HIGHLY educated folks don't agree with you. Deal with it.
Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Maybe you need to polish up a bit on your history. Freedom is the fundamental reason America was founded. The courts have no right or authority to undo those freedoms established in our Constitution.

Tell that to Native Americans, African, and Chinese slaves. What a dumbass statement. And right in tune with the entitled asshole mindset. And lets not forget the rights of women. Which according to the good book are subserviants, to the entitled asshole mindset.

Every state has the duty to protect its citizens above everything else. Rights don't mean anything when you're dead. Or enslaved.

And what about those "Free" Americans that can become infected with the virus, after coming into contact with one of those entitled assholes, who think their "right" to worship, is above everyone else's "right", to not be infected? Of forced to have to endure their ignorance, because they exercise their "Freedom" from religion?

So they don't have the same "Freedoms". Is that what you're insinuating?

So in your estimation, burning women to death, or drowning them, because the might be percieved by one of these fundamentalist shit for brains assholes, of being a witch, should be a First Amendment right also, based on this new ruling by the newly packed court?

What other religious atrocities from the old world should we reinstate to accomodate these worhippers "rights"?


News for ya' slavery ended in the United States over a hundred and fifty years ago.


With any luck at all, 99.9% of ministers in these critical areas will keep their doors closed and worship on line in order to keep their parishioners safe until the case #'s come down and public health officials give the all clear. Many outbreaks have been tied to church services all over the country. I agree with Kagan on this, all the way. Let's hope it doesn't lead to a slippery slope.

Kagan, joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Stephen Breyer, dissented from this order in a blunt opinion highlighting the possibility that her colleagues’ decision will kill people. “Justices of this Court are not scientists,” Kagan began. “Nor do we know much about public health policy. Yet today the Court displaces the judgments of experts about how to respond to a raging pandemic. … That mandate defies our caselaw, exceeds our judicial role, and risks worsening the pandemic.” She pointed out that, contrary to the court’s belief, California has not actually treated churches less favorably than secular businesses and assemblies: Political meetings, lectures, and plays are also banned, she wrote—and these “secular gatherings,” like religious worship, “are constitutionally protected” by the First Amendment. The court simply created “a special exception for worship services.”

“To state the obvious, judges do not know what scientists and public health experts do,” Kagan explained. “So it is alarming that the Court second-guesses the judgments of expert officials, and displaces their conclusions with its own. In the worst public health crisis in a century, this foray into armchair epidemiology cannot end well.”
That is fine and dandy... let the individual church decide but not the government. when it come to religion the government should have absolutely no say
And the majority, even of evangelicals agree. It is a small but loud number of evangelicals leading this push to ignore safety protocols. Ironically, they have forgotten what being a Christian is all about.

“We understand that part of what God is giving to us right now is an invitation to care for our neighbors,” said the Rt. Rev. Thomas James Brown, the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. “One of the ways we can care for our neighbors is to do everything we can to slow and stop the spread of this virus. That means following every possible safety protocol.”

Ironically, they have forgotten what being a Christian is all about.

Horse hockey.
B. Public health orders are not tyranny. Nor will you endlessly repeating that lie change anything.
So, hide and wait. Just don't expect everyone to cower to these unconstitutional orders.
Did you not even read the post you quoted?
Show me where it says you have the right to ignore temporary public health orders?
Can we get a definition of "temporary" here? We're going on a year now. It's arguable that "temporary" is no longer the case.
lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent.

The big problem you have is there is no justification for closing churches down when you allow bars and liquor stores to remain open. Either you close everything down, or you don't. That's where you idiots fucked up.

She'll never grasp it, waaay too far down the demoquack rabbit hole
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Kid.

BTW, attempting to insult by calling me "she" when you are female is absolutely the epitome of idiocy.

Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

LOL. According to you idiots the ONLY amendment that matters is the 10th. You're an idiot.
The freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly apply to all persons regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic background, or any other characteristic. Our laws should NEVER, EVER prefer one over another or establish one religion/ideology over another. People who attend mass gatherings endanger the American People in this time of pandemic. If you want to contract the virus and have you and your loved ones die of it, so be it. You earned it. You have a right to be a dirty person. But don't spread it among the rest of us.
If everyone in a group accepts their be it. This is not the zombie apocalypse..and very few die of Covid-19.
People who choose not to mask are not, 'dirty' people. Nor have they earned death by disease...--because they choose to gather at worship.. All of this is going to be the vaccines take hold. Maybe you might think about dialing back the rhetoric..on this issue.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
You folks are the reason the US has some of the worst Covid rates in the world. I hope you're proud.
I do not give a single fuck.

Using "public safety" to suspend unalienable rights is tyranny, PERIOD!!!!

I am prepared to fight a fucking war over this shit.
Only in trump-tard fantasies.
Pretty sure my bullets are real.

Pretty sure your tyranny is also real.
A. Online tough guys are inevitably pussy-bois, so you can cram those bullets up your ass with your sex toys.

B. Public health orders are not tyranny. Nor will you endlessly repeating that lie change anything.

WE aren't going to bow to your stupidity kid. You want to hide go ahead.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Temporary health orders are not laws.

You kids need to stop with this "FREEDUMB" crap. You are murdering innocent people.

You have no proof that they are "temporary."

They told us "two weeks."

They told us a month.

They keep saying temporary. . .it has turned out to be nothing but lies.

Cold and flues come and go, as will this thing, over and over again.

Health orders CANNOT take the place of laws. They go unchecked.
Our churches were closed for two months. They've been open since. Schools were closed through June but have all been green lighted to reopen since September.

The restrictions are as temporary as the Germ allows.
But... But... But... "FREEDUMB"!!!
The freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly apply to all persons regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic background, or any other characteristic. Our laws should NEVER, EVER prefer one over another or establish one religion/ideology over another. People who attend mass gatherings endanger the American People in this time of pandemic. If you want to contract the virus and have you and your loved ones die of it, so be it. You earned it. You have a right to be a dirty person. But don't spread it among the rest of us.
If everyone in a group accepts their be it. This is not the zombie apocalypse..and very few die of Covid-19.
People who choose not to mask are not, 'dirty' people. Nor have they earned death by disease...--because they choose to gather at worship.. All of this is going to be the vaccines take hold. Maybe you might think about dialing back the rhetoric..on this issue.
They're stupid. When they attend an activity with close contact and no mask they are putting themselves, their friends, and their families at risk. For NO VIABLE REASON. It's sheer stupidity.
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.
Something must be done about the recent supreme court appointments. They cannot be allowed to keep murdering people.

Good fucking god you're dumber than a box of rocks. So a lung infection with a 99% survival rate is enough to waive our rights? Do you even fucking realize the precedent you set with something like that?

The SCOTUS are put there to uphold the constitution. Show me where it says that our rights can be waived during a pandemic. If you can't come up with that then shut the fuck up.
10th Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
14th Amendment
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Temporary health orders are not laws.

You kids need to stop with this "FREEDUMB" crap. You are murdering innocent people.

You have no proof that they are "temporary."

They told us "two weeks."

They told us a month.

They keep saying temporary. . .it has turned out to be nothing but lies.

Cold and flues come and go, as will this thing, over and over again.

Health orders CANNOT take the place of laws. They go unchecked.
Our churches were closed for two months. They've been open since. Schools were closed through June but have all been green lighted to reopen since September.

The restrictions are as temporary as the Germ allows.
But... But... But... "FREEDUMB"!!!

Why don't you walk up to veteran and say that you fucking dick sucking liberal?
Late on Friday night, the Supreme Court blocked California’s public health ban on indoor religious services in a splintered 6–3 decision that augurs a major shift in the law of religious liberty. Justice Elena Kagan’s extraordinary dissent accused her conservative colleagues of endangering lives by overruling public health officials and potentially facilitating the spread of COVID-19. But the court’s new conservative majority ignored her warning—and, in the process, gave itself new powers to strike down alleged burdens on religious freedom. The Supreme Court effectively tossed out decades of case law in a late-night emergency order, unsettling precedent that states have relied upon to craft COVID restrictions. As Kagan sharply noted, Friday’s order “injects uncertainty into an area where uncertainty has human costs.”

Keep it up religious nut jobs. You're going to be our best reason to expand the court. And you can bet the farm on it. The court will be expanded to stop religious extremism. The most fundamental reason America was created to begin with.

It's not Justice Kagan's job to violate the Constitution, no matter how bad she wants to, or for what reasons ... :thup:

sorry comrade but case law has no place when discussing the constitution,,,
The irony of that statement is that the supreme courts ability to determine constitutionality is based in case law (Marburry V Madison)
and you call mine ironic,,,

their abilities come from the constitution, and as the constitution says ,, only an amendment can change the constitution,,,
sorry comrade but case law has no place when discussing the constitution,,,
The irony of that statement is that the supreme courts ability to determine constitutionality is based in case law (Marburry V Madison)

What are you talking about? Do you even know what marburry vs madison was? It established that the SCOTUS could rule a congressional law unconstitutional. How the fuck is that using case law to determine constitutionality?

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