It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Well, he may not read but he does admit to watching TV which makes sense because he understands it. Most TV programs are now written at a 4th grade level.

Donald Trump's presidency proves beyond any doubt that anyone can be president. To be president, it doesn't require intelligence, experience, communication skills, or moral fiber. A candidate lacking all of the above as Donald Trump does can still be president providing he can convince his supporters that Cheating, Lying, Deception, Groping Women, Infidelity, Lack of Compassion, and Common Sense is what the country needs in the oval office, someone that will really shake up government.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.
Clinton and Obama had the kind of "experience" this country doesn't need. Experience at skullduggery, lying, backslapping, dirty dealing, smearing and selling out your constituents isn't of any value to the voters. The ratings of propagandists on the government payroll are utterly meaningless.
You seem to be describing the Orange Clown.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.
Clinton and Obama had the kind of "experience" this country doesn't need. Experience at skullduggery, lying, backslapping, dirty dealing, smearing and selling out your constituents isn't of any value to the voters. The ratings of propagandists on the government payroll are utterly meaningless.
You seem to be describing the Orange Clown.

Boy, I'm glad we don't have any of those around. They sound scary.
For republicans at least it shows the way to be nominated is to be the biggest asshole. See the republican primaries. Poor Jeb, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, making fun of Rand Paul's hair, etc. Being a childish asshole is what republicans value for leadership.
I worry about how Trump's victory will inspire others of his caliber. If moral fiber, intelligence, and experience is no longer valued by voters, then the presidency becomes fair game for any charismatic P.T Barnum that comes along.
We've already had a Clinton in office, and Obama was a snake oil salesman.
Both Clinton and Obama had experience and intelligence, something Trump lacked. They will both be rated in the top 20 presidents. Trump will be lucky not to be voted the worst president ever.
Clinton and Obama had the kind of "experience" this country doesn't need. Experience at skullduggery, lying, backslapping, dirty dealing, smearing and selling out your constituents isn't of any value to the voters. The ratings of propagandists on the government payroll are utterly meaningless.
You seem to be describing the Orange Clown.

That's just a variation of "I'm rubber, you're glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you."

Do you infantile douchebags have any actual facts or logic to post?
The court says you are wrong
Unfortunately, the left has destroyed our court system (like they destroyed everything else).
Federalist 78 warned that judges might exercise their will instead of their judgment in their interpretation of laws. Federalist 81 declared that allowing the judiciary to construe the law would enable it to mold its own laws.

This has occurred more and more as judges at state and federal levels expropriate power assigned to the other two branches of government.
The Supreme Court had absolutely no authority to make law from the bench. And yet, that’s exactly what they did with their homosexual ruling.

The Hubris of Judges Threatens Our Ability to Govern Ourselves
I voted for Trump. I would have voted for a fire hydrant or a Sears mannequin if it meant no more freeking liberal political feces for 4 years. Wow, the shrill cacophony of liberals wining in unison now makes me wish I had invested in hearing protection,too. Whine and moan all bloody day long , like three year olds that don't
want to eat their broccoli. Well, grow the hell up kids, welcome to the real world.
Trump lies. I have to concede that. Stop the presses! No other politician ever ever has ever lied before! Ok, I get it, the guy is a total fraud and a poser. Unlike say, all the other erstwhile and sincere career politicians that are honest and trust worthy. Name a president that never lied. Is this thread going somewhere?
Trump lies. I have to concede that. Stop the presses! No other politician ever ever has ever lied before! Ok, I get it, the guy is a total fraud and a poser. Unlike say, all the other erstwhile and sincere career politicians that are honest and trust worthy. Name a president that never lied. Is this thread going somewhere?

“But other politicians lie” is a lame ‘excuse’ and misses the point.

The issue goes beyond Trump lying – it’s that he incessantly lies; he lies when it’s not necessary to lie, he contrives and propagates ridiculous lies, lies that are clearly lies and easily proven to be lies.
When all sources of information are discredited, confusion and disorientation are inevitable.
That’s not even remotely true, snowflake. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to make law from the bench.
Clearly you don’t. :laugh:
You imbecile, the Supreme Court did not make a law. They nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.
Gays can marry someone of the opposite sex if they want. There's nothing in the Constitution that says the laws must cater to perverts.
Bullshit. It was constitutional for over 250 years. What made it suddenly unconstitutional other than the petulant whining of the queer lobby?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.

And you really think this makes sense.
You think so-called "gay marriage" makes sense?
I see Obama as overrated by people that love Obama or democrats but don't see him as awful at all. Clinton is more overrated than Obama imo.

Obama faced one of the worst situations a president had to face upon entering office in history. Only one faced a worse situation and that was FDR. He saved us from a depression and I don't think people can say he's overrated when we consider the truth relative to his time in office.
Utter horseshit. The records shows the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was innaugurated. Obama's only talent was being in the right place at the right time.

No it does not.
Yep opinions will differ, and with Obama they will differ a lot. Trump will be just as polarizing.
So you believe the left was reasonable before Trump won the election?
Nope, they nullified an unconstitutional part of an existing law.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.

And you really think this makes sense.
You think so-called "gay marriage" makes sense?

I'm not gay and looking to get married. Are you? So I don't really concern myself with that. If they want to get married let them.
Obama faced one of the worst situations a president had to face upon entering office in history. Only one faced a worse situation and that was FDR. He saved us from a depression and I don't think people can say he's overrated when we consider the truth relative to his time in office.
Utter horseshit. The records shows the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was innaugurated. Obama's only talent was being in the right place at the right time.

No it does not.
Yep opinions will differ, and with Obama they will differ a lot. Trump will be just as polarizing.
So you believe the left was reasonable before Trump won the election?

What I don't believe is a bunch of right wing radio talk show hosts who spend all day making up whatever abut those they think are on the so called left.
Wrong, Nothing in the Constitution says the government has to allow two queers to pretend they are a normal couple.
14th Amendment, which you’re too big of a fucking moron to understand, insists all people be treated equally under the law, even gays. If the law grants marriage licenses to straight people to marry the person they love; it’s required to do the same for gays.

I understand the 14th Amendment perfectly. I don't twist it to suit my agenda as you do.

Sorry, but "equally" doesn't make distinctions based on sexual orientation. Before the Supreme Court stuck its nose where it doesn't belong, all people had the same rights according to the marriage laws under the book. We know all the leftwing bleating about "equal treatment" is bogus because none of you gives a damn about polygamists having the right to marry who they want, or people who want to marry their siblings.

And you really think this makes sense.
You think so-called "gay marriage" makes sense?

I'm not gay and looking to get married. Are you? So I don't really concern myself with that. If they want to get married let them.
Why should we?
Utter horseshit. The records shows the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was innaugurated. Obama's only talent was being in the right place at the right time.

No it does not.
Yep opinions will differ, and with Obama they will differ a lot. Trump will be just as polarizing.
So you believe the left was reasonable before Trump won the election?

What I don't believe is a bunch of right wing radio talk show hosts who spend all day making up whatever abut those they think are on the so called left.
You didn't answer the question, of course. Do you believe the left was reasonable before Trump won the election??
No it does not.
Yep opinions will differ, and with Obama they will differ a lot. Trump will be just as polarizing.
So you believe the left was reasonable before Trump won the election?

What I don't believe is a bunch of right wing radio talk show hosts who spend all day making up whatever abut those they think are on the so called left.
You didn't answer the question, of course. Do you believe the left was reasonable before Trump won the election??

I answered the question in the way I am going to answer it You're the dumb ass here buddy. Everything you say is stupid. And that's par for the course for the right. Yet you think all of the madness and lies your side tries forcing on people is reasonable.
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Nah the only risk is to those where that bomb is dropped.
if Trump is a retard, then what is Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren?

They both know how to read

So does Trump. I'm sure he reads quite well probably better than you.
LOL You're a riot.

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