It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.
Gays can marry someone of the opposite sex if they want. There's nothing in the Constitution that says the laws must cater to perverts.

And there is nothing in the Constitution that says our laws must cater to hate filled bigots that want the Fed Govt to control everything.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.

And you really think this makes sense.
You think so-called "gay marriage" makes sense?

I'm not gay and looking to get married. Are you? So I don't really concern myself with that. If they want to get married let them.
Why should we?

Because in a free country the question to ask is "why shouldn't we" and if there is no good answer then the fucking government should stay out of it.

So far the only reason you have given is that they cannot make babies and they give you the willies.

Honest question here, are you gay? Almost everyone I have ever known or read about that was this militantly anti-gay turned out to be gay and was trying really hard to hide it.
Yes, that is my place. Society and logic define what marriage is, not some favored political constiuency. The constitution gives us that power.

Please quote the part of the constitution dealing with the definition of marriage.

You have supported the government having such power.

Actually, my position is that the government should not be in the marriage business at all.

You simply wanted government to come to a differenct decision than the one it came to hundreds and thousands of years ago. Who are you to tell society what marriage is?

You really are a special kind of stupid, ya know it?

I love people who defeat their own arguments. If society dictates what marriage is, then there is no one correct answer and the definition will ever be changing as society changes. The fact that society 1000 years ago held a view is totally irrelevant to what society today holds.
Wrong, dumbass. Society holds the view it does for very sound reasons. Gay marriage was created solely to appease a very small minority of Americans. Society still says marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The government simply overroad what society decided.
Fucking moron.... most people are in favor of allowing SSM. Most states had already changed their laws to allow it. As always, you don’t know what the fuck you’re yappin’ about.

Fucking asshole California voted against it...
You clearly stats “inability to reproduce”. That is a health issue, ignorant liberal. Healthy adults can reproduce.

The claim was that a marriage was a fake marriage because they could not reproduce. There was no exception made for people that could not reproduce due to health issues. The claim was that the inability to reproduce made a marriage fake, period

No, go back to your coloring books and maybe get your mommy to explain why biology does not define marriage.

Who claimed that...?
You clearly stats “inability to reproduce”. That is a health issue, ignorant liberal. Healthy adults can reproduce.

The claim was that a marriage was a fake marriage because they could not reproduce. There was no exception made for people that could not reproduce due to health issues. The claim was that the inability to reproduce made a marriage fake, period

No, go back to your coloring books and maybe get your mommy to explain why biology does not define marriage.

Who claimed that...?

Read the fucking thread.
You clearly stats “inability to reproduce”. That is a health issue, ignorant liberal. Healthy adults can reproduce.

The claim was that a marriage was a fake marriage because they could not reproduce. There was no exception made for people that could not reproduce due to health issues. The claim was that the inability to reproduce made a marriage fake, period

No, go back to your coloring books and maybe get your mommy to explain why biology does not define marriage.

Who claimed that...?

Read the fucking thread.

It's not about gay marriage idiot..
You clearly stats “inability to reproduce”. That is a health issue, ignorant liberal. Healthy adults can reproduce.

The claim was that a marriage was a fake marriage because they could not reproduce. There was no exception made for people that could not reproduce due to health issues. The claim was that the inability to reproduce made a marriage fake, period

No, go back to your coloring books and maybe get your mommy to explain why biology does not define marriage.

Who claimed that...?

Read the fucking thread.

It's not about gay marriage idiot..

It turned that way about 75 pages ago. Since when did any thread on this forum stay on the original topic.
Those same academians have Ike and Reagan in the top ten

Yet you don't deny that Western Academia has become a bubble...

That's telling.

Obama had the perfect chance to greatly heal the racial divide, and instead did just about everything he could to worsen it.

He is a piece of shit.

Modern conservatism exists in a bubble

Where do modern conservatives abuse authority and power in order to ban and drive away dissenting views as liberals do in academia?

This is a rhetorical question. We both know that your previous claim was bullshit, and that you cannot defend it, and will employ some bullshit defensive tactic to avoid doing so.

I await to see which lib evasive tactic you use.

Every day

Got it, Logical Fallacy of Non Sequitur.

So, as you tacitly admitted by dodging the question, modern conservatives are not a bubble.

YOur lie is refuted.
Every day
Yet you don't deny that Western Academia has become a bubble...

That's telling.

Obama had the perfect chance to greatly heal the racial divide, and instead did just about everything he could to worsen it.

He is a piece of shit.

Modern conservatism exists in a bubble

Where do modern conservatives abuse authority and power in order to ban and drive away dissenting views as liberals do in academia?

This is a rhetorical question. We both know that your previous claim was bullshit, and that you cannot defend it, and will employ some bullshit defensive tactic to avoid doing so.

I await to see which lib evasive tactic you use.

Every day

Got it, Logical Fallacy of Non Sequitur.

So, as you tacitly admitted by dodging the question, modern conservatives are not a bubble.

YOur lie is refuted.
Every day

Yep. Everyday you fail to address a point, and use some stupid and dishonest rhetorical device, that only reveals you to be a prick, to dodge the question.
The Great Obama is a top ten president
No question about it. He is absolutely one of the top ten worst presidents in U.S. history. He was a marxist. He stole money from the people and used it to line the pockets of his pals. He violated the U.S. Constitution hundreds of times. He was fiercely racist. He divided this nation. He hated the U.S. The list goes on and on.
Poor, brain-dead cons. Living in an alternative world of mass delusion.

Obama: 11
Trump: 44

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
No one cares about the opinions of a bunch of professional propagandists on the government payroll. All the historians believe Lincoln was a great president when he was actually the worst president we ever have. According to the criteria of the historians, Stalin and Hitler were both great leaders, but they aren't the kind of leaders a rational person would want running our government. Obama was cast in the same mold.
No, you don’t care about their results because you don’t like them. But their polling is recorded in journals while your squeaky voice goes no further than this forum.
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.
It’s about gender, fucking moron. And polygamy and incest are not covered because everyone is treated equally under the law.
How can everyone be treated equally if polygamists and incest marriages are not allowed? "It's about gender" is meaningless pap." It's a slogan that means nothing. The gender of the participants is precisely why homoseexual marriages should not be recognized. There is no social justification for Adam and Steve to be married. Such a marriage my be desirable to Adam and Steve, but it serves no social purpose.
Because no one, regardless of gender, race, creed or religion, can legally marry more than one other at a time or marry a close relative. Everyonone is treated equally under the law.

How can you be such a fucking moron to be unable to grasp such s simple concept?
The Great Obama is a top ten president
No question about it. He is absolutely one of the top ten worst presidents in U.S. history. He was a marxist. He stole money from the people and used it to line the pockets of his pals. He violated the U.S. Constitution hundreds of times. He was fiercely racist. He divided this nation. He hated the U.S. The list goes on and on.
Poor, brain-dead cons. Living in an alternative world of mass delusion.

Obama: 11
Trump: 44

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
No one cares about the opinions of a bunch of professional propagandists on the government payroll. All the historians believe Lincoln was a great president when he was actually the worst president we ever have. According to the criteria of the historians, Stalin and Hitler were both great leaders, but they aren't the kind of leaders a rational person would want running our government. Obama was cast in the same mold.
No, you don’t care about their results because you don’t like them. But their polling is recorded in journals while your squeaky voice goes no further than this forum.
Who reads these journals other than other professional propagandists? Does any Trump voter care what they say? No. Even half the Hillary voters don't care. Their opinion has zero impact on anyone's decision about who to vote for.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.
It’s about gender, fucking moron. And polygamy and incest are not covered because everyone is treated equally under the law.
How can everyone be treated equally if polygamists and incest marriages are not allowed? "It's about gender" is meaningless pap." It's a slogan that means nothing. The gender of the participants is precisely why homoseexual marriages should not be recognized. There is no social justification for Adam and Steve to be married. Such a marriage my be desirable to Adam and Steve, but it serves no social purpose.
Because no one, regardless of gender, race, creed or religion, can legally marry more than one other at a time or marry a close relative. Everyonone is treated equally under the law.

How can you be such a fucking moron to be unable to grasp such s simple concept?[/QUOTE]

According to your theory about the 14th Amendment, that's unequal treatment. Prior to the SC decision, in most states you couldn't marry someone of the same gender. Everyonone was treated equally under the law.

You simply call the arrangemnt you favor "equal" and the ones you oppose "unequal." There is no logic of any kind behind the distinction.
The Great Obama is a top ten president
No question about it. He is absolutely one of the top ten worst presidents in U.S. history. He was a marxist. He stole money from the people and used it to line the pockets of his pals. He violated the U.S. Constitution hundreds of times. He was fiercely racist. He divided this nation. He hated the U.S. The list goes on and on.
Only to the radical right

Most historians have him as one of the best modern presidents

Which just shows how much a bubble Western Academia has become.

Those same academians have Ike and Reagan in the top ten

Yet you don't deny that Western Academia has become a bubble...

That's telling.

Obama had the perfect chance to greatly heal the racial divide, and instead did just about everything he could to worsen it.

He is a piece of shit.
If it were the “bubble” you wish it was, we wouldn’t find these results:

The top 10:
Democrat: 5
Republican: 4
Other: 1

The bottom 10:
Democrat: 3
Republican: 3
Other: 4

You poor thing, history is just not on your side. :lmao:
The Great Obama is a top ten president
No question about it. He is absolutely one of the top ten worst presidents in U.S. history. He was a marxist. He stole money from the people and used it to line the pockets of his pals. He violated the U.S. Constitution hundreds of times. He was fiercely racist. He divided this nation. He hated the U.S. The list goes on and on.
Only to the radical right

Most historians have him as one of the best modern presidents

Which just shows how much a bubble Western Academia has become.

Those same academians have Ike and Reagan in the top ten

Yet you don't deny that Western Academia has become a bubble...

That's telling.

Obama had the perfect chance to greatly heal the racial divide, and instead did just about everything he could to worsen it.

He is a piece of shit.
No one, not even the great Obama, could drain the racism from the right.
The court says you are wrong
Unfortunately, the left has destroyed our court system (like they destroyed everything else).
Federalist 78 warned that judges might exercise their will instead of their judgment in their interpretation of laws. Federalist 81 declared that allowing the judiciary to construe the law would enable it to mold its own laws.

This has occurred more and more as judges at state and federal levels expropriate power assigned to the other two branches of government.
The Supreme Court had absolutely no authority to make law from the bench. And yet, that’s exactly what they did with their homosexual ruling.

The Hubris of Judges Threatens Our Ability to Govern Ourselves

The judicial branch has not enacted any laws just because you’re too stupid to think otherwise. :cuckoo:
The court says you are wrong
Unfortunately, the left has destroyed our court system (like they destroyed everything else).
Federalist 78 warned that judges might exercise their will instead of their judgment in their interpretation of laws. Federalist 81 declared that allowing the judiciary to construe the law would enable it to mold its own laws.

This has occurred more and more as judges at state and federal levels expropriate power assigned to the other two branches of government.
The Supreme Court had absolutely no authority to make law from the bench. And yet, that’s exactly what they did with their homosexual ruling.

The Hubris of Judges Threatens Our Ability to Govern Ourselves

The judicial branch has not enacted any laws just because you’re too stupid to think otherwise. :cuckoo:
Sure it has. It enacted a law forcing every state to recognize gay marriage, for one thing.
Trump lies. I have to concede that. Stop the presses! No other politician ever ever has ever lied before! Ok, I get it, the guy is a total fraud and a poser. Unlike say, all the other erstwhile and sincere career politicians that are honest and trust worthy. Name a president that never lied. Is this thread going somewhere?

“But other politicians lie” is a lame ‘excuse’ and misses the point.

The issue goes beyond Trump lying – it’s that he incessantly lies; he lies when it’s not necessary to lie, he contrives and propagates ridiculous lies, lies that are clearly lies and easily proven to be lies.
True that.

But even worse, due to his obsessive pathology — while other politicians lie to get the general public to approve of the policies, Trump lies to get the general public to approve of him. He has a compulsive need to be loved and approved.

All politicians lie. It’s inherent to get one’s policies passed. But while most politicians’ lies can be counted by dozens; Trump’s lies are in the thousands. The rabid rights’ equation of that to anyone on the left fits neatly into Trump’s prophetic claim that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and still not lose any support.

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