It is not getting better


I'm working valiantly to reduce global warming by eating those farting cows as quickly as I can!


There are up to 8 billion people on this so far undercrowded planet . Let's say each one farts an average of thrice a day ( could be much more but fart science requires research grants , Mr Evil Gates ) .
This gas needs catching -- special pants---; or taxing .
Annual fart counts to be agreed by local doctors and put on your personal chip implant .

Details need refining but this could be a huge game changer.
Extensive continental glaciation is a function of land mass distribution, thermal isolation of polar regions, orbital forcing and temperature. The oxygen isotope curve shows the threshold temperature where orbital forcing triggers glacial cycles.

So please stop with your gobbledygook about latent energy. The threshold for glaciation for our planet’s current landmass configuration can literally be read from the oxygen isotope curve.

Then read it asshole ... O-18 only gives temperature ... the rest you call upon is total bullshit ...

So please stop with your gobbledygook about latent energy.

HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW. ... thermodynamics too difficult for you ... you're wrong, continental glaciation is STRICTLY a function of temperature ... and temperature is STRICTLY a function of latitude and elevation ... NOT the orbit of Neptune ... or, what? .. "thermal isolation of the polar regions"? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW ... that was a Bugs Bunny cartoon, ya loon ...
I'm working valiantly to reduce global warming by eating those farting cows as quickly as I can!

Then read it asshole ... O-18 only gives temperature ... the rest you call upon is total bullshit ...
Yes, the oxygen isotope curve IS a PROXY for earth's temperature. It is well established for the Cenozoic.

Extensive continental glaciation is a function of land mass distribution, thermal isolation of polar regions, orbital forcing and temperature. The oxygen isotope curve shows the threshold temperature where orbital forcing triggers glacial cycles.

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This warming is exactly what we need and we should also be blowing up ice fields to encourage them to float south and melt .

We will reduce ocean pollution by dilution .

We need more water and it is there in huge ice cubes waiting for us to liberate it.
Also ,
" Smash an iceberg a day ,
to keep warm at work and play "

Am trying to patent this so keep your thieving hands away from my goldmine .
I give this thread an award, what an outstanding way to quiet the demofks, remove all of the ice with force. Brilliant I tell you!!!
you're wrong, continental glaciation is STRICTLY a function of temperature ... and temperature is STRICTLY a function of latitude and elevation ...
Incorrect. Orbital forcing triggers glacial cycles when temperature thresholds at the polar regions are reached. Temperature thresholds of each polar region are a function of landmass configuration and the resulting ocean circulation (especially in the polar regions). Without thermal isolation of the polar regions and the temperature being at the temperature threshold, orbital forcing does not trigger polar glaciation.
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I give this thread an award, what an outstanding way to quiet the demofks, remove all of the ice with force. Brilliant I tell you!!!
How about plastic cluttering up the oceans ?

Make it heavier so it sinks to the bottom .

This will make the bottom more interesting for the fish and provide extra homes and play areas for many species .

It will also degrade over time --- a few thousand years .

A winner . :cool:
Frank is quoting the words right out of Ottmar's mouth.

If you're not lying along with Frank, I'm sure you can show me a primary source for what you claim was said. Not some denier fascist filth lying about it, but the actual original speech, the whole thing.

Please proceed.


You don't realize you're lying, of course, because you're a brainwashed cult imbecile. The cult fed you a line of bull, and you BELIEVED.

Not that it matters. You literally don't care that it was a lie. The cult told you to spread the lie, so that's what you're going to do, end of story.
Spoken like a true religious zealout.

When can we start burning the heretics?
Violence little thing, aintcha?

Your side lied about the speech. You immediately felt a burning need to run cover for the lie and threaten violence.

Normal people don't act like that. Those are the actions of a cultist.
The ice core data clearly shows the agricultural revolution, and the massive expansion of civilization at that time, was experiencing temperatures 4ºC higher than the 20th Century average ...
Um, no. That's crazy talk.

currently we're only 1ºC over this average, and we're not expected to go any higher than 2.5ºC over this average in the next 300 years
And that's destructive to human beings. Hence the concern.

if it's an easy answer than fucking answer it ..

I did, and it clearly upset you a lot. We want an anomaly around zero, because that's what human civlization evolved with. I really didn't think I had to dumb down my answer that much, but since you asked, I have.
You dumb shit. The US is going to be freezing this week
Cool. Another "DERP! DERP! It's cold in winter, so global warming is a hoax! DEEEEEEEEERRRRRRP!" denier post. We just don't get enough of those. Not the brightest bunch, the deniers.

and you have the gall to quote bogus data from an organization that has been caugth several times creating false data?
It sucks hard for you that the whole world knows you're projecting your own open lust for fraud on to honest people. No wonder you're so grumpy.

Seriously, don't try gaslighting normal people. It only works on your fellow cult pissheads.
If you're not lying along with Frank, I'm sure you can show me a primary source for what you claim was said. Not some denier fascist filth lying about it, but the actual original speech, the whole thing.

Please proceed.


You don't realize you're lying, of course, because you're a brainwashed cult imbecile. The cult fed you a line of bull, and you BELIEVED.

Not that it matters. You literally don't care that it was a lie. The cult told you to spread the lie, so that's what you're going to do, end of story.

^ Fake News

One of the Prog mods made me cut my sig offended them. So I shortened Ottmar saying the quiet part out loud. This bothered the Globalists Flying Monkeys and CIA Agitprops like Mammy and g500. They both use the tried and tested CIA ridicule guidelines. It's supposed to make me feel unwanted and unloved or something and scared of dealing with them.

Ottmar said it and Mammy is full of crap

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