It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Racial demagoguery is all you dems have. It is effective. At winning. Not so much at governing.
It’s not effective at governing and it’s really not effective at winning. If it were, the Republican Party wouldn’t own the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states right now.

The Dumbocrat Party has completely imploded. They’ve been in panic mode for several years now and it’s reached the pinnacle. Half of them have woken up and are furious. The other half (like Nancy Pelosi) wants to double-down on the stupidity (which is causing the first half to be furious).
Sure it has. It enacted a law forcing every state to recognize gay marriage, for one thing.
Fucking moron... marriage is not a new law. As has been explained to you more times than I care to count, eliminating unconstitutional aspects of that law does not establish a new law — it bans unconstitutional parts of existing laws.

There wasn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about the law as it stood before the SC ruling. Any changes imposed by the SC are therefor new law.

Too bad you are just a loser on a forum and your opinion means less than a pile of poop on the floor

Sent from my iPhone using

ROFL! When you can't win using facts and logic, insults are the old standby.

What facts...the facts are the SCTOUS ruled and that is done unless they themselves change their ruling.

Your view it is a new law is not a fact, it is an opinion of a some guy on an internet forum.

You can call it a new law from now till the day that you die..and it still will be a lie
Your view that's not a new law is your bullshit opinion. Anyone with a brain can see that it is new law. The theory that the Authors of the Constitution intended it to mean that "gay marriage" is a right couldn't be more absurd.
Which just shows how much a bubble Western Academia has become.

Those same academians have Ike and Reagan in the top ten

Yet you don't deny that Western Academia has become a bubble...

That's telling.

Obama had the perfect chance to greatly heal the racial divide, and instead did just about everything he could to worsen it.

He is a piece of shit.
No one, not even the great Obama, could drain the racism from the right.

Thanks for demonstrating how the left constantly works to keep the flames or racial division burning.

The Conservative tent is getting smaller and smaller

Racial division is all they have
Racial division is what you and your ilk do, not conservatives.
The American people deserve better than a president who is willing to sell out the american people for his own personal enrichment.

i said "American people" twice in one sentence! SEE HOW FOLKSY I AM??!
Fucking moron... marriage is not a new law. As has been explained to you more times than I care to count, eliminating unconstitutional aspects of that law does not establish a new law — it bans unconstitutional parts of existing laws.

There wasn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about the law as it stood before the SC ruling. Any changes imposed by the SC are therefor new law.

Too bad you are just a loser on a forum and your opinion means less than a pile of poop on the floor

Sent from my iPhone using

ROFL! When you can't win using facts and logic, insults are the old standby.

What facts...the facts are the SCTOUS ruled and that is done unless they themselves change their ruling.

Your view it is a new law is not a fact, it is an opinion of a some guy on an internet forum.

You can call it a new law from now till the day that you die..and it still will be a lie
Your view that's not a new law is your bullshit opinion. Anyone with a brain can see that it is new law. The theory that the Authors of the Constitution intended it to mean that "gay marriage" is a right couldn't be more absurd.

It is not my view you moron, it is the view of the SCOTUS, the only view that matters. The Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, that is why it is not mentioned in the Constitution. Then again they did not think that women should vote or that black people were full humans.
There wasn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about the law as it stood before the SC ruling. Any changes imposed by the SC are therefor new law.

Too bad you are just a loser on a forum and your opinion means less than a pile of poop on the floor

Sent from my iPhone using

ROFL! When you can't win using facts and logic, insults are the old standby.

What facts...the facts are the SCTOUS ruled and that is done unless they themselves change their ruling.

Your view it is a new law is not a fact, it is an opinion of a some guy on an internet forum.

You can call it a new law from now till the day that you die..and it still will be a lie
Your view that's not a new law is your bullshit opinion. Anyone with a brain can see that it is new law. The theory that the Authors of the Constitution intended it to mean that "gay marriage" is a right couldn't be more absurd.

It is not my view you moron, it is the view of the SCOTUS, the only view that matters. The Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, that is why it is not mentioned in the Constitution. Then again they did not think that women should vote or that black people were full humans.

The Constitution was amended to give women the vote and black people equal rights. It's never been amended to make gay marraige a right except by the douchebag leftwingers on the SC. You just admitted the Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, so how can the SC legitimately claim it is a right?

BTW, dumbass, SC decisions have the force of law. That doesn't make them correct in the absolute sense. The SC can't rule on the value of Pie or the law of gravity.
And you are.....what? An international diplomat? A world famous entrepreneur?

Nope, just another guy on the internet. The only opinion that matters right now is that of the SCOTUS, and they have given it. It will never change because it will never be challenged again. That is because homophobic bigots like you and buddy are a dying breed and soon you will be looked upon the same as the bigots that fought against interracial marriages, which I have no doubt you are also against.

By the way...I think the word “loser” was never used by anyone above the age of 9 in the 1980’s. Do you have any idea what you sound like? I’d bet everything I own you live in a Florida trailer park.

I will take you up on that bet, but we all know you are full of shit and will not follow through
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Nah the only risk is to those where that bomb is dropped.
if Trump is a retard, then what is Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren?

They both know how to read

So does Trump. I'm sure he reads quite well probably better than you.

If you read the OP you can see that obviously he doesn't. Even his staff covers for him. Trump has a short attention span and has poor academic skills

Anyone who has seen him speak or read his tweets can see he operates at a fourth grade level

LMAO Oh you so funny. If Trump wasn't a smart man he wouldn't be a billionaire.

If he wasn't a smart man he wouldn't be POTUS either.

Guess you think Your're Madam President was smart. Well she showed just how stupid she was.

You can't cure sore loser.
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Nah the only risk is to those where that bomb is dropped.
if Trump is a retard, then what is Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren?

They both know how to read

So does Trump. I'm sure he reads quite well probably better than you.
LOL You're a riot.

Not as much of a riot as you are. You so funny.

Just another sore loser. LOL
The Constitution was amended to give women the vote and black people equal rights. It's never been amended to make gay marraige a right except by the douchebag leftwingers on the SC. You just admitted the Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, so how can the SC legitimately claim it is a right?

Well, they disagree with my view on marriage being a right, and since they view it as a right it needs to be equally applied to everyone. The fact that gay people give you the willies is not a good enough reason to deny them the same basic rights as you or I have.

BTW, dumbass, SC decisions have the force of law. That doesn't make them correct in the absolute sense. The SC can't rule on the value of Pie or the law of gravity.

Correct or incorrect is fun to debate over, but meaningless in the real world. I do not think their abortion ruling is correct, yet here we are all those years later and it is still there.

You might want to get some therapy and get over being a homophobic bigot, then this law would not be a problem for you.
And you are.....what? An international diplomat? A world famous entrepreneur?

Nope, just another guy on the internet. The only opinion that matters right now is that of the SCOTUS, and they have given it. It will never change because it will never be challenged again. That is because homophobic bigots like you and buddy are a dying breed and soon you will be looked upon the same as the bigots that fought against interracial marriages, which I have no doubt you are also against.

By the way...I think the word “loser” was never used by anyone above the age of 9 in the 1980’s. Do you have any idea what you sound like? I’d bet everything I own you live in a Florida trailer park.

I will take you up on that bet, but we all know you are full of shit and will not follow through
"homophobia" is a fake propaganda term created by the queer lobby. The fact that you use it shows that you are a die-hard Democrat. Pointing out facts about so-called "gay marriage" doesn't make someone a bigot.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth

It's true that truth is dying in this country and in this world. That's all you proved.
Last edited:
The Constitution was amended to give women the vote and black people equal rights. It's never been amended to make gay marraige a right except by the douchebag leftwingers on the SC. You just admitted the Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, so how can the SC legitimately claim it is a right?

Well, they disagree with my view on marriage being a right, and since they view it as a right it needs to be equally applied to everyone. The fact that gay people give you the willies is not a good enough reason to deny them the same basic rights as you or I have.

They had the same rights as stright people before the douchebags on the Supreme Court amended the Constitution. You just admitted that marriage isn't a right.

BTW, dumbass, SC decisions have the force of law. That doesn't make them correct in the absolute sense. The SC can't rule on the value of Pie or the law of gravity.

Correct or incorrect is fun to debate over, but meaningless in the real world. I do not think their abortion ruling is correct, yet here we are all those years later and it is still there.

You might want to get some therapy and get over being a homophobic bigot, then this law would not be a problem for you.

Sorry, turd, but truth is not meaningless unless you're a shameless unprincipled douchebag.
The Great Obama is a top ten president
Even the extremely left-wing New York Times can acknowledge what wrongwinger won’t...
None of this even breaches the unprecedented regulatory regime Obama built to circumvent the legislative branch. Even The New York Times characterized his governing as “bureaucratic bulldozing, rather than legislative transparency.”
The Obama Legacy Deserves to Be Destroyed lose
In survey after survey of Presidential historians, the Great Obama is in the top 15. Even conservative historians have him top 20
The Great Obama is a top ten president
Even the extremely left-wing New York Times can acknowledge what wrongwinger won’t...
None of this even breaches the unprecedented regulatory regime Obama built to circumvent the legislative branch. Even The New York Times characterized his governing as “bureaucratic bulldozing, rather than legislative transparency.”
The Obama Legacy Deserves to Be Destroyed lose
In survey after survey of Presidential historians, the Great Obama is in the top 15. Even conservative historians have him top 20
Based on what? Averything he did during his term has been dismantled, and the public is cheering about it.
The court says you are wrong
Unfortunately, the left has destroyed our court system (like they destroyed everything else).
Federalist 78 warned that judges might exercise their will instead of their judgment in their interpretation of laws. Federalist 81 declared that allowing the judiciary to construe the law would enable it to mold its own laws.

This has occurred more and more as judges at state and federal levels expropriate power assigned to the other two branches of government.
The Supreme Court had absolutely no authority to make law from the bench. And yet, that’s exactly what they did with their homosexual ruling.

The Hubris of Judges Threatens Our Ability to Govern Ourselves

The judicial branch has not enacted any laws just because you’re too stupid to think otherwise. :cuckoo:
Sure it has. It enacted a law forcing every state to recognize gay marriage, for one thing.
Fucking moron... marriage is not a new law. As has been explained to you more times than I care to count, eliminating unconstitutional aspects of that law does not establish a new law — it bans unconstitutional parts of existing laws.

There wasn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about the law as it stood before the SC ruling. Any changes imposed by the SC are therefor new law.
Fucking moron... laws have numbers. What’s the number of this new law you idiotically think was created....
Poor, brain-dead cons. Living in an alternative world of mass delusion.

Obama: 11
Trump: 44

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
No one cares about the opinions of a bunch of professional propagandists on the government payroll. All the historians believe Lincoln was a great president when he was actually the worst president we ever have. According to the criteria of the historians, Stalin and Hitler were both great leaders, but they aren't the kind of leaders a rational person would want running our government. Obama was cast in the same mold.
No, you don’t care about their results because you don’t like them. But their polling is recorded in journals while your squeaky voice goes no further than this forum.
Who reads these journals other than other professional propagandists? Does any Trump voter care what they say? No. Even half the Hillary voters don't care. Their opinion has zero impact on anyone's decision about who to vote for.
They’re historically categorized whereas your incessant whining is heard only by USMB members.
"Historically categorized?" You mean they are propaganda categorized.
Your jealousy is noted as their collective opinion becomes meshed in history while you’re just gets laughed at on this forum.

Only to the radical right

Most historians have him as one of the best modern presidents

Which just shows how much a bubble Western Academia has become.

Those same academians have Ike and Reagan in the top ten

Yet you don't deny that Western Academia has become a bubble...

That's telling.

Obama had the perfect chance to greatly heal the racial divide, and instead did just about everything he could to worsen it.

He is a piece of shit.
No one, not even the great Obama, could drain the racism from the right.

Thanks for demonstrating how the left constantly works to keep the flames or racial division burning.

Spits a fucking racist.

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