It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

It is not my view you moron, it is the view of the SCOTUS, the only view that matters.
The Constitution was amended to give women the vote and black people equal rights. It's never been amended to make gay marraige a right except by the douchebag leftwingers on the SC. You just admitted the Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, so how can the SC legitimately claim it is a right.
Progressive statists like Gulping Gaytor could give a shit about the U.S. Constitution or the law, BP.
The Constitution was amended to give women the vote and black people equal rights. It's never been amended to make gay marraige a right except by the douchebag leftwingers on the SC. You just admitted the Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, so how can the SC legitimately claim it is a right?

Well, they disagree with my view on marriage being a right, and since they view it as a right it needs to be equally applied to everyone. The fact that gay people give you the willies is not a good enough reason to deny them the same basic rights as you or I have.

They had the same rights as stright people before the douchebags on the Supreme Court amended the Constitution. You just admitted that marriage isn't a right.

BTW, dumbass, SC decisions have the force of law. That doesn't make them correct in the absolute sense. The SC can't rule on the value of Pie or the law of gravity.

Correct or incorrect is fun to debate over, but meaningless in the real world. I do not think their abortion ruling is correct, yet here we are all those years later and it is still there.

You might want to get some therapy and get over being a homophobic bigot, then this law would not be a problem for you.

Sorry, turd, but truth is not meaningless unless you're a shameless unprincipled douchebag.
No, they didn’t have the same rights as heterosexuals. That you’re reduced to lying reveals you’ve badly lost this debate:

As pointed out, heterosexuals had, and have, the right to legally marry the person they love. Homosexuals did not have that right.

Now they do. You can shake your cane at the sky all you want, that’s not going to change.

But they cannot make babies and making babies is the only reason to be married...

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Once again, you mistate my argument. Like all lying douchebags, you are incapable of arguing honestly. Slandering and smearing is all you ever do
The Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, that is why it is not mentioned in the Constitution.
That is one of the most astoundingly ignorant comments I have ever seen on USMB. Typical of a progressive statist - but amazing coming from someone who claims to be sooooo “ultra right-wing”.

This uninformed, ignorant, left-wing statist actually believes that all of your rights were written into the U.S. Constitution. :laugh:
The Great Obama is a top ten president
Even the extremely left-wing New York Times can acknowledge what wrongwinger won’t...
None of this even breaches the unprecedented regulatory regime Obama built to circumvent the legislative branch. Even The New York Times characterized his governing as “bureaucratic bulldozing, rather than legislative transparency.”
The Obama Legacy Deserves to Be Destroyed lose
In survey after survey of Presidential historians, the Great Obama is in the top 15. Even conservative historians have him top 20
Based on what? Averything he did during his term has been dismantled, and the public is cheering about it.
Everything the Great Obama accomplished can be recovered as quickly as Trump rescinded it

Now.......when we tear down the wall
We know how proud you are to destroy this country.
By the way...I think the word “loser” was never used by anyone above the age of 9 in the 1980’s. Do you have any idea what you sound like? I’d bet everything I own you live in a Florida trailer park.

I will take you up on that bet, but we all know you are full of shit and will not follow through
Oh...I’m sorry. It’s actually a New York trailer park (I forgot that as a die-hard progressives statist, you would never live in a red state like Florida).

So, just to be sure I am understanding you, if I prove I do not live in a NY trailer park, you will give me everything that you own?

That is what you said after all...

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The Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, that is why it is not mentioned in the Constitution.
For all of you ignorant, uneducated, uninformed left-wing statists (like Gulping Gator), here is a quick lesson on the U.S. Constituion. From Federalist No. 84:
“I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted.

For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?”
For all of you low IQ illiterates on the left - allow me to dumb this down for you. In other words, your rights are unlimited. Alexander Hamilton (the first progressive asshole ever) feared that creating a Bill of Rights would convince future generations that your rights are limited to the Bill of Rights, when in fact your rights are unlimited. The point of the Bill of Rights was to appease the anti-federalists who (rightly) feared tearing up the Articles of Confederation and creating the new U.S. Constitution which increased the power of the federal government. They took what they felt were the absolute most critical rights, and created the Bill of Rights. But that is not the extent of your rights by any stretch. You’re rights are essentially unlimited. They end only where someone else’s rights begin.

Excerpt From The Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton. This material may be protected by copyright.
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The Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, that is why it is not mentioned in the Constitution.
For all of you ignorant, uneducated, uninformed left-wing statists (like Gulping Gator), here is a quick lesson on the U.S. Constituion. From Federalist No. 84:
“I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted.

For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?”
For all of you low IQ illiterates on the left - allow me to dumb this down for you. In other words, your rights are unlimited. Alexander Hamilton (the first progressive asshole ever) feared that creating a Bill of Rights would convince future generations that your rights are limited to the Bill of Rights, when in fact your rights are unlimited. The point of the Bill of Rights was to appease the anti-federalists who (rightly) feared tearing up the Articles of Confederation and creating the new U.S. Constitution which increased the power of the federal government. They took what they felt were the absolute most critical rights, and created the Bill of Rights. But that is not the extent of your rights by any stretch. You’re rights are essentially unlimited. They end only where someone else’s rights begin.

Excerpt From The Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton. This material may be protected by copyright.

As usual, our resident moron missed the point. Our rights our unlimited, but what the government recognizes is not.

You have every right to call your relationship anything you want, there is though no right to have the government certify it and give you benefits based upon your right to call it whatever you want.

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So, now, though Drumph is a miserable failure, a complete catastrophe, they cling to the memory of 'winning' and to a buffoon who is ruining our country.
You do reaIIy live in your own littIe world, don't you?
You should visit America and learn what kind of "world" we live in. It is nothing like Prague. In fact, it is rare that you can smell the sewage leaking and stinking up the street over here the way you do all over Prague. More to the point, you would notice how much trump is mocked and despised.
Ignore Meathead. He's a complete asshole. I spent 2 months in Prague and it is a lovely city. Everywhere there are some vermin. Most people in Prague are just fine, Meathead is vermin.
I spent most of my visit in the Andel section. The business area's were OK. Not much tourism other than the Mozart house. I liked the Star Brewery too. I also liked the lower income surrounding neighborhoods and that is where the bad smells were found.
I traveled all over the city by subway on one single fare tickets for two weeks. Figured if I ever got asked to show my ticket I would show them that one and play stupid. Never got stopped and asked. The cops that stood in the walkway randomly checking tickets never asked me to show my ticket.
I don't remember the name of the neighborhood I stayed in. It was a nice, pretty average neighborhood. Not a low income area. If you go to any big city in the US and go to low income areas you may find they smell and aren't very nice either. I don't remember being in any area in Prague that smelled bad. I also traveled to some small towns outside of Prague, to a couple castles and a spa town.

I used trams to get around the city, rarely used the underground. I was not far from the the center. I was there for 8 weeks. I had some friends come and stay with me for a while too as I was renting an apartment. It's a beautiful city. Quite unusual with all the varied architecture and history. I didn't have any problems with anyone.

I was there in 2006. I've been overseas for a long time. Every summer I've spent 2 months in one European country or another. That year was the Czech Republic.

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Unfortunately, the left has destroyed our court system (like they destroyed everything else).
The Supreme Court had absolutely no authority to make law from the bench. And yet, that’s exactly what they did with their homosexual ruling.

The Hubris of Judges Threatens Our Ability to Govern Ourselves

The judicial branch has not enacted any laws just because you’re too stupid to think otherwise. :cuckoo:
Sure it has. It enacted a law forcing every state to recognize gay marriage, for one thing.
Fucking moron... marriage is not a new law. As has been explained to you more times than I care to count, eliminating unconstitutional aspects of that law does not establish a new law — it bans unconstitutional parts of existing laws.

There wasn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about the law as it stood before the SC ruling. Any changes imposed by the SC are therefor new law.
Fucking moron... laws have numbers. What’s the number of this new law you idiotically think was created....
They don't have numbers when judges make them. For instance, what's the number of the law that says a state can't outlaw abortion?
The Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, that is why it is not mentioned in the Constitution.
For all of you ignorant, uneducated, uninformed left-wing statists (like Gulping Gator), here is a quick lesson on the U.S. Constituion. From Federalist No. 84:
“I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted.

For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?”
For all of you low IQ illiterates on the left - allow me to dumb this down for you. In other words, your rights are unlimited. Alexander Hamilton (the first progressive asshole ever) feared that creating a Bill of Rights would convince future generations that your rights are limited to the Bill of Rights, when in fact your rights are unlimited. The point of the Bill of Rights was to appease the anti-federalists who (rightly) feared tearing up the Articles of Confederation and creating the new U.S. Constitution which increased the power of the federal government. They took what they felt were the absolute most critical rights, and created the Bill of Rights. But that is not the extent of your rights by any stretch. You’re rights are essentially unlimited. They end only where someone else’s rights begin.

Excerpt From The Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton. This material may be protected by copyright.

As usual, our resident moron missed the point. Our rights our unlimited, but what the government recognizes is not.

You have every right to call your relationship anything you want, there is though no right to have the government certify it and give you benefits based upon your right to call it whatever you want.

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So then you admit the Supreme Court decision saying gay marriage is a constitutional right is bogus.
No one cares about the opinions of a bunch of professional propagandists on the government payroll. All the historians believe Lincoln was a great president when he was actually the worst president we ever have. According to the criteria of the historians, Stalin and Hitler were both great leaders, but they aren't the kind of leaders a rational person would want running our government. Obama was cast in the same mold.
No, you don’t care about their results because you don’t like them. But their polling is recorded in journals while your squeaky voice goes no further than this forum.
Who reads these journals other than other professional propagandists? Does any Trump voter care what they say? No. Even half the Hillary voters don't care. Their opinion has zero impact on anyone's decision about who to vote for.
They’re historically categorized whereas your incessant whining is heard only by USMB members.
"Historically categorized?" You mean they are propaganda categorized.
Your jealousy is noted as their collective opinion becomes meshed in history while you’re just gets laughed at on this forum.

If it gets laughed out the forum, then why are you expending so much energy trying to discredit it?
The Authors of the Constitution did not think marriage was a right at all, that is why it is not mentioned in the Constitution.
For all of you ignorant, uneducated, uninformed left-wing statists (like Gulping Gator), here is a quick lesson on the U.S. Constituion. From Federalist No. 84:
“I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted.

For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?”
For all of you low IQ illiterates on the left - allow me to dumb this down for you. In other words, your rights are unlimited. Alexander Hamilton (the first progressive asshole ever) feared that creating a Bill of Rights would convince future generations that your rights are limited to the Bill of Rights, when in fact your rights are unlimited. The point of the Bill of Rights was to appease the anti-federalists who (rightly) feared tearing up the Articles of Confederation and creating the new U.S. Constitution which increased the power of the federal government. They took what they felt were the absolute most critical rights, and created the Bill of Rights. But that is not the extent of your rights by any stretch. You’re rights are essentially unlimited. They end only where someone else’s rights begin.

Excerpt From The Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton. This material may be protected by copyright.

As usual, our resident moron missed the point. Our rights our unlimited, but what the government recognizes is not.

You have every right to call your relationship anything you want, there is though no right to have the government certify it and give you benefits based upon your right to call it whatever you want.

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So then you admit the Supreme Court decision saying gay marriage is a constitutional right is bogus.

I have already said that, how many times must I say it? The correct ruling would have been to take the government out of the marriage business and remove any and all benefits attached to marriage.

In the absence of doing that, the ruling was 100% correct.

The judicial branch has not enacted any laws just because you’re too stupid to think otherwise. :cuckoo:
Sure it has. It enacted a law forcing every state to recognize gay marriage, for one thing.
Fucking moron... marriage is not a new law. As has been explained to you more times than I care to count, eliminating unconstitutional aspects of that law does not establish a new law — it bans unconstitutional parts of existing laws.

There wasn't the slightest thing unconstitutional about the law as it stood before the SC ruling. Any changes imposed by the SC are therefor new law.
Fucking moron... laws have numbers. What’s the number of this new law you idiotically think was created....
They don't have numbers when judges make them. For instance, what's the number of the law that says a state can't outlaw abortion?

Then it’s not a law. All federal laws are designated with a number.

Thanks for once again admitting you’re a fucking moron.
So, now, though Drumph is a miserable failure, a complete catastrophe, they cling to the memory of 'winning' and to a buffoon who is ruining our country.
You do reaIIy live in your own littIe world, don't you?
You should visit America and learn what kind of "world" we live in. It is nothing like Prague. In fact, it is rare that you can smell the sewage leaking and stinking up the street over here the way you do all over Prague. More to the point, you would notice how much trump is mocked and despised.
Ignore Meathead. He's a complete asshole. I spent 2 months in Prague and it is a lovely city. Everywhere there are some vermin. Most people in Prague are just fine, Meathead is vermin.
I spent most of my visit in the Andel section. The business area's were OK. Not much tourism other than the Mozart house. I liked the Star Brewery too. I also liked the lower income surrounding neighborhoods and that is where the bad smells were found.
I traveled all over the city by subway on one single fare tickets for two weeks. Figured if I ever got asked to show my ticket I would show them that one and play stupid. Never got stopped and asked. The cops that stood in the walkway randomly checking tickets never asked me to show my ticket.
I don't remember the name of the neighborhood I stayed in. It was a nice, pretty average neighborhood. Not a low income area. If you go to any big city in the US and go to low income areas you may find they smell and aren't very nice either. I don't remember being in any area in Prague that smelled bad. I also traveled to some small towns outside of Prague, to a couple castles and a spa town.

I used trams to get around the city, rarely used the underground. I was not far from the the center. I was there for 8 weeks. I had some friends come and stay with me for a while too as I was renting an apartment. It's a beautiful city. Quite unusual with all the varied architecture and history. I didn't have any problems with anyone.

I was there in 2006. I've been overseas for a long time. Every summer I've spent 2 months in one European country or another. That year was the Czech Republic.

Ladies, and I do use that term "liberaIIy", I am not responsible for your menopausal symptoms other than having voted for Trump. If you say idiotic shit, then expect to be called out on it. This is not a safe space.
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I traveled all over the city by subway on one single fare tickets for two weeks. Figured if I ever got asked to show my ticket I would show them that one and play stupid. Never got stopped and asked. The cops that stood in the walkway randomly checking tickets never asked me to show my ticket.
That's pretty skanky by any standard. It was a 50-cent ticket ffs, while locals who made less than you get on welfare were paying.
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The Conservative tent is getting smaller and smaller
Are you sure about that? The conservative tent appears to be busting at the seems from where I’m sitting. Control of the House. Control of the Senate. Control of the White House. Control of 33 of the 50 states. And a whole shit-ton of people leaving the Democrats!

She Voted for Obama Twice. Now Antonia Okafor Explains Why She's a Conservative Who Advocates Gun Rights.

Keep being more and more radical in your views, wrongwinger! We’re LOVING it over here on the right side of the aisle!
They had the same rights as stright people before the douchebags on the Supreme Court amended the Constitution. You just admitted that marriage isn't a right.

No, they did not or there would have been nothing to change. And no, I admitted I do not view civil marriage as a right, in fact I think that the Govt should not be in the marriage business at all. But as long as they are, your bigotry is not a good enough reason to deny people equal treatment.

Sorry, turd, but truth is not meaningless unless you're a shameless unprincipled douchebag.

We are not talking about truths here, we are talking about opinions. Your view of marriage is not a "truth" it nothing more than an opinion.

If what I say isn't truth, then neither is what you say. So why do you continue to insist it's true?

If marriage isn't a right, then how can you claim gays didn't have equal rights prior to the SC decision?

You really aren't good at this logic thing, are you?
The Great Obama is a top ten president
Even the extremely left-wing New York Times can acknowledge what wrongwinger won’t...
None of this even breaches the unprecedented regulatory regime Obama built to circumvent the legislative branch. Even The New York Times characterized his governing as “bureaucratic bulldozing, rather than legislative transparency.”
The Obama Legacy Deserves to Be Destroyed lose
In survey after survey of Presidential historians, the Great Obama is in the top 15. Even conservative historians have him top 20
Based on what? Averything he did during his term has been dismantled, and the public is cheering about it.
Everything the Great Obama accomplished can be recovered as quickly as Trump rescinded it

Now.......when we tear down the wall
I doubt it. Do you imagine the voters are going to swallow the lies of another Obama?

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